use winnow::combinator::delimited; use winnow::combinator::trace; use winnow::prelude::*; use crate::{Category, Cluster, Entry, Pos, Tag, Type, Variant}; #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct ClusterIter<'i> { input: &'i str, } impl<'i> ClusterIter<'i> { pub fn new(input: &'i str) -> Self { Self { input } } } impl<'i> Iterator for ClusterIter<'i> { type Item = Cluster; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.input = self.input.trim_start(); Cluster::parse_.parse_next(&mut self.input).ok() } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_cluster_iter { use super::*; use snapbox::assert_data_eq; use snapbox::str; use snapbox::ToDebug; #[test] fn test_single() { let actual = ClusterIter::new( "# acknowledgment (level 35) A Cv: acknowledgment / Av B C: acknowledgement A Cv: acknowledgments / Av B C: acknowledgements A Cv: acknowledgment's / Av B C: acknowledgement's ", ); assert_data_eq!( actual.collect::>().to_debug(), str![[r#" [ Cluster { header: Some( "acknowledgment (level 35)", ), entries: [ Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgments", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgements", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment's", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement's", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, ], notes: [], }, ] "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_multiple() { let actual = ClusterIter::new( "# acknowledgment (level 35) A Cv: acknowledgment / Av B C: acknowledgement A Cv: acknowledgments / Av B C: acknowledgements A Cv: acknowledgment's / Av B C: acknowledgement's # acknowledgment (level 35) A Cv: acknowledgment / Av B C: acknowledgement A Cv: acknowledgments / Av B C: acknowledgements A Cv: acknowledgment's / Av B C: acknowledgement's ", ); assert_data_eq!( actual.collect::>().to_debug(), str![[r#" [ Cluster { header: Some( "acknowledgment (level 35)", ), entries: [ Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgments", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgements", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment's", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement's", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, ], notes: [], }, Cluster { header: Some( "acknowledgment (level 35)", ), entries: [ Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgments", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgements", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment's", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement's", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, ], notes: [], }, ] "#]] ); } } impl Cluster { pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result { Self::parse_.parse(input).map_err(|_err| ParseError) } fn parse_(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("cluster", move |input: &mut &str| { let header = ( "#", winnow::ascii::space0, winnow::ascii::till_line_ending, winnow::ascii::line_ending, ); let note = winnow::combinator::preceded( ("##", winnow::ascii::space0), winnow::combinator::terminated( winnow::ascii::till_line_ending, winnow::ascii::line_ending, ), ); let mut cluster = ( winnow::combinator::opt(header), winnow::combinator::repeat( 1.., winnow::combinator::terminated(Entry::parse_, winnow::ascii::line_ending), ), winnow::combinator::repeat(0.., note), ); let (header, entries, notes): (_, _, Vec<_>) = cluster.parse_next(input)?; let header =|s| s.2.to_owned()); let notes = notes.into_iter().map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect(); let c = Self { header, entries, notes, }; Ok(c) }) .parse_next(input) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_cluster { use super::*; use snapbox::assert_data_eq; use snapbox::str; use snapbox::ToDebug; #[test] fn test_basic() { let (input, actual) = Cluster::parse_ .parse_peek( "# acknowledgment (level 35) A Cv: acknowledgment / Av B C: acknowledgement A Cv: acknowledgments / Av B C: acknowledgements A Cv: acknowledgment's / Av B C: acknowledgement's ", ) .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Cluster { header: Some( "acknowledgment (level 35)", ), entries: [ Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgments", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgements", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment's", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement's", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, ], notes: [], } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_notes() { let (input, actual) = Cluster::parse_ .parse_peek( "# coloration (level 50) A B C: coloration / B. Cv: colouration A B C: colorations / B. Cv: colourations A B C: coloration's / B. Cv: colouration's ## OED has coloration as the preferred spelling and discolouration as a ## variant for British Engl or some reason ", ) .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Cluster { header: Some( "coloration (level 50)", ), entries: [ Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "coloration", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: BritishIse, tag: Some( Eq, ), num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "colouration", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "colorations", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: BritishIse, tag: Some( Eq, ), num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "colourations", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "coloration's", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: BritishIse, tag: Some( Eq, ), num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "colouration's", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, ], notes: [ "OED has coloration as the preferred spelling and discolouration as a", "variant for British Engl or some reason", ], } "#]] ); } } impl Entry { pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result { Self::parse_.parse(input).map_err(|_err| ParseError) } fn parse_(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("entry", move |input: &mut &str| { let var_sep = (winnow::ascii::space0, '/', winnow::ascii::space0); let variants = winnow::combinator::separated(1.., Variant::parse_, var_sep).parse_next(input)?; let desc_sep = (winnow::ascii::space0, '|'); let description = winnow::combinator::opt((desc_sep, Self::parse_description)).parse_next(input)?; let comment_sep = (winnow::ascii::space0, '#'); let comment = winnow::combinator::opt(( comment_sep, winnow::ascii::space1, winnow::ascii::till_line_ending, )) .parse_next(input)?; let mut e = match description { Some((_, description)) => description, None => Self { variants: Vec::new(), pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, }, }; e.variants = variants; e.comment =|c| c.2.to_owned()); Ok(e) }) .parse_next(input) } fn parse_description(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("description", move |input: &mut &str| { let (pos, archaic, note, description) = ( winnow::combinator::opt((winnow::ascii::space1, delimited('<', Pos::parse_, '>'))), winnow::combinator::opt((winnow::ascii::space1, "(-)")), winnow::combinator::opt((winnow::ascii::space1, "--")), winnow::combinator::opt(( winnow::ascii::space1, winnow::token::take_till(0.., ('\n', '\r', '#')), )), ) .parse_next(input)?; let variants = Vec::new(); let pos =|(_, p)| p); let archaic = archaic.is_some(); let note = note.is_some(); let description =|(_, d)| d.to_owned()); let e = Self { variants, pos, archaic, note, description, comment: None, }; Ok(e) }) .parse_next(input) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_entry { #![allow(clippy::bool_assert_comparison)] use super::*; use snapbox::assert_data_eq; use snapbox::str; use snapbox::ToDebug; #[test] fn test_variant_only() { // Having nothing after `A` causes an incomplete parse. Shouldn't be a problem for my use // cases. let (input, actual) = Entry::parse_ .parse_peek("A Cv: acknowledgment's / Av B C: acknowledgement's\n") .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment's", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgement's", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_description() { // Having nothing after `A` causes an incomplete parse. Shouldn't be a problem for my use // cases. let (input, actual) = Entry::parse_ .parse_peek("A C: prize / B: prise | otherwise\n") .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "prize", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "prise", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: Some( "otherwise", ), comment: None, } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_pos() { // Having nothing after `A` causes an incomplete parse. Shouldn't be a problem for my use // cases. let (input, actual) = Entry::parse_ .parse_peek("A B C: practice / AV Cv: practise | \n") .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "practice", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Seldom, ), num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "practise", }, ], pos: Some( Noun, ), archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: None, } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_pos_bad() { // Having nothing after `A` causes an incomplete parse. Shouldn't be a problem for my use // cases. let (input, actual) = Entry::parse_ .parse_peek("A B C: practice / AV Cv: practise | \n") .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "practice", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Seldom, ), num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "practise", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: Some( "", ), comment: None, } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_archaic() { // Having nothing after `A` causes an incomplete parse. Shouldn't be a problem for my use // cases. let (input, actual) = Entry::parse_ .parse_peek("A: bark / Av B: barque | (-) ship\n") .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "bark", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "barque", }, ], pos: None, archaic: true, note: false, description: Some( "ship", ), comment: None, } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_note() { // Having nothing after `A` causes an incomplete parse. Shouldn't be a problem for my use // cases. let (input, actual) = Entry::parse_ .parse_peek("_: cabbies | -- plural\n") .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: Other, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "cabbies", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: true, description: Some( "plural", ), comment: None, } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_trailing_comment() { let (input, actual) = Entry::parse_.parse_peek( "A B: accursed / AV B-: accurst # ODE: archaic, M-W: 'or' but can find little evidence of use\n", ) .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Entry { variants: [ Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "accursed", }, Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: Some( Seldom, ), num: None, }, Type { category: BritishIse, tag: Some( Possible, ), num: None, }, ], word: "accurst", }, ], pos: None, archaic: false, note: false, description: None, comment: Some( "ODE: archaic, M-W: 'or' but can find little evidence of use", ), } "#]] ); } } impl Variant { pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result { Self::parse_.parse(input).map_err(|_err| ParseError) } fn parse_(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("variant", move |input: &mut &str| { let types = winnow::combinator::separated(1.., Type::parse_, winnow::ascii::space1); let sep = (":", winnow::ascii::space0); let (types, word) = winnow::combinator::separated_pair(types, sep, word).parse_next(input)?; let v = Self { types, word }; Ok(v) }) .parse_next(input) } } fn word(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("word", move |input: &mut &str| { winnow::token::take_till(1.., |item: char| item.is_ascii_whitespace()) .map(|s: &str| s.to_owned().replace('_', " ")) .parse_next(input) }) .parse_next(input) } #[cfg(test)] mod test_variant { use super::*; use snapbox::assert_data_eq; use snapbox::str; use snapbox::ToDebug; #[test] fn test_valid() { // Having nothing after `A` causes an incomplete parse. Shouldn't be a problem for my use // cases. let (input, actual) = Variant::parse_.parse_peek("A Cv: acknowledgment ").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" "]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment", } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_extra() { let (input, actual) = Variant::parse_ .parse_peek("A Cv: acknowledgment's / Av B C: acknowledgement's") .unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" / Av B C: acknowledgement's"]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Variant { types: [ Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, }, Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, }, ], word: "acknowledgment's", } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_underscore() { let (input, actual) = Variant::parse_.parse_peek("_: air_gun\n").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!( input, str![[r#" "#]] ); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Variant { types: [ Type { category: Other, tag: None, num: None, }, ], word: "air gun", } "#]] ); } } impl Type { pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result { Self::parse_.parse(input).map_err(|_err| ParseError) } fn parse_(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("type", move |input: &mut &str| { let category = Category::parse_(input)?; let tag = winnow::combinator::opt(Tag::parse_).parse_next(input)?; let num = winnow::combinator::opt(winnow::ascii::digit1).parse_next(input)?; let num =|s| s.parse().expect("parser ensured it's a number")); let t = Type { category, tag, num }; Ok(t) }) .parse_next(input) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_type { use super::*; use snapbox::assert_data_eq; use snapbox::str; use snapbox::ToDebug; #[test] fn test_valid() { // Having nothing after `A` causes an incomplete parse. Shouldn't be a problem for my use // cases. let (input, actual) = Type::parse_.parse_peek("A ").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" "]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Type { category: American, tag: None, num: None, } "#]] ); let (input, actual) = Type::parse_.parse_peek("Bv ").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" "]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Type { category: BritishIse, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: None, } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_extra() { let (input, actual) = Type::parse_.parse_peek("Z foobar").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" foobar"]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Type { category: BritishIze, tag: None, num: None, } "#]] ); let (input, actual) = Type::parse_.parse_peek("C- foobar").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" foobar"]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Type { category: Canadian, tag: Some( Possible, ), num: None, } "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_num() { let (input, actual) = Type::parse_.parse_peek("Av1 ").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" "]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Type { category: American, tag: Some( Variant, ), num: Some( 1, ), } "#]] ); } } impl Category { pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result { Self::parse_.parse(input).map_err(|_err| ParseError) } fn parse_(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("category", move |input: &mut &str| { let symbols = winnow::token::one_of(['A', 'B', 'Z', 'C', 'D', '_']); symbols .map(|c| match c { 'A' => Category::American, 'B' => Category::BritishIse, 'Z' => Category::BritishIze, 'C' => Category::Canadian, 'D' => Category::Australian, '_' => Category::Other, _ => unreachable!("parser won't select this option"), }) .parse_next(input) }) .parse_next(input) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_category { use super::*; use snapbox::assert_data_eq; use snapbox::str; use snapbox::ToDebug; #[test] fn test_valid() { let (input, actual) = Category::parse_.parse_peek("A").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" American "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_extra() { let (input, actual) = Category::parse_.parse_peek("_ foobar").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" foobar"]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Other "#]] ); } } impl Tag { pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result { Self::parse_.parse(input).map_err(|_err| ParseError) } fn parse_(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("tag", move |input: &mut &str| { let symbols = winnow::token::one_of(['.', 'v', 'V', '-', 'x']); symbols .map(|c| match c { '.' => Tag::Eq, 'v' => Tag::Variant, 'V' => Tag::Seldom, '-' => Tag::Possible, 'x' => Tag::Improper, _ => unreachable!("parser won't select this option"), }) .parse_next(input) }) .parse_next(input) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_tag { use super::*; use snapbox::assert_data_eq; use snapbox::str; use snapbox::ToDebug; #[test] fn test_valid() { let (input, actual) = Tag::parse_.parse_peek(".").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Eq "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_extra() { let (input, actual) = Tag::parse_.parse_peek("x foobar").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![" foobar"]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Improper "#]] ); } } impl Pos { pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result { Self::parse_.parse(input).map_err(|_err| ParseError) } fn parse_(input: &mut &str) -> PResult { trace("pos", move |input: &mut &str| { winnow::combinator::alt(( "N".value(Pos::Noun), "V".value(Pos::Verb), "Adj".value(Pos::Adjective), "Adv".value(Pos::Adverb), )) .parse_next(input) }) .parse_next(input) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_pos { use super::*; use snapbox::assert_data_eq; use snapbox::str; use snapbox::ToDebug; #[test] fn test_valid() { let (input, actual) = Pos::parse_.parse_peek("N>").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str![">"]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Noun "#]] ); } #[test] fn test_extra() { let (input, actual) = Pos::parse_.parse_peek("Adj> foobar").unwrap(); assert_data_eq!(input, str!["> foobar"]); assert_data_eq!( actual.to_debug(), str![[r#" Adjective "#]] ); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ParseError; impl std::fmt::Display for ParseError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "invalid") } } impl std::error::Error for ParseError {}