use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::io::Write; use std::path; use std::sync; use bstr::ByteSlice; pub struct Replace<'r> { reporter: &'r dyn typos::report::Report, deferred: sync::Mutex, } impl<'r> Replace<'r> { pub(crate) fn new(reporter: &'r dyn typos::report::Report) -> Self { Self { reporter, deferred: sync::Mutex::new(Deferred::default()), } } pub fn write(&self) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let deferred = self.deferred.lock().unwrap(); for (path, corrections) in deferred.content.iter() { let buffer = std::fs::read(path)?; let mut file = std::fs::File::create(path)?; for (line_idx, line) in buffer.lines_with_terminator().enumerate() { let line_num = line_idx + 1; if let Some(corrections) = corrections.get(&line_num) { let line = line.to_vec(); let line = correct(line, &corrections); file.write_all(&line)?; } else { file.write_all(&line)?; } } } for (path, corrections) in deferred.paths.iter() { let orig_name = path .file_name() .and_then(|s| s.to_str()) .expect("generating a correction requires the filename to be valid.") .to_owned() .into_bytes(); let new_name = correct(orig_name, &corrections); let new_name = String::from_utf8(new_name).expect("corrections are valid utf-8"); let new_path = path.with_file_name(new_name); std::fs::rename(path, new_path)?; } Ok(()) } } impl<'r> typos::report::Report for Replace<'r> { fn report(&self, msg: typos::report::Message<'_>) -> bool { let typo = match &msg { typos::report::Message::Typo(typo) => typo, _ => return, }; let corrections = match &typo.corrections { typos::Status::Corrections(corrections) if corrections.len() == 1 => corrections, _ => return, }; match &typo.context { Some(typos::report::Context::File(file)) => { let path = file.path.to_owned(); let line_num = file.line_num; let correction = Correction::new(typo.byte_offset, typo.typo, corrections[0].as_ref()); let mut deferred = self.deferred.lock().unwrap(); let content = deferred .content .entry(path) .or_insert_with(BTreeMap::new) .entry(line_num) .or_insert_with(Vec::new); content.push(correction); false } Some(typos::report::Context::Path(path)) => { let path = path.path.to_owned(); let correction = Correction::new(typo.byte_offset, typo.typo, corrections[0].as_ref()); let mut deferred = self.deferred.lock().unwrap(); let content = deferred.paths.entry(path).or_insert_with(Vec::new); content.push(correction); false } _ =>, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub(crate) struct Deferred { pub(crate) content: BTreeMap>>, pub(crate) paths: BTreeMap>, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) struct Correction { pub byte_offset: usize, pub typo: Vec, pub correction: Vec, } impl Correction { pub(crate) fn new(byte_offset: usize, typo: &str, correction: &str) -> Self { Self { byte_offset, typo: typo.as_bytes().to_vec(), correction: correction.as_bytes().to_vec(), } } } pub(crate) fn correct(mut line: Vec, corrections: &[Correction]) -> Vec { let mut corrections: Vec<_> = corrections.iter().collect(); corrections.sort_unstable(); corrections.reverse(); for correction in corrections { let start = correction.byte_offset; let end = start + correction.typo.len(); line.splice(start..end, correction.correction.iter().copied()); } line } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use typos::report::Report; fn simple_correct(line: &str, corrections: Vec<(usize, &str, &str)>) -> String { let line = line.as_bytes().to_vec(); let corrections: Vec<_> = corrections .into_iter() .map(|(byte_offset, typo, correction)| Correction { byte_offset, typo: typo.as_bytes().to_vec(), correction: correction.as_bytes().to_vec(), }) .collect(); let actual = correct(line, &corrections); String::from_utf8(actual).unwrap() } #[test] fn test_correct_single() { let actual = simple_correct("foo foo foo", vec![(4, "foo", "bar")]); assert_eq!(actual, "foo bar foo"); } #[test] fn test_correct_single_grow() { let actual = simple_correct("foo foo foo", vec![(4, "foo", "happy")]); assert_eq!(actual, "foo happy foo"); } #[test] fn test_correct_single_shrink() { let actual = simple_correct("foo foo foo", vec![(4, "foo", "if")]); assert_eq!(actual, "foo if foo"); } #[test] fn test_correct_start() { let actual = simple_correct("foo foo foo", vec![(0, "foo", "bar")]); assert_eq!(actual, "bar foo foo"); } #[test] fn test_correct_end() { let actual = simple_correct("foo foo foo", vec![(8, "foo", "bar")]); assert_eq!(actual, "foo foo bar"); } #[test] fn test_correct_end_grow() { let actual = simple_correct("foo foo foo", vec![(8, "foo", "happy")]); assert_eq!(actual, "foo foo happy"); } #[test] fn test_correct_multiple() { let actual = simple_correct( "foo foo foo", vec![(4, "foo", "happy"), (8, "foo", "world")], ); assert_eq!(actual, "foo happy world"); } #[test] fn test_replace_content() { let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let input_file = temp.child("foo.txt"); input_file.write_str("1 foo 2\n3 4 5").unwrap(); let primary = typos::report::PrintSilent; let replace = Replace::new(&primary); typos::report::Typo::default() .context(Some( typos::report::FileContext::default() .path(input_file.path()) .line_num(1) .into(), )) .buffer(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(b"1 foo 2\n3 4 5")) .byte_offset(2) .typo("foo") .corrections(typos::Status::Corrections(vec![ std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("bar"), ])) .into(), ); replace.write().unwrap(); input_file.assert("1 bar 2\n3 4 5"); } #[test] fn test_replace_path() { let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let input_file = temp.child("foo.txt"); input_file.write_str("foo foo foo").unwrap(); let primary = typos::report::PrintSilent; let replace = Replace::new(&primary); typos::report::Typo::default() .context(Some( typos::report::PathContext::default() .path(input_file.path()) .into(), )) .buffer(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(b"foo.txt")) .byte_offset(0) .typo("foo") .corrections(typos::Status::Corrections(vec![ std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("bar"), ])) .into(), ); replace.write().unwrap(); input_file.assert(predicates::path::missing()); temp.child("bar.txt").assert("foo foo foo"); } }