Skip symbolic links when passing files to Prettier
- Fix#6378
- [`lib/functions/`]: Add `IsNotSymbolicLink()` function
to check whether provided file is symbolic link or not
- [`lib/functions/`]: Use `IsNotSymbolicLink()` function
to not add files that are symbolic links to the file array for
- [`test/lib/`]: Add test for `IsNotSymbolicLink()`
- Add `test/linters/prettier/` file symlinked into parent
dir's `` to test it is skipped from Prettier (also exclude
its directory from JSCPD to suppress error about cloned content)
This directory contains test cases that super-linter uses to validate if a
particular linter is working.
These test cases focus on how super-linter invokes each linter and their exit
codes. We deliberately avoid to verify if the output of a given linter matches
the expectations because it's the responsibility of each linter to do so.
Test case format
Each super-linter language should have its own directory, named after the
language they refer to.
The name of each test case denotes its nature:
Test cases that are expected to pass validation contain the good string in
their filename, or path. Example:
Test cases that are expected to fail validation contain the bad string in
their filename, or path. Example:
Notes about specific tests
In this section, we explain the peculiarities of certain test cases.
SQL Fluff test cases
From version 0.12.0 SQLFluff requires a dialect to be set, and no longer sets a
default. This can be provided as a command-line argument, or a .sqlfluff
config file (either in the usualy place for SQLFluff config files, or within the
folder containg the SQL).
For SQLFluff we have added a default .sqlfluff config file in its test
OpenAPI test cases
The _bad_ tests are valid .yml/.json but invalid OpenAPI specs.
The test extensions used are .ymlopenapi/.jsonopenapi instead of
.yml/.json. This is to prevent the YAML and JSON tests from picking them
ARM test cases
apiVersions older than 2 years (730 days) are treated as errors by the ARM linter if there is a newer version available.
Ansible test cases
roles/ghe-initialize is a valid Ansible role
Symbolic Links test cases
symboliclinks/notSymbolicLink is not a symbolic link