Immersive UI #35

opened 2024-07-10 08:15:56 -04:00 by cswimr · 2 comments

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  • I have checked that this mod is not already in the modpack.
  • I have checked that this mod does not already have an opened/closed issue or pull request associated with it.
  • I have read the Contribution Guidelines.

What is the name of the mod?

Immersive UI

Mod Description

From the mod page:

Right now, IUI provides 3 functions:
◈ Trail of particles for a carried item (item in the cursor) with non-common rarity
◈ Wiggle carried item when you move it quickly in your inventory
◈ Item scaling under the cursor


  • This mod has a 1.20.1 Forge version.
  • If not, this mod has a 1.20.1 Fabric version that works with Sinytra Connector.
  • This mod is actually a datapack that explicitly supports 1.20.1.
  • This mod does not cause compatibility issues with other mods in the modpack.
  • This mod is not made redundant by other mods in the modpack.
### Please confirm that; - [x] I have checked that this mod is not already in the modpack. - [x] I have checked that this mod does not already have an opened/closed [issue]( or [pull request]( associated with it. - [x] I have read the [Contribution Guidelines]( ### What is the name of the mod? Immersive UI ### Mod Link ### Mod Description From the mod page: > Right now, IUI provides 3 functions: ◈ Trail of particles for a carried item (item in the cursor) with non-common rarity ◈ Wiggle carried item when you move it quickly in your inventory ◈ Item scaling under the cursor ![img]( ### Checklist - [x] This mod has a 1.20.1 Forge version. - [ ] If not, this mod has a 1.20.1 Fabric version that works with [Sinytra Connector]( - [ ] This mod is actually a datapack that explicitly supports 1.20.1. - [x] This mod does not cause compatibility issues with other mods in the modpack. - [x] This mod is not made redundant by other mods in the modpack.
cswimr added the
mod discussion
label 2024-07-10 08:15:56 -04:00

Pretty cool mod, should add this one. Feel it would have a good effect on the boss mob swords/weapons maybe?

Pretty cool mod, should add this one. Feel it would have a good effect on the boss mob swords/weapons maybe?

Added in 0.8.18.

Added in [0.8.18](
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2 participants
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Reference: GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy#35
No description provided.