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import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import * as core from '@actions/core'
import * as glob from '@actions/glob'
import {META_FILE_DIR, PROJECT_ROOTS_FILE} from './cache-base'
import {CacheEntryListener, CacheListener} from './cache-reporting'
import {
} from './cache-utils'
* Represents the result of attempting to load or store an extracted cache entry.
* An undefined cacheKey indicates that the operation did not succeed.
* The collected results are then used to populate the `cache-metadata.json` file for later use.
class ExtractedCacheEntry {
artifactType: string
pattern: string
cacheKey: string | undefined
constructor(artifactType: string, pattern: string, cacheKey: string | undefined) {
this.artifactType = artifactType
this.pattern = pattern
this.cacheKey = cacheKey
* Representation of all of the extracted cache entries for this Gradle User Home.
* This object is persisted to JSON file in the Gradle User Home directory for storing,
* and subsequently used to restore the Gradle User Home.
class ExtractedCacheEntryMetadata {
entries: ExtractedCacheEntry[] = []
* The specification for a type of extracted cache entry.
class ExtractedCacheEntryDefinition {
artifactType: string
pattern: string
bundle: boolean
uniqueFileNames = true
constructor(artifactType: string, pattern: string, bundle: boolean) {
this.artifactType = artifactType
this.pattern = pattern
this.bundle = bundle
withNonUniqueFileNames(): ExtractedCacheEntryDefinition {
this.uniqueFileNames = false
return this
* Caches and restores the entire Gradle User Home directory, extracting entries containing common artifacts
* for more efficient storage.
abstract class AbstractEntryExtractor {
protected readonly gradleUserHome: string
private extractorName: string
constructor(gradleUserHome: string, extractorName: string) {
this.gradleUserHome = gradleUserHome
this.extractorName = extractorName
* Restores any artifacts that were cached separately, based on the information in the `cache-metadata.json` file.
* Each extracted cache entry is restored in parallel, except when debugging is enabled.
async restore(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
const previouslyExtractedCacheEntries = this.loadExtractedCacheEntries()
const processes: Promise<ExtractedCacheEntry>[] = []
for (const cacheEntry of previouslyExtractedCacheEntries) {
const artifactType = cacheEntry.artifactType
const entryListener = listener.entry(cacheEntry.pattern)
// Handle case where the extracted-cache-entry definitions have been changed
const skipRestore = process.env[SKIP_RESTORE_VAR] || ''
if (skipRestore.includes(artifactType)) {
core.info(`Not restoring extracted cache entry for ${artifactType}`)
} else {
this.saveMetadataForCacheResults(await Promise.all(processes))
private async restoreExtractedCacheEntry(
artifactType: string,
cacheKey: string,
pattern: string,
listener: CacheEntryListener
): Promise<ExtractedCacheEntry> {
const restoredEntry = await restoreCache([pattern], cacheKey, [], listener)
if (restoredEntry) {
core.info(`Restored ${artifactType} with key ${cacheKey} to ${pattern}`)
return new ExtractedCacheEntry(artifactType, pattern, cacheKey)
} else {
core.info(`Did not restore ${artifactType} with key ${cacheKey} to ${pattern}`)
return new ExtractedCacheEntry(artifactType, pattern, undefined)
* Saves any artifacts that are configured to be cached separately, based on the extracted cache entry definitions.
* Each entry is extracted and saved in parallel, except when debugging is enabled.
async extract(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
// Load the cache entry definitions (from config) and the previously restored entries (from persisted metadata file)
const cacheEntryDefinitions = this.getExtractedCacheEntryDefinitions()
`Extracting cache entries for ${this.extractorName}: ${JSON.stringify(cacheEntryDefinitions, null, 2)}`
const previouslyRestoredEntries = this.loadExtractedCacheEntries()
const cacheActions: Promise<ExtractedCacheEntry>[] = []
// For each cache entry definition, determine if it has already been restored, and if not, extract it
for (const cacheEntryDefinition of cacheEntryDefinitions) {
const artifactType = cacheEntryDefinition.artifactType
const pattern = cacheEntryDefinition.pattern
// Find all matching files for this cache entry definition
const globber = await glob.create(pattern, {
implicitDescendants: false,
followSymbolicLinks: false
const matchingFiles = await globber.glob()
if (matchingFiles.length === 0) {
cacheDebug(`No files found to cache for ${artifactType}`)
if (cacheEntryDefinition.bundle) {
// For an extracted "bundle", use the defined pattern and cache all matching files in a single entry.
} else {
// Otherwise cache each matching file in a separate entry, using the complete file path as the cache pattern.
for (const cacheFile of matchingFiles) {
this.saveMetadataForCacheResults(await Promise.all(cacheActions))
private async saveExtractedCacheEntry(
matchingFiles: string[],
artifactType: string,
pattern: string,
uniqueFileNames: boolean,
previouslyRestoredEntries: ExtractedCacheEntry[],
entryListener: CacheEntryListener
): Promise<ExtractedCacheEntry> {
const cacheKey = uniqueFileNames
? this.createCacheKeyFromFileNames(artifactType, matchingFiles)
: await this.createCacheKeyFromFileContents(artifactType, pattern)
const previouslyRestoredKey = previouslyRestoredEntries.find(
x => x.artifactType === artifactType && x.pattern === pattern
if (previouslyRestoredKey === cacheKey) {
cacheDebug(`No change to previously restored ${artifactType}. Not saving.`)
entryListener.markUnchanged('contents unchanged')
} else {
core.info(`Caching ${artifactType} with path '${pattern}' and cache key: ${cacheKey}`)
await saveCache([pattern], cacheKey, entryListener)
for (const file of matchingFiles) {
return new ExtractedCacheEntry(artifactType, pattern, cacheKey)
protected createCacheKeyFromFileNames(artifactType: string, files: string[]): string {
const cacheKeyPrefix = getCacheKeyPrefix()
const relativeFiles = files.map(x => path.relative(this.gradleUserHome, x))
const key = hashFileNames(relativeFiles)
cacheDebug(`Generating cache key for ${artifactType} from file names: ${relativeFiles}`)
return `${cacheKeyPrefix}${artifactType}-${key}`
protected async createCacheKeyFromFileContents(artifactType: string, pattern: string): Promise<string> {
const cacheKeyPrefix = getCacheKeyPrefix()
const key = await glob.hashFiles(pattern)
cacheDebug(`Generating cache key for ${artifactType} from files matching: ${pattern}`)
return `${cacheKeyPrefix}${artifactType}-${key}`
// Run actions sequentially if debugging is enabled
private async awaitForDebugging(p: Promise<ExtractedCacheEntry>): Promise<ExtractedCacheEntry> {
if (isCacheDebuggingEnabled()) {
await p
return p
* Load information about the extracted cache entries previously restored/saved. This is loaded from the 'cache-metadata.json' file.
protected loadExtractedCacheEntries(): ExtractedCacheEntry[] {
const cacheMetadataFile = this.getCacheMetadataFile()
if (!fs.existsSync(cacheMetadataFile)) {
return []
const filedata = fs.readFileSync(cacheMetadataFile, 'utf-8')
cacheDebug(`Loaded cache metadata: ${filedata}`)
const extractedCacheEntryMetadata = JSON.parse(filedata) as ExtractedCacheEntryMetadata
return extractedCacheEntryMetadata.entries
* Saves information about the extracted cache entries into the 'cache-metadata.json' file.
private saveMetadataForCacheResults(results: ExtractedCacheEntry[]): void {
const extractedCacheEntryMetadata = new ExtractedCacheEntryMetadata()
extractedCacheEntryMetadata.entries = results.filter(x => x.cacheKey !== undefined)
const filedata = JSON.stringify(extractedCacheEntryMetadata)
cacheDebug(`Saving cache metadata: ${filedata}`)
fs.writeFileSync(this.getCacheMetadataFile(), filedata, 'utf-8')
private getCacheMetadataFile(): string {
const actionMetadataDirectory = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, META_FILE_DIR)
fs.mkdirSync(actionMetadataDirectory, {recursive: true})
return path.resolve(actionMetadataDirectory, `${this.extractorName}-entry-metadata.json`)
protected abstract getExtractedCacheEntryDefinitions(): ExtractedCacheEntryDefinition[]
export class GradleHomeEntryExtractor extends AbstractEntryExtractor {
constructor(gradleUserHome: string) {
super(gradleUserHome, 'gradle-home')
async extract(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
await this.deleteWrapperZips()
return super.extract(listener)
* Delete any downloaded wrapper zip files that are not needed after extraction.
* These files are cleaned up by Gradle >= 7.5, but for older versions we remove them manually.
private async deleteWrapperZips(): Promise<void> {
const wrapperZips = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, 'wrapper/dists/*/*/*.zip')
const globber = await glob.create(wrapperZips, {
implicitDescendants: false,
followSymbolicLinks: false
for (const p of await globber.glob()) {
cacheDebug(`Deleting wrapper zip: ${p}`)
* Return the extracted cache entry definitions, which determine which artifacts will be cached
* separately from the rest of the Gradle User Home cache entry.
protected getExtractedCacheEntryDefinitions(): ExtractedCacheEntryDefinition[] {
const entryDefinition = (
artifactType: string,
patterns: string[],
bundle: boolean
): ExtractedCacheEntryDefinition => {
const resolvedPatterns = patterns
.map(x => {
const isDir = x.endsWith('/')
const resolved = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, x)
return isDir ? `${resolved}/` : resolved // Restore trailing '/' removed by path.resolve()
return new ExtractedCacheEntryDefinition(artifactType, resolvedPatterns, bundle)
return [
entryDefinition('generated-gradle-jars', ['caches/*/generated-gradle-jars/*.jar'], false),
entryDefinition('wrapper-zips', ['wrapper/dists/*/*/'], false), // Entire wrapper directory cached together
entryDefinition('java-toolchains', ['jdks/*.zip', 'jdks/*.tar.gz'], false),
entryDefinition('dependencies', ['caches/modules-*/files-*/*/*/*/*'], true),
entryDefinition('instrumented-jars', ['caches/jars-*/*'], true),
entryDefinition('kotlin-dsl', ['caches/*/kotlin-dsl/*/*'], true)
export class ConfigurationCacheEntryExtractor extends AbstractEntryExtractor {
constructor(gradleUserHome: string) {
super(gradleUserHome, 'configuration-cache')
* Handle the case where Gradle User Home has not been fully restored, so that the configuration-cache
* entry is not reusable.
async restore(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
if (listener.fullyRestored) {
return super.restore(listener)
core.info('Not restoring configuration-cache state, as Gradle User Home was not fully restored')
for (const cacheEntry of this.loadExtractedCacheEntries()) {
* Extract cache entries for the configuration cache in each project.
protected getExtractedCacheEntryDefinitions(): ExtractedCacheEntryDefinition[] {
return this.getProjectRoots().map(projectRoot => {
const configCachePath = path.resolve(projectRoot, '.gradle/configuration-cache')
return new ExtractedCacheEntryDefinition(
* For every Gradle invocation, we record the project root directory. This method returns the entire
* set of project roots, to allow saving of configuration-cache entries for each.
private getProjectRoots(): string[] {
const projectList = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, PROJECT_ROOTS_FILE)
if (!fs.existsSync(projectList)) {
core.info(`Missing project list file ${projectList}`)
return []
const projectRoots = fs.readFileSync(projectList, 'utf-8')
core.info(`Found project roots '${projectRoots}' in ${projectList}`)
return projectRoots.trim().split('\n')