// 2015-edition macros. #[macro_use] extern crate clap; use structopt::StructOpt; arg_enum! { #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Format { Silent, Brief, Long, Json, } } impl Format { fn report(self) -> typos::report::Report { match self { Format::Silent => typos::report::print_silent, Format::Brief => typos::report::print_brief, Format::Long => typos::report::print_long, Format::Json => typos::report::print_json, } } } impl Default for Format { fn default() -> Self { Format::Long } } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(rename_all = "kebab-case")] struct Options { #[structopt(parse(from_os_str), default_value = ".")] /// Paths to check path: Vec, #[structopt( long = "format", raw(possible_values = "&Format::variants()", case_insensitive = "true"), default_value = "long" )] pub format: Format, #[structopt(short = "j", long = "threads", default_value = "0")] /// The approximate number of threads to use. threads: usize, #[structopt(long, raw(overrides_with = r#""no-hidden""#))] /// Search hidden files and directories. hidden: bool, #[structopt(long, raw(overrides_with = r#""hidden""#), raw(hidden = "true"))] no_hidden: bool, #[structopt(long, raw(overrides_with = r#""ignore""#))] /// Don't respect ignore files. no_ignore: bool, #[structopt(long, raw(overrides_with = r#""no-ignore""#), raw(hidden = "true"))] ignore: bool, #[structopt(long, raw(overrides_with = r#""ignore-dot""#))] /// Don't respect .ignore files. no_ignore_dot: bool, #[structopt(long, raw(overrides_with = r#""no-ignore-dot""#), raw(hidden = "true"))] ignore_dot: bool, #[structopt(long, raw(overrides_with = r#""ignore-global""#))] /// Don't respect global ignore files. no_ignore_global: bool, #[structopt( long, raw(overrides_with = r#""no-ignore-global""#), raw(hidden = "true") )] ignore_global: bool, #[structopt(long, raw(overrides_with = r#""ignore-parent""#))] /// Don't respect ignore files in parent directories. no_ignore_parent: bool, #[structopt( long, raw(overrides_with = r#""no-ignore-parent""#), raw(hidden = "true") )] ignore_parent: bool, } impl Options { pub fn infer(mut self) -> Self { if self.path.len() == 1 && self.path[0].is_file() { self.threads = 1; } self } pub fn ignore_hidden(&self) -> Option { match (self.hidden, self.no_hidden) { (true, false) => Some(false), (false, true) => Some(true), (false, false) => None, (_, _) => unreachable!("StructOpt should make this impossible"), } } pub fn ignore_dot(&self) -> Option { match (self.no_ignore_dot, self.ignore_dot) { (true, false) => Some(false), (false, true) => Some(true), (false, false) => None, (_, _) => unreachable!("StructOpt should make this impossible"), } .or_else(|| self.ignore_files()) } pub fn ignore_global(&self) -> Option { match (self.no_ignore_global, self.ignore_global) { (true, false) => Some(false), (false, true) => Some(true), (false, false) => None, (_, _) => unreachable!("StructOpt should make this impossible"), } .or_else(|| self.ignore_files()) } pub fn ignore_parent(&self) -> Option { match (self.no_ignore_parent, self.ignore_parent) { (true, false) => Some(false), (false, true) => Some(true), (false, false) => None, (_, _) => unreachable!("StructOpt should make this impossible"), } .or_else(|| self.ignore_files()) } fn ignore_files(&self) -> Option { match (self.no_ignore, self.ignore) { (true, false) => Some(false), (false, true) => Some(true), (false, false) => None, (_, _) => unreachable!("StructOpt should make this impossible"), } } } fn run() -> Result<(), failure::Error> { let options = Options::from_args().infer(); let dictionary = typos::Dictionary::new(); let first_path = &options .path .get(0) .expect("arg parsing enforces at least one"); let mut walk = ignore::WalkBuilder::new(first_path); for path in &options.path[1..] { walk.add(path); } walk.threads(options.threads) .hidden(options.ignore_hidden().unwrap_or(true)) .ignore(options.ignore_dot().unwrap_or(true)) .git_global(options.ignore_global().unwrap_or(true)) .parents(options.ignore_parent().unwrap_or(true)); // TODO Add build_parallel for options.threads != 1 for entry in walk.build() { let entry = entry?; if entry.file_type().map(|t| t.is_file()).unwrap_or(true) { typos::process_file(entry.path(), &dictionary, options.format.report())?; } } Ok(()) } fn main() { run().unwrap(); }