# pre-commit To use `typos` with [`pre-commit`](https://pre-commit.com), point its config at this repository: ```yaml repos: - repo: https://github.com/crate-ci/typos rev: v1.30.0 hooks: - id: typos ``` The `typos` id installs a prebuilt executable from GitHub releases. If one does not exist for the target platform, or if one built from sources is preferred, use `typos-docker` (requires Docker), or `typos-src` (requires Rust) as the hook id instead. Be sure to change `rev` to use the desired `typos` git tag or revision. The hook configuration defaults to writing fixes, which triggers a `pre-commit` failure if any files are modified. To make it report its findings only instead, override the hook's `args` with something that does not contain `-w`/`--write-changes`, for example `[]` (meaning pass no options).