#Common configuration settings [common] #Allows you to climb up without alternating walls allowReClinging = false #Automatically turn the player when wall clinging autoRotation = false #Elytra speed boost; set to 0.0 to disable #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 elytraSpeedBoost = 0.0 #Enable Wall-Jump enchantments in the enchanting table enableEnchantments = true #Exhaustion gained per wall jump #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 exhaustionWallJump = 0.3 #Minimum distance for fall damage; set to 3.0 to disable #Range: 3.0 ~ 256.0 minFallDistance = 3.0 #Play a rush of wind as you fall to your doom playFallSound = true #Sprint speed boost; set to 0.0 to disable #Range: 0.0 ~ 5.0 sprintSpeedBoost = 0.0 #Walk up steps even while airborne, also jump over fences stepAssist = true #Allows you to jump in mid-air useDoubleJump = true #Allows you to wall cling and wall jump useWallJump = true #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 wallJumpHeight = 0.55 #Ticks wall clinged before starting wall slide #Range: > 0 wallSlideDelay = 15