367 lines
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367 lines
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import asyncio
import json
from typing import Mapping, Optional
import discord
import websockets
from pydactyl import PterodactylClient
from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.bot import Red
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box
from pterodactyl.config import config, register_config
from pterodactyl.logger import logger
class Pterodactyl(commands.Cog):
"""Pterodactyl allows you to manage your Pterodactyl Panel from Discord."""
def __init__(self, bot: Red):
self.bot = bot
self.client: Optional[PterodactylClient] = None
self.task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None
self.websocket: Optional[websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol] = None
self.retry_counter: int = 0
async def cog_load(self) -> None:
self.retry_counter = 0
self.task = self.get_task()
async def cog_unload(self) -> None:
self.retry_counter = 0
await self.client._session.close() # pylint: disable=protected-access
def get_task(self) -> asyncio.Task:
from pterodactyl.websocket import establish_websocket_connection
task = self.bot.loop.create_task(establish_websocket_connection(self), name="Pterodactyl Websocket Connection")
return task
def error_callback(self, fut) -> None: #NOTE - Thanks flame442 and zephyrkul for helping me figure this out
except asyncio.CancelledError:
logger.info("WebSocket task has been cancelled.")
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
logger.error("WebSocket task has failed: %s", e, exc_info=e)
if self.retry_counter < 5:
self.retry_counter += 1
logger.info("Retrying in %s seconds...", 5 * self.retry_counter)
self.task = self.bot.loop.call_later(5 * self.retry_counter, self.get_task)
logger.info("Retry limit reached. Stopping task.")
async def on_message_without_command(self, message: discord.Message) -> None:
if message.channel.id == await config.console_channel() and message.author.bot is False:
logger.debug("Received console command from %s: %s", message.author.id, message.content)
await message.channel.send(f"Received console command from {message.author.id}: {message.content[:1900]}")
await self.websocket.send(json.dumps({"event": "send command", "args": [message.content]}))
except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e:
logger.error("WebSocket connection closed: %s", e)
self.retry_counter = 0
self.task = self.get_task()
if message.channel.id == await config.chat_channel() and message.author.bot is False:
logger.debug("Received chat message from %s: %s", message.author.id, message.content)
channel = self.bot.get_channel(await config.console_channel())
if channel:
await channel.send(f"Received chat message from {message.author.id}: {message.content[:1900]}")
msg = json.dumps({"event": "send command", "args": [await self.get_chat_command(message)]})
logger.debug("Sending chat message to server:\n%s", msg)
await self.websocket.send(msg)
except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e:
logger.error("WebSocket connection closed: %s", e)
self.retry_counter = 0
self.task = self.get_task()
async def get_chat_command(self, message: discord.Message) -> str:
command: str = await config.chat_command()
placeholders = {
"C": str(message.author.color),
"D": message.author.discriminator,
"I": str(message.author.id),
"M": message.content,
"N": message.author.display_name,
"U": message.author.name,
for key, value in placeholders.items():
command = command.replace('.$' + key, value)
return command
async def on_red_api_tokens_update(self, service_name: str, api_tokens: Mapping[str,str]): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
if service_name == "pterodactyl":
logger.info("Configuration value set: api_key\nRestarting task...")
self.retry_counter = 0
self.task = self.get_task()
@commands.group(autohelp = True, name = "pterodactyl", aliases = ["ptero"])
async def pterodactyl(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
"""Pterodactyl allows you to manage your Pterodactyl Panel from Discord."""
@pterodactyl.group(autohelp = True, name = "power")
async def pterodactyl_power(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
"""Send power actions to the server."""
@pterodactyl_power.command(name = "start")
async def pterodactyl_power_start(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
"""Start the server."""
current_status = await config.current_status()
if current_status == "running":
return await ctx.send("Server is already running.")
elif current_status in ["starting", "stopping"]:
return await ctx.send("Another power action is already in progress.")
message = await ctx.send("Sending websocket command to start server...")
await self.websocket.send(json.dumps({"event": "set state", "args": ["start"]}))
await message.edit(content="Server starting...")
@pterodactyl_power.command(name = "stop")
async def pterodactyl_power_stop(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
"""Stop the server."""
current_status = await config.current_status()
if current_status == "stopped":
return await ctx.send("Server is already stopped.")
elif current_status in ["starting", "stopping"]:
return await ctx.send("Another power action is already in progress.")
message = await ctx.send("Sending websocket command to stop server...")
await self.websocket.send(json.dumps({"event": "set state", "args": ["stop"]}))
await message.edit(content="Server stopping...")
@pterodactyl_power.command(name = "restart")
async def pterodactyl_power_restart(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
"""Restart the server."""
current_status = await config.current_status()
if current_status in ["starting", "stopping"]:
return await ctx.send("Another power action is already in progress.")
message = await ctx.send("Sending websocket command to restart server...")
await self.websocket.send(json.dumps({"event": "set state", "args": ["restart"]}))
await message.edit(content="Server restarting...")
@pterodactyl.group(autohelp = True, name = "config", aliases = ["settings", "set"])
async def pterodactyl_config(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
"""Configure Pterodactyl settings."""
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "url")
async def pterodactyl_config_base_url(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, base_url: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the base URL of your Pterodactyl Panel.
Please include the protocol (http/https).
Example: `https://panel.example.com`"""
if base_url is None:
base_url = await config.base_url()
return await ctx.send(f"Base URL is currently set to {base_url}")
await config.base_url.set(base_url)
await ctx.send(f"Base URL set to {base_url}")
logger.info("Configuration value set: base_url = %s\nRestarting task...", base_url)
self.retry_counter = 0
self.task = self.get_task()
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "serverid")
async def pterodactyl_config_server_id(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, server_id: str) -> None:
"""Set the server ID for your Pterodactyl Panel."""
await config.server_id.set(server_id)
await ctx.send(f"Server ID set to {server_id}")
logger.info("Configuration value set: server_id = %s\nRestarting task...", server_id)
self.retry_counter = 0
self.task = self.get_task()
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "consolechannel")
async def pterodactyl_config_console_channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel) -> None:
"""Set the channel to send console output to."""
await config.console_channel.set(channel.id)
await ctx.send(f"Console channel set to {channel.mention}")
@pterodactyl_config.group(name = "chat")
async def pterodactyl_config_chat(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Configure chat settings."""
@pterodactyl_config_chat.command(name = "channel")
async def pterodactyl_config_chat_channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel) -> None:
"""Set the channel to send chat output to."""
await config.chat_channel.set(channel.id)
await ctx.send(f"Chat channel set to {channel.mention}")
@pterodactyl_config_chat.command(name = "command")
async def pterodactyl_config_chat_command(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, command: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the command that will be used to send messages from Discord.
Required placeholders: `.$U` (username), `.$M` (message), `.$C` (color)
See [documentation](https://seacogs.coastalcommits.com/pterodactyl/setup/#changing-the-tellraw-command) for more information."""
if command is None:
command = await config.chat_command()
return await ctx.send(f"Chat command is currently set to:\n{box(command, 'json')}")
await config.chat_command.set(command)
await ctx.send(f"Chat command set to:\n{box(command, 'json')}")
@pterodactyl_config.group(name = "regex")
async def pterodactyl_config_regex(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
"""Set regex patterns."""
@pterodactyl_config_regex.command(name = "chat")
async def pterodactyl_config_regex_chat(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, regex: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the regex pattern to match chat messages on the server.
See [documentation](https://seacogs.coastalcommits.com/pterodactyl/setup/#my-chat-messages-arent-detected) for more information."""
if regex is None:
regex = await config.chat_regex()
return await ctx.send(f"Chat regex is currently set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
await config.chat_regex.set(regex)
await ctx.send(f"Chat regex set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
@pterodactyl_config_regex.command(name = "server")
async def pterodactyl_config_regex_server(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, regex: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the regex pattern to match server messages on the server.
See [documentation](https://seacogs.coastalcommits.com/pterodactyl/setup/#my-chat-messages-arent-detected) for more information."""
if regex is None:
regex = await config.server_regex()
return await ctx.send(f"Server regex is currently set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
await config.server_regex.set(regex)
await ctx.send(f"Server regex set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
@pterodactyl_config_regex.command(name = "join")
async def pterodactyl_config_regex_join(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, regex: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the regex pattern to match join messages on the server.
See [documentation](https://seacogs.coastalcommits.com/pterodactyl/setup/#my-chat-messages-arent-detected) for more information."""
if regex is None:
regex = await config.join_regex()
return await ctx.send(f"Join regex is currently set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
await config.join_regex.set(regex)
await ctx.send(f"Join regex set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
@pterodactyl_config_regex.command(name = "leave")
async def pterodactyl_config_regex_leave(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, regex: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the regex pattern to match leave messages on the server.
See [documentation](https://seacogs.coastalcommits.com/pterodactyl/setup/#my-chat-messages-arent-detected) for more information."""
if regex is None:
regex = await config.leave_regex()
return await ctx.send(f"Leave regex is currently set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
await config.leave_regex.set(regex)
await ctx.send(f"Leave regex set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
@pterodactyl_config_regex.command(name = "achievement")
async def pterodactyl_config_regex_achievement(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, regex: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the regex pattern to match achievement messages on the server.
See [documentation](https://seacogs.coastalcommits.com/pterodactyl/setup/#my-chat-messages-arent-detected) for more information."""
if regex is None:
regex = await config.achievement_regex()
return await ctx.send(f"Achievement regex is currently set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
await config.achievement_regex.set(regex)
await ctx.send(f"Achievement regex set to:\n{box(regex, 'regex')}")
@pterodactyl_config.group(name = "messages", aliases = ['msg', 'msgs', 'message'])
async def pterodactyl_config_messages(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Configure message settings."""
@pterodactyl_config_messages.command(name = "startup")
async def pterodactyl_config_messages_startup(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the message that will be sent when the server starts."""
if message is None:
message = await config.startup_msg()
return await ctx.send(f"Startup message is currently set to: {message}")
await config.startup_msg.set(message)
await ctx.send(f"Startup message set to: {message}")
@pterodactyl_config_messages.command(name = "shutdown")
async def pterodactyl_config_messages_shutdown(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the message that will be sent when the server stops."""
if message is None:
message = await config.shutdown_msg()
return await ctx.send(f"Shutdown message is currently set to: {message}")
await config.shutdown_msg.set(message)
await ctx.send(f"Shutdown message set to: {message}")
@pterodactyl_config_messages.command(name = "join")
async def pterodactyl_config_messages_join(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the message that will be sent when a user joins the server. This is only shown in embeds."""
if message is None:
message = await config.join_msg()
return await ctx.send(f"Join message is currently set to: {message}")
await config.join_msg.set(message)
await ctx.send(f"Join message set to: {message}")
@pterodactyl_config_messages.command(name = "leave")
async def pterodactyl_config_messages_leave(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the message that will be sent when a user leaves the server. This is only shown in embeds."""
if message is None:
message = await config.leave_msg()
return await ctx.send(f"Leave message is currently set to: {message}")
await config.leave_msg.set(message)
await ctx.send(f"Leave message set to: {message}")
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "ip")
async def pterodactyl_config_mask_ip(self, ctx: commands.Context, mask: bool = None) -> None:
"""Mask the IP addresses of users in console messages."""
if mask is None:
mask = await config.mask_ip()
return await ctx.send(f"IP masking is currently set to {mask}")
await config.mask_ip.set(mask)
await ctx.send(f"IP masking set to {mask}")
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "api")
async def pterodactyl_config_api(self, ctx: commands.Context, endpoint: str = None) -> None:
"""Set the API endpoint to use for the user retrival API.
This is only used for retrieving user avatars for webhook messages."""
if endpoint is None:
endpoint = await config.api_endpoint()
return await ctx.send(f"API endpoint is currently set to {endpoint}")
await config.api_endpoint.set(endpoint)
await ctx.send(f"API endpoint set to {endpoint}")
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = 'view', aliases = ['show'])
async def pterodactyl_config_view(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
"""View the current configuration."""
base_url = await config.base_url()
server_id = await config.server_id()
console_channel = await config.console_channel()
chat_channel = await config.chat_channel()
chat_command = await config.chat_command()
chat_regex = await config.chat_regex()
server_regex = await config.server_regex()
join_regex = await config.join_regex()
leave_regex = await config.leave_regex()
achievement_regex = await config.achievement_regex()
startup_msg = await config.startup_msg()
shutdown_msg = await config.shutdown_msg()
join_msg = await config.join_msg()
leave_msg = await config.leave_msg()
mask_ip = await config.mask_ip()
api_endpoint = await config.api_endpoint()
embed = discord.Embed(color = await ctx.embed_color(), title="Pterodactyl Configuration")
embed.description = f"""**Base URL:** {base_url}
**Server ID:** `{server_id}`
**Console Channel:** {console_channel}
**Chat Channel:** {chat_channel}
**Chat Command:** {box(chat_command, 'json')}
**Chat Regex:** `{chat_regex}`
**Server Regex:** `{server_regex}`
**Join Regex:** `{join_regex}`
**Leave Regex:** `{leave_regex}`
**Achievement Regex:** `{achievement_regex}`
**Startup Message:** {startup_msg}
**Shutdown Message:** {shutdown_msg}
**Join Message:** {join_msg}
**Leave Message:** {leave_msg}
**Mask IP:** {self.get_bool_str(mask_ip)}
**API Endpoint:** `{api_endpoint}`"""
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def get_bool_str(self, bool: bool) -> str:
"""Return a string representation of a boolean."""
return "Enabled" if bool else "Disabled"