diff --git a/PERMISSIONS.md b/PERMISSIONS.md index 1e850af..c4fb7ff 100644 --- a/PERMISSIONS.md +++ b/PERMISSIONS.md @@ -1,66 +1,11 @@ # Modpack Permissions -**If a mod / resourcepack / datapack is NOT on this list, it is hosted on Modrinth and therefore is allowed by Modrinth's modpack licensing guidelines. See [this article for more information](https://support.modrinth.com/en/articles/8797527-obtaining-modpack-permissions).** +**If a mod / texturepack / datapack is NOT on this list, it is hosted on Modrinth and therefore is allowed by Modrinth's modpack licensing guidelines. See [this article for more information](https://support.modrinth.com/en/articles/8797527-obtaining-modpack-permissions).** ## Mod Permisions -- [AE2 Things [Forge]](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ae2-things-forge) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Apothic Attributes (AttributesLib)](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/apothic-attributes) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Borderless Window](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/borderless) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Callable Horses](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/callable-horses) - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0. -- [Cosmetic Armor Reworked](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cosmetic-armor-reworked) - Licensed under the Minecraft Mod Public License. -- [Cupboard](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cupboard) - All Rights Reserved, [pending removal](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/issues/33). -- [Disenchanting Forge](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/disenchantingforge) - Licensed under the Creative Commons Public License, also gives explicit permission in mod description. - > Feel free to include this in your modpacks. -- [Ender Trigon](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ender-trigon) - Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, also gives explicit permission in mod description. - > Feel free to include this in any modpack you'd like. Make sure to have a link to this page available. -- [Fast Leaf Decay](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fast-leaf-decay) - All Rights Reserved, but gives explicit permission in mod description. - > Feel free to add this mod to your pack. No permission required! I would appreciate a line in the comments though. -- [FastSuite](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fastsuite) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Flux Networks](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/flux-networks) - All Rights Reserved, but gives explicit permission in mod description. - > Feel free to use this mod in any mod-pack you wish. -- [Framework](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/framework) - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1. -- All of the FTB Mods - pending replacement, they're ARR. -- [Gateways to Eternity](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gateways-to-eternity) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Goblin Traders](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/goblin-traders) - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. -- [GraveStone Mod](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravestone-mod) - All Rights Reserved, but we received [explicit permission](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/issues/33#issuecomment-819) from the author. -- [Hostile Neural Networks](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hostile-neural-networks) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [IconExporter](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/iconexporter) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Infinite source of water](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/infinite-source-of-water) - All Rights Reserved, reaching out to mod author. -- [Inventory Sorter](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-sorter) - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. -- [Item Filters](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/item-filters) - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3.0. -- [L_Ender 's Cataclysm](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lendercataclysm) - All Rights Reserved, reaching out ot mod author. -- [LaserIO](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/laserio) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Login Protection](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/login-protection) - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 but requires an ARR library mod, [pending removal](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/issues/33). -- [MineMenu](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minemenu) - Licensed under the MIT license, also gives explicit permission in mod description. - > Feel free to use Mine Menu in any kind of modpack, as long as you link back to this page and don’t make any money of the modpack. -- [Mob Grinding Utils](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mob-grinding-utils) - All Rights Reserved, [pending removal](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/issues/33). -- [Mod Name Tooltip](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mod-name-tooltip) - Licensed under the MIT license, also gives explicit permission in mod description. - > - Can I use this in my mod pack? - > - Feel free! -- [More Dragon Eggs](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-dragon-eggs) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [PackMenu](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/packmenu) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Placebo](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/placebo) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Roughly Enough Resources](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/roughly-enough-resources) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Scaling Health](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/scaling-health) - Licensed under the MIT license, also gives explicit permission in mod description. - > - Q: Can I use this in a mod pack, make videos/streams with the mod installed, or share/publish config files? -A: YES! And I'd love to see your work! Send links if you want, but it's not required. -- [Smooth Chunk Save](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/smooth-chunk-save) - All Rights Reserved, [pending removal](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/issues/33). -- [Sophisticated Backpacks](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sophisticated-backpacks) - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. -- [Sophisticated Core](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sophisticated-core) - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. -- [Tiered (Forge)](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tiered-forge) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Toast Control](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/toast-control) - Licensed under the MIT license. -- [Tool Belt](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tool-belt) - Licensed under the BSD license, also gives explicit permission in mod description. +- [Mining Dimensions Fabric](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mining-dimensions-fabric) - Licensed under the MIT license. - > ## Can I use this in \? - > - > Yes. Unless \'s license is incompatible with this mod's, which is unlikely. -- [Better Treasure Map](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/treasuredistance) - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. -- [WorldEdit](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit) - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, also gives explicit permission in mod description. - > **Can I include WorldEdit in my modpack?** -You are free to include WorldEdit, without having to asking for explicit permission. -A link back to this page or our [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/EngineHub) would be appreciated, however. - -## Resource Pack Permissions +## Texture Pack Permissions - [Framed Paintings](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/framed-paintings) - Licensed under the MIT license. diff --git a/src/config/Advancedperipherals/peripherals.toml b/src/config/Advancedperipherals/peripherals.toml deleted file mode 100644 index d6be0c7..0000000 --- a/src/config/Advancedperipherals/peripherals.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ - -#Peripherals config -[Peripherals] - - [Peripherals.Player_Detector] - #Enable the Player Detector or not. - enablePlayerDetector = true - #The max range of the player detector functions. If anyone use a higher range, the detector will use this max range. -1 for unlimited - #Range: > -1 - playerDetMaxRange = -1 - #Activates the "getPlayerPos" function of the Player Detector - enablePlayerPosFunction = true - #Adds more information to `getPlayerPos` of the Player Detector. Like rotation and dimension - morePlayerInformation = true - #If true, the player detector can observe players which aren't in the same dimension as the detector itself. `playerDetMaxRange` needs to be infinite(-1) for it to work. - chatBoxMultiDimensional = true - - [Peripherals.Energy_Detector] - #Enable the Energy Detector or not. - enableEnergyDetector = true - #Defines the maximum energy flow of the energy detector. - #Range: > 1 - energyDetectorMaxFlow = 2147483647 - - [Peripherals.NBT_Storage] - #Enable the nbt storage block or not - enableNBTStorage = true - #Defines max nbt string length that can be stored in nbt storage - #Range: > 0 - nbtStorageMaxSize = 1048576 - - [Peripherals.Chunky_Turtle] - #Enable the Chunky Turtle or not. - enableChunkyTurtle = false - #Time in seconds, while loaded chunk can be consider as valid without touch - #Range: > 60 - chunkLoadValidTime = 600 - #Radius in chunks a single chunky turtle will load. The default value (0) only loads the chunk the turtle is in, 1 would also load the 8 surrounding chunks (9 in total) and so on - #Range: 0 ~ 16 - chunkyTurtleRadius = 0 - - [Peripherals.Chat_Box] - #Enable the Chat Box or not. - enableChatBox = true - #Defines default chatbox prefix - defaultChatBoxPrefix = "AP" - #Defines the maximal range of the chat box in blocks. -1 for infinite. If the range is not -1, players in other dimensions won't able to receive messages - #Range: -1 ~ 30000000 - chatBoxMaxRange = -1 - #If true, the chat box is able to send messages to other dimensions than its own - chatBoxMultiDimensional = true - - [Peripherals.ME_Bridge] - #Enable the Me Bridge or not. - enableMeBridge = true - #Power consumption per tick. - #Range: > 0 - mePowerConsumption = 10 - - [Peripherals.RS_Bridge] - #Enable the Rs Bridge or not. - enableRsBridge = true - #Power consumption per tick. - #Range: > 0 - rsPowerConsumption = 10 - - [Peripherals.Environment_Detector] - #Enable the Environment Detector or not. - enableEnvironmentDetector = true - - [Peripherals.AR_Controller] - #Enable the AR goggles or not. - enableARGoggles = true - - [Peripherals.Inventory_Manager] - #Enable the inventory manager or not. - enableInventoryManager = true - - [Peripherals.Redstone_Integrator] - #Enable the redstone integrator or not. - enableRedstoneIntegrator = true - - [Peripherals.Block_Reader] - #Enable the block reader or not. - enableBlockReader = true - - [Peripherals.Geo_Scanner] - #Enable the geo scanner or not. - enableGeoScanner = true - - [Peripherals.Colony_Integrator] - #Enable the colony integrator or not. - enableColonyIntegrator = true - - [Peripherals.Compass_Turtle] - #Enable the compass turtle or not. - enableCompassTurtle = true - - [Peripherals.Powered_Peripherals] - #Enable RF storage for peripherals, that could use it - enablePoweredPeripherals = false - #Defines max energy storage in any powered peripheral - #Range: > 1000000 - poweredPeripheralMaxEnergyStored = 100000000 - - [Peripherals.Pocket_Peripherals] - #If true, pockets will have infinite fuel - disablePocketFuelConsumption = true - - [Peripherals.Operations] - #Range: > 1000 - digCooldown = 1000 - #Range: > 0 - digCost = 1 - #Range: > 1000 - useOnBlockCooldown = 5000 - #Range: > 0 - useOnBlockCost = 1 - #Range: > 1000 - suckCooldown = 1000 - #Range: > 0 - suckCost = 1 - #Range: > 1000 - useOnAnimalCooldown = 2500 - #Range: > 0 - useOnAnimalCost = 10 - #Range: > 1000 - captureAnimalCooldown = 50000 - #Range: > 0 - captureAnimalCost = 100 - #Range: > 1000 - warpCooldown = 1000 - #Range: > 0 - warpCost = 1 - #Range: > 1000 - scanBlocksCooldown = 2000 - #Range: > 1 - scanBlocksMaxFreeRadius = 8 - #Range: > 1 - scanBlocksMaxCostRadius = 16 - #Range: 0.1 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - scanBlocksExtraBlockCost = 0.17 - #Range: > 1000 - scanEntitiesCooldown = 2000 - #Range: > 1 - scanEntitiesMaxFreeRadius = 8 - #Range: > 1 - scanEntitiesMaxCostRadius = 16 - #Range: 0.1 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - scanEntitiesExtraBlockCost = 0.17 - #Range: > 1000 - chatMessageCooldown = 1000 diff --git a/src/config/Advancedperipherals/world.toml b/src/config/Advancedperipherals/world.toml deleted file mode 100644 index bd7b014..0000000 --- a/src/config/Advancedperipherals/world.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ - -#Config to adjust world settings -[World] - #Enable the villager structures for the computer scientist. - enableVillagerStructures = false - #Gives the ap documentation to new players. - givePlayerBookOnJoin = false - #The weight of the villager structures. - #Range: 0 ~ 16000 - villagerStructureWeight = 10 diff --git a/src/config/Mekanism/additions.toml b/src/config/Mekanism/additions.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 2a54b3f..0000000 --- a/src/config/Mekanism/additions.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ - -#Mekanism Additions Config. This config is synced between server and client. -[additions] - #Fuse time for Obsidian TNT. - #Range: > 0 - obsidianTNTDelay = 100 - #Radius of the explosion of Obsidian TNT. - #Range: 0.1 ~ 1000.0 - obsidianTNTBlastRadius = 12.0 - #Enables the voice server for Walkie Talkies. - voiceServerEnabled = false - #TCP port for the Voice server to listen on. - #Range: 1 ~ 65535 - VoicePort = 36123 - - #Config options regarding spawning of entities. - [additions.spawning] - - #Config options regarding baby creeper. - [additions.spawning.baby-creeper] - #Enable the spawning of baby creeper. Think baby zombies. - shouldSpawn = false - #The multiplier for weight of baby creeper spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - weightPercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for minimum group size of baby creeper spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - minSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for maximum group size of baby creeper spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for spawn cost per entity of baby creeper spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - spawnCostPerEntityPercentage = 1.0 - #The multiplier for max spawn cost of baby creeper spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSpawnCostPercentage = 1.0 - #The list of biome ids that baby creeper will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - biomeBlackList = [] - #The list of structure ids that baby creeper will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - structureBlackList = [] - - #Config options regarding baby enderman. - [additions.spawning.baby-enderman] - #Enable the spawning of baby enderman. Think baby zombies. - shouldSpawn = false - #The multiplier for weight of baby enderman spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - weightPercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for minimum group size of baby enderman spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - minSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for maximum group size of baby enderman spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for spawn cost per entity of baby enderman spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - spawnCostPerEntityPercentage = 1.0 - #The multiplier for max spawn cost of baby enderman spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSpawnCostPercentage = 1.0 - #The list of biome ids that baby enderman will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - biomeBlackList = [] - #The list of structure ids that baby enderman will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - structureBlackList = [] - - #Config options regarding baby skeleton. - [additions.spawning.baby-skeleton] - #Enable the spawning of baby skeleton. Think baby zombies. - shouldSpawn = false - #The multiplier for weight of baby skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - weightPercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for minimum group size of baby skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - minSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for maximum group size of baby skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for spawn cost per entity of baby skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - spawnCostPerEntityPercentage = 1.0 - #The multiplier for max spawn cost of baby skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSpawnCostPercentage = 1.0 - #The list of biome ids that baby skeleton will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - biomeBlackList = [] - #The list of structure ids that baby skeleton will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - structureBlackList = [] - - #Config options regarding baby stray. - [additions.spawning.baby-stray] - #Enable the spawning of baby stray. Think baby zombies. - shouldSpawn = false - #The multiplier for weight of baby stray spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - weightPercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for minimum group size of baby stray spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - minSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for maximum group size of baby stray spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for spawn cost per entity of baby stray spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - spawnCostPerEntityPercentage = 1.0 - #The multiplier for max spawn cost of baby stray spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSpawnCostPercentage = 1.0 - #The list of biome ids that baby stray will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - biomeBlackList = [] - #The list of structure ids that baby stray will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - structureBlackList = [] - - #Config options regarding baby wither skeleton. - [additions.spawning.baby-wither-skeleton] - #Enable the spawning of baby wither skeleton. Think baby zombies. - shouldSpawn = false - #The multiplier for weight of baby wither skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - weightPercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for minimum group size of baby wither skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - minSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for maximum group size of baby wither skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSizePercentage = 0.5 - #The multiplier for spawn cost per entity of baby wither skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - spawnCostPerEntityPercentage = 1.0 - #The multiplier for max spawn cost of baby wither skeleton spawns, compared to the adult mob. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 - maxSpawnCostPercentage = 1.0 - #The list of biome ids that baby wither skeleton will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - biomeBlackList = [] - #The list of structure ids that baby wither skeleton will not spawn in even if the normal mob variant can spawn. - structureBlackList = [] diff --git a/src/config/ae2/common.json b/src/config/ae2/common.json deleted file mode 100644 index 740de23..0000000 --- a/src/config/ae2/common.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -{ - "general": { - "unsupportedDeveloperTools": false, - "matterCannonBlockDamage_comment": "Enables the ability of the Matter Cannon to break blocks.", - "matterCannonBlockDamage": true, - "tinyTntBlockDamage_comment": "Enables the ability of Tiny TNT to break blocks.", - "tinyTntBlockDamage": true, - "channels_comment": "Changes the channel capacity that cables provide in AE2.", - "channels": "x3", - "pathfindingStepsPerTick_comment": "The number of pathfinding steps that are taken per tick and per grid that is booting. Lower numbers will mean booting takes longer, but less work is done per tick.", - "pathfindingStepsPerTick": 4, - "spatialAnchorEnableRandomTicks_comment": "Whether Spatial Anchors should force random chunk ticks and entity spawning.", - "spatialAnchorEnableRandomTicks": false - }, - "automation": { - "formationPlaneEntityLimit": 128 - }, - "facades": { - "allowBlockEntities_comment": "Unsupported: Allows whitelisting block entities as facades. Could work, have render issues, or corrupt your world. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.", - "allowBlockEntities": false - }, - "craftingCPU": { - "craftingCalculationTimePerTick": 5, - "craftingSimulatedExtraction_comment": "When true: simulate extraction of all the network\u0027s contents when starting a crafting job calculation. When false: use the cached available content list (same as terminals). Enabling might work a bit better, but it will significantly reduce performance.", - "craftingSimulatedExtraction": false - }, - "crafting": { - "disassemblyCrafting_comment": "Enable shift-clicking with the crafting units in hand to disassemble them.", - "disassemblyCrafting": true, - "growthAccelerator_comment": "Number of ticks between two crystal growth accelerator ticks", - "growthAccelerator": 10 - }, - "spatialio": { - "spatialPowerMultiplier": 1250.0, - "spatialPowerExponent": 1.35 - }, - "logging": { - "blockUpdateLog": false, - "packetLog": false, - "craftingLog": false, - "debugLog": false, - "gridLog": false, - "chunkLoggerTrace_comment": "Enable stack trace logging for the chunk loading debug command", - "chunkLoggerTrace": false - }, - "battery": { - "chargerChargeRate_comment": "The chargers charging rate factor, which is applied to the charged items charge rate. 2 means it charges everything twice as fast. 0.5 half as fast.", - "chargerChargeRate": 1.0, - "wirelessTerminal": 1600000, - "chargedStaff": 8000, - "entropyManipulator": 200000, - "portableCell": 20000, - "colorApplicator": 20000, - "matterCannon": 200000 - }, - "worldGen": { - "spawnPressesInMeteorites": true - }, - "wireless": { - "wirelessBaseCost": 8.0, - "wirelessCostMultiplier": 1.0, - "wirelessBaseRange": 16.0, - "wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier": 1.0, - "wirelessBoosterExp": 1.5, - "wirelessHighWirelessCount": 64.0, - "wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier": 1.0 - }, - "PortableCells": { - "allowDisassembly_comment": "Allow disassembly of portable cells into the recipe ingredients using shift+right-click", - "allowDisassembly": true - }, - "PowerRatios": { - "ForgeEnergy": 0.5, - "UsageMultiplier": 1.0, - "GridEnergyStoragePerNode_comment": "How much energy can the internal grid buffer storage per node attached to the grid.", - "GridEnergyStoragePerNode": 25.0 - }, - "Condenser": { - "MatterBalls": 256, - "Singularity": 256000 - }, - "tickRates": { - "_comment": " Min / Max Tickrates for dynamic ticking, most of these components also use sleeping, to prevent constant ticking, adjust with care, non standard rates are not supported or tested.", - "InterfaceMin": 5, - "InterfaceMax": 120, - "ImportBusMin": 5, - "ImportBusMax": 40, - "ExportBusMin": 5, - "ExportBusMax": 60, - "AnnihilationPlaneMin": 2, - "AnnihilationPlaneMax": 120, - "METunnelMin": 5, - "METunnelMax": 20, - "InscriberMin": 1, - "InscriberMax": 20, - "ChargerMin": 10, - "ChargerMax": 10, - "IOPortMin": 1, - "IOPortMax": 5, - "VibrationChamberMin": 10, - "VibrationChamberMax": 40, - "StorageBusMin": 5, - "StorageBusMax": 60, - "ItemTunnelMin": 5, - "ItemTunnelMax": 60, - "LightTunnelMin": 5, - "LightTunnelMax": 60 - }, - "vibrationChamber": { - "_comment": "Settings for the Vibration Chamber", - "baseEnergyPerFuelTick_comment": "AE energy produced per fuel burn tick (reminder: coal \u003d 1600, block of coal \u003d 16000, lava bucket \u003d 20000 burn ticks)", - "baseEnergyPerFuelTick": 5.0, - "minEnergyPerGameTick_comment": "Minimum amount of AE/t the vibration chamber can slow down to when energy is being wasted.", - "minEnergyPerGameTick": 4, - "baseMaxEnergyPerGameTick_comment": "Maximum amount of AE/t the vibration chamber can speed up to when generated energy is being fully consumed.", - "baseMaxEnergyPerGameTick": 40 - } -} diff --git a/src/config/packmenu.cfg b/src/config/packmenu.cfg deleted file mode 100644 index aa052b7..0000000 --- a/src/config/packmenu.cfg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1 - -# - -general { - # If the title (the giant minecraft text) is drawn. - # Default: true - B:"Draw Title"=true - - # If the splash text is drawn. - # Default: true - B:"Draw Splash"=true - - # If forge information is drawn at the top center. This includes beta and update warnings. - # Default: true - B:"Draw Forge Info"=true - - # If the vanilla panorama, and it's fade-in, are rendered. Enabling this disables the use of the custom background options. - # Default: false - B:"Draw Panorama"=false - - # If the resource pack is loaded from /resources instead of /resources.zip - # Default: true - B:"Folder Pack"=true - - # If the Panorama has a fade-in effect. - # Default: false - B:"Panorama Fade In"=false - - # A multiplier on panorama speed. - # Default: 1.0; Range: [0.01 ~ 100.0] - S:"Panorama Speed"=1.0 - - # The number of variations of panorama that exist. Panorama files other than the original set must have the form panorama_.png. For example the first file of varation #2 would be panorama1_0.png - # Default: 1; Range: [1 ~ 10] - I:"Panorama Variations"=1 -} - - -title { - # The anchor point for this element. - # Default: TITLE - S:"Anchor Point"=TITLE - - # The X offset for this element. - # Default: 0; Range: [-1000 ~ 1000] - I:"X Offset"=0 - - # The Y Offset for this element. - # Default: 0; Range: [-1000 ~ 1000] - I:"Y Offset"=0 -} - - -"forge info" { - # The anchor point for this element. - # Default: FORGE - S:"Anchor Point"=FORGE - - # The X offset for this element. - # Default: 0; Range: [-1000 ~ 1000] - I:"X Offset"=0 - - # The Y Offset for this element. - # Default: 0; Range: [-1000 ~ 1000] - I:"Y Offset"=0 -} - - -"splash text" { - # The anchor point for this element. - # Default: SPLASH - S:"Anchor Point"=SPLASH - - # The X offset for this element. - # Default: 0; Range: [-1000 ~ 1000] - I:"X Offset"=0 - - # The Y Offset for this element. - # Default: 0; Range: [-1000 ~ 1000] - I:"Y Offset"=0 - - # The rotation value of the splash text. - # Default: -20.0; Range: [-360.0 ~ 360.0] - S:Rotation=-20.0 - - # The color of the splash text. - # Default: -256; Range: [-2147483647 ~ 2147483647] - I:Color=-256 -} - - -logo { - # The location of the logo texture. Must be a png file. Should contain the extension. - # Default: packmenu:textures/gui/logo.png - S:"Texture Path"=packmenu:textures/gui/logo.png - - # The X offset of the logo. - # Default: -650; Range: [-500000 ~ 500000] - I:"X Offset"=-310 - - # The Y offset of the logo. - # Default: 0; Range: [-500000 ~ 500000] - I:"Y Offset"=10 - - # The width of the logo. - # Default: 100; Range: [0 ~ 500000] - I:Width=50 - - # The height of the logo. - # Default: 100; Range: [0 ~ 500000] - I:Height=50 - - # The width of the logo's texture. - # Default: 300; Range: [0 ~ 500000] - I:"Texture Width"=300 - - # The height of the logo's texture. - # Default: 300; Range: [0 ~ 500000] - I:"Texture Height"=300 - - # The anchor point of the logo. The types of anchor points are available on the wiki. - # Default: DEFAULT_LOGO - S:"Anchor Point"=TOP_RIGHT - - # If the logo is enabled or not. - # Default: true - B:"Enable Logo"=true -} - - -slideshow { - # The list of textures to be displayed on the slideshow. If empty, the slideshow is ignored. - # Default: [ - S:Textures < - > - - # How long between slideshow transitions. - # Default: 200; Range: [1 ~ 1000000] - I:Duration=200 - - # How long the slideshow transition lasts. - # Default: 20; Range: [1 ~ 1000000] - I:"Transition Duration"=20 -} - - -support { - # The URL that the link on the supporters page goes to. - # Default: https://www.patreon.com/Shadows_of_Fire?fan_landing=true - S:"Patreon Url"=https://www.patreon.com/Shadows_of_Fire?fan_landing=true -} diff --git a/src/config/paxi/datapacks/BetterCombatCompat.zip b/src/config/paxi/datapacks/BetterCombatCompat.zip deleted file mode 100644 index 88767fb..0000000 Binary files a/src/config/paxi/datapacks/BetterCombatCompat.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/src/config/paxi/datapacks/towers-of-the-wild-reworked.pw.toml b/src/config/paxi/datapacks/towers-of-the-wild-reworked.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 931cad1..0000000 --- a/src/config/paxi/datapacks/towers-of-the-wild-reworked.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -name = "Towers of the Wild: Reworked" -filename = "Towers_Of_The_Wild_Reworked_v4.2.2_Waystone.zip" -side = "both" -pin = true - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/iqOgCgNa/versions/qgrkU1fO/Towers_Of_The_Wild_Reworked_v4.2.2_Waystone.zip" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "67d29c6ad77e17537f7094b0aa4e9d46776b6b23" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "iqOgCgNa" -version = "qgrkU1fO" diff --git a/src/config/rats-common.toml b/src/config/rats-common.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 08dd4b7..0000000 --- a/src/config/rats-common.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,264 +0,0 @@ - -[Ratlantis] - #If true, the ratlantis datapack will automatically be enabled when creating a new world. - "Ratlantis Datapack Enabled by Default" = true - -[Spawning] - #Percentage for every random tick to spawn a rat for a garbage pile. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 - "Garbage Pile Spawn Chance" = 0.15000000596046448 - #True if rats should spawn like monsters, meaning they will also despawn when get far away (this only applies to wild rats of course). False if they should only spawn once per world, like pigs and sheep. - "Rats Spawn Like Monsters" = true - #A separate random roll that only spawns rats if a one-out-of-X chance, x being this number. raise this number to make them more rare. - #Range: > 0 - "Rat Spawn Decrease" = 5 - #A separate random roll that only spawns pipers if a one-out-of-X chance, x being this number. raise this number to make them more rare. - #Range: > 0 - "Piper Spawn Decrease" = 2 - -[Villages] - #True if iron golems will attack wild rats - "Golems Target Rats" = true - #True if pet shops can spawn in villages - "Village Pet Shops" = true - #Defines how often Pet Shops should spawn in villages. A higher number means Pet Shops will spawn more often. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Village Pet Shop Weight" = 15 - #Defines how often Pet Shops should spawn in zombie villages. A higher number means Pet Shops will spawn more often. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Zombie Village Pet Shop Weight" = 10 - #True if garbage heaps can spawn in villages - "Village Garbage Heap" = true - #Defines how often Garbage Heaps should spawn in villages. A higher number means Garbage Heaps will spawn more often. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Village Garbage Heap Weight" = 1 - #Defines how often Garbage Heaps should spawn in villages. A higher number means Garbage Heaps will spawn more often. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Zombie Village Garbage Heap Weight" = 5 - -[Cheesemaking] - #True if cheese can be created in cauldrons - Cheesemaking = true - #The time in ticks(20 per second) it takes for milk to turn into cheese in a cauldron - #Range: 20 ~ 1000000 - "Milk Curdling Time" = 150 - #The how many chunks away can a rat here a rat flute - #Range: 1 ~ 100 - "Rat Flute Distance" = 2 - -["Black Death"] - #If true, a plague doctor will be converted into the Black Death when struck by lightning. - "Black Death Lightning Strike" = true - #If true, Black Death will respawn Plague Rats when it has less than the max defined Plague Rats at its command. - "Black Death Constantly Spawns Rats" = false - #Defines the amount of Plague Rats Black Death can have at its command at a time. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Black Death Max Plague Rats" = 15 - #If true, Black Death will respawn Plague Clouds when it has less than the max defined Plague Clouds at its command. - "Black Death Constantly Spawns Plague Clouds" = true - #Defines the amount of Plague Clouds Black Death can have at its command at a time. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Black Death Max Plague Clouds" = 4 - #If true, Black Death will respawn Plague Beasts when it has less than the max defined Plague Beasts at its command. - "Black Death Constantly Spawns Plague Beasts" = false - #Defines the amount of Plague Beasts Black Death can have at its command at a time. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Black Death Plague Beasts" = 3 - -["Rat King"] - #If true, the Rat King will reabsorb rats that circle around it if it doesnt have an active target. - "Rat King Reabsorbs Rats" = true - #Defines the amount of health the Rat King heals when reabsorbing a rat - #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 - "Rat King Absorption Heal Rate" = 0.0 - #If true, the Rat King will respawn Rats when it has less than the max defined Plague Rats at its command. - "Rat King Max Constantly Spawns Rats" = true - #Defines the amount of Rats the Rat King can have at its command at a time. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Rat King Max Rats" = 10 - -["Ratlantean Automaton"] - #If true, the Ratlantean Automaton will only be summonable in Ratlantis. Building it in any other dimension will have no effect. - "Summon Ratlantean Automaton only in Ratlantis" = false - #How often the Ratlantean Automaton will shoot a laser. It will shoot a laser every 1 in X attacks, X being the number defined. - #Range: > 0 - "Ratlantean Automaton Shooting Chance" = 2 - #The distance the Ratlantean Automaton can hit you with its saw. - #Range: > 0 - "Ratlantean Automaton Melee Attack Distance" = 7 - #The distance the Ratlantean Automaton can hit you with its laser. - #Range: > 0 - "Ratlantean Automaton Ranged Attack Distance" = 10 - -[Neo-Ratlantean] - #If true, the Neo-Ratlantean will only be summonable in Ratlantis. Throwing the vial in any other dimension will have no effect. - "Summon Neo-Ratlantean only in Ratlantis" = false - #If true, the Neo-Ratlantean will utilize Laser Portals in its fight that shoot lasers at you. - "Neo-Ratlantean Laser Portals" = true - #The time it will take the Neo-Ratlantean to perform another attack after using the Laser Portal attack. Time is in ticks. - #Range: > 0 - "Neo-Ratlantean Attack Cooldown after Laser Portals" = 100 - #If true, the Neo-Ratlantean will occasionally summon lightning bolts nearby. The lightning is completely harmless. - "Neo-Ratlantean Fake Lightning" = true - #The time it will take the Neo-Ratlantean to perform another attack after using the Fake Lightning attack. Time is in ticks. - #Range: > 0 - "Neo-Ratlantean Attack Cooldown after Fake Lightning" = 40 - #If true, the Neo-Ratlantean will pick up blocks and throw them in your direction. - "Neo-Ratlantean Throws Blocks" = true - #The time it will take the Neo-Ratlantean to perform another attack after using the Block Throwing attack. Time is in ticks. - #Range: > 0 - "Neo-Ratlantean Attack Cooldown after Throwing Blocks" = 40 - #If true, the Neo-Ratlantean will randomly afflict the use with wither, glowing, and levitation for 10 seconds. - "Neo-Ratlantean Adds Harmful Effects" = true - #The time it will take the Neo-Ratlantean to perform another attack after using the Mob Effect attack. Time is in ticks. - #Range: > 0 - "Neo-Ratlantean Attack Cooldown after Effects" = 100 - -["Flying Dutchrat"] - #If true, the Flying Dutchrat will only be summonable in Ratlantis. Ringing the bell in any other dimension will have no effect. - "Summon Flying Dutchrat only in Ratlantis" = false - #How many blocks away the dutchrat can fly away from its home point, which is the spot where the bell was when summoned. - #Range: 0 ~ 64 - "Flying Dutchrat Restriction Radius" = 20 - #How often the Flying Dutchrat will throw a sword. It will throw a sword every 1 in X attacks, X being the number defined. - #Range: > 0 - "Flying Dutchrat Sword Throw Chance" = 5 - -["Rat Baron"] - #If true, the Rat Baron will only be summonable in Ratlantis. Activating the siren in any other dimension will have no effect. - "Summon Automaton only in Ratlantis" = false - #The height above the ground the rat baron plane will hover around. A random amount of blocks between 0 and 10 will be added to the number provided at random points to keep things interesting. - #Range: 0 ~ 100 - "Rat Baron Y Hover Height" = 20 - #How often the Rat Baron Plane will fire a bullet. It will fire a bullet every X ticks, X being the number defined. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat Baron Shot Frequency" = 2 - #The amount of damage each bullet fired from the Rat Baron plane does. Setting to 0 will make the bullets purely visual. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - "Rat Baron Bullet Damage" = 0.5 - -["Rat Griefing"] - #True if wild rats will destroy and eat crops - "Rats Raid Crops" = true - #True if wild rats will steal from chests - "Rats Steal From Chests" = true - #True if wild rats should be allowed to climb over tall blocks, such as fences and walls. - "Rats Climb over Fences and Walls" = true - #True if wild rats contaminate food when they steal from chests - "Rats Contaminate Food" = true - #True if rats can dig holes - "Rats Dig Holes" = true - #True if infected mobs with plague can spread it by interacting or attacking. - "Other Mobs can spread Plague" = true - #The max block hardness that rats are allowed to dig through. (Dirt = 0.5F, Cobblestone = 2.0F, Obsidian = 50.0F) - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0 - "Rat Dig Strength" = 6.0 - #True if tamed rats will destroy crops when they harvest them - "Rats Break Crops on Harvest" = true - -["Rat Upgrades"] - #If true, rats will recharge items held in their main hand when they have an energy upgrade. - "Rats Charge Held Items" = true - #How much RF a rat with a basic energy transfer upgrade can transport at a time. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat RF Transfer Rate Basic" = 1000 - #How much RF per tick a rat can charge their held item with a basic energy transfer upgrade. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat Item Charge Rate Basic" = 10 - #How much RF a rat with an advanced energy transfer upgrade can transport at a time. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat RF Transfer Rate Advanced" = 5000 - #How much RF per tick a rat can charge their held item with an advanced energy transfer upgrade. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat Item Charge Rate Advanced" = 50 - #How much RF a rat with an elite energy transfer upgrade can transport at a time. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat RF Transfer Rate Elite" = 10000 - #How much RF per tick a rat can charge their held item with an elite energy transfer upgrade. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat Item Charge Rate Elite" = 100 - #How much RF a rat with an extreme energy transfer upgrade can transport at a time. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat RF Transfer Rate Extreme" = 100000 - #How much RF per tick a rat can charge their held item with an extreme energy transfer upgrade. - #Range: > 1 - "Rat Item Charge Rate Extreme" = 500 - #How far away from players the Rat Upgrade: Voodoo Doll is effective. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - "Voodoo Doll Rat distance" = 32.0 - #Sets a Rat's max health to this value when they have the Warrior Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 - "Warrior Health Upgrade" = 40.0 - #Sets a Rat's Armor to this value when they have the Warrior Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 30.0 - "Warrior Armor Upgrade" = 2.0 - #Sets a Rat's attack damage to this value when they have the Warrior Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 2048.0 - "Warrior Damage Upgrade" = 5.0 - #Sets a Rat's max health to this value when they have the God Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 - "God Health Upgrade" = 150.0 - #Sets a Rat's Armor to this value when they have the God Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 30.0 - "God Armor Upgrade" = 10.0 - #Sets a Rat's attack damage to this value when they have the God Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 2048.0 - "God Damage Upgrade" = 15.0 - #Sets a Rat's max health to this value when they have the God Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 - "Dragon Health Upgrade" = 50.0 - #Sets a Rat's Armor to this value when they have the God Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 30.0 - "Dragon Armor Upgrade" = 5.0 - #Sets a Rat's attack damage to this value when they have the God Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 2048.0 - "Dragon Damage Upgrade" = 8.0 - #Sets a Rat's max health to this value when they have the Demon Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 - "Demon Health Upgrade" = 40.0 - #Sets a Rat's attack damage to this value when they have the Demon Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 2048.0 - "Demon Damage Upgrade" = 4.0 - #Sets a Rat's max health to this value when they have the Voodoo Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 - "Voodoo Health Upgrade" = 100.0 - #Sets a Rat's Armor to this value when they have the Ratinator Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 30.0 - "Ratinator Armor Upgrade" = 15.0 - #Sets a Rat's max health to this value when they have the Nonbeliever Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0 - "Nonbeliever Health Upgrade" = 350.0 - #Sets a Rat's Armor to this value when they have the Nonbeliever Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 30.0 - "Nonbeliever Armor Upgrade" = 20.0 - #Sets a Rat's attack damage to this value when they have the Nonbeliever Upgrade. - #Range: 0.0 ~ 2048.0 - "Nonbeliever Damage Upgrade" = 40.0 - #Rats that have an upgrade that regenerates health will regen half a heart every X ticks, X being the number defined here. Set to 0 to disable health regeneration. - #Range: > 0 - "Upgrade Regeneration Rate" = 30 - #If true, Rats that have the Psychic upgrade will pick up blocks and throw them towards enemies. - "Psychic Throws Blocks" = false - -["Misc Rat Adjustments"] - #Defines the amount of rats you can store in a sack at one time. - #Range: 1 ~ 64 - "Rat Sack Capacity" = 16 - #Rats will continue to breed in cages until there are this many rats in one cage block - #Range: 1 ~ 10000 - "Rat Cage Max Occupancy" = 4 - #The max amount of Baby Rats will be produced when Rats breed. You will get anywhere between 1 and this number of baby rats. - #Range: 1 ~ 10 - "Rat Litter Size" = 1 - #The amount of time it takes after a rat successfully breeds for it to breed again. Time is in ticks. (24000 ticks = 1200 seconds = 20 minutes) - #Range: > 0 - "Rat Breeding Cooldown" = 24000 - #Rats will conduct expensive CPU operations like looking for crops or chests, once every this number of ticks(with added standard deviation for servers) - #Range: 1 ~ 10000 - "Rat Update Delay" = 100 - #If true, wild rats will rarely spawn wearing a santa hat. Rats will spawn with Santa hats during the Christmas season regardless, this will enable you to find them year round. - "Rats Spawn with Santa Hats" = false - #If true, wild rats will rarely spawn wearing a randomly colored party hat. Rats will spawn with Party hats during the New Year's Eve and special dates regardless, this will enable you to find them year round. - "Rats Spawn with Party Hats" = false - - diff --git a/src/config/walljump-common.toml b/src/config/walljump-common.toml deleted file mode 100644 index bdbeff5..0000000 --- a/src/config/walljump-common.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ - -#Common configuration settings -[common] - #Allows you to climb up without alternating walls - allowReClinging = false - #Automatically turn the player when wall clinging - autoRotation = false - #Elytra speed boost; set to 0.0 to disable - #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 - elytraSpeedBoost = 0.0 - #Enable Wall-Jump enchantments in the enchanting table - enableEnchantments = true - #Exhaustion gained per wall jump - #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 - exhaustionWallJump = 0.3 - #Minimum distance for fall damage; set to 3.0 to disable - #Range: 3.0 ~ 256.0 - minFallDistance = 3.0 - #Play a rush of wind as you fall to your doom - playFallSound = true - #Sprint speed boost; set to 0.0 to disable - #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 - sprintSpeedBoost = 0.0 - #Walk up steps even while airborne, also jump over fences - stepAssist = true - #Allows you to jump in mid-air - useDoubleJump = true - #Allows you to wall cling and wall jump - useWallJump = true - #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 - wallJumpHeight = 0.55 - #Ticks wall clinged before starting wall slide - #Range: > 0 - wallSlideDelay = 15 diff --git a/src/config/water_sources.json b/src/config/water_sources.json deleted file mode 100644 index f687426..0000000 --- a/src/config/water_sources.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -{ - "water_sources": { - "T1": { - "config tick": "configured the tick upgrade for Tier1 water source (default is 5)", - "tick": 1, - "config value": "configured the tick value for Tier1 water source (default is 125)", - "value": 250 - }, - "T2": { - "config tick": "configured the tick upgrade for Tier2 water source (default is 4)", - "tick": 1, - "config value": "configured the tick value for Tier2 water source (default is 250)", - "value": 500 - }, - "T3": { - "config tick": "configured the tick upgrade for Tier3 water source (default is 3)", - "tick": 1, - "config value": "configured the tick value for Tier3 water source (default is 500)", - "value": 1000 - }, - "T4": { - "config tick": "configured the tick upgrade for Tier4 water source (default is 2)", - "tick": 1, - "config value": "configured the tick value for Tier4 water source (default is 1000)", - "value": 2000 - }, - "T5": { - "config tick": "configured the tick upgrade for Tier5 water source (default is 1)", - "tick": 1, - "config value": "configured the tick value for Tier5 water source (default is 2000)", - "value": 4000 - } - } - } diff --git a/src/config/waystones-common.toml b/src/config/waystones-common.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 3dc3d57..0000000 --- a/src/config/waystones-common.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ - -[xpCost] - #Set to true if experience cost should be inverted, meaning the shorter the distance, the more expensive. Can be used to encourage other methods for short-distance travel. - inverseXpCost = false - #The amount of blocks per xp level requirement. If set to 500, the base xp cost for travelling 1000 blocks will be 2 levels. - #Range: > -2147483648 - blocksPerXpLevel = 1000 - #The minimum base xp cost (may be subceeded by multipliers defined below) - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - minimumBaseXpCost = 0.0 - #The maximum base xp cost (may be exceeded by multipliers defined below), set to 0 to disable all distance-based XP costs - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - maximumBaseXpCost = 0.0 - #How much xp is needed per leashed animal to travel with you - #Range: > -2147483648 - xpCostPerLeashed = 0 - #The base xp level cost when travelling between dimensions. Ignores block distance. - #Range: > -2147483648 - dimensionalWarpXpCost = 0 - #The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting to a global waystone through any method. - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - globalWaystoneXpCostMultiplier = 0.0 - #The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting using a Warp Stone item (not the Waystone block, Konstantin) - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - warpStoneXpCostMultiplier = 0.0 - #The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting from one waystone to another. - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - waystoneXpCostMultiplier = 0.0 - #The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting from one sharestone to another. - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - sharestoneXpCostMultiplier = 0.0 - #The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting from a portstone. - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - portstoneXpCostMultiplier = 0.0 - #The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting from one warp plate to another. - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - warpPlateXpCostMultiplier = 0.0 - #The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting via the inventory button. - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - inventoryButtonXpCostMultiplier = 0.0 - -[restrictions] - #If enabled, only creative players can place, edit or break waystones. This does NOT disable the crafting recipe. - restrictToCreative = false - #If enabled, only the owner of a waystone (the one who placed it) can rename it. - restrictRenameToOwner = false - #If enabled, waystones generated in worldgen are unbreakable. - generatedWaystonesUnbreakable = false - #If enabled, leashed mobs will be teleported with you - transportLeashed = true - #Whether to take leashed mobs with you when teleporting between dimensions - transportLeashedDimensional = true - #List of leashed mobs that cannot be taken with you when teleporting - leashedDenyList = ["minecraft:wither"] - #Set to 'ALLOW' to allow dimensional warp in general. Set to 'GLOBAL_ONLY' to restrict dimensional warp to global waystones. Set to 'DENY' to disallow all dimensional warps. - #Allowed Values: ALLOW, GLOBAL_ONLY, DENY - dimensionalWarp = "ALLOW" - #List of dimensions that players are allowed to warp cross-dimension from and to. If left empty, all dimensions except those in dimensionalWarpDenyList are allowed. - dimensionalWarpAllowList = [] - #List of dimensions that players are not allowed to warp cross-dimension from and to. Only used if dimensionalWarpAllowList is empty. - dimensionalWarpDenyList = [] - #Set to true if players should be able to teleport between waystones by simply right-clicking a waystone. - allowWaystoneToWaystoneTeleport = true - #Set to false to allow non-creative players to make waystones globally activated for all players. - globalWaystoneSetupRequiresCreativeMode = true - -[cooldowns] - #The multiplier applied to the cooldown when teleporting to a global waystone via inventory button or warp stone. - #Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 - globalWaystoneCooldownMultiplier = 1.0 - #The cooldown between usages of the warp stone in seconds. This is bound to the player, not the item, so multiple warp stones share the same cooldown. - #Range: > -2147483648 - warpStoneCooldown = 30 - #The time in ticks that it takes to use a warp stone. This is the charge-up time when holding right-click. - #Range: > -2147483648 - warpStoneUseTime = 32 - #The time in ticks that it takes to use a warp plate. This is the time the player has to stand on top for. - #Range: > -2147483648 - warpPlateUseTime = 20 - #The time in ticks it takes to use a scroll. This is the charge-up time when holding right-click. - #Range: > -2147483648 - scrollUseTime = 32 - #The cooldown between usages of the inventory button in seconds. - #Range: > -2147483648 - inventoryButtonCooldown = 300 - -[inventoryButton] - #Set to 'NONE' for no inventory button. Set to 'NEAREST' for an inventory button that teleports to the nearest waystone. Set to 'ANY' for an inventory button that opens the waystone selection menu. Set to a waystone name for an inventory button that teleports to a specifically named waystone. - inventoryButton = "NONE" - #The x position of the warp button in the inventory. - #Range: > -2147483648 - warpButtonX = 58 - #The y position of the warp button in the inventory. - #Range: > -2147483648 - warpButtonY = 60 - #The y position of the warp button in the creative menu. - #Range: > -2147483648 - creativeWarpButtonX = 88 - #The y position of the warp button in the creative menu. - #Range: > -2147483648 - creativeWarpButtonY = 33 - -[worldGen] - #Set to 'DEFAULT' to only generate the normally textured waystones. Set to 'MOSSY' or 'SANDY' to generate all as that variant. Set to 'BIOME' to make the style depend on the biome it is generated in. - #Allowed Values: DEFAULT, MOSSY, SANDY, BIOME - worldGenStyle = "BIOME" - #Approximate chunk distance between waystones generated freely in world generation. Set to 0 to disable generation. - #Range: > -2147483648 - frequency = 25 - #List of dimensions that waystones are allowed to spawn in through world gen. If left empty, all dimensions except those in worldGenDimensionDenyList are used. - dimensionAllowList = ["minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:the_nether", "minecraft:the_end"] - #List of dimensions that waystones are not allowed to spawn in through world gen. Only used if worldGenDimensionAllowList is empty. - dimensionDenyList = [] - #Set to 'PRESET_FIRST' to first use names from the custom names list. Set to 'PRESET_ONLY' to use only those custom names. Set to 'MIXED' to have some waystones use custom names, and others random names. - #Allowed Values: PRESET_FIRST, RANDOM_ONLY, PRESET_ONLY, MIXED - nameGenerationMode = "PRESET_FIRST" - #These names will be used for the PRESET name generation mode. See the nameGenerationMode option for more info. - customWaystoneNames = [] - #Set to true if waystones should be added to the generation of villages. Some villages may still spawn without a waystone. - spawnInVillages = true - #Ensures that pretty much every village will have a waystone, by spawning it as early as possible. In addition, this means waystones will generally be located in the center of the village. - forceSpawnInVillages = true - -[client] - #If enabled, the text overlay on waystones will no longer always render at full brightness. - disableTextGlow = false - -[compatibility] - #If enabled, JourneyMap waypoints will be created for each activated waystone. - displayWaystonesOnJourneyMap = true - #If enabled, JourneyMap waypoints will only be created if the mod 'JourneyMap Integration' is not installed - preferJourneyMapIntegration = true - diff --git a/src/defaultconfigs/fluxnetworks-server.toml b/src/defaultconfigs/fluxnetworks-server.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 1508f54..0000000 --- a/src/defaultconfigs/fluxnetworks-server.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ - -[networks] - #Maximum networks each player can have. Super admin can bypass this limit. -1 = no limit - #Setting this to 0 will only allow super admins to create networks. - #Range: > -1 - maximumPerPlayer = 5 - #Allows someone to be a network super admin. Otherwise, no one can access a flux device or delete a network without permission. - enableSuperAdmin = true - #See ops.json. If the player has permission level equal or greater to the value set here they will be able to activate Super Admin. - #Setting this to 0 will allow anyone to active Super Admin. Single player can bypass this limit. - #Players have permission level 3 or 4 can use commands to set others as Super Admin whether others have this permission level or not. - #Range: 0 ~ 3 - superAdminRequiredPermission = 1 - -[general] - #Enables redstone being compressed with the bedrock and obsidian to get flux dusts. - enableFluxRecipe = true - #Allows flux devices to enable chunk loading. - enableChunkLoading = false - -[blacklist] - #A blacklist for blocks which flux devices shouldn't connect to, use format 'modid:registry_name' - blockBlacklistStrings = ["actuallyadditions:block_phantom_energyface"] - #A blacklist for items which wireless charging shouldn't charge to, use format 'modid:registry_name' - itemBlackListStrings = [""] - -[energy] - #The default transfer limit of a Flux Plug, Point and Controller - #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 - defaultLimit = 800000 - #The maximum energy storage of a Basic Flux Storage - #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 - basicCapacity = 2000000 - #The default transfer limit of a Basic Flux Storage - #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 - basicTransfer = 20000 - #The maximum energy storage of a Herculean Flux Storage - #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 - herculeanCapacity = 16000000 - #The default transfer limit of a Herculean Flux Storage - #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 - herculeanTransfer = 120000 - #The maximum energy storage of a Gargantuan Flux Storage - #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 - gargantuanCapacity = 128000000 - #The default transfer limit of a Gargantuan Flux Storage - #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 - gargantuanTransfer = 720000 diff --git a/src/index.toml b/src/index.toml index 937c358..d49e079 100644 --- a/src/index.toml +++ b/src/index.toml @@ -1,1454 +1,1035 @@ hash-format = "sha256" -[[files]] -file = "config/Advancedperipherals/peripherals.toml" -hash = "248058ac885309191288d3e80acc1467479049b0fa84e9482c45bd8cc29b65f1" - -[[files]] -file = "config/Advancedperipherals/world.toml" -hash = 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b7541ad..0000000 Binary files a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/fusion_mek.nbt and /dev/null differ diff --git a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/induction_matrix.nbt b/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/induction_matrix.nbt deleted file mode 100644 index 864f4a0..0000000 Binary files a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/induction_matrix.nbt and /dev/null differ diff --git a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/reactor.nbt b/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/reactor.nbt deleted file mode 100644 index 660d514..0000000 Binary files a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/reactor.nbt and /dev/null differ diff --git a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/sps.nbt b/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/sps.nbt deleted file mode 100644 index e819fb6..0000000 Binary files a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/sps.nbt and /dev/null differ diff --git a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/turbine_mek.nbt b/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/turbine_mek.nbt deleted file mode 100644 index 623604e..0000000 Binary files a/src/kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/turbine_mek.nbt and /dev/null differ diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/cape.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/cape.js deleted file mode 100644 index 81e6b76..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/cape.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -CapeJS.addCapes(event => { - event.register("475112a5-d201-455e-937f-89faefc9e917", "galacticfactory"); // SeaswimmerTheFsh - event.register("3fbe9244-8e70-4e15-9bfb-a95dba4b04c8", "galacticfactory"); // ShamuTeTadpole - event.register("9cc40871-e8f4-48aa-9eee-437c65e85fd9", "galacticfactory"); // ManleyChance - event.register("6cd5fa6a-3862-4ee1-918c-c6476fe0b395", "galacticfactory"); // ProfDrCake - event.register("a77e843d-e866-4b96-84a2-c83f3f0ad82c", "galacticfactory"); // Th3_l3g0_buIlder -}); diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/observeMekanism.js.disabled b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/observeMekanism.js.disabled deleted file mode 100644 index a6e3124..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/observeMekanism.js.disabled +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -const $TileEntityMultiblock = Java.loadClass('mekanism.common.tile.prefab.TileEntityMultiblock') -const $TileEntityMekanism = Java.loadClass('mekanism.common.tile.base.TileEntityMekanism') -//const $CompoundTag = Java.loadClass('net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag') - -const mapMekanismMultiblockToTaskID = { - "dynamicTank":"", - "inductionMatrix":"621A4E28BD50F96C", - "thermoelectricBoiler":"", - "evaporation":"", - "sps":"2A13A1B1A85C2981", - "industrialTurbine":"71DB5E5857993B3F", - "fissionReactor":"34D8628732B36EDF", - "fusionReactor": "0B31B1E6089BB33E" -} - -const mapMekanismGasToTaskID = { - "mekanism:fissile_fuel": "4E04F8F091D18EA4", - "mekanism:uranium_oxide": "29D6CA9A77ACACC6", - "mekanism:sulfuric_acid": "66C97246C3EEFB7C", - "mekanism:hydrofluoric_acid": "510CE57C709D5A44", - "mekanism:uranium_hexafluoride": "05A215BE7EE2F35D" - -} - -ClientEvents.tick(event => { - if (Client.hitResult != null && Client.hitResult.getType() == 'BLOCK') { - let block = event.level.getBlock(Client.hitResult.getBlockPos()) - if (block.id.contains('mekanism')) { - let blockEntity = block.entity - // Multiblock handler - if (blockEntity && blockEntity instanceof $TileEntityMultiblock) { - // Multiblock is complete - if (blockEntity.getMultiblock().isFormed()) { - let manager = blockEntity.getManager() - if (manager) { - let managerName = manager.getName() - if (managerName) { - let taskString = mapMekanismMultiblockToTaskID[managerName] - if (taskString) { - let tag = new $CompoundTag - tag.putString('task', taskString) - event.player.sendData('customTask', tag) - } - } - } - } - } - // Capability TE's - if (blockEntity instanceof $TileEntityMekanism) { - // Handles Gas - if (blockEntity.canHandleGas()) { - let tanks = blockEntity.getGasTanks(null) - tanks.forEach(tank => { - let gas = tank.getStack().getTypeRegistryName() - let taskString = mapMekanismGasToTaskID[gas.toString()] - if (taskString) { - let tag = new $CompoundTag - tag.putString('task', taskString) - event.player.sendData('customTask', tag) - } - }) - } - } - } - } -}) - -NetworkEvents.dataReceived('customTask', event => { - const {entity, data, level} = event - let taskString = data.task - let task = FTBQuests.getObject(level, taskString) - let playerQuestData = FTBQuests.getData(entity) - if (task && playerQuestData && !playerQuestData.isCompleted(task) && playerQuestData.canStartTasks(task.quest)) { - playerQuestData.addProgress(task, 1) - } -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek.js deleted file mode 100644 index fd6c698..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create('mekanismgenerators:fission_reactor_casing') - .scene('fission_mek','Mekanism Fission Reactor', 'kubejs:fission_mek', - - (scene, util) => { - - - scene.world.showSection([4, 0, 4], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5); - - - [1, 2, 3, 4].forEach(num => { - scene.world.showSection([4, num, 4], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4, 0, 4 - num], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4 - num, 0, 4], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5) - }); - - [1, 2, 3].forEach(num => { - - scene.world.showSection([4, 4, 4 - num], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4 - num, 4, 4], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 4 - num], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4 - num, 0, 0], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, num, 4], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4, num, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5) - }); - - scene.text(80, 'The Edges Must Be Casings', [0, 4.5, 4.5]).placeNearTarget(); - - scene.world.showSection([4, 4, 0], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 4], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5); - - [1, 2, 3].forEach(num => { - - scene.world.showSection([0, num, 0], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 4 - num], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4 - num, 4, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5) - }); - - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 0], Facing.down); - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.idle(80); - - - //top glass - scene.world.showSection([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5) - - // bottom glass - scene.world.showSection([1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(5) - - // north glass - scene.world.showSection([1, 1, 0, 3, 3, 0], Facing.south); - scene.idle(5) - - // south glass - scene.world.showSection([1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 4], Facing.north); - scene.idle(5) - - // west glass - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3], Facing.east); - scene.idle(5) - - scene.text(80, 'The Walls Can Be Either Casings Or Glass', [0, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget(); - - // east glass - scene.world.showSection([4, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3], Facing.west); - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.idle(80); - - scene.world.hideSection([0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 0], Facing.up) - scene.world.hideSection([0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 3], Facing.up) - scene.world.hideSection([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3], Facing.up) - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(60, 'Place Fuel Assembly Blocks Inside To Make The Fuel Rods', [2.5, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 1, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', false); - scene.world.showSection([2, 1, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(10) - scene.world.setBlock([2, 2, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', false); - scene.world.showSection([2, 2, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(10) - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.idle(40); - - scene.world.setBlock([2, 3, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:control_rod_assembly', false); - scene.world.showSection([2, 3, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(10) - scene.text(60, 'Place Control Rod Assembly At The Top Of Each Fuel Rod', [2.5, 3.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.idle(20); - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.idle(60); - - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 0], Facing.up) - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 3], Facing.up) - scene.world.showSection([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3], Facing.up) - - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.idle(40); - - //scene.world.modifyTileNBT([0,0,0, 4, 4, 4], (nbt) => { nbt.activeState = "fissionReactor" }); - - //scene - // .showControls(40, [1.5, 3, 1.5], 'down') - // .rightClick() - // .withItem('comparator'); - //scene - // .text(40, 'Right Click With Comparator For Redstone Control', [1, 1.5, 2]) - // .placeNearTarget() - // .attachKeyFrame(); - - //scene.idle(40); - - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_fuelrod.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_fuelrod.js deleted file mode 100644 index 92bfca8..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_fuelrod.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create([ - 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', - 'mekanismgenerators:control_rod_assembly' - ]) - .scene('fission_mek_fuelrod','Mekanism Fission Reactor: Fuel Assembly', 'kubejs:fission_mek', - - (scene, util) => { - - - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4], Facing.down); - scene.idle(20); - scene.world.hideSection([0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(20); - - scene.text(80, 'Place Fuel Assembly Blocks Inside To Make The Fuel Rods', [2.5, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 1, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.showSection([2, 1, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(10); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 2, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.showSection([2, 2, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(80); - - scene.text(120, 'Fuel Rods are created with several Fission Fuel Assembly blocks with a Control Rod Assembly on top.', [1.5, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.idle(40); - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 3, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:control_rod_assembly', true); - scene.world.showSection([2, 3, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(80); - - scene.text(80, 'Place Control Rod Assembly At The Top Of Each Fuel Rod', [1.5, 3.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(90); - - scene.text(80, 'Control Rod Assembly blocks are placed 1 block from the ceiling.', [1.5, 3.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(90); - - scene.text(60, 'Fuel Rods Cannot Touch', [1.5, 1.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 1, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 1, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.showSection([1, 1, 2], Facing.down) - scene.world.showSection([3, 1, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(60) - scene.world.setBlock([1, 1, 2], 'air', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 1, 2], 'air', true); - scene.idle(40); - - scene.world.hideSection([1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(40); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 1, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 2, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 3, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:control_rod_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 1, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 2, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 3, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:control_rod_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 1, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 2, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 3, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:control_rod_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 1, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 2, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_fuel_assembly', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 3, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:control_rod_assembly', true); - scene.world.showSection([1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3], Facing.down); - - scene.text(80, 'Multiple Fuel Rods work best in a checkerboard pattern.', [1.5, 1.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(100); - - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 0], Facing.down) - scene.idle(5); - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 1, 0, 4, 3], Facing.down) - scene.idle(5); - scene.world.showSection([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3], Facing.down); - scene.idle(20); - - - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_logic.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_logic.js deleted file mode 100644 index 70021b5..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_logic.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create('mekanismgenerators:fission_reactor_logic_adapter') - .scene('fission_mek_logic','Mekanism Fission Reactor: Logic Adapters', 'kubejs:fission_logic_example', - - (scene, util) => { - - - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 6], Facing.down); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 3, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:reactor_glass', false); - scene.idle(20); - - scene.text(60, 'Logic Adapters allow Redstone Control for Reactors.', [2.5, 1.5, 2]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(80) - - - scene.text(60, 'Right Click to Open Configuration Settings', [2.5, 1.5, 2]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.showControls(60, [2.5, 2.5, 2], 'down').rightClick(); - scene.idle(70); - - - scene.text(80, 'With two, you can set up a Fail Safe that can shut off the Reactor under certain conditions.', [2.5, 3.5, 2]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 3, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_reactor_logic_adapter', true); - scene.idle(90); - - scene.text(60, 'Set this one to Activation', [2.5, 3.5, 2]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(60); - scene.text(60, 'Set this one to Damage Critical.', [2.5, 1.5, 2]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(70); - - scene.world.showSection([2, 0, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5); - scene.world.showSection([2, 0, 1], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5); - scene.world.showSection([2, 1, 1], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5); - - scene.text(60, 'When the Reactor has Critical Damage, it will give off a redstone signal.', [2.5, 1.5, 2]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(10); - scene.idle(60); - - scene.world.setBlock([2, 2, 0], 'minecraft:gravel', false); - //scene.world.modifyBlock([2, 3, 1], () => Block.id("minecraft:observer").with("facing", "north"), false); - scene.world.showSection([2, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([2, 3, 1], Facing.down); - scene.idle(20); - - scene.text(80, 'We can use this to activate a piston with gravel or sand on it to activate an Observer.', [2.5, 1.5, 1]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(5); - - scene.world.modifyBlock([2, 1, 1], (curState) => curState.with("power", "15"), false); - scene.world.modifyBlock([2, 1, 0], (curState) => curState.with("extended", "true"), false); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 3, 0], 'minecraft:gravel', false); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 2, 0], 'minecraft:piston_head', false); - scene.world.modifyBlock([2, 2, 0], (curState) => curState.with("facing", "up"), false); - scene.idle(90); - - scene.text(120, 'This is an Oberserver facing towards the Gravel. The Gravel will activate it and turn off the reactor.', [2.5, 3.5, 2]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(60); - - - - - - - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_port.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_port.js deleted file mode 100644 index df1ee77..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_port.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create('mekanismgenerators:fission_reactor_port') - .scene('fission_mek_port','Mekanism Fission Reactor: Ports', 'kubejs:fission_mek', - - (scene, util) => { - - - scene.showStructure(); - scene.idle(20); - - scene.world.setBlock([0, 1, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_reactor_port', true); - scene.world.setBlock([0, 1, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:fission_reactor_port', true); - scene.world.modifyBlock([0, 1, 1], (curState) => curState.with("mode", "output_waste"), false); - scene.world.modifyBlock([0, 1, 3], (curState) => curState.with("mode", "output_coolant"), false); - - scene.text(60, 'A Reactor Needs At Least 4 Ports', [0, 1.5, 3.5]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.idle(80) - - scene.addKeyframe() - - scene.text(60, 'Ports Can Be Changed Using A Configurator', [0, 1.5, 3.5]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.showControls(60, [0.5, 2, 3.5], 'down').rightClick().withItem('mekanism:configurator').whileSneaking(); - scene.idle(80); - - scene.addKeyframe(); - - scene.text(160, 'Required Ports:', [-1, 4, 4]).placeNearTarget(); - - scene.text(40, 'Input Coolant', [3.5, 1.5, 0]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.idle(40); - scene.text(40, 'Input Fuel', [1.5, 1.5, 0]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.idle(40); - scene.text(40, 'Output Waste', [0, 1.5, 1.5]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.idle(40); - scene.text(40, 'Output Heated Coolant', [0, 1.5, 3.5]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.idle(40); - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.idle(10); - - - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fusion_activate.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fusion_activate.js deleted file mode 100644 index c21c34c..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fusion_activate.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create([ - 'mekanismgenerators:hohlraum', - Item.of('mekanismgenerators:hohlraum', '{mekData:{GasTanks:[{Tank:0b,stored:{amount:10L,gasName:"mekanismgenerators:fusion_fuel"}}]}}'), - 'mekanismgenerators:laser_focus_matrix' - ]) - .scene('fusion_activation','Mekanism Fusion Reactor: Activation', 'kubejs:fusion_activation', - - (scene, util) => { - scene.world.showSection([2, 0, 0, 6, 4, 6], Facing.down); - //scene.world.hideSection([3, 0, 0, 5, 2, 0], Facing.up); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(60, 'To activate the Fusion Reactor, we will need a few things.', [2, 2.5, 4.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(80) - - scene.text(100, 'You will need to put a Hohlraum filled with D-T fuel in the Controller.', [4.5, 5, 3.5]).attachKeyFrame(); - scene.showControls(100, [4.5, 5.5, 3.5], 'down').withItem('mekanismgenerators:hohlraum'); - scene.idle(110); - - - //show lasers - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 6], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10); - - //Laser - scene.text(100, 'You will need to shoot 400MRF using Lasers into the Laser Matrix.', [0, 2.5, 3.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(110); - - //show laser - scene.world.hideSection([1, 0, 0, 6, 4, 6], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10) - scene.rotateCameraY(90); - scene.idle(5) - - scene.text(100, 'The Laser Amplifier needs to have the Red face pointing towards the Matrix.', [1, 2.5, 3]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(110); - - scene.rotateCameraY(-90); - scene.idle(5) - - //show everything - scene.world.showSection([1, 0, 0, 6, 4, 6], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10) - - - //hide lasers - scene.world.hideSection([0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 6], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10); - - //fuel input - - scene.overlay.showText(100).text("You will also need to give the Reactor fuel.").independent(-50); - scene.text(50, 'For Deuterium', [5.5, 2.5, 1]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(60); - scene.text(50, 'For Tritium.', [3.5, 2.5, 1]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(60); - - scene.text(80, 'The Reactor mixes the D-T fuel at a set rate when they are pumped in separately.', [4.5, 2.5, 1]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(80); - - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fusion_reactor.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fusion_reactor.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4dc8e73..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/fusion_reactor.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create([ - 'mekanismgenerators:fusion_reactor_frame', - 'mekanismgenerators:fusion_reactor_port', - 'mekanismgenerators:fusion_reactor_controller', - 'mekanismgenerators:fusion_reactor_logic_adapter' - ]) - .scene('fusion_reactor','Mekanism Fusion Reactor', 'kubejs:fusion_mek', - - (scene, util) => { - - - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(60, 'The Fusion Reactor can be used to generate millions of RF per tick.', [0, 2.5, 4.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(80) - - scene.text(60, 'Ports Can Be Changed Using A Configurator', [1.5, 2.5, 0]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.showControls(60, [1.5, 3.5, 0], 'down').rightClick().withItem('mekanism:configurator').whileSneaking(); - scene.idle(10); - scene.world.modifyBlock([1, 2, 0], (curState) => curState.with("active", "true"), true); - scene.idle(20); - scene.world.modifyBlock([1, 2, 0], (curState) => curState.with("active", "false"), true); - scene.idle(40); - - //hide front - scene.world.hideSection([0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(80, 'The Fusion Reactor is built using this pattern for each face.', [2.5, 2, 4.5]).attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(90); - - //east face - scene.world.showSection([4, 0, 0, 4, 4, 3], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10); - - //power port - scene.text(60, 'You will need a port for exporting power.', [4, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(70); - - //west face - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 3], Facing.down); - scene.idle(30); - - //Laser - scene.text(60, 'The Laser Matrix is used to kickstart the reactor.', [0, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(70); - - //bottom face - scene.world.showSection([1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3], Facing.down); - scene.idle(30); - - //top face - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 0, 3, 4, 3], Facing.down); - scene.idle(30); - - //controller - scene.text(60, 'The Fusion Reactor Controller must be placed in the middle of the top face.', [2.5, 4.5, 3.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(70); - - //north face - scene.world.showSection([1, 1, 0, 3, 3, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(30); - - //fuel input - - scene.text(30, 'You will need two ports for inputting Deuterium', [3.5, 2.5, 0]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(40); - scene.text(40, 'and Tritium.', [1.5, 2.5, 0]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(50); - - - - - - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/induction_mek.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/induction_mek.js deleted file mode 100644 index 64432b6..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/induction_mek.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create([ - 'mekanism:induction_casing', - 'mekanism:induction_port' - ]) - - .scene('induction_mek','Mekanism: Induction Matrix', 'kubejs:induction_matrix', - - (scene, util) => { - - //Show main build - - - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(80, 'The Induction Matrix is used to store tons of Power.', [0, 4.5, 4.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(85); - - //Hide and build - - scene.world.hideSection([0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4], Facing.up); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.world.showSection([4, 0, 4], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5); - - - [1, 2, 3, 4].forEach(num => { - scene.world.showSection([4, num, 4], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4, 0, 4 - num], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4 - num, 0, 4], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5) - }); - - [1, 2, 3].forEach(num => { - - scene.world.showSection([4, 4, 4 - num], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4 - num, 4, 4], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 4 - num], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4 - num, 0, 0], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, num, 4], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4, num, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5); - }); - - scene.text(80, 'The Edges Must Be Casings', [0, 4.5, 4.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(5); - - scene.world.showSection([4, 4, 0], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 4], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5); - - [1, 2, 3].forEach(num => { - - scene.world.showSection([0, num, 0], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 4 - num], Facing.down); - scene.world.showSection([4 - num, 4, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5) - }); - - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(60); - - - scene.text(80, 'The Faces Can Be Either Casings Or Structural Glass.', [0, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - - //Side Sections - - //top glass - scene.world.showSection([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3], Facing.down); - scene.idle(5) - - // bottom glass - scene.world.showSection([1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(5) - - // north glass - scene.world.showSection([1, 1, 0, 3, 3, 0], Facing.south); - scene.idle(5) - - // south glass - scene.world.showSection([1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 4], Facing.north); - scene.idle(5) - - // west glass - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3], Facing.east); - scene.idle(5) - - // east glass - scene.world.showSection([4, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3], Facing.west); - scene.idle(80); - - //Talk about Ports - - scene.text(60, 'Ports Are Used To Transfer Power.', [1.5, 1.5, 0]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(80); - - scene.text(80, 'Ports Can Be Changed Using A Configurator.', [1.5, 1.5, 0]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.showControls(80, [1.5, 2.5, 0], 'down').rightClick().withItem('mekanism:configurator').whileSneaking(); - scene.world.modifyBlock([1, 1, 0], (curState) => curState.with("active", "false"), true); - scene.idle(20); - scene.world.modifyBlock([1, 1, 0], (curState) => curState.with("active", "true"), true); - scene.idle(60); - - // Inside Part - - scene.world.hideSection([0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 0], Facing.up) - scene.world.hideSection([0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 3], Facing.up) - scene.world.hideSection([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3], Facing.up) - scene.idle(20); - - scene.text(60, 'Induction Cells Are Used To Increase Power Storage.', [2.5, 1.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 1, 2], 'mekanism:basic_induction_cell', false); - scene.world.showSection([2, 1, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(65); - scene.text(60, 'Induction Providers Are Used To Increase Power Transfer Rate.', [2.5, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 2, 2], 'mekanism:basic_induction_provider', false); - scene.world.showSection([2, 2, 2], Facing.down) - scene.idle(65) - - scene.text(60, 'The Matrix Must Have One Cell and One Provider.', [2, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(65) - - - - //Show All - - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 0], Facing.up) - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 3], Facing.up) - scene.world.showSection([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3], Facing.up) - scene.idle(10); - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/pylons.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/pylons.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7c38483..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/pylons.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create("pylons:harvester_pylon") - .scene("harvest1", "Using the Harvester Pylon", "farm", (scene, util) => { - scene.showBasePlate() - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("The Harvester Pylon").independent(20).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("is placed in the water").independent(36).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("block for the farm").independent(52).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.world.hideSection([0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 3], Facing.DOWN) - scene.idle(10) - scene.showControls(20, [4.5, 1, 4.5], "down") - .rightClick() - .withItem("pylons:harvester_pylon") - scene.idle(10) - scene.world.modifyBlock([4, 0, 4], () => Block.id("pylons:harvester_pylon").with("waterlogged", "true"), false) - scene.idle(20) - scene.addLazyKeyframe() - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("The Harvester Pylon").independent(20).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("needs a hoe in it's").independent(36).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("inventory to operate").independent(52).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.showControls(20, [4.5, 1, 4.5], "down") - .withItem("minecraft:stone_hoe") - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("it's durability will be").independent(68).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("used during harvesting").independent(84).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(30) - scene.addLazyKeyframe() - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("The Harvester Pylon").independent(20).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("needs storage above it").independent(36).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(40).text("to place harvested items into").independent(52).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.showControls(20, [4.5, 2, 4.5], "down") - .rightClick() - .withItem("minecraft:barrel") - scene.idle(10) - scene.world.showSection([4, 1, 4], Facing.down) - scene.idle(20) - scene.addLazyKeyframe() - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 3], Facing.UP) - scene.idle(10) - let threeby = util.select.fromTo(3, 1, 3, 5, 1, 5).substract(util.select.position(4,1,4)) - let fiveby = util.select.fromTo(2, 1, 2, 6, 1, 6).substract(util.select.position(4,1,4)) - let sevenby = util.select.fromTo(1, 1, 1, 7, 1, 7).substract(util.select.position(4,1,4)) - let nineby = util.select.fromTo(0, 1, 0, 8, 1, 8).substract(util.select.position(4,1,4)) - scene.world.setBlocks(nineby, Block.id("minecraft:wheat",{age:"7"}),false) - scene.world.showSection(nineby, Facing.UP) - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(60).text("The Harvester Pylon").independent(20).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(60).text("can be set to harvest").independent(36).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(60).text("in an area of:").independent(52).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(20).text("3x3").independent(68).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showOutline(PonderPalette.GREEN, "threeby", threeby, 30) - scene.idle(10) - scene.world.modifyBlocks(threeby, (curState) => curState.with("age",0), false) - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(20).text("5x5").independent(68).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showOutline(PonderPalette.GREEN, "fiveby", fiveby, 30) - scene.idle(10) - scene.world.modifyBlocks(fiveby, (curState) => curState.with("age",0), false) - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(20).text("7x7").independent(68).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showOutline(PonderPalette.GREEN, "sevenby", sevenby, 30) - scene.idle(10) - scene.world.modifyBlocks(sevenby, (curState) => curState.with("age",0), false) - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showText(20).text("9x9").independent(68).placeNearTarget() - scene.idle(10) - scene.overlay.showOutline(PonderPalette.GREEN, "nineby", nineby, 30) - scene.idle(10) - scene.world.modifyBlocks(nineby, (curState) => curState.with("age",0), false) - scene.idle(10) - }) - -}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/sps.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/sps.js deleted file mode 100644 index 61f0363..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/sps.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create([ - 'mekanism:sps_casing', - 'mekanism:sps_port', - 'mekanism:supercharged_coil']) - .scene('sps','Mekanism Supercritical Phase Shifter (SPS)', 'kubejs:sps', - - (scene, util) => { - - - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 6], Facing.down); - scene.setSceneOffsetY(-1); - scene.idle(20); - - scene.text(60, 'The SPS converts Polonium into Antimatter Gas using a large amount of power', [0, 3.5, 6.5]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.addKeyframe(); - scene.idle(80) - - scene.addKeyframe() - - scene.text(60, 'Ports Can Be Changed Using A Configurator', [2.5, 1.5, 0]).placeNearTarget(); - scene.showControls(60, [2.5, 2.5, 0], 'down').rightClick().withItem('mekanism:configurator').whileSneaking(); - scene.idle(10); - scene.world.modifyBlock([2, 1, 0], (curState) => curState.with("active", "true"), false); - scene.idle(20); - scene.world.modifyBlock([2, 1, 0], (curState) => curState.with("active", "false"), false); - scene.idle(40); - - scene.world.hideSection([0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 5], Facing.up); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(60, 'The SPS is built using this pattern for each face.', [2.5, 4, 5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(60); - - //east face - scene.world.showSection([6, 0, 0, 6, 7, 5], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(60, 'On one side, you will need a Port in the middle to input power.', [5.5, 4, 3]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(70); - - scene.world.showSection([5, 3, 3], Facing.down); - scene.text(60, 'On the inside, place a Supercharged Coil on the Port.', [5, 4, 3]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(80); - - //west face - scene.world.showSection([0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 5], Facing.down); - scene.idle(30); - - scene.world.showSection([1, 3, 3], Facing.down); - scene.text(60, 'You can also use two Supercharged Coils for max power usage.', [0, 4, 3]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(80); - - //bottom face - scene.world.showSection([1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 5], Facing.down); - scene.idle(30); - - //top face - scene.world.showSection([1, 6, 0, 5, 6, 5], Facing.down); - scene.idle(30); - - //north face - scene.world.showSection([1, 1, 0, 5, 5, 0], Facing.down); - scene.idle(30); - - - scene.text(60, 'You will need one Port for inputting Polonium.', [4.5, 1.5, 0]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(70); - - scene.world.modifyBlock([2, 1, 0], (curState) => curState.with("active", "true"), true); - scene.text(60, 'And another for exporting Antimatter Gas.', [2.5, 1.5, 0]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(70); - - - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/turbine_mek.js b/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/turbine_mek.js deleted file mode 100644 index e12377b..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/client_scripts/ponder/turbine_mek.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -Ponder.registry((event) => { - event.create([ - 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_casing', - 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_valve', - 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', - 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_rotor', - 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_blade', - 'mekanismgenerators:rotational_complex', - 'mekanismgenerators:saturating_condenser', - 'mekanism:pressure_disperser', - 'mekanismgenerators:electromagnetic_coil', - ]) - .scene('turbine_mek','Mekanism: Industrial Turbine', 'kubejs:turbine_mek', - - (scene, util) => { - - - scene.showStructure(); - scene.idle(5); - - scene.text(60, 'The Industrial Turbine uses Heated Coolant to create Power.', [0, 4.5, 4.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(65); - - scene.text(60, 'The edges must be made of Turbine Casings.', [0, 4.5, 4.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(65); - - scene.text(60, 'The faces can be Turbine Casings, Structural Glass, Valves, or Vents.', [0, 2.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(65); - - scene.text(60, 'Turbine Valves pump in Steam, or export Power.', [0, 1.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(65); - - //hide top - scene.world.hideSection([0, 4, 0, 4, 6, 4], Facing.up); - scene.idle(5); - - //hide walls - scene.world.hideSection([0, 4, 0, 4, 6, 4], Facing.up); - scene.world.hideSection([0, 1, 0, 3, 6, 0], Facing.up); - scene.world.hideSection([0, 1, 0, 0, 6, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(10); - - //Turbine Rotor - - scene.text(80, 'Turbine Rotors must be placed in the middle. Each Rotor uses 2 Turbine Blades.', [2, 3.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(85); - - //show next layer - scene.world.showSection([2, 4, 2], Facing.up); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(80, 'A Rotational Complex must be placed on top of the Turbine Rotor.', [2, 4.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(85); - - scene.world.showSection([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([3, 4, 2], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([1, 4, 2], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([1, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(80, 'Pressure Dispersers must fill the layer around the Rotational Complex.', [1, 4.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(85); - - //Show Layer Vents - - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([0, 4, 1, 0, 4, 3], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4], Facing.up); - - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 0], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3], Facing.up); - - scene.text(120, 'Starting on this layer, Turbine Vents can be used for the outer faces. These also export Water from the Turbine.', [0, 4.5, 3.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(125); - - //Show Electromagnetic Coil - - scene.world.showSection([2, 5, 2], Facing.up); - scene.idle(5); - - scene.text(60, 'Electromagnetic Coils are placed on top of the Rotational Complex.', [2, 5.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(65); - - scene.world.setBlock([2, 5, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:electromagnetic_coil', true); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 5, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:electromagnetic_coil', true); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 5, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:electromagnetic_coil', true); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 5, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:electromagnetic_coil', true); - scene.world.showSection([2, 5, 1], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([1, 5, 2], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([2, 5, 3], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([3, 5, 2], Facing.up); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(100, 'A max of 5 can be placed. They either must connect to each other, or be touching the Rotational Complex.', [2, 5.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(105); - - //Saturating Condensers - - scene.world.showSection([3, 5, 3], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([1, 5, 1], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([1, 5, 3], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([3, 5, 1], Facing.up); - - scene.text(120, 'Saturating Condensers are used to convert Steam back into Water. These are not required, but must be placed on or above the Coil Layer.', [1, 5.5, 1.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(130); - - //Show other layers - - scene.world.showSection([0, 5, 0, 4, 5, 0], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([0, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([0, 5, 1, 0, 5, 3], Facing.up); - scene.world.showSection([4, 5, 0, 4, 5, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(5); - - scene.world.showSection([0, 6, 0, 4, 6, 4], Facing.up); - scene.idle(20); - - scene.world.hideSection([1, 6, 1, 3, 6, 3], Facing.up); - scene.idle(15); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 6, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 6, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 6, 1], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 6, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 6, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 6, 2], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.world.setBlock([1, 6, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.world.setBlock([2, 6, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.world.setBlock([3, 6, 3], 'mekanismgenerators:turbine_vent', false); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.world.showSection([1, 6, 1, 3, 6, 3], Facing.down); - scene.idle(10); - - scene.text(80, 'The Top Face can be replaced with Turbine Vents, if needed.', [2.5, 6.5, 2.5]).placeNearTarget().attachKeyFrame(); - scene.idle(85); - - - - }); -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/kubejs/config/client.properties b/src/kubejs/config/client.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 51c73a9..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/config/client.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -#KubeJS Client Properties -#Sun Nov 12 12:39:14 EST 2023 -backgroundColor=2E3440 -barBorderColor=3498DB -exportAtlases=false -menuBackgroundBrightness=64 -disableRecipeBook=true -title=GalacticFactory -barColor=3498DB -overrideColors=true -fmlLogColor=3498DB -showTagNames=false -fmlMemoryColor=3498DB -menuBackgroundScale=32.0 -menuInnerBackgroundBrightness=32 diff --git a/src/kubejs/config/defaultoptions.txt b/src/kubejs/config/defaultoptions.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ea28c40..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/config/defaultoptions.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -key_key.chat:key.keyboard.slash -key_key.command:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.socialInteractions:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.screenshot:key.keyboard.f2 -key_key.togglePerspective:key.keyboard.f5 -key_key.saveToolbarActivator:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.loadToolbarActivator:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.advancements:key.keyboard.unknown -key_placebo.toggleTrails:key.keyboard.keypad.9 -key_placebo.toggleWings:key.keyboard.keypad.8 -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.open_backpack:key.keyboard.b -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.inventory_interaction:key.keyboard.c -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.tool_swap:key.keyboard.unknown -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.sort:key.mouse.middle -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_5:key.keyboard.unknown -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_4:key.keyboard.unknown -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_3:key.keyboard.unknown -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_2:key.keyboard.x:ALT -key_keybind.sophisticatedbackpacks.toggle_upgrade_1:key.keyboard.z:ALT -key_key.curios.open.desc:key.keyboard.unknown -key_iris.keybind.reload:key.keyboard.p -key_iris.keybind.toggleShaders:key.keyboard.i -key_iris.keybind.shaderPackSelection:key.keyboard.o -key_key.ftbultimine:key.keyboard.grave.accent -key_key.ftbteams.open_gui:key.keyboard.keypad.multiply -key_key.ftbchunks.map:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ftbchunks.claim_manager:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ftbchunks.minimap.zoomIn:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ftbchunks.minimap.zoomOut:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ftbchunks.add_waypoint:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ftbchunks.waypoint_manager:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ftbquests.quests:key.keyboard.keypad.subtract -key_key.sethorse.desc:key.keyboard.z -key_key.callhorse.desc:key.keyboard.v -key_key.showstats.desc:key.keyboard.k -key_key.mekanism.mode:key.keyboard.n -key_key.mekanism.head_mode:key.keyboard.v -key_key.mekanism.chest_mode:key.keyboard.g -key_key.mekanism.legs_mode:key.keyboard.j -key_key.mekanism.feet_mode:key.keyboard.b -key_key.mekanism.details:key.keyboard.left.shift -key_key.mekanism.description:key.keyboard.n:SHIFT -key_key.mekanism.module_tweaker:key.keyboard.backslash -key_key.mekanism.key_boost:key.keyboard.left.control -key_key.mekanism.key_hud:key.keyboard.h -key_key.mekanismadditions.voice:key.keyboard.u -key_key.journeymap.zoom_in:key.keyboard.equal -key_key.journeymap.zoom_out:key.keyboard.minus -key_key.journeymap.minimap_type:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.journeymap.minimap_preset:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.journeymap.create_waypoint:key.keyboard.n -key_key.journeymap.toggle_waypoints:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen_create_waypoint:key.keyboard.n -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen_chat_position:key.keyboard.c -key_key.journeymap.map_toggle_alt:key.keyboard.m -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen_waypoints:key.keyboard.n:CONTROL -key_key.journeymap.minimap_toggle_alt:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen_options:key.keyboard.o -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen.north:key.keyboard.up -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen.south:key.keyboard.down -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen.east:key.keyboard.right -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen.west:key.keyboard.left -key_key.journeymap.fullscreen.disable_buttons:key.keyboard.h -key_key.seasonhud.seasonhudOptions:key.keyboard.h -key_key.push_to_talk:key.keyboard.caps.lock -key_key.whisper:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.mute_microphone:key.keyboard.m -key_key.disable_voice_chat:key.keyboard.n -key_key.hide_icons:key.keyboard.h -key_key.voice_chat:key.keyboard.v -key_key.voice_chat_settings:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.voice_chat_group:key.keyboard.g -key_key.voice_chat_toggle_recording:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.voice_chat_adjust_volumes:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.trade_cycling.cycle_trades:key.keyboard.c -key_key.jade.config:key.keyboard.keypad.0 -key_key.jade.show_overlay:key.keyboard.keypad.1 -key_key.jade.toggle_liquid:key.keyboard.keypad.2 -key_key.jade.show_recipes:key.keyboard.keypad.3 -key_key.jade.show_uses:key.keyboard.keypad.4 -key_key.jade.narrate:key.keyboard.keypad.5 -key_key.jade.show_details:key.keyboard.left.control -key_key.ae2.guide:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ae2.wireless_pattern_access_terminal:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ae2.ae2wtlib_restock:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ae2.ae2wtlib_magnet:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ae2.portable_item_cell:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ae2.portable_fluid_cell:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ae2.wireless_pattern_encoding_terminal:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.ae2.wireless_terminal:key.keyboard.unknown -key_justzoom.keybinds.keybind.zoom:key.keyboard.r -key_key.craftpresence.config_keycode.name:key.keyboard.unknown -key_key.walljump.walljump:key.keyboard.left.shift diff --git a/src/kubejs/config/packicon.png b/src/kubejs/config/packicon.png deleted file mode 100644 index 54e84ad..0000000 Binary files a/src/kubejs/config/packicon.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/almost_unified.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/almost_unified.js deleted file mode 100644 index fb3575d..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/almost_unified.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// from https://github.com/AlmostReliable/almostunified/wiki/Limitations#unification-of-ore-generation -LootJS.modifiers(event => { - event.addBlockLootModifier('#forge:ores').modifyLoot('#forge:raw_materials', item => { - const replacement = AlmostUnified.getReplacementForItem(item); - if (replacement.isEmpty()) { - return item; - } - replacement.setCount(item.getCount()); - return replacement; - }); -}); diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/cardboard_box_blacklist.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/cardboard_box_blacklist.js deleted file mode 100644 index a62d523..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/cardboard_box_blacklist.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.tags('block', event => { - // The Create Large Water Wheel breaks when boxed - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported', 'create:large_water_wheel') - - // Blacklist waystones - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported','#waystones:waystones') - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported','#waystones:sharestones') - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported','waystones:portstone') - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported','waystones:warp_plate') - - // The AE2 Meteorite Compass finds meteors using the mysterious cube, meaning it should not be player movable - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported', "ae2:mysterious_cube") - - // Blacklist Cataclysm boss spawning altars - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported', 'cataclysm:altar_of_fire') - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported', 'cataclysm:altar_of_void') - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported', 'cataclysm:altar_of_abyss') - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported', 'cataclysm:altar_of_amethyst') - - // Blacklist boss spawners from Ratlantis - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported', 'rats:air_raid_siren') - event.add('forge:relocation_not_supported', 'rats:dutchrat_bell') -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/clearlag.js.disabled b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/clearlag.js.disabled deleted file mode 100644 index 9267832..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/clearlag.js.disabled +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -let cleaningTime = 1200 * 30; -let timerCheck = 1200; -let timerOn = true; - -let round = 0; -let lastClearLagResult = Utils.newList(); -let lastTotalClearLagResult = Utils.newCountingMap(); - -let blacklist = [ - 'sophisticatedbackpacks:backpack', - 'sophisticatedbackpacks:iron_backpack', - 'sophisticatedbackpacks:gold_backpack', - 'sophisticatedbackpacks:diamond_backpack', - 'sophisticatedbackpacks:netherite_backpack' -]; -let clearLag =(server, reset) => { - let itemList = server.getEntities().filter(entity => entity.type.equals('minecraft:item')); - let lastResult = Utils.newCountingMap(); - - lastClearLagResult.clear(); - lastTotalClearLagResult.clear(); - - itemList.forEach(items => { - if(!blacklist.includes(items.getFullNBT().Item.id)) { - var key = items.name; - lastResult.add(key, items.item.count); - lastTotalClearLagResult.add(key, items.item.count); - items.kill(); - } - }); - - lastClearLagResult.addAll(lastResult.entries); - lastClearLagResult.sort(null); - - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag] ' ), `${lastTotalClearLagResult.totalCount}`, ' Removed items.']); - if(reset) round = 0; -} -let timeSchedule = (server) => { - if(timerOn) { - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'),' ClearLag is turned on!']); - server.scheduleInTicks(timerCheck, callback => { - let currentTime = timerCheck*++round; - let nextItems = server.getEntities().filter(entity => entity.type.equals('minecraft:item')).length; - if(cleaningTime < currentTime) { - clearLag(server, true); - if(timerOn) { - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'),' ClearLag is turned off!']); - timerOnChanged = false; - } - } - if (timerCheckChange) { - timerCheckChange = false; - round = 0; - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'),' TimerCheck got updated to ', `${timerCheck/1200}`, '!']); - }else if (cleaningTimeChange) { - cleaningTimeChange = false; - round = 0; - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'),' Timer got updated to ', `${cleaningTime/1200}`, '!']); - } else if ((currentTime+timerCheck) / 1200 > 1) - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'), ' Removing ', `${nextItems}`, ' items in ', `${(cleaningTime - currentTime) / 1200}`, ' minutes!']); - if(timerOn) callback.reschedule(); - }) - } -} - -ServerEvents.loaded(event => { - timeSchedule(event.server); -}); - -let cleaningTimeChange = false; -let timerCheckChange = false; - -ServerEvents.commandRegistry(event => { - const {commands: Commands, arguments: Arguments} = event; - event.register( - Commands.literal('clearlag') - .then(Commands.literal('clear').executes(ctx => { - let server = ctx.source.getServer(); - clearLag(server, false); - return 1; - })) - .then(Commands.literal('result').executes(ctx => { - let server = ctx.source.getServer(); - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'), ' Report:']); - lastClearLagResult.forEach(results => { - server.tell(['[ ', results.key, ': ', results.value, ' ]']) - }); - return 1; - })) - .then(Commands.literal('interval').then(Commands.argument('integer', Arguments.INTEGER.create(event))).executes(ctx => { - let server = ctx.source.getServer(); - const time = Arguments.INTEGER.getResult(ctx, 'integer') * 1200; - timerCheckChange = true; - timerCheck = time; - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'), ' Interval set to ', time, ' minute']) - return 1; - })) - .then(Commands.literal('timer').then(Commands.argument('integer', Arguments.INTEGER.create(event)).executes(ctx => { - let server = ctx.source.getServer(); - const time = Arguments.INTEGER.getResult(ctx, 'integer') * 1200; - cleaningTimeChange = true - cleaningTime = time; - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'), ' Timer set to ', time, ' minute']) - return 1; - }))) - .then(Commands.literal('timerOn').then(Commands.argument('boolean', Arguments.BOOLEAN.create(event)).executes(ctx => { - let server = ctx.source.getServer(); - const timeOn = Arguments.BOOLEAN.getResult(ctx, 'boolean'); - if(timerOn === timeOn) return 1; - timerOn = timeOn; - if(timerOn) timeSchedule(server); - server.tell([Text.green('[ClearLag]'), ' ClearLag is ', timerOn]) - return 1; - }))) - ) -}); diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ad_astra.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ad_astra.js deleted file mode 100644 index c1dc88f..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ad_astra.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes(event => { - // Remove Ad Astra's tier 1 rocket recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "ad_astra:tier_1_rocket" }) - - event.custom({ - "type": "ad_astra:nasa_workbench", - "ingredients": [ - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_nose_cone"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:steel_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:steel_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:steel_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:steel_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:steel_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:steel_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "mekanism:basic_induction_provider"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:steel_tank"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:steel_tank"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "mekanism:basic_induction_provider"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_fin"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:steel_engine"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_fin"}} - ], - "output": "ad_astra:tier_1_rocket" - }) - - // Remove Ad Astra's tier 2 rocket recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "ad_astra:tier_2_rocket" }) - - event.custom({ - "type": "ad_astra:nasa_workbench", - "ingredients": [ - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_nose_cone"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:desh_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:desh_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:desh_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:desh_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:desh_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:desh_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "mekanism:advanced_induction_provider"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:desh_tank"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:desh_tank"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "mekanism:advanced_induction_provider"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_fin"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:desh_engine"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_fin"}} - ], - "output": "ad_astra:tier_2_rocket" - }) - - // Remove Ad Astra's tier 3 rocket recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "ad_astra:tier_3_rocket" }) - - event.custom({ - "type": "ad_astra:nasa_workbench", - "ingredients": [ - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_nose_cone"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:ostrum_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:ostrum_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:ostrum_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:ostrum_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:ostrum_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:ostrum_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "mekanism:elite_induction_provider"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:ostrum_tank"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:ostrum_tank"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "mekanism:elite_induction_provider"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_fin"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:ostrum_engine"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_fin"}} - ], - "output": "ad_astra:tier_3_rocket" - }) - - // Remove Ad Astra's tier 4 rocket recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "ad_astra:tier_4_rocket" }) - - event.custom({ - "type": "ad_astra:nasa_workbench", - "ingredients": [ - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_nose_cone"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:calorite_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:calorite_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:calorite_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:calorite_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:calorite_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"tag": "ad_astra_platform:calorite_blocks"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "mekanism:ultimate_induction_provider"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:calorite_tank"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:calorite_tank"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "mekanism:ultimate_induction_provider"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_fin"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:calorite_engine"}}, - {"ingredient":{"item": "ad_astra:rocket_fin"}} - ], - "output": "ad_astra:tier_4_rocket" - }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ae2.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ae2.js deleted file mode 100644 index 281fb11..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ae2.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes((event) => { - // Remove the Applied Energistics 2 Inscriber recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "ae2:inscriber" }) - - event.shaped("ae2:inscriber", [ - 'ABA', - 'C A', - 'ABA' - ], { - A: "minecraft:iron_ingot", - B: "minecraft:sticky_piston", - C: "mekanism:alloy_infused" - }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/cheese.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/cheese.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2a77b39..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/cheese.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes(event => { - // Add a recipe to convert Rats cheese to Ad Astra cheese - event.shapeless('1x ad_astra:cheese', ['rats:cheese']) - - // Add a recipe to convert Ad Astra cheese to Rats cheese - event.shapeless('1x rats:cheese', ['ad_astra:cheese']) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/cookingforblockheads.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/cookingforblockheads.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0ecacac..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/cookingforblockheads.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes((event) => { - // Remove the Cooking for Blockheads Sink recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "cookingforblockheads:sink" }) - - event.shaped("cookingforblockheads:sink", [ - 'AAA', - 'BCB', - 'BBB' - ], { - A: "mekanism:alloy_atomic", - B: "minecraft:terracotta", - C: "watersources:water_source_tier_5" - }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/immersiveengineering.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/immersiveengineering.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4a190c6..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/immersiveengineering.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes(event => { - // Remove Immersive Engineering's Hammer's shapeless crafting recipe for the Aluminum Plate - event.remove({ output: "immersiveengineering:plate_aluminum", type: 'minecraft:crafting_shapeless' }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/industrialforegoing.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/industrialforegoing.js deleted file mode 100644 index 83afda6..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/industrialforegoing.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes(event => { - // Remove Industrial Foregoing's Latex Processing Unit recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "industrialforegoing:latex_processing_unit" }) - - event.shaped("industrialforegoing:latex_processing_unit", [ - 'ABC', - 'DEF', - 'CGA' - ], { - A: "immersiveengineering:plate_aluminum", - B: "minecraft:redstone_block", - C: "create:iron_sheet", - D: "minecraft:water_bucket", - E: "industrialforegoing:machine_frame_pity", - F: "industrialforegoing:latex_bucket", - G: "minecraft:furnace" - }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ironjetpacks.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ironjetpacks.js deleted file mode 100644 index 070c82b..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/ironjetpacks.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes((event) => { - // Remove the Iron Jetpack Basic Coil recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "ironjetpacks:basic_coil" }) - - event.shaped("ironjetpacks:basic_coil", [ - ' AB', - 'ACA', - 'BA ' - ], { - A: "minecraft:iron_ingot", - B: "minecraft:redstone", - C: "immersiveengineering:stick_steel" - }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/mekanism.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/mekanism.js deleted file mode 100644 index 363f97b..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/mekanism.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes((event) => { - // Remove the Mekanism Metallurgic Infuser recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "mekanism:metallurgic_infuser" }) - - event.custom({ - "type": "industrialforegoing:dissolution_chamber", - "input": [ - {"item": "industrialforegoing:plastic"}, - {"item": "minecraft:furnace"}, - {"item": "immersiveengineering:plate_aluminum"}, - {"item": "immersiveengineering:slag"}, - {"item": "immersiveengineering:slag"}, - {"item": "immersiveengineering:plate_aluminum"}, - {"item": "industrialforegoing:machine_frame_advanced"}, - {"item": "industrialforegoing:plastic"} - ], - "inputFluid": "{Amount:500,FluidName:\"industrialforegoing:pink_slime\"}", - "output": { item: "mekanism:metallurgic_infuser" }, - "processingTime": 300 - }) - - // Remove the Mekanism Anchor Upgrade recipe - event.remove({ output: "mekanism:upgrade_anchor" }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/mekaweapons.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/mekaweapons.js deleted file mode 100644 index 1d11cce..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/mekaweapons.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes(event => { - // Remove Mekaweapon's Meka-Tana recipe and replace it with a more expensive one - event.remove({ output: "mekaweapons:mekatana" }) - - event.shaped("mekaweapons:mekatana", [ - 'ABA', - 'CDC', - 'EFE' - ], { - A: "mekanism:ultimate_control_circuit", - B: "mekaweapons:katana_blade", - C: "mekanism:hdpe_sheet", - D: "mekanism:pellet_antimatter", - E: "mekanism:pellet_polonium", - F: "mekanism:ultimate_induction_cell", - }) - - // Remove Mekaweapon's Meka-Bow recipe and replace it with a more expensive one - event.remove({ output: "mekaweapons:mekabow" }) - - event.shaped("mekaweapons:mekabow", [ - 'ABA', - 'CDC', - 'CEC' - ], { - A: "mekanism:pellet_polonium", - B: "mekaweapons:bow_riser", - C: "mekanism:ingot_refined_obsidian", - D: "mekanism:pellet_antimatter", - E: "mekaweapons:bow_limb" - }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/scannable.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/scannable.js deleted file mode 100644 index 90a2ada..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/recipes/scannable.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.recipes((event) => { - // Remove the Scannable Scanner recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "scannable:scanner" }) - - event.shaped("scannable:scanner", [ - 'A A', - 'BCB', - 'DED' - ], { - A: "mekanism:ingot_osmium", - B: "mekanism:advanced_control_circuit", - C: "minecraft:redstone", - D: "minecraft:gold_ingot", - E: "minecraft:quartz" - }) - - // Remove the Scannable Blank Module recipe and add a progression-based one - event.remove({ output: "scannable:blank_module" }) - - event.shaped("scannable:blank_module", [ - 'AAA', - 'BCB', - 'BDB' - ], { - A: "mekanism:basic_control_circuit", - B: "minecraft:clay_ball", - C: "minecraft:glowstone_dust", - D: "minecraft:gold_nugget" - }) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/test.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/test.js deleted file mode 100644 index a892e52..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -// priority: 0 - -ServerEvents.recipes(event => { - event.shapeless("minecraft:flint", - ["minecraft:gravel", - "minecraft:gravel", - "minecraft:gravel"]) -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/weapon_compat.js b/src/kubejs/server_scripts/weapon_compat.js deleted file mode 100644 index b70c580..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/server_scripts/weapon_compat.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -ServerEvents.tags('item', event => { - event.add('immersiveengineering:toolbox/tools','mekaweapons:mekatana'); - event.add('minecraft:tools','mekaweapons:mekatana'); - event.add('forge:tools','mekaweapons:mekatana'); - event.add('minecraft:swords','mekaweapons:mekatana'); - event.add('minecraft:breaks_decorated_pots','mekaweapons:mekatana'); -}) diff --git a/src/kubejs/startup_scripts/startup.js b/src/kubejs/startup_scripts/startup.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2e90ecc..0000000 --- a/src/kubejs/startup_scripts/startup.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -// priority: 0 - -Platform.mods.kubejs.name = 'GalacticFactory' diff --git a/src/mods/achievements-optimizer.pw.toml b/src/mods/achievements-optimizer.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 4b910a2..0000000 --- a/src/mods/achievements-optimizer.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "Achievements Optimizer" -filename = "AchievementOptimizer-1.20.1-1.0.2.jar" -side = "server" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/SvXrP8rT/versions/Zi9XTUg0/AchievementOptimizer-1.20.1-1.0.2.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "42263ee2a5ae94f8061b597e1f803a3aac8b527b" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "SvXrP8rT" -version = "Zi9XTUg0" diff --git a/src/mods/ad-astra.pw.toml b/src/mods/ad-astra.pw.toml index 96b8a58..8104a02 100644 --- a/src/mods/ad-astra.pw.toml +++ b/src/mods/ad-astra.pw.toml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ name = "Ad Astra" -filename = "ad_astra-forge-1.20.1-1.15.18.jar" +filename = "ad_astra-fabric-1.20.1-1.15.18.jar" side = "both" [download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/3ufwT9JF/versions/WUGYX9Me/ad_astra-forge-1.20.1-1.15.18.jar" +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/3ufwT9JF/versions/MxqFxL9C/ad_astra-fabric-1.20.1-1.15.18.jar" hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "4bcd0ac9aa80107b6b7f02deef4cdc727becd099" +hash = "d93d7a03c15a642fa88c84d67bdca0d90a011efe" [update] [update.modrinth] mod-id = "3ufwT9JF" -version = "WUGYX9Me" +version = "MxqFxL9C" diff --git a/src/mods/addadd.pw.toml b/src/mods/addadd.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7a55d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/addadd.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Additional Additions" +filename = "AdditionalAdditions-6.0.1.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/R4TvILfj/versions/1ljqbdZZ/AdditionalAdditions-6.0.1.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "68c8873544b4b01708c9f508c49ac401db079541" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "R4TvILfj" +version = "1ljqbdZZ" diff --git a/src/mods/advanced-mining-dimension.pw.toml b/src/mods/advanced-mining-dimension.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index dc63fbd..0000000 --- a/src/mods/advanced-mining-dimension.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "Advanced Mining Dimension" -filename = "mining-dimension-forge-1.20.1-1.1.0.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/XRETyQl3/versions/SfCtwxcf/mining-dimension-forge-1.20.1-1.1.0.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "04b19427a881bbeff1967ed95050f98021a74461" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "XRETyQl3" -version = "SfCtwxcf" diff --git a/src/mods/advanced-netherite.pw.toml b/src/mods/advanced-netherite.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97acd42 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/advanced-netherite.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Advanced Netherite" +filename = "advancednetherite-fabric-2.1.0-1.20.1.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/CFX9ftUJ/versions/YXxzfT2a/advancednetherite-fabric-2.1.0-1.20.1.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "c1634a6a03489d1d67bf62705921e5f2cbacffb0" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "CFX9ftUJ" +version = "YXxzfT2a" diff --git a/src/mods/advancedperipherals.pw.toml b/src/mods/advancedperipherals.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 4143de6..0000000 --- a/src/mods/advancedperipherals.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "Advanced Peripherals" -filename = "AdvancedPeripherals-1.20.1-0.7.38r.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/SOw6jD6x/versions/ptFMzRpp/AdvancedPeripherals-1.20.1-0.7.38r.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "aac250a09b33babc275889c962325aef5f457dc4" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "SOw6jD6x" -version = "ptFMzRpp" diff --git a/src/mods/advancement-plaques.pw.toml b/src/mods/advancement-plaques.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b30b202 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/advancement-plaques.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Advancement Plaques" +filename = "AdvancementPlaques-1.20.1-fabric-1.4.11.jar" +side = "client" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/9NM0dXub/versions/NaXd1ujM/AdvancementPlaques-1.20.1-fabric-1.4.11.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "43b1210a1441e6579a1c1382f46bf445bb945d98" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "9NM0dXub" +version = "NaXd1ujM" diff --git a/src/mods/ae2-emi-crafting.pw.toml b/src/mods/ae2-emi-crafting.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5a6d5d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/ae2-emi-crafting.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "AE2 EMI Crafting Integration" +filename = "ae2-emi-crafting-1.3.1.jar" +side = "client" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/eVAp8Nkw/versions/lEmazn2j/ae2-emi-crafting-1.3.1.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "1a8d8e4a58c9be517c05c14f36c7d663f65a569f" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "eVAp8Nkw" +version = "lEmazn2j" diff --git a/src/mods/ae2-things-forge.pw.toml b/src/mods/ae2-things-forge.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 5d10cb7..0000000 --- a/src/mods/ae2-things-forge.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "AE2 Things [Forge]" -filename = "AE2-Things-1.2.1.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "9862284af52931df937980f199a401bfe6651587" -mode = "metadata:curseforge" - -[update] -[update.curseforge] -file-id = 4616683 -project-id = 609977 diff --git a/src/mods/ae2.pw.toml b/src/mods/ae2.pw.toml index c042856..c7067fc 100644 --- a/src/mods/ae2.pw.toml +++ b/src/mods/ae2.pw.toml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ name = "Applied Energistics 2" -filename = "appliedenergistics2-forge-15.2.0.jar" +filename = "appliedenergistics2-fabric-15.2.0.jar" side = "both" [download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/XxWD5pD3/versions/CEmkqbKV/appliedenergistics2-forge-15.2.0.jar" +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/XxWD5pD3/versions/qpG9cRjY/appliedenergistics2-fabric-15.2.0.jar" hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "dc3635d792590b2ea4a9254613c13edb1c26f00d" +hash = "ef1619d2a602350e6133c8471d4f2e28834d5ba3" [update] [update.modrinth] mod-id = "XxWD5pD3" -version = "CEmkqbKV" +version = "qpG9cRjY" diff --git a/src/mods/aeinfinitybooster.pw.toml b/src/mods/aeinfinitybooster.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 78dbfcf..0000000 --- a/src/mods/aeinfinitybooster.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "AEInfinityBooster" -filename = "AEInfinityBooster-1.20.1-1.0.0+20.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/VQhDBNs8/versions/cTJwfNfV/AEInfinityBooster-1.20.1-1.0.0%2B20.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "50e7a335e302f480e2fc0b6ae5f6da41816f6f01" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "VQhDBNs8" -version = "cTJwfNfV" diff --git a/src/mods/almost-unified.pw.toml b/src/mods/almost-unified.pw.toml index a4a7bfe..aca42c9 100644 --- a/src/mods/almost-unified.pw.toml +++ b/src/mods/almost-unified.pw.toml @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ name = "Almost Unified" -filename = "almostunified-forge-1.20.1-0.9.3.jar" -side = "both" +filename = "almostunified-fabric-1.20.1-0.9.3.jar" +side = "server" [download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/sdaSaQEz/versions/fscv1Pjy/almostunified-forge-1.20.1-0.9.3.jar" +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/sdaSaQEz/versions/s5fw9UvM/almostunified-fabric-1.20.1-0.9.3.jar" hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "e03d5bcc2f8de175d8a790464c2e4e337677463c" +hash = "4c8e59fc37a2c653344049e8e7fa47f7007e7bd6" [update] [update.modrinth] mod-id = "sdaSaQEz" -version = "fscv1Pjy" +version = "s5fw9UvM" diff --git a/src/mods/amecs.pw.toml b/src/mods/amecs.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5013df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/amecs.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Amecs" +filename = "amecs-1.3.10+mc.1.20.1.jar" +side = "client" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/rcLriA4v/versions/HuXAp0GB/amecs-1.3.10%2Bmc.1.20.1.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "1eff33308da62b47e5767875b28cdd436da77e2c" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "rcLriA4v" +version = "HuXAp0GB" diff --git a/src/mods/amendments.pw.toml b/src/mods/amendments.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 42d5021..0000000 --- a/src/mods/amendments.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "Amendments" -filename = "amendments-1.20-1.1.27.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/6iTJugQR/versions/VP4eAvpQ/amendments-1.20-1.1.27.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "a85727264b57cce44668e14c568215ba4c269133" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "6iTJugQR" -version = "VP4eAvpQ" diff --git a/src/mods/anvil-restoration.pw.toml b/src/mods/anvil-restoration.pw.toml index bc170a5..039274a 100644 --- a/src/mods/anvil-restoration.pw.toml +++ b/src/mods/anvil-restoration.pw.toml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ name = "Anvil Restoration" filename = "anvilrestoration-1.20.1-2.2.jar" -side = "both" +side = "server" [download] url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/bd8nwTGy/versions/oGl19qoA/anvilrestoration-1.20.1-2.2.jar" diff --git a/src/mods/apothic-attributes.pw.toml b/src/mods/apothic-attributes.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 8ee356e..0000000 --- a/src/mods/apothic-attributes.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "Apothic Attributes (AttributesLib)" -filename = "ApothicAttributes-1.20.1-1.3.4.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "7be6905bf684ebde39d3e02b413999bdc748b8e9" -mode = "metadata:curseforge" - -[update] -[update.curseforge] -file-id = 5209162 -project-id = 898963 diff --git a/src/mods/appleskin.pw.toml b/src/mods/appleskin.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccaee94 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/appleskin.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "AppleSkin" +filename = "appleskin-fabric-mc1.20.1-2.5.1.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/EsAfCjCV/versions/xcauwnEB/appleskin-fabric-mc1.20.1-2.5.1.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "d0f11243f79c071416bbcee781ae93eb57a0283c" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "EsAfCjCV" +version = "xcauwnEB" diff --git a/src/mods/applied-botanics.pw.toml b/src/mods/applied-botanics.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d37ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/applied-botanics.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Applied Botanics" +filename = "Applied-Botanics-fabric-1.5.0.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/545hUrw9/versions/j9qN58Hl/Applied-Botanics-fabric-1.5.0.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "f3b8d31767f13d8ca13501ce553448bf9c76360b" + 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"f3e8805d706a36717306d92bd5c45cb2aef854b6" +hash = "6a6b977e671b1ab625e740fc70fb5300c21bb841" [update] [update.modrinth] mod-id = "aC3cM3Vq" -version = "stb5nE30" +version = "mjuG4AYd" diff --git a/src/mods/moving-elevators.pw.toml b/src/mods/moving-elevators.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 52c83e7..0000000 --- a/src/mods/moving-elevators.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "Moving Elevators" -filename = "movingelevators-1.4.7-forge-mc1.20.1.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/9KZOe6HD/versions/Et4cudq7/movingelevators-1.4.7-forge-mc1.20.1.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "faa283b50161c3d808953c92fa3cde8b47610283" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "9KZOe6HD" -version = "Et4cudq7" diff --git a/src/mods/mru.pw.toml b/src/mods/mru.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f027a56 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/mru.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "M.R.U" +filename = "mru-0.4.0+1.20.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = 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a/src/mods/natures-compass.pw.toml b/src/mods/natures-compass.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccdf158 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/natures-compass.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Nature's Compass" +filename = "NaturesCompass-1.20.1-2.2.3-fabric.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/fPetb5Kh/versions/NovIXDxY/NaturesCompass-1.20.1-2.2.3-fabric.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "0734579799a17b9662b833cc21399521b09161ff" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "fPetb5Kh" +version = "NovIXDxY" diff --git a/src/mods/nbt.pw.toml b/src/mods/nbt.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index aea3885..0000000 --- a/src/mods/nbt.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "Notable Bubble Text (NBT)" -filename = "NotableBubbleText-1.20.1-1.0.4.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/KVBd6Odb/versions/LWEqRWoq/NotableBubbleText-1.20.1-1.0.4.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "bf133931c68f44e692c55612edb8f728685ddb0b" - 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Book [NERB]" +filename = "nerb-1.20.1-0.3-FABRIC.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/bQh7xzFq/versions/TXL5AFHt/nerb-1.20.1-0.3-FABRIC.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "3455a9d5305ef7f9d725a1b043cdff3e7f342501" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "bQh7xzFq" +version = "TXL5AFHt" diff --git a/src/mods/nether-portal-spread.pw.toml b/src/mods/nether-portal-spread.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de7e317 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/nether-portal-spread.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Nether Portal Spread" +filename = "netherportalspread-1.20.1-8.1.jar" +side = "server" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/z7UX4SHt/versions/nHgpQbX7/netherportalspread-1.20.1-8.1.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "ee35ed27ab84d385571c0340e935c51811fc0ec1" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "z7UX4SHt" +version = "nHgpQbX7" diff --git a/src/mods/no-chat-reports.pw.toml b/src/mods/no-chat-reports.pw.toml index 9228d31..c63912b 100644 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+side = "server" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/EJqeyaVz/versions/YW5245VL/nohostilesaroundcampfire-1.20.1-5.9.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "9b97b99dd65cb784ed71b5b585a7513013c13259" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "EJqeyaVz" +version = "YW5245VL" diff --git a/src/mods/no-telemetry.pw.toml b/src/mods/no-telemetry.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1884ffd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/no-telemetry.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "No Telemetry" +filename = "no-telemetry-1.8.0.jar" +side = "client" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/hg77g4Pw/versions/tmHWmt1u/no-telemetry-1.8.0.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "238b8ebc95100368951e0ff5ef2b16a1406e32f2" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "hg77g4Pw" +version = "tmHWmt1u" diff --git a/src/mods/not-enough-animations.pw.toml b/src/mods/not-enough-animations.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 66d20ab..0000000 --- a/src/mods/not-enough-animations.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "Not Enough Animations" -filename = "notenoughanimations-forge-1.7.3-mc1.20.1.jar" -side = "client" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/MPCX6s5C/versions/Av1z44jf/notenoughanimations-forge-1.7.3-mc1.20.1.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "e51e63167f18672a8d34cdec9c1efe75914d18cb" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "MPCX6s5C" -version = "Av1z44jf" diff --git a/src/mods/nvidium.pw.toml b/src/mods/nvidium.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8173b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/nvidium.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Nvidium" +filename = "nvidium-0.2.6-beta.jar" +side = "client" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/SfMw2IZN/versions/J2fuM58R/nvidium-0.2.6-beta.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "ce0c8504cfc397b53227119230e3ae5fdf851d42" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "SfMw2IZN" +version = "J2fuM58R" diff --git a/src/mods/obsidianui.pw.toml b/src/mods/obsidianui.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index afad9f3..0000000 --- a/src/mods/obsidianui.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "ObsidianUI" -filename = "ObsidianUI-forge-0.2.3+mc1.20.1.jar" -side = "client" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/E0L8mfJZ/versions/3UXTHiK6/ObsidianUI-forge-0.2.3%2Bmc1.20.1.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "aaa69c42410847ac5d13034fba9d519e0afd0abf" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "E0L8mfJZ" -version = "3UXTHiK6" diff --git a/src/mods/octo-lib.pw.toml b/src/mods/octo-lib.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index c90ffea..0000000 --- a/src/mods/octo-lib.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -name = "OctoLib" -filename = "octolib-1.20.1-0.3.jar" -side = "both" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/RH2KUdKJ/versions/DGHuSq0v/octolib-1.20.1-0.3.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "cc372b6bbb0fe541c64773c02c42a2a8c95fc84c" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "RH2KUdKJ" -version = "DGHuSq0v" diff --git a/src/mods/oculus.pw.toml b/src/mods/oculus.pw.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 947fe27..0000000 --- a/src/mods/oculus.pw.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -name = "Oculus" -filename = "oculus-mc1.20.1-1.6.15a.jar" -side = "client" - -[download] -url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/GchcoXML/versions/Bj8M79wL/oculus-mc1.20.1-1.6.15a.jar" -hash-format = "sha1" -hash = "478a222cd6390353ba080b07fcac2b6301fbe3a2" - -[update] -[update.modrinth] -mod-id = "GchcoXML" -version = "Bj8M79wL" - -[option] -optional = true -description = "This mod causes rendering issues if used without a shader enabled. If you don't intend to use shaders, you do not need this mod." diff --git a/src/mods/origins.pw.toml b/src/mods/origins.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dbe1d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/origins.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "Origins" +filename = "Origins-1.20.1-1.10.0.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/3BeIrqZR/versions/OdNHB7Bh/Origins-1.20.1-1.10.0.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "e85bbe9554283840ca1d05b09181be29f3a623c0" + +[update] +[update.modrinth] +mod-id = "3BeIrqZR" +version = "OdNHB7Bh" diff --git a/src/mods/owo-lib.pw.toml b/src/mods/owo-lib.pw.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7347dd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mods/owo-lib.pw.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +name = "oωo (owo-lib)" +filename = "owo-lib-0.11.2+1.20.jar" +side = "both" + +[download] +url = "https://cdn.modrinth.com/data/ccKDOlHs/versions/zyOBB7J4/owo-lib-0.11.2%2B1.20.jar" +hash-format = "sha1" +hash = "be88938ca5df78271e64bc9f85c3575754f33e2a" + +[update] 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