[**packwizjs**](../../README.md) *** [packwizjs](../../modules.md) / [provider](../README.md) / CurseForgeProvider # Class: CurseForgeProvider Defined in: provider.ts:77 URL provider for handling CurseForge-related URLs. Extends the UrlProvider with CurseForge-specific properties. ## Extends - [`UrlProvider`](UrlProvider.md) ## Constructors ### new CurseForgeProvider() > **new CurseForgeProvider**(`hash`, `hashFormat`, `mode`, `fileId`, `projectId`): [`CurseForgeProvider`](CurseForgeProvider.md) Defined in: provider.ts:86 Creates a new CurseForgeProvider instance. #### Parameters ##### hash `string` A hash string used for identification or verification. ##### hashFormat [`HashFormat`](../../enums/hash-format/enumerations/HashFormat.md) The format of the provided hash. ##### mode `string` The mode indicating how the CurseForge file should be accessed. ##### fileId `number` The identifier for the file on CurseForge. ##### projectId `number` The identifier for the project on CurseForge. #### Returns [`CurseForgeProvider`](CurseForgeProvider.md) #### Overrides [`UrlProvider`](UrlProvider.md).[`constructor`](UrlProvider.md#constructors) ## Properties ### fileId > **fileId**: `number` Defined in: provider.ts:90 The identifier for the file on CurseForge. *** ### hash > **hash**: `string` Defined in: provider.ts:15 A hash string used for identifying or verifying the resource. #### Inherited from [`UrlProvider`](UrlProvider.md).[`hash`](UrlProvider.md#hash-1) *** ### hashFormat > **hashFormat**: [`HashFormat`](../../enums/hash-format/enumerations/HashFormat.md) Defined in: provider.ts:16 The format of the provided hash. #### Inherited from [`UrlProvider`](UrlProvider.md).[`hashFormat`](UrlProvider.md#hashformat-1) *** ### mode > **mode**: `string` Defined in: provider.ts:89 The mode indicating how the CurseForge file should be accessed. *** ### projectId > **projectId**: `number` Defined in: provider.ts:91 The identifier for the project on CurseForge. *** ### url > **url**: [`Resource`](../../resource/classes/Resource.md) Defined in: provider.ts:17 A Resource instance representing the URL. #### Inherited from [`UrlProvider`](UrlProvider.md).[`url`](UrlProvider.md#url-1)