Version bump to 0.9.0
Mods added: - Argonauts - Better Paragliders - Cadmus - CTOV Paragliders Compat - GalacticFactory - Better Compat Compatibility Datapack - packaged as a mod (confusing, i know) - Heracles - Ore Excavation - Paragliders - Prometheus - Haromonia - Xaero's Minimap - Xaero's World Map Mods removed: - Cupboard - FTB Chunks - FTB Essentials - FTB Library - FTB Quests - FTB Quests Optimizer - FTB Teams - FTB Ultimine - FTB Xmod Compat - JourneyMap Integration - JourneyMap Teams - JourneyMap - Login Protection - MineMenu - Mob Grinding Utils - Smooth Chunk Save Datapacks removed: - Gunpacks updated: - Gunpacks removed: - Configs added: - `paraglider-common.toml` - `paraglider-player-states.toml` - `parcool-client.toml` - `tacz-common.toml` Configs removed: - `walljump-common.toml` Defaultconfigs (server configs) added: - `betterparagliders-server.toml` - `paraglider-server.toml` - `parcool-server.toml` - `scalinghelath-server.toml` - `tacz-server.toml` KubeJS scripts added: - `client_scripts/src/lang.js` - `server_scripts/src/sophisticatedbackpacks.js`
This commit is contained in:
47 changed files with 914 additions and 342 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
- [Borderless Window]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Callable Horses]( - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0.
- [Cosmetic Armor Reworked]( - Licensed under the Minecraft Mod Public License.
- [Cupboard]( - All Rights Reserved, [pending removal](
- [Disenchanting Forge]( - Licensed under the Creative Commons Public License, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> Feel free to include this in your modpacks.
- [Ender Trigon]( - Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
@ -20,7 +19,6 @@
- [Flux Networks]( - All Rights Reserved, but gives explicit permission in mod description.
> Feel free to use this mod in any mod-pack you wish.
- [Framework]( - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1.
- All of the FTB Mods - pending replacement, they're ARR.
- [Gateways to Eternity]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Goblin Traders]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [GraveStone Mod]( - All Rights Reserved, but we received [explicit permission]( from the author.
@ -30,21 +28,17 @@
- [Inventory Sorter]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [Item Filters]( - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3.0.
- [LaserIO]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Login Protection]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 but requires an ARR library mod, [pending removal](
- [MineMenu]( - Licensed under the MIT license, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> Feel free to use Mine Menu in any kind of modpack, as long as you link back to this page and don’t make any money of the modpack.
- [Mob Grinding Utils]( - All Rights Reserved, [pending removal](
- [Mod Name Tooltip]( - Licensed under the MIT license, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> - Can I use this in my mod pack?
> - Feel free!
- [More Dragon Eggs]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [PackMenu]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Paragliders]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [Placebo]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Roughly Enough Resources]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Scaling Health]( - Licensed under the MIT license, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> - Q: Can I use this in a mod pack, make videos/streams with the mod installed, or share/publish config files?
A: YES! And I'd love to see your work! Send links if you want, but it's not required.
- [Smooth Chunk Save]( - All Rights Reserved, [pending removal](
- [Sophisticated Backpacks]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [Sophisticated Core]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [Tiered (Forge)]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#Easy to access switches to toggle side features on and off.
#Most of them requires server restart or datapack reload. All of them, actually.
#For those who wants to remove Spirit Orbs generated in the world, more specifically...
# * Spirit Orbs generated in various chests
# * Spirit Orbs dropped by spawners and such
#Note that bargain recipe for Heart Containers/Stamina Vessels will persist, even if this option is disabled.
spiritOrbGens = false
#For those who wants to remove entirety of Heart Containers from the game, more specifically...
# * Heart Containers obtained by "challenges" (i.e. Killing dragon, wither, raid)
# * Bargains using Heart Containers (custom recipes won't be affected)
#Note that if this option is disabled while staminaVessels is enabled, "challenges" will drop stamina vessels instead.
heartContainers = false
#For those who wants to remove entirety of Stamina Vessels from the game, more specifically...
# * Bargains using Stamina Vessels (custom recipes won't be affected)
staminaVessels = false
#For those who wants to remove all structures added by this mod. Requires restart.
structures = false
debugPlayerMovement = false
traceMovementPacket = false
traceVesselPacket = false
traceBargainPacket = false
traceWindPacket = false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#Configuration file for player states.
#You can adjust stamina delta (negative value means consumption / positive value means gain) and
#recovery delay (in ticks) of all player states registered in the game.
#To reload the config, use the following command: /paraglider reloadPlayerStates
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = -3
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 10
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = 20
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 0
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = 20
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 0
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = 20
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 0
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = 0
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 0
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = 20
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 0
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = -3
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 10
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = -3
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 10
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = 2
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 0
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = 3
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 0
#Range: > -2147483648
staminaDelta = 10
#Range: > 0
recoveryDelay = 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
["Possibility of Actions(Some do not have to work)"]
can_WallSlide = true
can_BreakfallReady = true
can_CatLeap = true
can_ClimbPoles = true
can_ClimbUp = true
can_ClingToCliff = true
can_Crawl = true
can_Dive = true
can_Dodge = true
can_FastRun = false
can_FastSwim = false
can_Flipping = true
can_HangDown = true
can_HorizontalWallRun = true
can_JumpFromBar = true
can_QuickTurn = true
can_Roll = false
can_SkyDive = true
can_Slide = true
can_Tap = true
can_Vault = true
can_VerticalWallRun = true
can_WallJump = true
["Stamina HUD Configuration"]
#Allowed Values: Normal, Light, Hide
stamina_hud_type = "Light"
#horizontal alignment
#Allowed Values: Left, Right
align_h_s_hud = "Right"
#vertical alignment
#Allowed Values: Top, Bottom
align_v_s_hud = "Bottom"
hide_hud_if_stamina_infinite = true
#horizontal margin of normal HUD
#Range: 0 ~ 100
margin_h_stamina_hud = 3
#vertical margin of normal HUD
#Range: 0 ~ 100
margin_v_stamina_hud = 3
#Enable custom animations
enable_animation = true
#Enable custom animation of falling
enable_falling_animation = true
#Enable lean animation while FastRun
enable_lean_animation_fast_run = false
#Enable first-person-view animations
enable_fov_animation = true
#Enable rotation of camera by Dodge
enable_camera_rotation_dodge = false
#Enable rotation of camera by Backward Wall-Jump
enable_camera_rotation_back_wall_jump = false
#Enable rotation of camera by Roll
enable_camera_rotation_roll = false
#Enable rotation of camera by Flipping
enable_camera_rotation_flipping = false
#Enable animation of camera by Vault
enable_camera_animation_vault = false
#Enable animation of camera by Horizontal-WallRun
enable_camera_animation_h-wall-run = true
#Enable animation of camera by Hang-Down
enable_camera_animation_hang-down = true
enable_BackwardWallJumpAnimator = true
enable_CatLeapAnimator = true
enable_ClimbUpAnimator = true
enable_ClingToCliffAnimator = true
enable_CrawlAnimator = true
enable_DiveAnimationHostAnimator = true
enable_DiveIntoWaterAnimator = true
enable_DodgeAnimator = true
enable_FastRunningAnimator = false
enable_FastSwimAnimator = false
enable_FlippingAnimator = true
enable_HorizontalWallRunAnimator = true
enable_JumpFromBarAnimator = true
enable_HangAnimator = true
enable_KongVaultAnimator = true
enable_RollAnimator = true
enable_SlidingAnimator = true
enable_SpeedVaultAnimator = true
enable_TapAnimator = true
enable_VerticalWallRunAnimator = true
enable_WallJumpAnimator = true
enable_WallSlideAnimator = true
#Control of FastRun
#Allowed Values: PressKey, Toggle, Auto
fast-run_control = "Auto"
#Control of Crawl
#Allowed Values: PressKey, Toggle
crawl_control = "PressKey"
#Control of Flipping
#Allowed Values: PressRightAndLeft, TapMovementAndJump, PressFlippingKey
flip_control = "PressFlippingKey"
#Enable double-tapping ctrl for Dodge
enable_double_tapping_for_dodge = false
#Enable Crawl in air
enable_crawl_in_air = true
#Enable Vault in air
enable_vault_in_air = true
#Enable getting off steps while doing dodge
can_get_off_steps_while_dodge = true
#Enable backward Wall-Jump when facing to wall
enable_wall_jump_backward = false
#Enable Roll when creative mode (experimental)
enable_roll_creative = false
#Make Vault Need Vault Key Pressed
vault_needs_key_pressed = false
#enable players to do actions needing Fast-Running by sprint
substitute_sprint = true
#How long duration of dodge is deal as successive dodge
#Range: > 0
successive_dodge_cool_time = 30
#Cool time of Dodge action
#Range: > 11
dodge_cool_time = 11
#Max number of times of successive Dodge action
#Range: > 1
successive_dodge_count = 1000000
#How long you can do Horizontal Wall Run
#Range: 15 ~ 40
wall-run_continuable_tick = 25
#How long you can do Slide
#Range: 10 ~ 30
sliding_continuable_tick = 15
#FastRun speed modifier
#Range: 0.001 ~ 4.0
fast-run_modifier = 2.0
#Dodge speed modifier
#Range: 0.5 ~ 1.5
dodge-speed_modifier = 1.0
["Other Configuration"]
#Vault Animation(Dynamic is to select animation dynamically)
#Allowed Values: SpeedVault, KongVault, Dynamic
vault_animation_mode = "Dynamic"
#Color theme of Setting GUI
#Allowed Values: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black
gui_color_theme = "Blue"
#Enable just timing effect of Breakfall
enable_just_time_effect_breakfall = true
#Enable sounds triggered by Action
enable_sounds = true
#Whether ParCool is active
parcool_activation = true
#Allowed Values: Default, Hunger, Feathers, Paraglider, EpicFight
used_stamina = "Paraglider"
#Caution : Max stamina and stamina recovery config is removed because they became attributes.
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_BreakfallReady = 40
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_CatLeap = 380
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_ClimbPoles = 0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_ClimbUp = 150
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_ClingToCliff = 10
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Crawl = 0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Dive = 0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Dodge = 200
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_FastRun = 2
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_FastSwim = 3
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Flipping = 20
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_HangDown = 3
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_HorizontalWallRun = 24
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_JumpFromBar = 100
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_QuickTurn = 30
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Roll = 100
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_SkyDive = 0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Slide = 40
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Tap = 100
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Vault = 10
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_VerticalWallRun = 150
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_WallJump = 120
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_WallSlide = 8
#Infinite Stamina (this needs a permission from server, even if it is on single player's game. normally permitted)
#Please check 'parcool-server.toml' in 'serverconfig' directory
infinite_stamina = false
#Infinite Stamina while player is cretive mode
infinite_stamina_if_creative_mode = true
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#Common configuration settings
#Allows you to climb up without alternating walls
allowReClinging = false
#Automatically turn the player when wall clinging
autoRotation = false
#Elytra speed boost; set to 0.0 to disable
#Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0
elytraSpeedBoost = 0.0
#Enable Wall-Jump enchantments in the enchanting table
enableEnchantments = false
#Exhaustion gained per wall jump
#Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0
exhaustionWallJump = 0.3
#Minimum distance for fall damage; set to 3.0 to disable
#Range: 3.0 ~ 256.0
minFallDistance = 3.0
#Play a rush of wind as you fall to your doom
playFallSound = true
#Sprint speed boost; set to 0.0 to disable
#Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0
sprintSpeedBoost = 0.0
#Walk up steps even while airborne, also jump over fences
stepAssist = false
#Allows you to jump in mid-air
useDoubleJump = true
#Allows you to wall cling and wall jump
useWallJump = false
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
wallJumpHeight = 0.55
#Ticks wall clinged before starting wall slide
#Range: > 0
wallSlideDelay = 15
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#How much more/less stamina is consumed from melee attacks.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
melee_stamina_consumption = 0.5
#How much more/less stamina is consumed from two handed attacks (stacks with MELEE_STAMINA_CONSUMPTION).
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
two_handed_stamina_consumption = 2.0
#How much more/less stamina is consumed from one handed (and dual wielding) attacks (stacks with MELEE_STAMINA_CONSUMPTION).
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
one_handed_stamina_consumption = 2.5
#The base amount of stamina a range attack will cost.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
ranged_stamina_consumption = 1.0
#The base amount of stamina blocking with a shield will cost.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
block_stamina_consumption = 10.0
#The base amount of stamina blocking a projectile will cost (in addition to blocking cost).
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
projectile_stamina_consumption = 5.0
#The effect ID that will be applied when a player runs out of stamina (default is Mining Fatigue and Weakness respectively).
#Refer to for a list of the effects and their corresponding IDs
effects = [4, 18, 2]
#The strength applied to the depletion effect above (The default is 2 and 7. A value such as 4 would apply Weakness IV).
#If no value is set here, and an extra effect is added above, then the effect strength will default to 1.
effects_strength = [5, 1, 2]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#Fire will float you upward.
ascendingWinds = true
#You can customize which block produces wind.
#Write each blockstate to one of this format:
# [block ID] (Matches all state of the block)
# [block ID]#[property1=value],[property2=value],[property3=value] (Matches state of the block that has specified properties)
# #[Tag ID] (Matches all blocks with the tag)
#Same property cannot be specified multiple times. Wind sources with any invalid part will be excluded.
windSources = ["fire", "soul_fire", "campfire#lit=true", "soul_campfire#lit=true"]
#Multiplier to horizontal movement speed while paragliding.
#Value of 0.5 means 50% of the speed, 2.0 means two times the speed and so forth.
#Range: 0.2 ~ 10.0
paraglidingSpeed = 1.0
#Durability of Paragliders. Set to zero to disable durability.
#Range: > 0
paragliderDurability = 0
#Configurable option for Towers of the Wild compat feature. Can be ignored if Towers of the Wild is not installed.
#DEFAULT: Default option, spawn Deku Leaf in ocean tower chests and Paraglider in normal tower chests
#DISABLE: Don't spawn anything
#PARAGLIDER_ONLY: Spawn paraglider in both ocean and normal tower chests
#DEKU_LEAF_ONLY: Spawn deku leaf in both ocean and normal tower chests, like a boss
paragliderInTowersOfTheWild = "DEFAULT"
#If true, Wither will drop heart container(stamina vessel if heart container is disabled) upon death.
enderDragonDropsVessel = true
#If true, Raids will give heart container(stamina vessel if heart container is disabled) upon victory.
raidGivesVessel = true
#Amount of Spirit Orbs dropped from spawners.
#Range: 0 ~ 64
spawnerSpiritOrbDrops = 2
#If true, various types of chest will have chances of having Spirit Orbs inside.
#Does not change contents of already generated chests.
spiritOrbLoots = true
#Starting health points measured in number of hearts.
#Range: 1 ~ 512
startingHearts = 10
#Maximum amount of Heart Containers one player can consume.
#Do note that the maximum health point is capped at value of 1024 (or 512 hearts) by Minecraft's default
#attribute system; without modifying these limits, Heart Containers won't give you extra hearts beyond that.
#Range: 0 ~ 512
maxHeartContainers = 0
#Maximum amount of stamina Player can get. Do note that one third of this value is equal to one stamina wheel.
#Range: > 0
maxStamina = 3000
#Amount of stamina Player starts with. Values higher than maxStamina doesn't work.
#If you want to make starting stamina displayed as one full stamina wheel, this value should be one third of maxStamina.
#Range: > 0
startingStamina = 1000
#Stamina Vessels players need to obtain max out stamina. More vessels means lesser stamina increase per vessel.
#Range: > 0
maxStaminaVessels = 20
#Paragliding will consume stamina.
paraglidingConsumesStamina = true
#Certain non-paragliding actions, such as running and swimming, will consume stamina.
runningAndSwimmingConsumesStamina = false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#Whether these limitations will be imposed to players
limitation_imposed = true
[Limitations."Action Permissions"]
permit_BreakfallReady = true
permit_CatLeap = true
permit_ClimbPoles = true
permit_ClimbUp = true
permit_ClingToCliff = true
permit_Crawl = true
permit_Dive = true
permit_Dodge = true
permit_FastRun = false
permit_FastSwim = false
permit_Flipping = true
permit_HangDown = true
permit_HorizontalWallRun = true
permit_JumpFromBar = true
permit_QuickTurn = true
permit_Roll = false
permit_SkyDive = true
permit_Slide = true
permit_Tap = true
permit_Vault = true
permit_VerticalWallRun = true
permit_WallJump = true
permit_WallSlide = true
[Limitations.Stamina."Least Consumption"]
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_BreakfallReady = 40
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_CatLeap = 380
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_ClimbPoles = 0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_ClimbUp = 150
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_ClingToCliff = 10
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Crawl = 0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Dive = 0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Dodge = 200
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_FastRun = 2
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_FastSwim = 3
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Flipping = 20
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_HangDown = 3
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_HorizontalWallRun = 24
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_JumpFromBar = 100
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_QuickTurn = 30
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Roll = 100
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_SkyDive = 0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Slide = 40
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Tap = 100
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_Vault = 10
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_VerticalWallRun = 150
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_WallJump = 120
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
stamina_consumption_of_WallSlide = 8
#Permission of infinite stamina
allow_infinite_stamina = true
#Limitation of max stamina value
#Range: > 300
max_stamina_limit = 2147483647
#Limitation of max stamina recovery
#Range: > 1
max_stamina_recovery_limit = 2147483647
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#All SH features can be disabled here. False to disable.
#Enable player bonus hp by crystals.
crystalsAddHealth = true
#Enable player bonus hp by xp.
xpAddHealth = false
#Enable player regen hp by crystals.
crystalsRegenHealth = true
#Enable pet add hp by crystals.
crystalsAddPetHealth = true
#Enable player add damage by crystals.
crystalsAddDamage = false
#Enable ore gen of health crystals. Still drops as loot.
hpCrystalsOreGen = false
#Enable ore gen of power crystals. Still drops as loot.
powerCrystalsOreGen = false
#Mobs will gain bonus health with difficulty.
mobHpIncrease = true
#Mobs will gain bonus damage with difficulty.
mobDamageIncrease = true
#Enable player damage scaling.
playerDamageScaling = true
#Enable mob damage scaling.
mobDamageScaling = true
#Enable difficulty system. If disabled, everything will have 0 difficulty.
enableDifficulty = true
#Enable blights. If disabled, no blights will spawn.
enableBlights = false
#Debug settings are intended for tuning configs or diagnosing issues.
#They may decrease performance and should be disabled for normal play.
#Must be true for other debug settings to apply
masterSwitch = false
#Show some text in-game about player health, difficulty, and maybe other things.
showOverlay = true
#Log details of entity spawns, including effects of difficulty.
#This creates a lot of log spam, and will likely lag the game.
logEntitySpawns = false
#Logs details of potions effects added to mobs.
logApplyingMobPotions = false
#Log details of scaled damage, useful for fine-tuning damage scaling.
#May create a fair amount of log spam, but shouldn't slow down the game too much.
logDamageScaling = false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#These whitelist blocks can be interacted with when the interact key is pressed
InteractKeyWhitelistBlocks = []
#These whitelist entities can be interacted with when the interact key is pressed
InteractKeyWhitelistEntities = []
#These blacklist blocks can be interacted with when the interact key is pressed
InteractKeyBlacklistBlocks = []
#These blacklist entities can be interacted with when the interact key is pressed
InteractKeyBlacklistEntities = []
#All base damage number is multiplied by this factor
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
DamageBaseMultiplier = 1.0
#All armor ignore damage number is multiplied by this factor
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
ArmorIgnoreBaseMultiplier = 1.0
#All head shot damage number is multiplied by this factor
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
HeadShotBaseMultiplier = 1.0
#The entity's head hitbox during the headshot
#Format: touhou_little_maid:maid [-0.5, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5]
HeadShotAABB = []
#The maximum stack size of ammo that the ammo box can hold
#Range: > 1
AmmoBoxStackSize = 5
#The gun pack that the client player needs to download, needs to fill in the URL and the SHA1 value of the file
ClientGunPackDownloadUrls = []
@ -25,8 +25,16 @@ file = "config/packmenu.cfg"
hash = "8a47c67a28ddc3677610670208ac979e996a69544ca260953fd7d686996ab965"
file = "config/paxi/datapacks/"
hash = "6a731d517b2e28fe109dea98e6cec11fdbbab396c9bde1a36c1431182233faf1"
file = "config/paraglider-common.toml"
hash = "c91312875a70cfd13eb1cdec393e0ddb646b810d729d1958ef769063c765febc"
file = "config/paraglider-player-states.toml"
hash = "2d409df8fb4bb9bac824ea4b3ef973f24360379b8fe61b4d782fb9f0786fd4d6"
file = "config/parcool-client.toml"
hash = "89dcd5fe121a244f88b292bcf2b21a4c2a8c6f49e575a33830404a12dc3fa48d"
file = "config/paxi/datapacks/"
@ -38,20 +46,12 @@ file = "config/rats-common.toml"
hash = "fa79208c014d3f6d8b317c98b0f7a25a08faafa68e767aab2aafe6232cdee144"
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e.renameItem('sophisticatedbackpacks:netherite_backpack', 'Fission Backpack')
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "Login Protection[Forge/Fabric]"
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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "MineMenu"
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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "Mob Grinding Utils"
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Ore Excavation"
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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mode = "metadata:curseforge"
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Prometheus"
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hash = "21eaa382cea74c4a48defc354a1dae4ab7e1f11c"
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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "Server Performance - Smooth Chunk Save[Forge/Fabric]"
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mode = "metadata:curseforge"
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Harmonia"
filename = "Harmonia-forge-1.2.0.jar"
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url = ""
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Xaero's Minimap"
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url = ""
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version = "zst4834Y"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Xaero's World Map"
filename = "XaerosWorldMap_1.38.8_Forge_1.20.jar"
side = "client"
url = ""
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version = "3t3qLyne"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
name = "GalacticFactory"
author = "GalacticFactory"
version = "0.8.19"
version = "0.9.0"
pack-format = "packwiz:1.1.0"
file = "index.toml"
hash-format = "sha256"
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forge = "47.3.0"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ subtitle=GalacticFactory Installer
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