# frozen_string_literal: true # PUll in env vars passed image = ENV["IMAGE"] ################################################## # Check to see all system packages are installed # ################################################## control "super-linter-installed-packages" do impact 1 title "Super-Linter installed packages check" desc "Check that packages that Super-Linter needs are installed." packages = [ "bash", "coreutils", "curl", "gcc", "git-lfs", "git", "glibc", "gnupg", "go", "icu-libs", "jq", "krb5-libs", "libc-dev", "libcurl", "libffi-dev", "libgcc", "libintl", "libssl1.1", "libstdc++", "libxml2-dev", "libxml2-utils", "linux-headers", "lttng-ust-dev", "make", "musl-dev", "npm", "nodejs-current", "openjdk8-jre", "openssl-dev", "perl-dev", "perl", "py3-setuptools", "python3-dev", "rakudo", "R-dev", "R-doc", "R", "readline-dev", "ruby-bundler", "ruby-dev", "ruby-rdoc", "ruby", "rustup", "zef", "zlib-dev", "zlib" ] # Removed linters from slim image SLIM_IMAGE_REMOVED_PACKAGES=%w( rustup ) packages.each do |item| if(image == "slim" && SLIM_IMAGE_REMOVED_PACKAGES.include?(item)) next else describe package(item) do it { should be_installed } end end end end ########################################### # Check to see all binaries are installed # ########################################### control "super-linter-installed-commands" do impact 1 title "Super-Linter installed commands check" desc "Check that commands that Super-Linter needs are installed." default_version_option = "--version" default_version_expected_exit_status = 0 default_expected_stdout_regex = /(.*?)/s linters = [ { linter_name: "actionlint"}, { linter_name: "ansible-lint"}, { linter_name: "arm-ttk", version_command: "grep -iE 'version' '/usr/bin/arm-ttk' | xargs"}, { linter_name: "asl-validator"}, { linter_name: "bash-exec", expected_exit_status: 1}, # expect a return code = 1 because this linter doesn't support a "get linter version" command { linter_name: "black"}, { linter_name: "clang-format"}, { linter_name: "cfn-lint"}, { linter_name: "checkstyle", version_command: "java -jar /usr/bin/checkstyle --version"}, { linter_name: "google-java-format", version_command: "java -jar /usr/bin/google-java-format --version"}, { linter_name: "chktex"}, { linter_name: "clippy", linter_command: "clippy", version_command: "cargo-clippy --version"}, { linter_name: "clj-kondo"}, { linter_name: "coffeelint"}, { linter_name: "cpplint"}, { linter_name: "dart"}, { linter_name: "dockerfilelint"}, { linter_name: "dotnet-format"}, { linter_name: "dotenv-linter"}, { linter_name: "editorconfig-checker", version_option: "-version"}, { linter_name: "eslint"}, { linter_name: "flake8"}, { linter_name: "gherkin-lint", expected_exit_status: 1}, # expect a return code = 1 because this linter doesn't support a "get linter version" command { linter_name: "golangci-lint"}, { linter_name: "hadolint"}, { linter_name: "htmlhint"}, { linter_name: "isort"}, { linter_name: "jscpd"}, { linter_name: "ktlint"}, { linter_name: "kubeval"}, { linter_name: "lua", version_option: "-v"}, { linter_name: "markdownlint"}, { linter_name: "mypy"}, { linter_name: "npm-groovy-lint"}, { linter_name: "perl"}, { linter_name: "php"}, { linter_name: "phpcs"}, { linter_name: "phpstan"}, { linter_name: "protolint", version_option: "version"}, { linter_name: "psalm"}, { linter_name: "pwsh"}, { linter_name: "pylint"}, { linter_name: "R", version_command: "R --slave -e \"r_ver <- R.Version()\\$version.string; \ lintr_ver <- packageVersion('lintr'); \ glue::glue('lintr { lintr_ver } on { r_ver }')\""}, { linter_name: "raku", version_command: "raku --version | strings -n 8"}, { linter_name: "rubocop"}, { linter_name: "rustfmt"}, { linter_name: "shellcheck"}, { linter_name: "shfmt"}, { linter_name: "snakefmt"}, { linter_name: "snakemake"}, { linter_name: "spectral"}, { linter_name: "sql-lint"}, { linter_name: "sqlfluff"}, { linter_name: "standard"}, { linter_name: "stylelint"}, { linter_name: "tekton-lint"}, { linter_name: "terragrunt"}, { linter_name: "terrascan", version_option: "version"}, { linter_name: "tflint"}, { linter_name: "xmllint"}, { linter_name: "yamllint"}, ] # Removed linters from slim image SLIM_IMAGE_REMOVED_LINTERS=%w( arm-ttk clippy dotnet-format dotenv-linter pwsh rustfmt ) linters.each do |linter| # If we didn't specify a linter command, use the linter name as a linter # command because the vast majority of linters have name == command linter_command = "" if(image == "slim" && SLIM_IMAGE_REMOVED_LINTERS.include?(linter[:linter_name])) next else if(linter.key?(:linter_command)) linter_command = linter[:linter_command] else linter_command = linter[:linter_name] end describe command("command -v #{linter_command}") do its("exit_status") { should eq 0 } end # A few linters have a command that it's different than linter_command if(linter.key?(:version_command)) version_command = linter[:version_command] else # Check if the linter needs an option that is different from the one that # the vast majority of linters use to get the version if(linter.key?(:version_option)) version_option = linter[:version_option] else version_option = default_version_option end version_command = "#{linter_command} #{version_option}" if(linter.key?(:expected_exit_status)) expected_exit_status = linter[:expected_exit_status] else expected_exit_status = default_version_expected_exit_status end if(linter.key?(:expected_stdout_regex)) expected_stdout_regex = linter[:expected_stdout_regex] else expected_stdout_regex = default_expected_stdout_regex end ########################################################## # Being able to run the command `linter --version` helps # # achieve that the linter is installed, ini PATH, and # # has the libraries needed to be able to basically run # ########################################################## describe command(version_command) do its("exit_status") { should eq expected_exit_status } its("stdout") { should match (expected_stdout_regex) } end end end end end ################################### # Linters with no version command # # protolint editorconfig-checker # # bash-exec gherkin-lint # ################################### ############################################ # Check to see all Ruby Gems are installed # ############################################ control "super-linter-installed-ruby-gems" do impact 1 title "Super-Linter installed Ruby gems check" desc "Check that Ruby gems that Super-Linter needs are installed." gems = [ "rubocop", "rubocop-github", "rubocop-performance", "rubocop-rails", "rubocop-rspec" ] gems.each do |item| describe gem(item) do it { should be_installed } end end end ############################################### # Check to see all PIP packages are installed # ############################################### control "super-linter-installed-pip-packages" do impact 1 title "Super-Linter installed PIP packages check" desc "Check that PIP packages that Super-Linter needs are installed." packages = [ "ansible-lint", "cfn-lint", "cpplint", "cython", "flake8", "isort", "mypy", "pylint", "snakefmt", "snakemake", "sqlfluff", "typing_extensions", "yamllint", "yq" ] packages.each do |item| describe pip(item) do it { should be_installed } end end end ############################################### # Check to see all NPM packages are installed # ############################################### control "super-linter-installed-npm-packages" do impact 1 title "Super-Linter installed NPM packages check" desc "Check that NPM packages that Super-Linter needs are installed." packages = [ "@coffeelint/cli", "@stoplight/spectral", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin", "@typescript-eslint/parser", "asl-validator", #"axios", "babel-eslint", "dockerfilelint", #"eslint", "eslint-config-airbnb", "eslint-config-prettier", "eslint-plugin-jest", "eslint-plugin-json", "eslint-plugin-jsonc", "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y", "eslint-plugin-prettier", "gherkin-lint", "htmlhint", #"immer", #"ini", "jscpd", #"lodash", "markdownlint-cli", #"node-fetch", "npm-groovy-lint", "prettier", "prettyjson", #"pug", "sql-lint", "standard", "stylelint", "stylelint-config-sass-guidelines", "stylelint-config-standard", #"stylelint-scss", "tekton-lint", "typescript" ] packages.each do |item| describe npm(item, path: "/") do it { should be_installed } end end end ##################################### # Check to see if directories exist # ##################################### control "super-linter-validate-directories" do impact 1 title "Super-Linter check for directories" desc "Check that directories that Super-Linter needs are installed." dirs = [ "/home/r-library", "/node_modules", "/action/lib", "/action/lib/functions", "/action/lib/.automation", "/usr/local/lib/", "/usr/local/share/" ] # Removed linters from slim image SLIM_IMAGE_REMOVED_DIRS=%w( /home/r-library ) dirs.each do |item| if(image == "slim" && SLIM_IMAGE_REMOVED_DIRS.include?(item)) next else describe directory(item) do it { should exist } it { should be_directory } end end end end ############################### # Check to see if files exist # ############################### control "super-linter-validate-files" do impact 1 title "Super-Linter check for files" desc "Check that files that Super-Linter needs are installed." files = [ "/action/lib/linter.sh", "/action/lib/functions/buildFileList.sh", "/action/lib/functions/detectFiles.sh", "/action/lib/functions/linterRules.sh", "/action/lib/functions/linterVersions.sh", "/action/lib/functions/linterVersions.txt", "/action/lib/functions/log.sh", "/action/lib/functions/possum.sh", "/action/lib/functions/updateSSL.sh", "/action/lib/functions/validation.sh", "/action/lib/functions/worker.sh", "/action/lib/.automation/actionlint.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.ansible-lint.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.arm-ttk.psd1", "/action/lib/.automation/.cfnlintrc.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.chktexrc", "/action/lib/.automation/.clj-kondo", "/action/lib/.automation/.coffee-lint.json", "/action/lib/.automation/.dockerfilelintrc", "/action/lib/.automation/.ecrc", "/action/lib/.automation/.eslintrc.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.flake8", "/action/lib/.automation/.gherkin-lintrc", "/action/lib/.automation/.golangci.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.groovylintrc.json", "/action/lib/.automation/.hadolint.yaml", "/action/lib/.automation/.htmlhintrc", "/action/lib/.automation/.isort.cfg", "/action/lib/.automation/.jscpd.json", "/action/lib/.automation/.lintr", "/action/lib/.automation/.luacheckrc", "/action/lib/.automation/.markdown-lint.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.mypy.ini", "/action/lib/.automation/.openapirc.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.perlcriticrc", "/action/lib/.automation/.powershell-psscriptanalyzer.psd1", "/action/lib/.automation/.protolintrc.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.python-black", "/action/lib/.automation/.python-lint", "/action/lib/.automation/.ruby-lint.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/.snakefmt.toml", "/action/lib/.automation/.sql-config.json", "/action/lib/.automation/.stylelintrc.json", "/action/lib/.automation/.tflint.hcl", "/action/lib/.automation/.yaml-lint.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/analysis_options.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/linter.yml", "/action/lib/.automation/phpcs.xml", "/action/lib/.automation/phpstan.neon", "/action/lib/.automation/psalm.xml", "/action/lib/.automation/sun_checks.xml" ] files.each do |item| describe file(item) do it { should exist } end end end ############################### # Validate powershell modules # ############################### control "super-linter-validate-powershell-modules" do impact 1 title "Super-Linter validate Powershell Modules" desc "Check that Powershell modules that Super-Linter needs are installed." if(image == "slim") next else describe command("pwsh -c \"(Get-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -ListAvailable | Select-Object -First 1).Name\" 2>&1") do its("exit_status") { should eq 0 } its("stdout") { should eq "PSScriptAnalyzer\n" } end describe command("pwsh -c \"(Get-Command Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer | Select-Object -First 1).Name\" 2>&1") do its("exit_status") { should eq 0 } its("stdout") { should eq "Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer\n" } end end end