Daz DeBoer 42faf281e6
Include names of requested tasks in build scan notice
This should make it easier to differentiate between build scan notices for different
Gradle invocations in the same Job.

Fixes: #124
2021-12-31 10:34:53 -07:00

334 lines
12 KiB

import * as core from '@actions/core'
import * as exec from '@actions/exec'
import * as github from '@actions/github'
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import {CacheListener} from './cache-reporting'
import {
} from './cache-utils'
import {ConfigurationCacheEntryExtractor, GradleHomeEntryExtractor} from './cache-extract-entries'
export const META_FILE_DIR = '.gradle-build-action'
export const PROJECT_ROOTS_FILE = 'project-roots.txt'
const INCLUDE_PATHS_PARAMETER = 'gradle-home-cache-includes'
const EXCLUDE_PATHS_PARAMETER = 'gradle-home-cache-excludes'
* Represents a key used to restore a cache entry.
* The Github Actions cache will first try for an exact match on the key.
* If that fails, it will try for a prefix match on any of the restoreKeys.
class CacheKey {
key: string
restoreKeys: string[]
constructor(key: string, restoreKeys: string[]) {
this.key = key
this.restoreKeys = restoreKeys
* Generates a cache key specific to the current job execution.
* The key is constructed from the following inputs:
* - A user-defined prefix (optional)
* - The cache protocol version
* - The name of the cache
* - The runner operating system
* - The name of the Job being executed
* - The matrix values for the Job being executed (job context)
* - The SHA of the commit being executed
* Caches are restored by trying to match the these key prefixes in order:
* - The full key with SHA
* - A previous key for this Job + matrix
* - Any previous key for this Job (any matrix)
* - Any previous key for this cache on the current OS
function generateCacheKey(cacheName: string): CacheKey {
const cacheKeyBase = `${getCacheKeyPrefix()}${CACHE_PROTOCOL_VERSION}${cacheName}`
// At the most general level, share caches for all executions on the same OS
const runnerOs = process.env['RUNNER_OS'] || ''
const cacheKeyForOs = `${cacheKeyBase}|${runnerOs}`
// Prefer caches that run this job
const cacheKeyForJob = `${cacheKeyForOs}|${github.context.job}`
// Prefer (even more) jobs that run this job with the same context (matrix)
const cacheKeyForJobContext = `${cacheKeyForJob}[${determineJobContext()}]`
// Exact match on Git SHA
const cacheKey = `${cacheKeyForJobContext}-${github.context.sha}`
return new CacheKey(cacheKey, [cacheKeyForJobContext, cacheKeyForJob, cacheKeyForOs])
export class GradleStateCache {
private cacheName: string
private cacheDescription: string
private cacheKeyStateKey: string
private cacheResultStateKey: string
protected readonly gradleUserHome: string
constructor(gradleUserHome: string) {
this.gradleUserHome = gradleUserHome
this.cacheName = 'gradle'
this.cacheDescription = 'Gradle User Home'
this.cacheKeyStateKey = `CACHE_KEY_gradle`
this.cacheResultStateKey = `CACHE_RESULT_gradle`
init(): void {
const actionCacheDir = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, '.gradle-build-action')
fs.mkdirSync(actionCacheDir, {recursive: true})
const initScriptsDir = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, 'init.d')
fs.mkdirSync(initScriptsDir, {recursive: true})
this.initializeGradleUserHome(this.gradleUserHome, initScriptsDir)
* Restores the cache entry, finding the closest match to the currently running job.
async restore(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
const entryListener = listener.entry(this.cacheDescription)
const cacheKey = generateCacheKey(this.cacheName)
core.saveState(this.cacheKeyStateKey, cacheKey.key)
`Requesting ${this.cacheDescription} with
const cacheResult = await restoreCache(this.getCachePath(), cacheKey.key, cacheKey.restoreKeys)
entryListener.markRequested(cacheKey.key, cacheKey.restoreKeys)
if (!cacheResult) {`${this.cacheDescription} cache not found. Will initialize empty.`)
core.saveState(this.cacheResultStateKey, cacheResult.key)
entryListener.markRestored(cacheResult.key, cacheResult.size)`Restored ${this.cacheDescription} from cache key: ${cacheResult.key}`)
try {
await this.afterRestore(listener)
} catch (error) {
core.warning(`Restore ${this.cacheDescription} failed in 'afterRestore': ${error}`)
* Restore any extracted cache entries after the main Gradle User Home entry is restored.
async afterRestore(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
await this.debugReportGradleUserHomeSize('as restored from cache')
await new GradleHomeEntryExtractor(this.gradleUserHome).restore(listener)
await new ConfigurationCacheEntryExtractor(this.gradleUserHome).restore(listener)
await this.debugReportGradleUserHomeSize('after restoring common artifacts')
* Saves the cache entry based on the current cache key unless the cache was restored with the exact key,
* in which case we cannot overwrite it.
* If the cache entry was restored with a partial match on a restore key, then
* it is saved with the exact key.
async save(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
// Retrieve the state set in the previous 'restore' step.
const cacheKeyFromRestore = core.getState(this.cacheKeyStateKey)
const cacheResultFromRestore = core.getState(this.cacheResultStateKey)
if (cacheResultFromRestore && cacheKeyFromRestore === cacheResultFromRestore) {`Cache hit occurred on the cache key ${cacheKeyFromRestore}, not saving cache.`)
try {
await this.beforeSave(listener)
} catch (error) {
core.warning(`Save ${this.cacheDescription} failed in 'beforeSave': ${error}`)
}`Caching ${this.cacheDescription} with cache key: ${cacheKeyFromRestore}`)
const cachePath = this.getCachePath()
const savedEntry = await saveCache(cachePath, cacheKeyFromRestore)
if (savedEntry) {
listener.entry(this.cacheDescription).markSaved(savedEntry.key, savedEntry.size)
* Extract and save any defined extracted cache entries prior to the main Gradle User Home entry being saved.
async beforeSave(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
await this.debugReportGradleUserHomeSize('before saving common artifacts')
await Promise.all([
new GradleHomeEntryExtractor(this.gradleUserHome).extract(listener),
new ConfigurationCacheEntryExtractor(this.gradleUserHome).extract(listener)
await this.debugReportGradleUserHomeSize(
"after extracting common artifacts (only 'caches' and 'notifications' will be stored)"
* Delete any file paths that are excluded by the `gradle-home-cache-excludes` parameter.
private deleteExcludedPaths(): void {
const rawPaths: string[] = core.getMultilineInput(EXCLUDE_PATHS_PARAMETER)
const resolvedPaths = => path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, x))
for (const p of resolvedPaths) {
cacheDebug(`Deleting excluded path: ${p}`)
* Determines the paths within Gradle User Home to cache.
* By default, this is the 'caches' and 'notifications' directories,
* but this can be overridden by the `gradle-home-cache-includes` parameter.
protected getCachePath(): string[] {
const rawPaths: string[] = core.getMultilineInput(INCLUDE_PATHS_PARAMETER)
const resolvedPaths = => this.resolveCachePath(x))
cacheDebug(`Using cache paths: ${resolvedPaths}`)
return resolvedPaths
private resolveCachePath(rawPath: string): string {
if (rawPath.startsWith('!')) {
const resolved = this.resolveCachePath(rawPath.substring(1))
return `!${resolved}`
return path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, rawPath)
private initializeGradleUserHome(gradleUserHome: string, initScriptsDir: string): void {
const propertiesFile = path.resolve(gradleUserHome, '')
fs.writeFileSync(propertiesFile, 'org.gradle.daemon=false')
const buildScanCapture = path.resolve(initScriptsDir, 'build-scan-capture.init.gradle')
`import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion
// Only run against root build. Do not run against included builds.
def isTopLevelBuild = gradle.getParent() == null
if (isTopLevelBuild) {
def version = GradleVersion.current().baseVersion
def atLeastGradle4 = version >= GradleVersion.version("4.0")
def atLeastGradle6 = version >= GradleVersion.version("6.0")
if (atLeastGradle6) {
settingsEvaluated { settings ->
if (settings.pluginManager.hasPlugin("com.gradle.enterprise")) {
} else if (atLeastGradle4) {
projectsEvaluated { gradle ->
if (gradle.rootProject.pluginManager.hasPlugin("")) {
def registerCallbacks(buildScanExtension, rootProjectName) {
buildScanExtension.with {
def buildOutcome = ""
def scanFile = new File("gradle-build-scan.txt")
buildFinished { result ->
buildOutcome = result.failure == null ? " succeeded" : " failed"
buildScanPublished { buildScan ->
scanFile.text = buildScan.buildScanUri
// Send commands directly to GitHub Actions via STDOUT.
def gradleCommand = rootProjectName + " " + gradle.startParameter.taskNames.join(" ")
def message = "Gradle build '\${gradleCommand}'\${buildOutcome} - \${buildScan.buildScanUri}"
println("::notice ::\${message}")
println("::set-output name=build-scan-url::\${buildScan.buildScanUri}")
const projectRootCapture = path.resolve(initScriptsDir, 'project-root-capture.init.gradle')
// Only run against root build. Do not run against included builds.
def isTopLevelBuild = gradle.getParent() == null
if (isTopLevelBuild) {
settingsEvaluated { settings ->
def projectRootEntry = settings.rootDir.absolutePath + "\\n"
def projectRootList = new File(settings.gradle.gradleUserHomeDir, "${PROJECT_ROOTS_FILE}")
if (!projectRootList.exists() || !projectRootList.text.contains(projectRootEntry)) {
projectRootList << projectRootEntry
* When cache debugging is enabled, this method will give a detailed report
* of the Gradle User Home contents.
private async debugReportGradleUserHomeSize(label: string): Promise<void> {
if (!isCacheDebuggingEnabled()) {
if (!fs.existsSync(this.gradleUserHome)) {
const result = await exec.getExecOutput('du', ['-h', '-c', '-t', '5M'], {
cwd: this.gradleUserHome,
silent: true,
ignoreReturnCode: true
})`Gradle User Home (directories >5M): ${label}`)
.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
.map(it => {
return ` ${it}`