Commit graph

19 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Version bump to 0.7.0 (fr this time)
Mods added:
- Advanced Mining Dimension
  - Adds a mining dimension
- Better Smithing Table
  - Beautifies the Smithing Table GUI
- CC-Create Bridge
  - Adds peripherals to interact with the Create mod through ComputerCraft: Tweaked
- Compressed Creativity
  - Adds compatibility between Create and PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
- Effortless Building
  - Adds builder-wand like tools accessible on a hotkey.
- IBE Editor
  - NBT editor for items
- KubeJS Create
  - Create compatibility for KubeJS
- Notable Bubble Text
  - Adds text bubbles above player heads when they say something in chat
- Quick Right Click
  - Adds right-click actions to certain blocks
- TODO List
  - Adds a To-Do List
- Towers of the Wild: Additions
  - Adds more towers to Towers of the Wild

Datapacks added:
- Towers of the Wild: Reworked
  - Adds Zelda BoTW-style towers to the world

Mods updated:
- ComputerCraft: Tweaked
- Collective (Library)
- Create
- Curios API
- Enchantment Descriptions
- FTB Compat
- Grindstone Sharper Tools
- Target Dummy
- PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
- Relics Mod
- Simple Voice Chat
- Supplementaries: Squared
- Villager Names
2023-11-30 01:56:25 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.19
Configs changed:
- Advancedperipherals/peripherals.toml
  - Chunky Turtle disabled
- Advancedperipherals/world.toml
  - Disabled village structure
  - Disabled giving the player a book on join
2023-11-28 19:34:37 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.17
Configs changed:
- ae2/common.json
  - Disabled the Spatial Anchor's random ticking feature
  - Channel density increased
    - Normal: 8 --> 24
    - Dense: 32 --> 96
2023-11-28 14:21:51 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.8
Mods updated:
- Create: New Age
- Kotlin for Forge
- KubeJS
- Login Protection
- Target Dummy
- Moonlight Lib
- Patchouli
- Placebo
- Puzzles Lib
- SeasonHud
- Smooth Chunk Save
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Sophisticated Core
- Supplementaries
- Yung's Better Ocean Monuments

Configs changed:
- water_sources.json
  - Buffed all water sources' tick value to double the old values
  - Buffed t1-t4 water sources' to provide water once a tick instead of once every 5-2 ticks
2023-11-22 17:32:07 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.12
Added packmenu assets
2023-11-16 17:06:40 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.8
Updated datapacks:
- BetterCombatCompat

KubeJS Scripts modified:
- cape.js
- weapon_compat.js
2023-11-15 21:13:38 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.7
Mods added:
- TreasureDistance

Datapacks added:
- BetterCombatCompat

Configs removed:
- bettercombat/fallback_compatibility
2023-11-15 20:40:21 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.6
Mods added:
- Ender Trigon
- L_ender's Cataclysm

Configs changed:
- bettercombat/fallback_compatibility
  - Added support for the Meka-tana
2023-11-15 20:07:46 -05:00
enable Ratlantis by default 2023-11-14 23:24:08 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.0
Added mods:
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
- Industrial Foregoing
- Titanium

Added datapacks:
- CTOV Immersive Engineering Compat
- CTOV PnemuaticCraft Repressurized Compat
- CTOV Rats Compat
2023-11-14 18:22:00 -05:00
Version bump to 0.4.14
Modified configs:
- Added configuration file for waystones
2023-11-14 18:12:09 -05:00
Version bump to 0.4.10
Added Mods:
- BetterF3
- Ecospherical Expansion
- PuzzlesLib
- Rebind Narrator
- Visual Workbench
- Wavey Capes

Removed Mods:
- ChoiceTheroem's Overhauled Village
- Sky Villages
- HT's Tree Chop

Removed Datapacks:
- CTOV PneumaticCraft Repressurized
- CTOV Rats
- Sky Villages Waystone
2023-11-14 03:18:49 -05:00
switched out sky-villages waystone compability with the forge version 2023-11-14 02:00:30 -05:00
version bump to 0.4.6
Mods added:
- LaserIO
- Minecraft Chromium Embedded Framework
- Mekanism Weapons
- WebDisplays

Mods removed:
- Create: Structures

Datapacks removed:
- CTOV Create: Structures
2023-11-14 01:03:42 -05:00
version bump to 0.4.5
Mods Added:
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
- Citadel
- Continents
- Controlling
- Create: Structures
- Infinite source of water
- Paxi
- Rats
- Searchables
- Sky Villages Forge
- Tiered (Forge)
- UnionLib
- Waystones

Datapacks Added:
- CTOV Create: Structures
- CTOV PnemuaticCraft Repressurized
- CTOV Rats
- Sky Villages Waystone Compat

Mods removed:
- Village Spawn Point
2023-11-14 00:57:49 -05:00
added walljump config 2023-11-13 23:56:11 -05:00
version bump to 0.4.2
mods added:
- Builtin Servers
configs changed:
- builtin-servers.json
2023-11-13 17:04:50 -05:00
version bump to 0.4.1
fixed additions.toml config location
2023-11-13 16:57:04 -05:00
version bump to 0.2.0 2023-11-12 02:13:25 -05:00