Compare commits


23 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
3291483d39 Merge branch 'main' of 2024-03-22 16:03:24 -04:00
Fix CloudSync 2024-03-22 04:08:08 +01:00
bump to v1.7.3 2024-03-22 03:14:57 +01:00
MessageLinkEmbeds: Load embeds from newest to oldest (#2230)
Co-authored-by: V <>
2024-03-22 01:27:09 +00:00
new plugin: OverrideForumDefaults (#2272)
Co-authored-by: Vendicated <>
2024-03-22 02:16:24 +01:00
feat(PatchHelper): Paste Full Patch (#1982) 2024-03-21 23:59:25 +00:00
PinDMs: add category support & fix bugs (#2203)
Co-authored-by: V <>
2024-03-22 00:55:37 +01:00
AlwaysTrust: Add options for each popup (#2234)
Co-authored-by: V <>
2024-03-21 23:44:37 +00:00
fix(AnonymiseFileNames): anonymise files in forum posts (#2270) 2024-03-21 23:42:41 +00:00
Eric Liu
WhoReacted: fix scroll jumping when rendering users (#2271)
Co-authored-by: V <>
2024-03-22 00:39:26 +01:00
fix RestAPI find 2024-03-21 23:27:08 +01:00
fix ReviewDB 2024-03-21 21:17:47 +01:00
MemberCount: Fix error when not in a channel (#2277) 2024-03-19 12:06:09 +01:00
emoteCloner: fix cloning gif stickers (#2268) 2024-03-16 16:43:04 +01:00
feat(MessageLogger): Add delete & edit toggle (#2032)
Co-authored-by: V <>
2024-03-16 02:27:59 +00:00
fix ViewIcons & Decor patches 2024-03-16 02:30:36 +01:00
new plugin: BetterSettings ~ improves Discord's settings (#2222)
- makes opening settings much faster
- removes the scuffed transition animation
- organises the settings cog context menu into categories

Co-authored-by: Vendicated <>
2024-03-16 02:19:26 +01:00
stupid cat
favGifSearch: don't error on favourited non-urls (#2260) 2024-03-13 22:23:04 +01:00
refactor shared utils to more obviously separate contexts 2024-03-13 21:59:09 +01:00
rewrite settings api to use SettingsStore class (#2257)
Co-authored-by: Nuckyz <>
2024-03-13 21:45:45 +01:00
rename Devs.obscurity => Devs.fawn :3 2024-03-13 00:36:42 +01:00
HTTP Updater: Only include first commit line 2024-03-12 20:18:46 -03:00
Remove getGuildRoles 2024-03-12 20:18:44 -03:00
74 changed files with 1641 additions and 548 deletions

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import { debounce } from "../src/utils";
import { EXTENSION_BASE_URL } from "../src/utils/web-metadata";
import { getTheme, Theme } from "../src/utils/discord";
import { getThemeInfo } from "../src/main/themes";
import { Settings } from "../src/Vencord";
// Discord deletes this so need to store in variable
const { localStorage } = window;
@ -96,8 +97,15 @@ window.VencordNative = {
settings: {
get: () => localStorage.getItem("VencordSettings") || "{}",
set: async (s: string) => localStorage.setItem("VencordSettings", s),
get: () => {
try {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("VencordSettings") || "{}");
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to parse settings from localStorage: ", e);
return {};
set: async (s: Settings) => localStorage.setItem("VencordSettings", JSON.stringify(s)),
getSettingsDir: async () => "LocalStorage"

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "vencord",
"private": "true",
"version": "1.7.2",
"version": "1.7.3",
"description": "The cutest Discord client mod",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": {

View file

@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { IpcEvents } from "@utils/IpcEvents";
import { PluginIpcMappings } from "@main/ipcPlugins";
import type { UserThemeHeader } from "@main/themes";
import { IpcEvents } from "@shared/IpcEvents";
import { IpcRes } from "@utils/types";
import type { Settings } from "api/Settings";
import { ipcRenderer } from "electron";
import { PluginIpcMappings } from "main/ipcPlugins";
import type { UserThemeHeader } from "main/themes";
function invoke<T = any>(event: IpcEvents, ...args: any[]) {
return ipcRenderer.invoke(event, ...args) as Promise<T>;
@ -46,8 +47,8 @@ export default {
settings: {
get: () => sendSync<string>(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS),
set: (settings: string) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.SET_SETTINGS, settings),
get: () => sendSync<Settings>(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS),
set: (settings: Settings, pathToNotify?: string) => invoke<void>(IpcEvents.SET_SETTINGS, settings, pathToNotify),
getSettingsDir: () => invoke<string>(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS_DIR),

View file

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { debounce } from "@utils/debounce";
import { debounce } from "@shared/debounce";
import { SettingsStore as SettingsStoreClass } from "@shared/SettingsStore";
import { localStorage } from "@utils/localStorage";
import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger";
import { mergeDefaults } from "@utils/misc";
@ -52,7 +53,6 @@ export interface Settings {
| "under-page"
| "window"
| undefined;
macosTranslucency: boolean | undefined;
disableMinSize: boolean;
winNativeTitleBar: boolean;
plugins: {
@ -88,8 +88,6 @@ const DefaultSettings: Settings = {
frameless: false,
transparent: false,
winCtrlQ: false,
// Replaced by macosVibrancyStyle
macosTranslucency: undefined,
macosVibrancyStyle: undefined,
disableMinSize: false,
winNativeTitleBar: false,
@ -110,13 +108,8 @@ const DefaultSettings: Settings = {
try {
var settings = JSON.parse(VencordNative.settings.get()) as Settings;
mergeDefaults(settings, DefaultSettings);
} catch (err) {
var settings = mergeDefaults({} as Settings, DefaultSettings);
logger.error("An error occurred while loading the settings. Corrupt settings file?\n", err);
const settings = VencordNative.settings.get();
mergeDefaults(settings, DefaultSettings);
const saveSettingsOnFrequentAction = debounce(async () => {
if ( && {
@ -125,76 +118,52 @@ const saveSettingsOnFrequentAction = debounce(async () => {
}, 60_000);
type SubscriptionCallback = ((newValue: any, path: string) => void) & { _paths?: Array<string>; };
const subscriptions = new Set<SubscriptionCallback>();
const proxyCache = {} as Record<string, any>;
export const SettingsStore = new SettingsStoreClass(settings, {
readOnly: true,
}) {
const v = target[key];
if (!plugins) return v; // plugins not initialised yet. this means this path was reached by being called on the top level
// Wraps the passed settings object in a Proxy to nicely handle change listeners and default values
function makeProxy(settings: any, root = settings, path = ""): Settings {
return proxyCache[path] ??= new Proxy(settings, {
get(target, p: string) {
const v = target[p];
if (path === "plugins" && key in plugins)
return target[key] = {
enabled: plugins[key].required ?? plugins[key].enabledByDefault ?? false
// using "in" is important in the following cases to properly handle falsy or nullish values
if (!(p in target)) {
// Return empty for plugins with no settings
if (path === "plugins" && p in plugins)
return target[p] = makeProxy({
enabled: plugins[p].required ?? plugins[p].enabledByDefault ?? false
}, root, `plugins.${p}`);
// Since the property is not set, check if this is a plugin's setting and if so, try to resolve
// the default value.
if (path.startsWith("plugins.")) {
const plugin = path.slice("plugins.".length);
if (plugin in plugins) {
const setting = plugins[plugin].options?.[key];
if (!setting) return v;
// Since the property is not set, check if this is a plugin's setting and if so, try to resolve
// the default value.
if (path.startsWith("plugins.")) {
const plugin = path.slice("plugins.".length);
if (plugin in plugins) {
const setting = plugins[plugin].options?.[p];
if (!setting) return v;
if ("default" in setting)
// normal setting with a default value
return (target[p] = setting.default);
if (setting.type === OptionType.SELECT) {
const def = setting.options.find(o => o.default);
if (def)
target[p] = def.value;
return def?.value;
return v;
if ("default" in setting)
// normal setting with a default value
return (target[key] = setting.default);
// Recursively proxy Objects with the updated property path
if (typeof v === "object" && !Array.isArray(v) && v !== null)
return makeProxy(v, root, `${path}${path && "."}${p}`);
// primitive or similar, no need to proxy further
return v;
set(target, p: string, v) {
// avoid unnecessary updates to React Components and other listeners
if (target[p] === v) return true;
target[p] = v;
// Call any listeners that are listening to a setting of this path
const setPath = `${path}${path && "."}${p}`;
delete proxyCache[setPath];
for (const subscription of subscriptions) {
if (!subscription._paths || subscription._paths.includes(setPath)) {
subscription(v, setPath);
if (setting.type === OptionType.SELECT) {
const def = setting.options.find(o => o.default);
if (def)
target[key] = def.value;
return def?.value;
// And don't forget to persist the settings! =;
localStorage.Vencord_settingsDirty = true;
VencordNative.settings.set(JSON.stringify(root, null, 4));
return true;
return v;
SettingsStore.addGlobalChangeListener((_, path) => { =;
localStorage.Vencord_settingsDirty = true;
VencordNative.settings.set(SettingsStore.plain, path);
* Same as {@link Settings} but unproxied. You should treat this as readonly,
@ -210,7 +179,7 @@ export const PlainSettings = settings;
* the updated settings to disk.
* This recursively proxies objects. If you need the object non proxied, use {@link PlainSettings}
export const Settings = makeProxy(settings);
export const Settings =;
* Settings hook for React components. Returns a smart settings
@ -223,45 +192,21 @@ export const Settings = makeProxy(settings);
export function useSettings(paths?: UseSettings<Settings>[]) {
const [, forceUpdate] = React.useReducer(() => ({}), {});
if (paths) {
(forceUpdate as SubscriptionCallback)._paths = paths;
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => void subscriptions.delete(forceUpdate);
if (paths) {
paths.forEach(p => SettingsStore.addChangeListener(p, forceUpdate));
return () => paths.forEach(p => SettingsStore.removeChangeListener(p, forceUpdate));
} else {
return () => SettingsStore.removeGlobalChangeListener(forceUpdate);
}, []);
return Settings;
// Resolves a possibly nested prop in the form of "some.nested.prop" to type of T.some.nested.prop
type ResolvePropDeep<T, P> = P extends "" ? T :
P extends `${infer Pre}.${infer Suf}` ?
Pre extends keyof T ? ResolvePropDeep<T[Pre], Suf> : never : P extends keyof T ? T[P] : never;
* Add a settings listener that will be invoked whenever the desired setting is updated
* @param path Path to the setting that you want to watch, for example "plugins.Unindent.enabled" will fire your callback
* whenever Unindent is toggled. Pass an empty string to get notified for all changes
* @param onUpdate Callback function whenever a setting matching path is updated. It gets passed the new value and the path
* to the updated setting. This path will be the same as your path argument, unless it was an empty string.
* @example addSettingsListener("", (newValue, path) => console.log(`${path} is now ${newValue}`))
* addSettingsListener("plugins.Unindent.enabled", v => console.log("Unindent is now", v ? "enabled" : "disabled"))
export function addSettingsListener<Path extends keyof Settings>(path: Path, onUpdate: (newValue: Settings[Path], path: Path) => void): void;
export function addSettingsListener<Path extends string>(path: Path, onUpdate: (newValue: Path extends "" ? any : ResolvePropDeep<Settings, Path>, path: Path extends "" ? string : Path) => void): void;
export function addSettingsListener(path: string, onUpdate: (newValue: any, path: string) => void) {
if (path) {
((onUpdate as SubscriptionCallback)._paths ??= []).push(path);
export function migratePluginSettings(name: string, ...oldNames: string[]) {
const { plugins } = settings;
const { plugins } = SettingsStore.plain;
if (name in plugins) return;
for (const oldName of oldNames) {
@ -269,7 +214,7 @@ export function migratePluginSettings(name: string, ...oldNames: string[]) {`Migrating settings from old name ${oldName} to ${name}`);
plugins[name] = plugins[oldName];
delete plugins[oldName];
VencordNative.settings.set(JSON.stringify(settings, null, 4));

View file

@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
import { CheckedTextInput } from "@components/CheckedTextInput";
import { CodeBlock } from "@components/CodeBlock";
import { debounce } from "@utils/debounce";
import { debounce } from "@shared/debounce";
import { Margins } from "@utils/margins";
import { canonicalizeMatch, canonicalizeReplace } from "@utils/patches";
import { makeCodeblock } from "@utils/text";
import { ReplaceFn } from "@utils/types";
import { Patch, ReplaceFn } from "@utils/types";
import { search } from "@webpack";
import { Button, Clipboard, Forms, Parser, React, Switch, TextInput } from "@webpack/common";
import { Button, Clipboard, Forms, Parser, React, Switch, TextArea, TextInput } from "@webpack/common";
import { SettingsTab, wrapTab } from "./shared";
@ -218,6 +218,60 @@ function ReplacementInput({ replacement, setReplacement, replacementError }) {
interface FullPatchInputProps {
setFind(v: string): void;
setMatch(v: string): void;
setReplacement(v: string | ReplaceFn): void;
function FullPatchInput({ setFind, setMatch, setReplacement }: FullPatchInputProps) {
const [fullPatch, setFullPatch] = React.useState<string>("");
const [fullPatchError, setFullPatchError] = React.useState<string>("");
function update() {
if (fullPatch === "") {
try {
const parsed = (0, eval)(`(${fullPatch})`) as Patch;
if (!parsed.find) throw new Error("No 'find' field");
if (!parsed.replacement) throw new Error("No 'replacement' field");
if (parsed.replacement instanceof Array) {
if (parsed.replacement.length === 0) throw new Error("Invalid replacement");
parsed.replacement = {
match: parsed.replacement[0].match,
replace: parsed.replacement[0].replace
if (!parsed.replacement.match) throw new Error("No 'replacement.match' field");
if (!parsed.replacement.replace) throw new Error("No 'replacement.replace' field");
setMatch(parsed.replacement.match instanceof RegExp ? parsed.replacement.match.source : parsed.replacement.match);
} catch (e) {
setFullPatchError((e as Error).message);
return <>
<Forms.FormText>Paste your full JSON patch here to fill out the fields</Forms.FormText>
<TextArea value={fullPatch} onChange={setFullPatch} onBlur={update} />
{fullPatchError !== "" && <Forms.FormText style={{ color: "var(--text-danger)" }}>{fullPatchError}</Forms.FormText>}
function PatchHelper() {
const [find, setFind] = React.useState<string>("");
const [match, setMatch] = React.useState<string>("");
@ -260,6 +314,13 @@ function PatchHelper() {
return (
<SettingsTab title="Patch Helper">
<Forms.FormTitle>full patch</Forms.FormTitle>

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import { Flex } from "@components/Flex";
import { DeleteIcon } from "@components/Icons";
import { Link } from "@components/Link";
import PluginModal from "@components/PluginSettings/PluginModal";
import type { UserThemeHeader } from "@main/themes";
import { openInviteModal } from "@utils/discord";
import { Margins } from "@utils/margins";
import { classes } from "@utils/misc";
@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ import { showItemInFolder } from "@utils/native";
import { useAwaiter } from "@utils/react";
import { findByPropsLazy, findLazy } from "@webpack";
import { Button, Card, Forms, React, showToast, TabBar, TextArea, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "@webpack/common";
import { UserThemeHeader } from "main/themes";
import type { ComponentType, Ref, SyntheticEvent } from "react";
import { AddonCard } from "./AddonCard";

View file

@ -50,14 +50,6 @@ function VencordSettings() {
const isMac = navigator.platform.toLowerCase().startsWith("mac");
const needsVibrancySettings = IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP && isMac;
// One-time migration of the old setting to the new one if necessary.
React.useEffect(() => {
if (settings.macosTranslucency === true && !settings.macosVibrancyStyle) {
settings.macosVibrancyStyle = "sidebar";
settings.macosTranslucency = undefined;
}, []);
const Switches: Array<false | {
key: KeysOfType<typeof settings, boolean>;
title: string;
@ -164,7 +156,7 @@ function VencordSettings() {
// Sorted from most opaque to most transparent
label: "No vibrancy", default: !settings.macosTranslucency, value: undefined
label: "No vibrancy", value: undefined
label: "Under Page (window tinting)",
@ -191,9 +183,8 @@ function VencordSettings() {
value: "header"
label: "Sidebar (old value for transparent windows)",
value: "sidebar",
default: settings.macosTranslucency
label: "Sidebar",
value: "sidebar"
label: "Tooltip",

View file

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
import { app, protocol, session } from "electron";
import { join } from "path";
import { ensureSafePath, getSettings } from "./ipcMain";
import { ensureSafePath } from "./ipcMain";
import { RendererSettings } from "./settings";
import { IS_VANILLA, THEMES_DIR } from "./utils/constants";
import { installExt } from "./utils/extensions";
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ if (IS_VESKTOP || !IS_VANILLA) {
try {
if (getSettings().enableReactDevtools)
if (
.then(() =>"[Vencord] Installed React Developer Tools"))
.catch(err => console.error("[Vencord] Failed to install React Developer Tools", err));

View file

@ -18,22 +18,21 @@
import "./updater";
import "./ipcPlugins";
import "./settings";
import { debounce } from "@utils/debounce";
import { IpcEvents } from "@utils/IpcEvents";
import { Queue } from "@utils/Queue";
import { debounce } from "@shared/debounce";
import { IpcEvents } from "@shared/IpcEvents";
import { BrowserWindow, ipcMain, shell, systemPreferences } from "electron";
import { FSWatcher, mkdirSync, readFileSync, watch } from "fs";
import { open, readdir, readFile, writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import { FSWatcher, mkdirSync, watch, writeFileSync } from "fs";
import { open, readdir, readFile } from "fs/promises";
import { join, normalize } from "path";
import monacoHtml from "~fileContent/monacoWin.html;base64";
import { getThemeInfo, stripBOM, UserThemeHeader } from "./themes";
import { ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS, QUICKCSS_PATH, THEMES_DIR } from "./utils/constants";
import { makeLinksOpenExternally } from "./utils/externalLinks";
mkdirSync(SETTINGS_DIR, { recursive: true });
mkdirSync(THEMES_DIR, { recursive: true });
export function ensureSafePath(basePath: string, path: string) {
@ -71,22 +70,6 @@ function getThemeData(fileName: string) {
return readFile(safePath, "utf-8");
export function readSettings() {
try {
return readFileSync(SETTINGS_FILE, "utf-8");
} catch {
return "{}";
export function getSettings(): typeof import("@api/Settings").Settings {
try {
return JSON.parse(readSettings());
} catch {
return {} as any;
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.OPEN_QUICKCSS, () => shell.openPath(QUICKCSS_PATH));
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.OPEN_EXTERNAL, (_, url) => {
@ -101,12 +84,10 @@ ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.OPEN_EXTERNAL, (_, url) => {
const cssWriteQueue = new Queue();
const settingsWriteQueue = new Queue();
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.GET_QUICK_CSS, () => readCss());
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.SET_QUICK_CSS, (_, css) =>
cssWriteQueue.push(() => writeFile(QUICKCSS_PATH, css))
writeFileSync(QUICKCSS_PATH, css)
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.GET_THEMES_DIR, () => THEMES_DIR);
@ -117,13 +98,6 @@ ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.GET_THEME_SYSTEM_VALUES, () => ({
"os-accent-color": `#${systemPreferences.getAccentColor?.() || ""}`
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS_DIR, () => SETTINGS_DIR);
ipcMain.on(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS, e => e.returnValue = readSettings());
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.SET_SETTINGS, (_, s) => {
settingsWriteQueue.push(() => writeFile(SETTINGS_FILE, s));
export function initIpc(mainWindow: BrowserWindow) {
let quickCssWatcher: FSWatcher | undefined;

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { IpcEvents } from "@utils/IpcEvents";
import { IpcEvents } from "@shared/IpcEvents";
import { ipcMain } from "electron";
import PluginNatives from "~pluginNatives";

View file

@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { onceDefined } from "@utils/onceDefined";
import { onceDefined } from "@shared/onceDefined";
import electron, { app, BrowserWindowConstructorOptions, Menu } from "electron";
import { dirname, join } from "path";
import { getSettings, initIpc } from "./ipcMain";
import { initIpc } from "./ipcMain";
import { RendererSettings } from "./settings";
import { IS_VANILLA } from "./utils/constants";
console.log("[Vencord] Starting up...");
@ -41,8 +42,7 @@ require.main!.filename = join(asarPath, discordPkg.main);
if (!IS_VANILLA) {
const settings = getSettings();
const settings =;
// Repatch after host updates on Windows
if (process.platform === "win32") {
@ -84,13 +84,11 @@ if (!IS_VANILLA) {
options.backgroundColor = "#00000000";
const needsVibrancy = process.platform === "darwin" || (settings.macosVibrancyStyle || settings.macosTranslucency);
const needsVibrancy = process.platform === "darwin" && settings.macosVibrancyStyle;
if (needsVibrancy) {
options.backgroundColor = "#00000000";
if (settings.macosTranslucency) {
options.vibrancy = "sidebar";
} else if (settings.macosVibrancyStyle) {
if (settings.macosVibrancyStyle) {
options.vibrancy = settings.macosVibrancyStyle;

src/main/settings.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import type { Settings } from "@api/Settings";
import { IpcEvents } from "@shared/IpcEvents";
import { SettingsStore } from "@shared/SettingsStore";
import { ipcMain } from "electron";
import { mkdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
import { NATIVE_SETTINGS_FILE, SETTINGS_DIR, SETTINGS_FILE } from "./utils/constants";
mkdirSync(SETTINGS_DIR, { recursive: true });
function readSettings<T = object>(name: string, file: string): Partial<T> {
try {
return JSON.parse(readFileSync(file, "utf-8"));
} catch (err: any) {
if (err?.code !== "ENOENT")
console.error(`Failed to read ${name} settings`, err);
return {};
export const RendererSettings = new SettingsStore(readSettings<Settings>("renderer", SETTINGS_FILE));
RendererSettings.addGlobalChangeListener(() => {
try {
writeFileSync(SETTINGS_FILE, JSON.stringify(RendererSettings.plain, null, 4));
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to write renderer settings", e);
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS_DIR, () => SETTINGS_DIR);
ipcMain.on(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS, e => e.returnValue = RendererSettings.plain);
ipcMain.handle(IpcEvents.SET_SETTINGS, (_, data: Settings, pathToNotify?: string) => {
RendererSettings.setData(data, pathToNotify);
export const NativeSettings = new SettingsStore(readSettings("native", NATIVE_SETTINGS_FILE));
NativeSettings.addGlobalChangeListener(() => {
try {
writeFileSync(NATIVE_SETTINGS_FILE, JSON.stringify(NativeSettings.plain, null, 4));
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to write native settings", e);

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { IpcEvents } from "@utils/IpcEvents";
import { IpcEvents } from "@shared/IpcEvents";
import { execFile as cpExecFile } from "child_process";
import { ipcMain } from "electron";
import { join } from "path";

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { VENCORD_USER_AGENT } from "@utils/constants";
import { IpcEvents } from "@utils/IpcEvents";
import { IpcEvents } from "@shared/IpcEvents";
import { VENCORD_USER_AGENT } from "@shared/vencordUserAgent";
import { ipcMain } from "electron";
import { writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import { join } from "path";
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ async function calculateGitChanges() {
// github api only sends the long sha
hash: c.sha.slice(0, 7),
message: c.commit.message
message: c.commit.message.substring(c.commit.message.indexOf("\n") + 1)

View file

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ export const SETTINGS_DIR = join(DATA_DIR, "settings");
export const THEMES_DIR = join(DATA_DIR, "themes");
export const QUICKCSS_PATH = join(SETTINGS_DIR, "quickCss.css");
export const SETTINGS_FILE = join(SETTINGS_DIR, "settings.json");
export const NATIVE_SETTINGS_FILE = join(SETTINGS_DIR, "native-settings.json");
export const ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS = [

View file

@ -16,11 +16,10 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { findGroupChildrenByChildId } from "@api/ContextMenu";
import { Settings } from "@api/Settings";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { React, SettingsRouter } from "@webpack/common";
import { React } from "@webpack/common";
import gitHash from "~git-hash";
@ -30,23 +29,6 @@ export default definePlugin({
authors: [Devs.Ven, Devs.Megu],
required: true,
contextMenus: {
// The settings shortcuts in the user settings cog context menu
// read the elements from a hardcoded map which for obvious reason
// doesn't contain our sections. This patches the actions of our
// sections to manually use SettingsRouter (which only works on desktop
// but the context menu is usually not available on mobile anyway)
"user-settings-cog"(children) {
const section = findGroupChildrenByChildId("VencordSettings", children);
section?.forEach(c => {
const id = c?.props?.id;
if (id?.startsWith("Vencord") || id?.startsWith("Vesktop")) {
c!.props.action = () =>;
patches: [{
find: ".versionHash",
replacement: [
@ -75,6 +57,12 @@ export default definePlugin({
replace: "...$self.makeSettingsCategories($1),$&"
}, {
replacement: {
match: /(?<=function\((\i),\i\)\{)(?=let \i=Object.values\(\i.UserSettingsSections\).*?(\i)\.default\.open\()/,
replace: "$$1);return;"
customSections: [] as ((SectionTypes: Record<string, unknown>) => any)[],

View file

@ -16,27 +16,46 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
const settings = definePluginSettings({
domain: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: true,
description: "Remove the untrusted domain popup when opening links",
restartNeeded: true
file: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: true,
description: "Remove the 'Potentially Dangerous Download' popup when opening links",
restartNeeded: true
export default definePlugin({
name: "AlwaysTrust",
description: "Removes the annoying untrusted domain and suspicious file popup",
authors: [Devs.zt],
authors: [Devs.zt, Devs.Trwy],
patches: [
find: ".displayName=\"MaskedLinkStore\"",
replacement: {
match: /(?<=isTrustedDomain\(\i\){)return \i\(\i\)/,
replace: "return true"
predicate: () =>
find: "isSuspiciousDownload:",
replacement: {
match: /function \i\(\i\){(?=.{0,60}\.parse\(\i\))/,
replace: "$&return null;"
predicate: () =>

View file

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const settings = definePluginSettings({
export default definePlugin({
name: "AnonymiseFileNames",
authors: [Devs.obscurity],
authors: [Devs.fawn],
description: "Anonymise uploaded file names",
patches: [
@ -78,6 +78,13 @@ export default definePlugin({
find: "message.attachments",
replacement: {
match: /(\i.uploadFiles\((\i),)/,
replace: "$2.forEach(f=>f.filename=$self.anonymise(f)),$1"
replacement: {

View file

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import { getCurrentGuild, getGuildRoles } from "@utils/discord";
import { getCurrentGuild } from "@utils/discord";
import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
import { Clipboard, Menu, PermissionStore, TextAndImagesSettingsStores } from "@webpack/common";
import { Clipboard, GuildStore, Menu, PermissionStore, TextAndImagesSettingsStores } from "@webpack/common";
const GuildSettingsActions = findByPropsLazy("open", "selectRole", "updateGuild");
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
const guild = getCurrentGuild();
if (!guild) return;
const role = getGuildRoles([id];
const role = GuildStore.getRole(, id);
if (!role) return;
if (role.colorString) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# BetterSettings
Improves Discord's Settings via multiple (toggleable) changes:
- makes opening settings much faster
- removes the scuffed transition animation
- organises the settings cog context menu into categories

View file

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
import { ComponentDispatch, FocusLock, i18n, Menu, useEffect, useRef } from "@webpack/common";
import type { HTMLAttributes, ReactElement } from "react";
type SettingsEntry = { section: string, label: string; };
const cl = classNameFactory("");
const Classes = findByPropsLazy("animating", "baseLayer", "bg", "layer", "layers");
const settings = definePluginSettings({
disableFade: {
description: "Disable the crossfade animation",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: true,
restartNeeded: true
organizeMenu: {
description: "Organizes the settings cog context menu into categories",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: true
eagerLoad: {
description: "Removes the loading delay when opening the menu for the first time",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: true,
restartNeeded: true
interface LayerProps extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
mode: "SHOWN" | "HIDDEN";
baseLayer?: boolean;
function Layer({ mode, baseLayer = false, ...props }: LayerProps) {
const hidden = mode === "HIDDEN";
const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
useEffect(() => () => {
}, []);
const node = (
[Classes.layer]: true,
[Classes.baseLayer]: baseLayer,
"stop-animations": hidden
style={{ opacity: hidden ? 0 : undefined }}
return baseLayer
? node
: <FocusLock containerRef={containerRef}>{node}</FocusLock>;
export default definePlugin({
name: "BetterSettings",
description: "Enhances your settings-menu-opening experience",
authors: [Devs.Kyuuhachi],
patches: [
find: "this.renderArtisanalHack()",
replacement: [
{ // Fade in on layer
match: /(?<=(\i)\.contextType=\i\.AccessibilityPreferencesContext;)/,
replace: "$1=$self.Layer;",
predicate: () =>
{ // Lazy-load contents
match: /createPromise:\(\)=>([^:}]*?),webpackId:"\d+",name:(?!="CollectiblesShop")"[^"]+"/g,
replace: "$&,_:$1",
predicate: () =>
{ // For some reason standardSidebarView also has a small fade-in
find: "DefaultCustomContentScroller:function()",
replacement: [
match: /\(0,\i\.useTransition\)\((\i)/,
replace: "(_cb=>_cb(void 0,$1))||$&"
match: /\i\.animated\.div/,
replace: '"div"'
predicate: () =>
{ // Load menu stuff on hover, not on click
replacement: {
match: /(?<=handleOpenSettingsContextMenu.{0,250}?\i\.el\(("[^"]+")\)\.then\([^;]*?("\d+").*?Messages\.USER_SETTINGS,)(?=onClick:)/,
replace: "onMouseEnter(){Vencord.Webpack.wreq.el($1).then(()=>Vencord.Webpack.wreq($2));},"
predicate: () =>
{ // Settings cog context menu
replacement: {
match: /\(0,\i.default\)\(\)(?=\.filter\(\i=>\{let\{section:\i\}=)/,
replace: "$self.wrapMenu($&)"
Layer(props: LayerProps) {
return (
<ErrorBoundary fallback={() => props.children as any}>
<Layer {...props} />
wrapMenu(list: SettingsEntry[]) {
if (! return list;
const items = [{ label: null as string | null, items: [] as SettingsEntry[] }];
for (const item of list) {
if (item.section === "HEADER") {
items.push({ label: item.label, items: [] });
} else if (item.section === "DIVIDER") {
items.push({ label: i18n.Messages.OTHER_OPTIONS, items: [] });
} else {!.items.push(item);
return {
filter(predicate: (item: SettingsEntry) => boolean) {
for (const category of items) {
category.items = category.items.filter(predicate);
return this;
map(render: (item: SettingsEntry) => ReactElement) {
return items
.filter(a => a.items.length > 0)
.map(({ label, items }) => {
const children =;
if (label) {
return (
id={label.replace(/\W/, "_")}
} else {
return children;

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
export default definePlugin({
name: "BetterUploadButton",
authors: [Devs.obscurity, Devs.Ven],
authors: [Devs.fawn, Devs.Ven],
description: "Upload with a single click, open menu with right click",
patches: [

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
find: "DefaultCustomizationSections",
replacement: {
match: /(?<={user:\i},"decoration"\),)/,
match: /(?<=USER_SETTINGS_AVATAR_DECORATION},"decoration"\),)/,
replace: "$self.DecorSection(),"

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { debounce } from "@utils/debounce";
import { debounce } from "@shared/debounce";
import { proxyLazy } from "@utils/lazy";
import { useEffect, useState, zustandCreate } from "@webpack/common";
import { User } from "discord-types/general";

View file

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function getUrl(data: Data) {
if (data.t === "Emoji")
return `${location.protocol}//${window.GLOBAL_ENV.CDN_HOST}/emojis/${}.${data.isAnimated ? "gif" : "png"}`;
return `${location.origin}/stickers/${}.${StickerExt[data.format_type]}`;
return `${window.GLOBAL_ENV.MEDIA_PROXY_ENDPOINT}/stickers/${}.${StickerExt[data.format_type]}`;
async function fetchSticker(id: string) {

View file

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ const hasAttachmentPerms = (channelId: string) => hasPermission(channelId, Permi
export default definePlugin({
name: "FakeNitro",
authors: [Devs.Arjix, Devs.D3SOX, Devs.Ven, Devs.obscurity, Devs.captain, Devs.Nuckyz, Devs.AutumnVN],
authors: [Devs.Arjix, Devs.D3SOX, Devs.Ven, Devs.fawn, Devs.captain, Devs.Nuckyz, Devs.AutumnVN],
description: "Allows you to stream in nitro quality, send fake emojis/stickers and use client themes.",
dependencies: ["MessageEventsAPI"],

View file

@ -200,7 +200,14 @@ function SearchBar({ instance, SearchBarComponent }: { instance: Instance; Searc
export function getTargetString(urlStr: string) {
const url = new URL(urlStr);
let url: URL;
try {
url = new URL(urlStr);
} catch (err) {
// Can't resolve URL, return as-is
return urlStr;
switch ( {
case "url":
return url.href;

View file

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { RendererSettings } from "@main/settings";
import { app } from "electron";
import { getSettings } from "main/ipcMain";
app.on("browser-window-created", (_, win) => {
win.webContents.on("frame-created", (_, { frame }) => {
frame.once("dom-ready", () => {
if (frame.url.startsWith("")) {
const settings = getSettings().plugins?.FixSpotifyEmbeds;
const settings =;
if (!settings?.enabled) return;

View file

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { RendererSettings } from "@main/settings";
import { app } from "electron";
import { getSettings } from "main/ipcMain";
app.on("browser-window-created", (_, win) => {
win.webContents.on("frame-created", (_, { frame }) => {
frame.once("dom-ready", () => {
if (frame.url.startsWith("")) {
const settings = getSettings().plugins?.FixYoutubeEmbeds;
const settings =;
if (!settings?.enabled) return;

View file

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import { NavContextMenuPatchCallback } from "@api/ContextMenu";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { disableStyle, enableStyle } from "@api/Styles";
import { makeRange } from "@components/PluginSettings/components";
import { debounce } from "@shared/debounce";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import { debounce } from "@utils/debounce";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { Menu, React, ReactDOM } from "@webpack/common";
import type { Root } from "react-dom/client";

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export function MemberCount({ isTooltip, tooltipGuildId }: { isTooltip?: true; t
const { groups } = useStateFromStores(
() => ChannelMemberStore.getProps(guildId,
() => ChannelMemberStore.getProps(guildId, currentChannel?.id)
if (!isTooltip && (groups.length >= 1 || groups[0].id !== "unknown")) {

View file

@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ function MessageEmbedAccessory({ message }: { message: Message; }) {
delete msg.embeds;
delete msg.interaction;
messageFetchQueue.push(() => fetchMessage(channelID, messageID)
messageFetchQueue.unshift(() => fetchMessage(channelID, messageID)
.then(m => m && FluxDispatcher.dispatch({
message: msg

View file

@ -137,6 +137,16 @@ export default definePlugin({
onChange: () => addDeleteStyle()
logDeletes: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Whether to log deleted messages",
default: true,
logEdits: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Whether to log edited messages",
default: true,
ignoreBots: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Whether to ignore messages by bots",
@ -197,8 +207,8 @@ export default definePlugin({
return cache;
shouldIgnore(message: any) {
const { ignoreBots, ignoreSelf, ignoreUsers, ignoreChannels, ignoreGuilds } = Settings.plugins.MessageLogger;
shouldIgnore(message: any, isEdit = false) {
const { ignoreBots, ignoreSelf, ignoreUsers, ignoreChannels, ignoreGuilds, logEdits, logDeletes } = Settings.plugins.MessageLogger;
const myId = UserStore.getCurrentUser().id;
return ignoreBots && ||
@ -206,6 +216,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
ignoreUsers.includes( ||
ignoreChannels.includes(message.channel_id) ||
ignoreChannels.includes(ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id)?.parent_id) ||
(isEdit ? !logEdits : !logDeletes) ||
@ -241,7 +252,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
match: /(MESSAGE_UPDATE:function\((\i)\).+?)\.update\((\i)/,
replace: "$1" +
".update($3,m =>" +
" (($2.message.flags & 64) === 64 || $self.shouldIgnore($2.message)) ? m :" +
" (($2.message.flags & 64) === 64 || $self.shouldIgnore($2.message, true)) ? m :" +
" $2.message.content !== m.editHistory?.[0]?.content && $2.message.content !== m.content ?" +
" m.set('editHistory',[...(m.editHistory || []), $self.makeEdit($2.message, m)]) :" +
" m" +

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
const settings = definePluginSettings({
defaultLayout: {
type: OptionType.SELECT,
options: [
{ label: "List", value: 1, default: true },
{ label: "Gallery", value: 2 }
description: "Which layout to use as default"
defaultSortOrder: {
type: OptionType.SELECT,
options: [
{ label: "Recently Active", value: 0, default: true },
{ label: "Date Posted", value: 1 }
description: "Which sort order to use as default"
export default definePlugin({
name: "OverrideForumDefaults",
description: "Allows you to override default forum layout/sort order. you can still change it on a per-channel basis",
authors: [Devs.Inbestigator],
patches: [
find: "getDefaultLayout(){",
replacement: [
match: /getDefaultLayout\(\){/,
replace: "$&return $self.getLayout();"
match: /getDefaultSortOrder\(\){/,
replace: "$&return $self.getSortOrder();"
getLayout: () =>,
getSortOrder: () =>,

View file

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Flex } from "@components/Flex";
import { InfoIcon, OwnerCrownIcon } from "@components/Icons";
import { getGuildRoles, getUniqueUsername } from "@utils/discord";
import { getUniqueUsername } from "@utils/discord";
import { ModalCloseButton, ModalContent, ModalHeader, ModalProps, ModalRoot, ModalSize, openModal } from "@utils/modal";
import { ContextMenuApi, FluxDispatcher, GuildMemberStore, Menu, PermissionsBits, Text, Tooltip, useEffect, UserStore, useState, useStateFromStores } from "@webpack/common";
import { ContextMenuApi, FluxDispatcher, GuildMemberStore, GuildStore, Menu, PermissionsBits, Text, Tooltip, useEffect, UserStore, useState, useStateFromStores } from "@webpack/common";
import type { Guild } from "discord-types/general";
import { settings } from "..";
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function RolesAndUsersPermissionsComponent({ permissions, guild, modalProps, hea
const [selectedItemIndex, selectItem] = useState(0);
const selectedItem = permissions[selectedItemIndex];
const roles = getGuildRoles(;
const roles = GuildStore.getRoles(;
return (
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ function RoleContextMenu({ guild, roleId, onClose }: { guild: Guild; roleId: str
label="View As Role"
action={() => {
const role = getGuildRoles([roleId];
const role = GuildStore.getRole(, roleId);
if (!role) return;

View file

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import "./styles.css";
import { findGroupChildrenByChildId, NavContextMenuPatchCallback } from "@api/ContextMenu";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import { getGuildRoles } from "@utils/discord";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { ChannelStore, GuildMemberStore, GuildStore, Menu, PermissionsBits, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
import type { Guild, GuildMember } from "discord-types/general";
@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ function MenuItem(guildId: string, id?: string, type?: MenuItemParentType) {
default: {
permissions = Object.values(getGuildRoles( => ({
permissions = Object.values(GuildStore.getRoles( => ({
type: PermissionType.Role,

View file

@ -17,9 +17,8 @@
import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles";
import { getGuildRoles } from "@utils/discord";
import { wordsToTitle } from "@utils/text";
import { i18n, Parser } from "@webpack/common";
import { GuildStore, i18n, Parser } from "@webpack/common";
import { Guild, GuildMember, Role } from "discord-types/general";
import type { ReactNode } from "react";
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ export function getPermissionDescription(permission: string): ReactNode {
export function getSortedRoles({ id }: Guild, member: GuildMember) {
const roles = getGuildRoles(id);
const roles = GuildStore.getRoles(id);
return [...member.roles, id]
.map(id => roles[id])
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ export function sortUserRoles(roles: Role[]) {
export function sortPermissionOverwrites<T extends { id: string; type: number; }>(overwrites: T[], guildId: string) {
const roles = getGuildRoles(guildId);
const roles = GuildStore.getRoles(guildId);
return overwrites.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.type !== PermissionType.Role || b.type !== PermissionType.Role) return 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles";
import { ModalContent, ModalFooter, ModalHeader, ModalProps, ModalRoot, openModalLazy } from "@utils/modal";
import { extractAndLoadChunksLazy, findComponentByCodeLazy } from "@webpack";
import { Button, Forms, Text, TextInput, Toasts, useEffect, useState } from "@webpack/common";
import { DEFAULT_COLOR, SWATCHES } from "../constants";
import { categories, Category, createCategory, getCategory, updateCategory } from "../data";
import { forceUpdate } from "../index";
interface ColorPickerProps {
color: number | null;
showEyeDropper?: boolean;
suggestedColors?: string[];
onChange(value: number | null): void;
interface ColorPickerWithSwatchesProps {
defaultColor: number;
colors: number[];
value: number;
disabled?: boolean;
onChange(value: number | null): void;
renderDefaultButton?: () => React.ReactNode;
renderCustomButton?: () => React.ReactNode;
const ColorPicker = findComponentByCodeLazy<ColorPickerProps>(".Messages.USER_SETTINGS_PROFILE_COLOR_SELECT_COLOR", ".BACKGROUND_PRIMARY)");
const ColorPickerWithSwatches = findComponentByCodeLazy<ColorPickerWithSwatchesProps>(".presets,", "customColor:");
export const requireSettingsMenu = extractAndLoadChunksLazy(['name:"UserSettings"'], /createPromise:.{0,20}el\("(.+?)"\).{0,50}"UserSettings"/);
const cl = classNameFactory("vc-pindms-modal-");
interface Props {
categoryId: string | null;
initalChannelId: string | null;
modalProps: ModalProps;
function useCategory(categoryId: string | null, initalChannelId: string | null) {
const [category, setCategory] = useState<Category | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (categoryId)
else if (initalChannelId)
id: Toasts.genId(),
name: `Pin Category ${categories.length + 1}`,
color: 10070709,
collapsed: false,
channels: [initalChannelId]
}, [categoryId, initalChannelId]);
return {
export function NewCategoryModal({ categoryId, modalProps, initalChannelId }: Props) {
const { category, setCategory } = useCategory(categoryId, initalChannelId);
if (!category) return null;
const onSave = async (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement> | React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>) => {
if (!categoryId)
await createCategory(category);
await updateCategory(category);
return (
<ModalRoot {...modalProps}>
<Text variant="heading-lg/semibold" style={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>{categoryId ? "Edit" : "New"} Category</Text>
{/* form is here so when you press enter while in the text input it submits */}
<form onSubmit={onSave}>
<ModalContent className={cl("content")}>
onChange={e => setCategory({ ...category, name: e })}
<Forms.FormDivider />
onChange={c => setCategory({ ...category, color: c! })}
renderDefaultButton={() => null}
renderCustomButton={() => (
onChange={c => setCategory({ ...category, color: c! })}
<Button type="submit" onClick={onSave} disabled={!}>{categoryId ? "Save" : "Create"}</Button>
export const openCategoryModal = (categoryId: string | null, channelId: string | null) =>
openModalLazy(async () => {
await requireSettingsMenu();
return modalProps => <NewCategoryModal categoryId={categoryId} modalProps={modalProps} initalChannelId={channelId} />;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { findGroupChildrenByChildId, NavContextMenuPatchCallback } from "@api/ContextMenu";
import { Menu } from "@webpack/common";
import { addChannelToCategory, canMoveChannelInDirection, categories, isPinned, moveChannel, removeChannelFromCategory } from "../data";
import { forceUpdate, settings } from "../index";
import { openCategoryModal } from "./CreateCategoryModal";
function createPinMenuItem(channelId: string) {
const pinned = isPinned(channelId);
return (
label="Pin DMs"
{!pinned && (
label="Add Category"
action={() => openCategoryModal(null, channelId)}
<Menu.MenuSeparator />
{ => (
action={() => addChannelToCategory(channelId,}
{pinned && (
label="Unpin DM"
action={() => removeChannelFromCategory(channelId).then(forceUpdate)}
! && canMoveChannelInDirection(channelId, -1) && (
label="Move Up"
action={() => moveChannel(channelId, -1).then(forceUpdate)}
! && canMoveChannelInDirection(channelId, 1) && (
label="Move Down"
action={() => moveChannel(channelId, 1).then(forceUpdate)}
const GroupDMContext: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, props) => {
const container = findGroupChildrenByChildId("leave-channel", children);
const UserContext: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, props) => {
const container = findGroupChildrenByChildId("close-dm", children);
if (container) {
const idx = container.findIndex(c => c?.props?.id === "close-dm");
container.splice(idx, 0, createPinMenuItem(;
export const contextMenus = {
"gdm-context": GroupDMContext,
"user-context": UserContext

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
export const DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 256;
export const DEFAULT_COLOR = 10070709;
export const SWATCHES = [

View file

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { findGroupChildrenByChildId, NavContextMenuPatchCallback } from "@api/ContextMenu";
import { Menu } from "@webpack/common";
import { isPinned, movePin, PinOrder, settings, snapshotArray, togglePin } from "./settings";
function PinMenuItem(channelId: string) {
const pinned = isPinned(channelId);
const canMove = pinned && === PinOrder.Custom;
return (
label={pinned ? "Unpin DM" : "Pin DM"}
action={() => togglePin(channelId)}
{canMove && snapshotArray[0] !== channelId && (
label="Move Pin Up"
action={() => movePin(channelId, -1)}
{canMove && snapshotArray[snapshotArray.length - 1] !== channelId && (
label="Move Pin Down"
action={() => movePin(channelId, +1)}
const GroupDMContext: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, props) => {
const container = findGroupChildrenByChildId("leave-channel", children);
if (container)
const UserContext: NavContextMenuPatchCallback = (children, props) => {
const container = findGroupChildrenByChildId("close-dm", children);
if (container) {
const idx = container.findIndex(c => c?.props?.id === "close-dm");
container.splice(idx, 0, PinMenuItem(;
export const contextMenus = {
"gdm-context": GroupDMContext,
"user-context": UserContext

src/plugins/pinDms/data.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import * as DataStore from "@api/DataStore";
import { Settings } from "@api/Settings";
import { UserStore } from "@webpack/common";
import { DEFAULT_COLOR } from "./constants";
import { forceUpdate } from "./index";
export interface Category {
id: string;
name: string;
color: number;
channels: string[];
collapsed?: boolean;
const CATEGORY_BASE_KEY = "PinDMsCategories-";
const CATEGORY_MIGRATED_KEY = "PinDMsMigratedOldCategories";
const OLD_CATEGORY_KEY = "BetterPinDMsCategories-";
export let categories: Category[] = [];
export async function saveCats(cats: Category[]) {
const { id } = UserStore.getCurrentUser();
await DataStore.set(CATEGORY_BASE_KEY + id, cats);
export async function init() {
const id = UserStore.getCurrentUser()?.id;
await initCategories(id);
await migrateData(id);
export async function initCategories(userId: string) {
categories = await DataStore.get<Category[]>(CATEGORY_BASE_KEY + userId) ?? [];
export function getCategory(id: string) {
return categories.find(c => === id);
export async function createCategory(category: Category) {
await saveCats(categories);
export async function updateCategory(category: Category) {
const index = categories.findIndex(c => ===;
if (index === -1) return;
categories[index] = category;
await saveCats(categories);
export async function addChannelToCategory(channelId: string, categoryId: string) {
const category = categories.find(c => === categoryId);
if (!category) return;
if (category.channels.includes(channelId)) return;
await saveCats(categories);
export async function removeChannelFromCategory(channelId: string) {
const category = categories.find(c => c.channels.includes(channelId));
if (!category) return;
category.channels = category.channels.filter(c => c !== channelId);
await saveCats(categories);
export async function removeCategory(categoryId: string) {
const catagory = categories.find(c => === categoryId);
if (!catagory) return;
// catagory?.channels.forEach(c => removeChannelFromCategory(c));
categories = categories.filter(c => !== categoryId);
await saveCats(categories);
export async function collapseCategory(id: string, value = true) {
const category = categories.find(c => === id);
if (!category) return;
category.collapsed = value;
await saveCats(categories);
// utils
export function isPinned(id: string) {
return categories.some(c => c.channels.includes(id));
export function categoryLen() {
return categories.length;
export function getAllUncollapsedChannels() {
return categories.filter(c => !c.collapsed).map(c => c.channels).flat();
export function getSections() {
return categories.reduce((acc, category) => {
acc.push(category.channels.length === 0 ? 1 : category.channels.length);
return acc;
}, [] as number[]);
// move categories
export const canMoveArrayInDirection = (array: any[], index: number, direction: -1 | 1) => {
const a = array[index];
const b = array[index + direction];
return a && b;
export const canMoveCategoryInDirection = (id: string, direction: -1 | 1) => {
const index = categories.findIndex(m => === id);
return canMoveArrayInDirection(categories, index, direction);
export const canMoveCategory = (id: string) => canMoveCategoryInDirection(id, -1) || canMoveCategoryInDirection(id, 1);
export const canMoveChannelInDirection = (channelId: string, direction: -1 | 1) => {
const category = categories.find(c => c.channels.includes(channelId));
if (!category) return false;
const index = category.channels.indexOf(channelId);
return canMoveArrayInDirection(category.channels, index, direction);
function swapElementsInArray(array: any[], index1: number, index2: number) {
if (!array[index1] || !array[index2]) return;
[array[index1], array[index2]] = [array[index2], array[index1]];
// stolen from PinDMs
export async function moveCategory(id: string, direction: -1 | 1) {
const a = categories.findIndex(m => === id);
const b = a + direction;
swapElementsInArray(categories, a, b);
await saveCats(categories);
export async function moveChannel(channelId: string, direction: -1 | 1) {
const category = categories.find(c => c.channels.includes(channelId));
if (!category) return;
const a = category.channels.indexOf(channelId);
const b = a + direction;
swapElementsInArray(category.channels, a, b);
await saveCats(categories);
// migrate data
const getPinDMsPins = () => (Settings.plugins.PinDMs.pinnedDMs || void 0)?.split(",") as string[] | undefined;
async function migratePinDMs() {
if (categories.some(m => === "oldPins")) {
return await DataStore.set(CATEGORY_MIGRATED_PINDMS_KEY, true);
const pindmspins = getPinDMsPins();
// we dont want duplicate pins
const difference = [ Set(pindmspins)]?.filter(m => !categories.some(c => c.channels.includes(m)));
if (difference?.length) {
id: "oldPins",
name: "Pins",
channels: difference
await DataStore.set(CATEGORY_MIGRATED_PINDMS_KEY, true);
async function migrateOldCategories(userId: string) {
const oldCats = await DataStore.get<Category[]>(OLD_CATEGORY_KEY + userId);
// dont want to migrate if the user has already has categories.
if (categories.length === 0 && oldCats?.length) {
categories.push(...(oldCats.filter(m => !== "oldPins")));
await DataStore.set(CATEGORY_MIGRATED_KEY, true);
export async function migrateData(userId: string) {
const m1 = await DataStore.get(CATEGORY_MIGRATED_KEY), m2 = await DataStore.get(CATEGORY_MIGRATED_PINDMS_KEY);
if (m1 && m2) return;
// want to migrate the old categories first and then slove any conflicts with the PinDMs pins
if (!m1) await migrateOldCategories(userId);
if (!m2) await migratePinDMs();
await saveCats(categories);

View file

@ -1,116 +1,131 @@
* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import "./styles.css";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
import { classes } from "@utils/misc";
import definePlugin, { OptionType, StartAt } from "@utils/types";
import { findByPropsLazy, findStoreLazy } from "@webpack";
import { ContextMenuApi, FluxDispatcher, Menu, React } from "@webpack/common";
import { Channel } from "discord-types/general";
import { contextMenus } from "./contextMenus";
import { getPinAt, isPinned, settings, snapshotArray, sortedSnapshot, usePinnedDms } from "./settings";
import { contextMenus } from "./components/contextMenu";
import { openCategoryModal, requireSettingsMenu } from "./components/CreateCategoryModal";
import { DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE } from "./constants";
import { canMoveCategory, canMoveCategoryInDirection, categories, Category, categoryLen, collapseCategory, getAllUncollapsedChannels, getSections, init, isPinned, moveCategory, removeCategory } from "./data";
interface ChannelComponentProps {
children: React.ReactNode,
channel: Channel,
selected: boolean;
const headerClasses = findByPropsLazy("privateChannelsHeaderContainer");
const PrivateChannelSortStore = findStoreLazy("PrivateChannelSortStore") as { getPrivateChannelIds: () => string[]; };
export let instance: any;
export const forceUpdate = () => instance?.props?._forceUpdate?.();
export const settings = definePluginSettings({
sortDmsByNewestMessage: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Sort DMs by newest message",
default: false,
onChange: () => forceUpdate()
dmSectioncollapsed: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Collapse DM sections",
default: false,
onChange: () => forceUpdate()
export default definePlugin({
name: "PinDMs",
description: "Allows you to pin private channels to the top of your DM list. To pin/unpin or reorder pins, right click DMs",
authors: [Devs.Ven, Devs.Strencher],
authors: [Devs.Ven, Devs.Aria],
usePinCount(channelIds: string[]) {
const pinnedDms = usePinnedDms();
// See comment on 2nd patch for reasoning
return channelIds.length ? [pinnedDms.size] : [];
getChannel(channels: Record<string, Channel>, idx: number) {
return channels[getPinAt(idx)];
getSnapshot: sortedSnapshot,
getScrollOffset(channelId: string, rowHeight: number, padding: number, preRenderedChildren: number, originalOffset: number) {
if (!isPinned(channelId))
return (
(rowHeight + padding) * 2 // header
+ rowHeight * snapshotArray.length // pins
+ originalOffset // original pin offset minus pins
return rowHeight * (snapshotArray.indexOf(channelId) + preRenderedChildren) + padding;
patches: [
// Patch DM list
find: ".privateChannelsHeaderContainer,",
replacement: [
// Init
// filter Discord's privateChannelIds list to remove pins, and pass
// pinCount as prop. This needs to be here so that the entire DM list receives
// updates on pin/unpin
match: /(?<=\i,{channels:\i,)privateChannelIds:(\i),/,
replace: "privateChannelIds:$1.filter(c=>!$self.isPinned(c)),pinCount:$self.usePinCount($1),"
match: /(?<=componentDidMount\(\){).{1,100}scrollToChannel/,
replace: "$self._instance = this;$&"
// sections is an array of numbers, where each element is a section and
// the number is the amount of rows. Add our pinCount in second place
// - Section 1: buttons for pages like Friends & Library
// - Section 2: our pinned dms
// - Section 3: the normal dm list
match: /(?<=renderRow:this\.renderRow,)sections:\[\i,/,
// For some reason, adding our sections when no private channels are ready yet
// makes DMs infinitely load. Thus usePinCount returns either a single element
// array with the count, or an empty array. Due to spreading, only in the former
// case will an element be added to the outer array
// Thanks for the fix, Strencher!
replace: "$&...this.props.pinCount??[],"
// Filter out pinned channels from the private channel list
match: /(?<=\i,{channels:\i,)privateChannelIds:(\i)/,
replace: "privateChannelIds:$1.filter(c=>!$self.isPinned(c))"
// Patch renderSection (renders the header) to set the text to "Pinned DMs" instead of "Direct Messages"
// lookbehind is used to lookup parameter name. We could use arguments[0], but
// if children ever is wrapped in an iife, it will break
match: /children:(\i\.\i\.Messages.DIRECT_MESSAGES)(?<=renderSection=(\i)=>{.+?)/,
replace: "children:$2.section===1?'Pinned DMs':$1"
// Insert the pinned channels to sections
match: /(?<=renderRow:this\.renderRow,)sections:\[.+?1\)]/,
replace: "...$self.makeProps(this,{$&})"
// Rendering
match: /this\.renderDM=\(.+?(\i\.default),{channel.+?this.renderRow=(\i)=>{/,
replace: "$&if($self.isChannelIndex($2.section, $2.row))return $self.renderChannel($2.section,$2.row,$1);"
// Patch channel lookup inside renderDM
// channel=channels[channelIds[row]];
match: /(?<=renderDM=\((\i),(\i)\)=>{.*?this.state,\i=\i\[\i\],\i=)((\i)\[\i\]);/,
// section 1 is us, manually get our own channel
// section === 1 ? getChannel(channels, row) : channels[channelIds[row]];
replace: "$1===1?$self.getChannel($4,$2):$3;"
match: /this\.renderSection=(\i)=>{/,
replace: "$&if($self.isCategoryIndex($1.section))return $self.renderCategory($1);"
// Fix getRowHeight's check for whether this is the DMs section
// DMS (inlined) === section
match: /(?<=getRowHeight=\(.{2,50}?)1===\i/,
// DMS (inlined) === section - 1
replace: "$&-1"
match: /(?<=span",{)className:\i\.headerText,/,
replace: "...$self.makeSpanProps(),$&"
// Fix Row Height
match: /(?<=this\.getRowHeight=.{1,100}return 1===)\i/,
replace: "($&-$self.categoryLen())"
match: /this.getRowHeight=\((\i),(\i)\)=>{/,
replace: "$&if($self.isChannelHidden($1,$2))return 0;"
// Fix ScrollTo
// Override scrollToChannel to properly account for pinned channels
match: /(?<=scrollTo\(\{to:\i\}\):\(\i\+=)(\d+)\*\(.+?(?=,)/,
replace: "$self.getScrollOffset(arguments[0],$1,this.props.padding,this.state.preRenderedChildren,$&)"
match: /(?<=scrollToChannel\(\i\){.{1,300})this\.props\.privateChannelIds/,
replace: "[...$&,...$self.getAllUncollapsedChannels()]"
// forceUpdate moment
find: ".FRIENDS},\"friends\"",
replacement: {
match: /(?<=\i=\i=>{).{1,100}premiumTabSelected.{1,800}showDMHeader:.+?,/,
replace: "let forceUpdate = Vencord.Util.useForceUpdater();$&_forceUpdate:forceUpdate,"
// Fix Alt Up/Down navigation
find: ".Routes.APPLICATION_STORE&&",
@ -118,16 +133,227 @@ export default definePlugin({
// channelIds = __OVERLAY__ ? stuff : [...getStaticPaths(),...channelIds)]
match: /(?<=\i=__OVERLAY__\?\i:\[\.\.\.\i\(\),\.\.\.)\i/,
// ....concat(pins).concat(toArray(channelIds).filter(c => !isPinned(c)))
replace: "$self.getSnapshot().concat($&.filter(c=>!$self.isPinned(c)))"
replace: "$self.getAllUncollapsedChannels().concat($&.filter(c=>!$self.isPinned(c)))"
// fix alt+shift+up/down
find: ".getFlattenedGuildIds()],",
replacement: {
match: /(?<=\i===\i\.ME\?)\i\.\i\.getPrivateChannelIds\(\)/,
replace: "$self.getSnapshot().concat($&.filter(c=>!$self.isPinned(c)))"
replace: "$self.getAllUncollapsedChannels().concat($&.filter(c=>!$self.isPinned(c)))"
sections: null as number[] | null,
set _instance(i: any) {
this.instance = i;
instance = i;
startAt: StartAt.WebpackReady,
start: init,
flux: {
makeProps(instance, { sections }: { sections: number[]; }) {
this.sections = sections;
this.sections.splice(1, 0, ...this.getPinCount(instance.props.privateChannelIds || []));
if (this.instance?.props?.privateChannelIds?.length === 0) {
this.sections[this.sections.length - 1] = 0;
return {
sections: this.sections,
chunkSize: this.getChunkSize(),
makeSpanProps() {
return {
onClick: () => this.collapseDMList(),
role: "button",
style: { cursor: "pointer" }
getChunkSize() {
// the chunk size is the amount of rows (measured in pixels) that are rendered at once (probably)
// the higher the chunk size, the more rows are rendered at once
// also if the chunk size is 0 it will render everything at once
const sections = this.getSections();
const sectionHeaderSizePx = sections.length * 40;
// (header heights + DM heights + DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) * 1.5
// we multiply everything by 1.5 so it only gets unmounted after the entire list is off screen
return (sectionHeaderSizePx + sections.reduce((acc, v) => acc += v + 44, 0) + DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) * 1.5;
getPinCount(channelIds: string[]) {
return channelIds.length ? this.getSections() : [];
isCategoryIndex(sectionIndex: number) {
return this.sections && sectionIndex > 0 && sectionIndex < this.sections.length - 1;
isChannelIndex(sectionIndex: number, channelIndex: number) {
if ( && sectionIndex !== 0)
return true;
const cat = categories[sectionIndex - 1];
return this.isCategoryIndex(sectionIndex) && (cat.channels.length === 0 || cat?.channels[channelIndex]);
isDMSectioncollapsed() {
collapseDMList() {
// console.log("HI"); = !;
isChannelHidden(categoryIndex: number, channelIndex: number) {
if (categoryIndex === 0) return false;
if ( && this.getSections().length + 1 === categoryIndex)
return true;
if (!this.instance || !this.isChannelIndex(categoryIndex, channelIndex)) return false;
const category = categories[categoryIndex - 1];
if (!category) return false;
return category.collapsed && this.instance.props.selectedChannelId !== category.channels[channelIndex];
getScrollOffset(channelId: string, rowHeight: number, padding: number, preRenderedChildren: number, originalOffset: number) {
if (!isPinned(channelId))
return (
(rowHeight + padding) * 2 // header
+ rowHeight * this.getAllUncollapsedChannels().length // pins
+ originalOffset // original pin offset minus pins
return rowHeight * (this.getAllUncollapsedChannels().indexOf(channelId) + preRenderedChildren) + padding;
renderCategory: ErrorBoundary.wrap(({ section }: { section: number; }) => {
const category = categories[section - 1];
if (!category) return null;
return (
className={classes(headerClasses.privateChannelsHeaderContainer, "vc-pindms-section-container", category.collapsed ? "vc-pindms-collapsed" : "")}
style={{ color: `#${category.color.toString(16).padStart(6, "0")}` }}
onClick={async () => {
await collapseCategory(, !category.collapsed);
onContextMenu={e => {
ContextMenuApi.openContextMenu(e, () => (
onClose={() => FluxDispatcher.dispatch({ type: "CONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE" })}
aria-label="Pin DMs Category Menu"
label="Edit Category"
action={() => openCategoryModal(, null)}
canMoveCategory( && (
canMoveCategoryInDirection(, -1) && <Menu.MenuItem
label="Move Up"
action={() => moveCategory(, -1).then(() => forceUpdate())}
canMoveCategoryInDirection(, 1) && <Menu.MenuItem
label="Move Down"
action={() => moveCategory(, 1).then(() => forceUpdate())}
<Menu.MenuSeparator />
label="Delete Category"
action={() => removeCategory( => forceUpdate())}
<span className={headerClasses.headerText}>
{category?.name ?? "uh oh"}
<svg className="vc-pindms-collapse-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M9.3 5.3a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.4l5.29 5.3-5.3 5.3a1 1 0 1 0 1.42 1.4l6-6a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.4l-6-6a1 1 0 0 0-1.42 0Z"></path>
renderChannel(sectionIndex: number, index: number, ChannelComponent: React.ComponentType<ChannelComponentProps>) {
const { channel, category } = this.getChannel(sectionIndex, index, this.instance.props.channels);
if (!channel || !category) return null;
if (this.isChannelHidden(sectionIndex, index)) return null;
return (
selected={this.instance.props.selectedChannelId ===}
getChannel(sectionIndex: number, index: number, channels: Record<string, Channel>) {
const category = categories[sectionIndex - 1];
if (!category) return { channel: null, category: null };
const channelId = this.getCategoryChannels(category)[index];
return { channel: channels[channelId], category };
getCategoryChannels(category: Category) {
if (category.channels.length === 0) return [];
if ( {
return PrivateChannelSortStore.getPrivateChannelIds().filter(c => category.channels.includes(c));
return category?.channels ?? [];

View file

@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { definePluginSettings, Settings, useSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findStoreLazy } from "@webpack";
export const enum PinOrder {
export const settings = definePluginSettings({
pinOrder: {
type: OptionType.SELECT,
description: "Which order should pinned DMs be displayed in?",
options: [
{ label: "Most recent message", value: PinOrder.LastMessage, default: true },
{ label: "Custom (right click channels to reorder)", value: PinOrder.Custom }
const PrivateChannelSortStore = findStoreLazy("PrivateChannelSortStore");
export let snapshotArray: string[];
let snapshot: Set<string> | undefined;
const getArray = () => (Settings.plugins.PinDMs.pinnedDMs || void 0)?.split(",") as string[] | undefined;
const save = (pins: string[]) => {
snapshot = void 0;
Settings.plugins.PinDMs.pinnedDMs = pins.join(",");
const takeSnapshot = () => {
snapshotArray = getArray() ?? [];
return snapshot = new Set<string>(snapshotArray);
const requireSnapshot = () => snapshot ?? takeSnapshot();
export function usePinnedDms() {
return requireSnapshot();
export function isPinned(id: string) {
return requireSnapshot().has(id);
export function togglePin(id: string) {
const snapshot = requireSnapshot();
if (!snapshot.delete(id)) {
export function sortedSnapshot() {
if ( === PinOrder.LastMessage)
return PrivateChannelSortStore.getPrivateChannelIds().filter(isPinned);
return snapshotArray;
export function getPinAt(idx: number) {
return sortedSnapshot()[idx];
export function movePin(id: string, direction: -1 | 1) {
const pins = getArray()!;
const a = pins.indexOf(id);
const b = a + direction;
[pins[a], pins[b]] = [pins[b], pins[a]];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
.vc-pindms-section-container {
box-sizing: border-box;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 16px;
letter-spacing: .02em;
font-family: var(--font-display);
font-weight: 600;
flex: 1 1 auto;
color: var(--channels-default);
cursor: pointer;
.vc-pindms-modal-content {
display: grid;
justify-content: center;
padding: 1rem;
gap: 1.5rem;
.vc-pindms-modal-content [class^="defaultContainer"] {
display: none;
.vc-pindms-collapse-icon {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
color: var(--interactive-normal);
transform: rotate(90deg)
.vc-pindms-collapsed .vc-pindms-collapse-icon {
transform: rotate(0deg);

View file

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
import { Settings } from "@api/Settings";
import { VENCORD_USER_AGENT } from "@utils/constants";
import { debounce } from "@utils/debounce";
import { debounce } from "@shared/debounce";
import { VENCORD_USER_AGENT } from "@shared/vencordUserAgent";
import { getCurrentChannel } from "@utils/discord";
import { useAwaiter } from "@utils/react";
import { UserProfileStore, UserStore } from "@webpack/common";

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ const settings = definePluginSettings({
export default definePlugin({
name: "QuickReply",
authors: [Devs.obscurity, Devs.Ven, Devs.pylix],
authors: [Devs.fawn, Devs.Ven, Devs.pylix],
description: "Reply to (ctrl + up/down) and edit (ctrl + shift + up/down) messages via keybinds",

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import ReviewComponent from "./ReviewComponent";
const { Editor, Transforms } = findByPropsLazy("Editor", "Transforms");
const { ChatInputTypes } = findByPropsLazy("ChatInputTypes");
const InputComponent = findComponentByCodeLazy("default.CHANNEL_TEXT_AREA");
const InputComponent = findComponentByCodeLazy("default.CHANNEL_TEXT_AREA", "input");
const { createChannelRecordFromServer } = findByPropsLazy("createChannelRecordFromServer");
interface UserProps {

View file

@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import { getGuildRoles } from "@utils/discord";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { ChannelStore, GuildMemberStore } from "@webpack/common";
import { ChannelStore, GuildMemberStore, GuildStore } from "@webpack/common";
const settings = definePluginSettings({
chatMentions: {
@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
roleGroupColor: ErrorBoundary.wrap(({ id, count, title, guildId, label }: { id: string; count: number; title: string; guildId: string; label: string; }) => {
const role = getGuildRoles(guildId)[id];
const role = GuildStore.getRole(guildId, id);
return (
<span style={{

View file

@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
import "./styles.css";
import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles";
import { getGuildRoles, openImageModal, openUserProfile } from "@utils/discord";
import { openImageModal, openUserProfile } from "@utils/discord";
import { classes } from "@utils/misc";
import { ModalRoot, ModalSize, openModal } from "@utils/modal";
import { useAwaiter } from "@utils/react";
import { findByPropsLazy, findExportedComponentLazy } from "@webpack";
import { FluxDispatcher, Forms, GuildChannelStore, GuildMemberStore, IconUtils, Parser, PresenceStore, RelationshipStore, ScrollerThin, SnowflakeUtils, TabBar, Timestamp, useEffect, UserStore, UserUtils, useState, useStateFromStores } from "@webpack/common";
import { FluxDispatcher, Forms, GuildChannelStore, GuildMemberStore, GuildStore, IconUtils, Parser, PresenceStore, RelationshipStore, ScrollerThin, SnowflakeUtils, TabBar, Timestamp, useEffect, UserStore, UserUtils, useState, useStateFromStores } from "@webpack/common";
import { Guild, User } from "discord-types/general";
const IconClasses = findByPropsLazy("icon", "acronym", "childWrapper");
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function ServerInfoTab({ guild }: GuildProps) {
"Verification Level": ["None", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Highest"][guild.verificationLevel] || "?",
"Nitro Boosts": `${guild.premiumSubscriberCount ?? 0} (Level ${guild.premiumTier ?? 0})`,
"Channels": GuildChannelStore.getChannels( - 1 || "?", // - null category
"Roles": Object.keys(getGuildRoles( - 1, // - @everyone
"Roles": Object.keys(GuildStore.getRoles( - 1, // - @everyone
return (

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import "./spotifyStyles.css";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Flex } from "@components/Flex";
import { ImageIcon, LinkIcon, OpenExternalIcon } from "@components/Icons";
import { debounce } from "@utils/debounce";
import { debounce } from "@shared/debounce";
import { openImageModal } from "@utils/discord";
import { classes, copyWithToast } from "@utils/misc";
import { ContextMenuApi, FluxDispatcher, Forms, Menu, React, useEffect, useState, useStateFromStores } from "@webpack/common";

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import definePlugin from "@utils/types";
export default definePlugin({
name: "TimeBarAllActivities",
description: "Adds the Spotify time bar to all activities if they have start and end timestamps",
authors: [Devs.obscurity],
authors: [Devs.fawn],
patches: [
find: "}renderTimeBar(",

View file

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ const settings = definePluginSettings({
export default definePlugin({
name: "TypingIndicator",
description: "Adds an indicator if someone is typing on a channel.",
authors: [Devs.Nuckyz, Devs.obscurity],
authors: [Devs.Nuckyz, Devs.fawn],
patches: [

View file

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
find: ".NITRO_BANNER,",
replacement: {
// style: { backgroundImage: shouldShowBanner ? "url(".concat(bannerUrl,
match: /style:\{(?=backgroundImage:(\i&&\i)\?"url\("\.concat\((\i),)/,
match: /style:\{(?=backgroundImage:(\i)\?"url\("\.concat\((\i),)/,
// onClick: () => shouldShowBanner && && openImage(bannerUrl), style: { cursor: shouldShowBanner ? "pointer" : void 0,
'onClick:ev=>$1&&$self.openImage($2),style:{cursor:$1?"pointer":void 0,'

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import { Message, ReactionEmoji, User } from "discord-types/general";
const UserSummaryItem = findComponentByCodeLazy("defaultRenderUser", "showDefaultAvatarsForNullUsers");
const AvatarStyles = findByPropsLazy("moreUsers", "emptyUser", "avatarContainer", "clickableAvatar");
let Scroll: any = null;
const queue = new Queue();
let reactions: Record<string, ReactionCacheEntry>;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function handleClickAvatar(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>) {
export default definePlugin({
name: "WhoReacted",
description: "Renders the avatars of users who reacted to a message",
authors: [Devs.Ven, Devs.KannaDev],
authors: [Devs.Ven, Devs.KannaDev, Devs.newwares],
patches: [{
find: ",reactionRef:",
@ -105,7 +105,19 @@ export default definePlugin({
match: /(?<=CONNECTION_OPEN:function\(\){)(\i)={}/,
replace: "$&;$self.reactions=$1"
find: "cleanAutomaticAnchor(){",
replacement: {
match: /this\.automaticAnchor=null,this\.messageFetchAnchor=null,/,
replace: "$&$self.setScrollObj(this),"
setScrollObj(scroll: any) {
Scroll = scroll;
renderUsers(props: RootObject) {
return props.message.reactions.length > 10 ? null : (
@ -114,9 +126,13 @@ export default definePlugin({
_renderUsers({ message, emoji, type }: RootObject) {
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdater();
React.useLayoutEffect(() => { // bc need to prevent autoscrolling
if (Scroll?.scrollCounter > 0) {
React.useEffect(() => {
const cb = (e: any) => {
if (e.messageId ===

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { makeRange } from "@components/PluginSettings/components";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import { getGuildRoles } from "@utils/discord";
import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger";
import definePlugin, { OptionType, PluginNative } from "@utils/types";
import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ export default definePlugin({
if (message.mention_roles.length > 0) {
for (const roleId of message.mention_roles) {
const role = getGuildRoles(channel.guild_id)[roleId];
const role = GuildStore.getRole(channel.guild_id, roleId);
if (!role) continue;
const roleColor = role.colorString ?? `#${pingColor}`;
finalMsg = finalMsg.replace(`<@&${roleId}>`, `<b><color=${roleColor}>@${}</color></b>`);

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { debounce } from "@utils/debounce";
import { debounce } from "@shared/debounce";
import { contextBridge, webFrame } from "electron";
import { readFileSync, watch } from "fs";
import { join } from "path";

src/shared/SettingsStore.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import { LiteralUnion } from "type-fest";
// Resolves a possibly nested prop in the form of "some.nested.prop" to type of T.some.nested.prop
type ResolvePropDeep<T, P> = P extends `${infer Pre}.${infer Suf}`
? Pre extends keyof T
? ResolvePropDeep<T[Pre], Suf>
: any
: P extends keyof T
? T[P]
: any;
interface SettingsStoreOptions {
readOnly?: boolean;
getDefaultValue?: (data: {
target: any;
key: string;
root: any;
path: string;
}) => any;
// merges the SettingsStoreOptions type into the class
export interface SettingsStore<T extends object> extends SettingsStoreOptions { }
* The SettingsStore allows you to easily create a mutable store that
* has support for global and path-based change listeners.
export class SettingsStore<T extends object> {
private pathListeners = new Map<string, Set<(newData: any) => void>>();
private globalListeners = new Set<(newData: T, path: string) => void>();
* The store object. Making changes to this object will trigger the applicable change listeners
public declare store: T;
* The plain data. Changes to this object will not trigger any change listeners
public declare plain: T;
public constructor(plain: T, options: SettingsStoreOptions = {}) {
this.plain = plain; = this.makeProxy(plain);
Object.assign(this, options);
private makeProxy(object: any, root: T = object, path: string = "") {
const self = this;
return new Proxy(object, {
get(target, key: string) {
let v = target[key];
if (!(key in target) && self.getDefaultValue) {
v = self.getDefaultValue({
if (typeof v === "object" && v !== null && !Array.isArray(v))
return self.makeProxy(v, root, `${path}${path && "."}${key}`);
return v;
set(target, key: string, value) {
if (target[key] === value) return true;
Reflect.set(target, key, value);
const setPath = `${path}${path && "."}${key}`;
self.globalListeners.forEach(cb => cb(value, setPath));
self.pathListeners.get(setPath)?.forEach(cb => cb(value));
return true;
* Set the data of the store.
* This will update and this.plain (and old references to them will be stale! Avoid storing them in variables)
* Additionally, all global listeners (and those for pathToNotify, if specified) will be called with the new data
* @param value New data
* @param pathToNotify Optional path to notify instead of globally. Used to transfer path via ipc
public setData(value: T, pathToNotify?: string) {
if (this.readOnly) throw new Error("SettingsStore is read-only");
this.plain = value; = this.makeProxy(value);
if (pathToNotify) {
let v = value;
const path = pathToNotify.split(".");
for (const p of path) {
if (!v) {
`Settings#setData: Path ${pathToNotify} does not exist in new data. Not dispatching update`
v = v[p];
this.pathListeners.get(pathToNotify)?.forEach(cb => cb(v));
* Add a global change listener, that will fire whenever any setting is changed
* @param data The new data. This is either the new value set on the path, or the new root object if it was changed
* @param path The path of the setting that was changed. Empty string if the root object was changed
public addGlobalChangeListener(cb: (data: any, path: string) => void) {
* Add a scoped change listener that will fire whenever a setting matching the specified path is changed.
* For example if path is `""`, the listener will fire on
* ```js
* = "hi"
* ```
* but not on
* ```js
* = "hi"
* ```
* @param path
* @param cb
public addChangeListener<P extends LiteralUnion<keyof T, string>>(
path: P,
cb: (data: ResolvePropDeep<T, P>) => void
) {
const listeners = this.pathListeners.get(path as string) ?? new Set();
this.pathListeners.set(path as string, listeners);
* Remove a global listener
* @see {@link addGlobalChangeListener}
public removeGlobalChangeListener(cb: (data: any, path: string) => void) {
* Remove a scoped listener
* @see {@link addChangeListener}
public removeChangeListener(path: LiteralUnion<keyof T, string>, cb: (data: any) => void) {
const listeners = this.pathListeners.get(path as string);
if (!listeners) return;
if (!listeners.size) this.pathListeners.delete(path as string);
* Call all global change listeners
public markAsChanged() {
this.globalListeners.forEach(cb => cb(this.plain, ""));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import gitHash from "~git-hash";
import gitRemote from "~git-remote";
export { gitHash, gitRemote };
export const VENCORD_USER_AGENT = `Vencord/${gitHash}${gitRemote ? ` (${gitRemote})` : ""}`;

View file

@ -16,17 +16,8 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import gitHash from "~git-hash";
import gitRemote from "~git-remote";
export {
export const WEBPACK_CHUNK = "webpackChunkdiscord_app";
export const REACT_GLOBAL = "Vencord.Webpack.Common.React";
export const VENCORD_USER_AGENT = `Vencord/${gitHash}${gitRemote ? ` (${gitRemote})` : ""}`;
export const SUPPORT_CHANNEL_ID = "1026515880080842772";
export interface Dev {
@ -58,6 +49,10 @@ export const Devs = /* #__PURE__*/ Object.freeze({
name: "Cynosphere",
id: 150745989836308480n
Trwy: {
name: "trey",
id: 354427199023218689n
Megu: {
name: "Megumin",
id: 545581357812678656n
@ -66,8 +61,8 @@ export const Devs = /* #__PURE__*/ Object.freeze({
name: "botato",
id: 440990343899643943n
obscurity: {
name: "obscurity",
fawn: {
name: "fawn",
id: 336678828233588736n,
rushii: {
@ -291,10 +286,6 @@ export const Devs = /* #__PURE__*/ Object.freeze({
name: "RyanCaoDev",
id: 952235800110694471n,
Strencher: {
name: "Strencher",
id: 415849376598982656n
FieryFlames: {
name: "Fiery",
id: 890228870559698955n
@ -426,6 +417,14 @@ export const Devs = /* #__PURE__*/ Object.freeze({
Elvyra: {
name: "Elvyra",
id: 708275751816003615n,
Inbestigator: {
name: "Inbestigator",
id: 761777382041714690n
newwares: {
name: "newwares",
id: 421405303951851520n
} satisfies Record<string, Dev>);

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
import { MessageObject } from "@api/MessageEvents";
import { ChannelStore, ComponentDispatch, FluxDispatcher, GuildStore, InviteActions, MaskedLink, MessageActions, ModalImageClasses, PrivateChannelsStore, RestAPI, SelectedChannelStore, SelectedGuildStore, UserProfileActions, UserProfileStore, UserSettingsActionCreators, UserUtils } from "@webpack/common";
import { Guild, Message, Role, User } from "discord-types/general";
import { Guild, Message, User } from "discord-types/general";
import { ImageModal, ModalRoot, ModalSize, openModal } from "./modal";
@ -185,11 +185,3 @@ export async function fetchUserProfile(id: string, options?: FetchUserProfileOpt
export function getUniqueUsername(user: User) {
return user.discriminator === "0" ? user.username : user.tag;
// FIXME: remove this once discord merges the role change into stable
export function getGuildRoles(guildId: string): Record<string, Role> {
if ("getRoles" in GuildStore)
return (GuildStore as any).getRoles(guildId);
return GuildStore.getGuild(guildId)?.roles ?? {};

View file

@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
export * from "../shared/debounce";
export * from "../shared/onceDefined";
export * from "./ChangeList";
export * from "./constants";
export * from "./debounce";
export * from "./discord";
export * from "./guards";
export * from "./lazy";
@ -27,7 +28,6 @@ export * from "./Logger";
export * from "./margins";
export * from "./misc";
export * from "./modal";
export * from "./onceDefined";
export * from "./onlyOnce";
export * from "./patches";
export * from "./Queue";

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import { addSettingsListener, Settings } from "@api/Settings";
import { Settings, SettingsStore } from "@api/Settings";
let style: HTMLStyleElement;
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
addSettingsListener("useQuickCss", toggle);
SettingsStore.addChangeListener("useQuickCss", toggle);
addSettingsListener("themeLinks", initThemes);
addSettingsListener("enabledThemes", initThemes);
SettingsStore.addChangeListener("themeLinks", initThemes);
SettingsStore.addChangeListener("enabledThemes", initThemes);
if (!IS_WEB)

View file

@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ export async function importSettings(data: string) {
if ("settings" in parsed && "quickCss" in parsed) {
Object.assign(PlainSettings, parsed.settings);
await VencordNative.settings.set(JSON.stringify(parsed.settings, null, 4));
await VencordNative.settings.set(parsed.settings);
await VencordNative.quickCss.set(parsed.quickCss);
} else
throw new Error("Invalid Settings. Is this even a Vencord Settings file?");
export async function exportSettings({ minify }: { minify?: boolean; } = {}) {
const settings = JSON.parse(VencordNative.settings.get());
const settings = VencordNative.settings.get();
const quickCss = await VencordNative.quickCss.get();
return JSON.stringify({ settings, quickCss }, null, minify ? undefined : 4);
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ export async function putCloudSettings(manual?: boolean) {
const { written } = await res.json(); = written;
VencordNative.settings.set(JSON.stringify(PlainSettings, null, 4));
VencordNative.settings.set(PlainSettings);"Settings uploaded to cloud successfully");
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ export async function getCloudSettings(shouldNotify = true, force = false) {
// sync with server timestamp instead of local one = written;
VencordNative.settings.set(JSON.stringify(PlainSettings, null, 4));
VencordNative.settings.set(PlainSettings);"Settings loaded from cloud successfully");
if (shouldNotify)

View file

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ export let Paginator: t.Paginator;
export let ScrollerThin: t.ScrollerThin;
export let Clickable: t.Clickable;
export let Avatar: t.Avatar;
export let FocusLock: t.FocusLock;
// token lagger real
/** css colour resolver stuff, no clue what exactly this does, just copied usage from Discord */
export let useToken: t.useToken;
@ -58,6 +59,6 @@ export const Flex = waitForComponent<t.Flex>("Flex", ["Justify", "Align", "Wrap"
export const { OAuth2AuthorizeModal } = findByPropsLazy("OAuth2AuthorizeModal");
waitFor(["FormItem", "Button"], m => {
({ useToken, Card, Button, FormSwitch: Switch, Tooltip, TextInput, TextArea, Text, Select, SearchableSelect, Slider, ButtonLooks, TabBar, Popout, Dialog, Paginator, ScrollerThin, Clickable, Avatar } = m);
({ useToken, Card, Button, FormSwitch: Switch, Tooltip, TextInput, TextArea, Text, Select, SearchableSelect, Slider, ButtonLooks, TabBar, Popout, Dialog, Paginator, ScrollerThin, Clickable, Avatar, FocusLock } = m);
Forms = m;

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export let ReadStateStore: GenericStore;
export let PresenceStore: GenericStore;
export let PoggerModeSettingsStore: GenericStore;
export let GuildStore: Stores.GuildStore & t.FluxStore;
export let GuildStore: t.GuildStore;
export let UserStore: Stores.UserStore & t.FluxStore;
export let UserProfileStore: GenericStore;
export let SelectedChannelStore: Stores.SelectedChannelStore & t.FluxStore;

View file

@ -453,3 +453,7 @@ export type Avatar = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
"aria-hidden"?: boolean;
"aria-label"?: string;
type FocusLock = ComponentType<PropsWithChildren<{
containerRef: RefObject<HTMLElement>

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
import { DraftType } from "@webpack/common";
import { Channel } from "discord-types/general";
import { Channel, Guild, Role } from "discord-types/general";
import { FluxDispatcher, FluxEvents } from "./utils";
@ -172,3 +172,13 @@ export class DraftStore extends FluxStore {
getThreadDraftWithParentMessageId?(arg: any): any;
getThreadSettings(channelId: string): any | null;
export class GuildStore extends FluxStore {
getGuild(guildId: string): Guild;
getGuildCount(): number;
getGuilds(): Record<string, Guild>;
getGuildIds(): string[];
getRole(guildId: string, roleId: string): Role;
getRoles(guildId: string): Record<string, Role>;
getAllGuildRoles(): Record<string, Record<string, Role>>;

View file

@ -81,11 +81,7 @@ interface RestRequestData {
retries?: number;
export type RestAPI = Record<"delete" | "get" | "patch" | "post" | "put", (data: RestRequestData) => Promise<any>> & {
V6OrEarlierAPIError: Error;
V8APIError: Error;
getAPIBaseURL(withVersion?: boolean): string;
export type RestAPI = Record<"delete" | "get" | "patch" | "post" | "put", (data: RestRequestData) => Promise<any>>;
export type Permissions = "CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE"

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
import type { Channel, User } from "discord-types/general";
// eslint-disable-next-line path-alias/no-relative
import { _resolveReady, filters, findByCodeLazy, findByPropsLazy, findLazy, waitFor } from "../webpack";
import { _resolveReady, filters, findByCodeLazy, findByProps, findByPropsLazy, findLazy, proxyLazyWebpack, waitFor } from "../webpack";
import type * as t from "./types/utils";
export let FluxDispatcher: t.FluxDispatcher;
@ -37,7 +37,10 @@ export let ComponentDispatch;
waitFor(["ComponentDispatch", "ComponentDispatcher"], m => ComponentDispatch = m.ComponentDispatch);
export const RestAPI: t.RestAPI = findByPropsLazy("getAPIBaseURL", "get");
export const RestAPI: t.RestAPI = proxyLazyWebpack(() => {
const mod = findByProps("getAPIBaseURL");
return mod.HTTP ?? mod;
export const moment: typeof import("moment") = findByPropsLazy("parseTwoDigitYear");
export const hljs: typeof import("highlight.js") = findByPropsLazy("highlight", "registerLanguage");

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"module": "commonjs",
"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"strict": true,
"noImplicitAny": false,
@ -20,13 +20,15 @@
"baseUrl": "./src/",
"paths": {
"@main/*": ["./main/*"],
"@api/*": ["./api/*"],
"@components/*": ["./components/*"],
"@utils/*": ["./utils/*"],
"@shared/*": ["./shared/*"],
"@webpack/types": ["./webpack/common/types"],
"@webpack/common": ["./webpack/common"],
"@webpack": ["./webpack/webpack"]
"include": ["src/**/*"]
"include": ["src/**/*", "browser/**/*", "scripts/**/*"]