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* Capture information for each executed Gradle build to display in the job summary.
import org.gradle.util.GradleVersion
// Only run against root build. Do not run against included builds.
def isTopLevelBuild = gradle.getParent() == null
if (isTopLevelBuild) {
def version = GradleVersion.current().baseVersion
def atLeastGradle3 = version >= GradleVersion.version("3.0")
def atLeastGradle6 = version >= GradleVersion.version("6.0")
def invocationId = "-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
if (atLeastGradle6) {
def useBuildService = version >= GradleVersion.version("6.6")
settingsEvaluated { settings ->
// By default, use standard mechanisms to capture build results
if (useBuildService) {
captureUsingBuildService(settings, invocationId)
} else {
captureUsingBuildFinished(gradle, invocationId)
// The `buildScanPublished` hook allows the capture of the Build Scan URI.
// Results captured this way will overwrite any results from the other mechanism.
settings.pluginManager.withPlugin("com.gradle.enterprise") {
captureUsingBuildScanPublished(settings.extensions["gradleEnterprise"].buildScan, settings.rootProject, invocationId)
} else if (atLeastGradle3) {
projectsEvaluated { gradle ->
// By default, use 'buildFinished' to capture build results
captureUsingBuildFinished(gradle, invocationId)
// The `buildScanPublished` hook allows the capture of the Build Scan URI.
// Results captured this way will overwrite any results from 'buildFinished'.
gradle.rootProject.pluginManager.withPlugin("com.gradle.build-scan") {
captureUsingBuildScanPublished(gradle.rootProject.extensions["buildScan"], gradle.rootProject, invocationId)
def captureUsingBuildScanPublished(buildScanExtension, rootProject, invocationId) {
buildScanExtension.with {
def buildResults = new BuildResults(invocationId, gradle, rootProject)
buildFinished { result ->
buildScanPublished { buildScan ->
def githubOutput = System.getenv("GITHUB_OUTPUT")
if (githubOutput) {
new File(githubOutput) << "build-scan-url=${buildScan.buildScanUri}\n"
} else {
// Retained for compatibility with older GitHub Enterprise versions
println("::set-output name=build-scan-url::${buildScan.buildScanUri}")
onError { error ->
def captureUsingBuildFinished(gradle, invocationId) {
gradle.buildFinished { result ->
println "Got buildFinished: ${result}"
def buildResults = new BuildResults(invocationId, gradle, gradle.rootProject)
def captureUsingBuildService(settings, invocationId) {
gradle.ext.invocationId = invocationId
apply from: 'gradle-build-action.build-result-capture-service.plugin.groovy'
class BuildResults {
def invocationId
def buildResults
BuildResults(String invocationId, def gradle, def rootProject) {
this.invocationId = invocationId
buildResults = [
rootProjectName: rootProject.name,
rootProjectDir: rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath,
requestedTasks: gradle.startParameter.taskNames.join(" "),
gradleVersion: GradleVersion.current().version,
gradleHomeDir: gradle.gradleHomeDir.absolutePath,
buildFailed: false,
buildScanUri: null,
buildScanFailed: false
def setBuildResult(def result) {
buildResults['buildFailed'] = result.failure != null
def setBuildScanUri(def buildScanUrl) {
buildResults['buildScanUri'] = buildScanUrl
def setBuildScanFailed() {
buildResults['buildScanFailed'] = true
def writeToResultsFile(boolean overwrite) {
def runnerTempDir = System.getenv("RUNNER_TEMP")
def githubActionStep = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTION")
if (!runnerTempDir || !githubActionStep) {
try {
def buildResultsDir = new File(runnerTempDir, ".build-results")
def buildResultsFile = new File(buildResultsDir, githubActionStep + invocationId + ".json")
// Overwrite any contents written by buildFinished or build service, since this result is a superset.
if (buildResultsFile.exists()) {
if (overwrite) {
buildResultsFile.text = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(buildResults)
} else {
buildResultsFile << groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(buildResults)
} catch (Exception e) {
println "\ngradle-build-action failed to write build-results file. Will continue.\n> ${e.getLocalizedMessage()}"