import File, { gradleOutputSelector } from "./utils/io/file"; import PublisherFactory from "./publishing/publisher-factory"; import PublisherTarget from "./publishing/publisher-target"; import { getInputAsObject, mapEnumInput, mapNumberInput } from "./utils/actions/input"; import { getDefaultLogger } from "./utils/logging/logger"; import retry from "./utils/retry"; import LoggingStopwatch from "./utils/logging/logging-stopwatch"; import AggregateError from "aggregate-error"; enum FailMode { Fail, Warn, Skip, } async function main() { const commonOptions = getInputAsObject(); const publisherFactory = new PublisherFactory(); const logger = getDefaultLogger(); const publishedTo = new Array(); const errors = new Array(); for (const target of PublisherTarget.getValues()) { const targetName = PublisherTarget.toString(target); const publisherOptions = commonOptions[targetName.toLowerCase()]; if (!publisherOptions?.token || typeof publisherOptions.token !== "string") { continue; } const options = { ...commonOptions, ...publisherOptions }; const fileSelector = typeof options.filesPrimary === "string" ? { primary: options.filesPrimary, secondary: typeof options.filesSecondary === "string" ? options.filesSecondary : gradleOutputSelector.secondary } : typeof options.files === "string" ? options.files : gradleOutputSelector; const files = await File.getRequiredFiles(fileSelector); const retryAttempts = mapNumberInput(options.retryAttempts); const retryDelay = mapNumberInput(options.retryDelay); const failMode = mapEnumInput(options.failMode, FailMode, FailMode.Fail as FailMode); const publisher = publisherFactory.create(target, logger); const func = { func: () => publisher.publish(files, options), maxAttempts: retryAttempts, delay: retryDelay, errorCallback: (e: Error) => { logger.error(e);`🔂 Retrying to publish assets to ${targetName} in ${retryDelay} ms...`); } }; const stopwatch = LoggingStopwatch.startNew(logger, `📤 Publishing assets to ${targetName}...`, ms => `✅ Successfully published assets to ${targetName} (in ${ms} ms)`); try { await retry(func); } catch(e: any) { switch (failMode) { case FailMode.Warn: logger.warn(e); continue; case FailMode.Skip: logger.warn(`☢️ An error occurred while uploading assets to ${targetName}`); errors.push(e); continue; default: throw e; } } stopwatch.stop(); publishedTo.push(targetName); } if (publishedTo.length) {`🎉 Your assets have been successfully published to: ${publishedTo.join(", ")}`); } else if (!errors.length) { logger.warn("🗿 You didn't specify any targets, your assets have not been published"); } if (errors.length) { throw new AggregateError(errors); } } main().catch(error => getDefaultLogger().fatal(error instanceof Error ? error : `💀 Something went horribly wrong: ${error}`));