#!/bin/bash set -eu log() { echo -e "$1" >&2 } CMD_NAME="typos" TARGET=${INPUT_FILES:-"."} if [[ -n "${GITHUB_BASE_REF:-}" ]]; then BASE_REF=HEAD~ # HACK: GITHUB_BASE_REF is failing the `--verify` but `HEAD~ should be the same for pull requests git config --global --add safe.directory /github/workspace if git rev-parse --verify ${BASE_REF} 2>/dev/null ; then log "Limiting checks to ${GITHUB_BASE_REF}...HEAD" TARGET=$(git diff ${BASE_REF}...HEAD --name-only --diff-filter=AM -- ${TARGET}) else log "WARN: Not limiting checks to ${BASE_REF}...HEAD, ${GITHUB_BASE_REF} is not available" fi fi if [[ -z $(ls ${TARGET} 2>/dev/null) ]]; then log "ERROR: Input files (${TARGET}) not found" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $(which ${CMD_NAME} 2>/dev/null) ]]; then log "ERROR: 'typos' not found" exit 1 fi log "typos: $(typos --version)" log "jq: $(jq --version)" COMMAND="${CMD_NAME} ${TARGET}" # Ignore implicit configuration files if [ "${INPUT_ISOLATED:-false}" == "true" ]; then COMMAND+=" --isolated" fi # Use a custom configuration file if [[ -n "${INPUT_CONFIG:-}" ]]; then COMMAND+=" --config ${INPUT_CONFIG}" fi log "$ ${COMMAND}" ${COMMAND} --format json | jq --sort-keys --raw-output '"::warning file=\(.path),line=\(.line_num),col=\(.byte_offset)::\"\(.typo)\" should be \"" + (.corrections // [] | join("\" or \"") + "\".")' | while IFS= read -r line; do echo "$line" done || true ${COMMAND}