Hybrid Aquatic #37

opened 2024-07-10 08:48:52 -04:00 by cswimr · 3 comments

Please confirm that;

  • I have checked that this mod is not already in the modpack.
  • I have checked that this mod does not already have an opened/closed issue or pull request associated with it.
  • I have read the Contribution Guidelines.

What is the name of the mod?

Hybrid Aquatic


Mod Description

Adds a bunch of new fish types to the game, including squids, sharks, jellyfish, and some non-fish, like crabs.


  • This mod has a 1.20.1 Forge version.
  • If not, this mod has a 1.20.1 Fabric version that works with Sinytra Connector.
  • This mod is actually a datapack that explicitly supports 1.20.1.
  • This mod does not cause compatibility issues with other mods in the modpack.
  • This mod is not made redundant by other mods in the modpack.
### Please confirm that; - [x] I have checked that this mod is not already in the modpack. - [x] I have checked that this mod does not already have an opened/closed [issue](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/issues) or [pull request](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/pulls) associated with it. - [x] I have read the [Contribution Guidelines](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/src/branch/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ### What is the name of the mod? Hybrid Aquatic ### Mod Link https://modrinth.com/mod/hybrid-aquatic ### Mod Description Adds a bunch of new fish types to the game, including squids, sharks, jellyfish, and some non-fish, like crabs. ### Checklist - [ ] This mod has a 1.20.1 Forge version. - [x] If not, this mod has a 1.20.1 Fabric version that works with [Sinytra Connector](https://modrinth.com/mod/connector). - [ ] This mod is actually a datapack that explicitly supports 1.20.1. - [x] This mod does not cause compatibility issues with other mods in the modpack. - [x] This mod is not made redundant by other mods in the modpack.
cswimr added the
mod discussion
label 2024-07-10 08:48:52 -04:00

Goes well with deeper ocean

Goes well with deeper ocean

Added for preliminary testing in 0.8.11.

Added for preliminary testing in [0.8.11](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/commit/172e7b2ad543aa2e562ecdb36f5ac804df6538b0).
cswimr reopened this issue 2024-07-14 08:03:51 -04:00

Removed in 0.8.13.

Removed in [0.8.13](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/commit/a67a68b7291a97241d3f18f95d98960e7a6329fa).
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2 participants
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No dependencies set.

Reference: GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy#37
No description provided.