Commit graph

91 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Version bump to 0.7.0
Functionally identical to 0.6.24, thought in retrospect that adding Sintyra Connector should've been the 0.7.0 update (as fabric compatibility is a very large update)
2023-11-30 00:32:25 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.24
Mods added:
- Lazurite
  - Adds support for the Fabric Rendering API for use with Sintyra Connector and Embeddium (Indium for Forge)
- Leawind's Third Person Perspective
  - Adds a better third person camera angle and features to go alongside that
- Panorama Screens
  - Adds the home screen's background to various menus within the game

Mods removed:
- Better Third Person
  - Obsoleted by Leawind's Third Person Perspective
2023-11-30 00:28:47 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.23
Mods added:
- Discord4Fabric

Mods removed:
- DCIntegration
2023-11-29 02:55:19 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.22
Mods added:
- LuckPerms (Forge)

Mods removed:
- LuckPerms (Fabric)
2023-11-28 20:56:27 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.21
Mods added:
- LuckPerms
- LuckPerms Fabric Placeholder API
- Styled Chat
- Styled Player List

Mods removed:
- Craftify
- FTB Ranks
2023-11-28 20:53:24 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.20
Mods added:
- Athena
- Chipped
- Connector Extras
- Craftify
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Forgfiied Fabric API
- Sinytra Connector

Mods modified:
- Oculus
  - Now optional
2023-11-28 20:40:24 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.19
Configs changed:
- Advancedperipherals/peripherals.toml
  - Chunky Turtle disabled
- Advancedperipherals/world.toml
  - Disabled village structure
  - Disabled giving the player a book on join
2023-11-28 19:34:37 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.18
Mods added:
- Advanced Peripherals
2023-11-28 19:21:51 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.17
Configs changed:
- ae2/common.json
  - Disabled the Spatial Anchor's random ticking feature
  - Channel density increased
    - Normal: 8 --> 24
    - Dense: 32 --> 96
2023-11-28 14:21:51 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.16
Mods updated:
- Ad Astra
- Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals
- Collective (Library)
- CraftPresence
- Cucumber (Library)
- Curios API
- Cyclops Core (Library)
- Discord Integration
- Embeddium
- FTB Essentials
- Moonlight (Library)
- Mystical Agriculture
- Patchouli
- Relics
- ResourcefulLib (Library)
- SeasonHud
- Wall-Jump
2023-11-28 05:23:11 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.15
Configs changed:
- Flux Networks (Server)
  - Chunkloading disabled

KubeJS scripts modified:
- server_scripts/mekanism.js
  - Made the Anchor Upgrade (mekanism:upgrade_anchor) uncraftable
2023-11-28 05:09:07 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.14
KubeJS scripts modified:
- server_scripts/cardboard_box_blacklist
  - Removed minecraft:stone
  - Added create:large_water_wheel
  - Added #waystones:waystones (tag)
  - Added #waystones:sharestones (tag)
  - Added waystones:portstone
  - Added waystones:warp_plate
  - Added ae2:mysterious_cube
    - The AE2 Meteorite Compass finds meteors using the Mysterious Cube, not the structure itself
  - Added cataclysm:altar of fire
  - Added cataclysm:altar_of_void
  - Added cataclysm:altar_of_abyss
  - Added cataclysm:altar_of_amethyst
  - Added rats:air_raid_siren
  - Added rats:dutchrat_bell
2023-11-28 00:57:08 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.13
KubeJS scripts modified:
 - server_scripts/weapon_compat.js
   - Fixed misspelled item tag
2023-11-27 13:41:50 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.12
KubeJS scripts added:
- server_scripts/cookingforblockheads.js
  - Added recipe override for the Cooking for Blockheads sink
      - Iron Ingot (3x) --> Atomic Alloy (Mekanism) (3x)
      - Water Bucket --> Water Source Tier 5 (Water Sources)
2023-11-27 13:38:55 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.11
Mods added:
- Cooking for Blockheads
2023-11-27 13:04:42 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.10
Mods added:
- Apothic Attributes (Library)
- Hostile Neural Networks
2023-11-22 18:14:22 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.9
Mods added:
- Framework (Library)
- Gateways to Eternity
- Goblin Traders
- OctoLib (Library)
- Relics
2023-11-22 17:43:43 -05:00
Disabled observemekanism.js (it is broken) 2023-11-22 17:33:50 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.8
Mods updated:
- Create: New Age
- Kotlin for Forge
- KubeJS
- Login Protection
- Target Dummy
- Moonlight Lib
- Patchouli
- Placebo
- Puzzles Lib
- SeasonHud
- Smooth Chunk Save
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Sophisticated Core
- Supplementaries
- Yung's Better Ocean Monuments

Configs changed:
- water_sources.json
  - Buffed all water sources' tick value to double the old values
  - Buffed t1-t4 water sources' to provide water once a tick instead of once every 5-2 ticks
2023-11-22 17:32:07 -05:00
re-added ad-astra but fr this time 2023-11-19 00:21:31 -05:00
reverted previous commits 2023-11-18 23:50:22 -05:00
removed ad-astra temporarily 2023-11-18 23:41:51 -05:00
temporarily added beyond earth to replicate an error 2023-11-18 23:35:52 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.7
Mods added:
- Bygone Nether
- Moog's Voyager Structures
2023-11-18 22:41:58 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.6
Mods added:
- Scaling Health
- SilentLib
2023-11-18 22:34:31 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.5
Removed mods:
- Radium
2023-11-18 17:11:32 -05:00
added observeMekanism.js 2023-11-17 22:18:51 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.4
Added ponder nbt data
2023-11-17 22:10:47 -05:00
refreshed packwiz for the changes merged with the last commit 2023-11-17 16:15:49 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.3
Added KubeJS scripts:
- client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_fuelrod.js
- client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_logic.js
- client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek_port.js
- client_scripts/ponder/fission_mek.js
- client_scripts/ponder/fusion_activate.js
2023-11-17 16:07:05 -05:00
Version bump 0.6.2
Mods added:
- Botany Pots Tiers
2023-11-16 22:01:10 -05:00
removed carry-on 2023-11-16 21:51:44 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.1
Mods added:
- Bookshelf Lib
- Botany Pots
- Botany Trees
- Carryon
- Clumps
- EntityCulling
- Inventory Sorter
- Mystical Agriculture
- Mystical Customization
- Supplementaries
- Supplementaries Squared
- Trash Cans
2023-11-16 21:49:15 -05:00
fixed ad astra recipes 2023-11-16 20:38:17 -05:00
Version bump to 0.6.0
Mods added:
- Botarium
- Create: New Age
- Create: Steam 'n Rails
- MineMenu
- Ping
- Ponder
- Scannable

KubeJS scripts modified:
- config/defaultoptions.txt
  - removed some useless keybinds
- server_scripts/recipes/ad_astra.js
  - Modifying rocket recipes
- server_scripts/recipes/cheese.js
  - Rats cheese can now be crafted into Ad Astra cheese, and vice versa
- startup_scripts/startup.js
  - Items added by KubeJS will now appear as GalacticFactory items instead of KubeJS items
2023-11-16 20:05:51 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.14
Mods added:
- Ad Astra
- Botarium

Mods removed:
- Beyond Earth
  - Breaks KubeJS
2023-11-16 17:16:00 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.13
Mods added:
- Beyond Earth
2023-11-16 17:07:49 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.12
Added packmenu assets
2023-11-16 17:06:40 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.11
Mods added:
- Eccentric Tome
- Mob Grinding Utils

KubeJS textures added:
- logo.png
2023-11-16 16:22:11 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.10
Mods updated:
- ComputerCraft Tweaked
- FTB Quests
- GeckoLib
- Item Filters
- Item Obliterator
- JourneyMap
- MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy)
- Moving Elevators
- Placebo
- SeasonHud
- MoonlightLib
2023-11-16 14:17:07 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.9
KubeJS script changes:
- clearlag.js disabled
- recipe_overrides.js split out into its own recipes folder
- Added recipe overrides for the following mods:
 - Applied Energistics 2
 - Immersive Engineering
 - Industrial Foregoing
 - Iron Jetpacks
 - Mekanism
 - Mekanism Weapons
2023-11-16 01:21:30 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.8
Updated datapacks:
- BetterCombatCompat

KubeJS Scripts modified:
- cape.js
- weapon_compat.js
2023-11-15 21:13:38 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.7
Mods added:
- TreasureDistance

Datapacks added:
- BetterCombatCompat

Configs removed:
- bettercombat/fallback_compatibility
2023-11-15 20:40:21 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.6
Mods added:
- Ender Trigon
- L_ender's Cataclysm

Configs changed:
- bettercombat/fallback_compatibility
  - Added support for the Meka-tana
2023-11-15 20:07:46 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.5
Mods added:
- Anvil Restoration
- Compact Help Command
- Healing Campfire
- Tom's Simple Storage
- Tom's Trading Network

KubeJS scripts added:
- recipe_overrides.js
  - Changed Latex Processing Unit recipe (Industrial Foregoing)
  - Removed Aluminum Plate shapeless recipe (use a press)
  - Changed Metallurgic Infuser recipe (Mekanism)
2023-11-15 19:08:49 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.4
Mods added:
- Borderless Window

KubeJS Server Scripts added:
- ClearLag.js
2023-11-15 16:52:50 -05:00
enable Ratlantis by default 2023-11-14 23:24:08 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.3
Mods Removed:
- Valhelsia Core
- Valhlesia Furniture
- Valhelsia Structures
2023-11-14 22:34:46 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.2
Mods Added:
- AE Infinity Booster
- Artifacts
- Gravestone Mod
- Valhelsia Core
- Valhelsia Furniture
- Valhelsia Structures
- When Dungeons Arise!
2023-11-14 22:21:38 -05:00
Version bump to 0.5.1
Mods Added:
- Discord Integration
- Immersive Engineering
2023-11-14 20:27:42 -05:00