Applied Flux #31

opened 2024-03-12 00:33:58 -04:00 by cswimr · 2 comments

Applied Flux allows Forge Energy (FE) to be stored inside of an AE2 'ME' system.

terminal screenshot

[Applied Flux]( allows Forge Energy (FE) to be stored inside of an AE2 'ME' system. ![terminal screenshot](
cswimr added the
mod discussion
label 2024-03-12 00:33:58 -04:00

If you wanted to store power you should just make a induction matrix

If you wanted to store power you should just make a induction matrix

Fair point, Flux Networks also provides a good way of transferring and storing power, and that's wireless. This seems unnecessary.

Fair point, Flux Networks also provides a good way of transferring and storing power, and that's wireless. This seems unnecessary.
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Reference: GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy#31
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