Real Camera #30

opened 2024-03-12 00:30:11 -04:00 by cswimr · 4 comments

Real Camera overhauls the default camera to allow for camera shaking, alongside showing Better Combat animations in first person.

showcase gif

[Real Camera]( overhauls the default camera to allow for camera shaking, alongside showing Better Combat animations in first person. ![showcase gif](
cswimr added the
mod discussion
label 2024-03-12 00:30:11 -04:00

I believe this might make it harder to see in fights in the mod pack, testing for this will be required if added

I believe this might make it harder to see in fights in the mod pack, testing for this will be required if added

It's configurable I believe, so you can just turn it off if you dislike it. Might make it optional in unsup though, or disabled by default?

It's configurable I believe, so you can just turn it off if you dislike it. Might make it optional in unsup though, or disabled by default?

Added for preliminary testing in 0.8.6.

Added for preliminary testing in [0.8.6](

Removed in 0.8.13 due to being incompatible with Timeless and Classics: Zero.

Removed in [0.8.13]( due to being incompatible with [Timeless and Classics: Zero](
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Reference: GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy#30
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