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2022-03-06 16:46:59 -08:00
* Globalize Runtime v1.7.0
* Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* Date: 2021-08-02T11:53Z
* Globalize Runtime v1.7.0 2021-08-02T11:53Z Released under the MIT license
(function( root, factory ) {
"use strict";
// UMD returnExports
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD
], factory );
} else if ( typeof exports === "object" ) {
// Node, CommonJS
module.exports = factory(
require( "../globalize-runtime" ),
require( "./number" )
} else {
// Extend global
factory( root.Globalize );
}(this, function( Globalize ) {
var createErrorUnsupportedFeature = Globalize._createErrorUnsupportedFeature,
looseMatching = Globalize._looseMatching,
partsJoin = Globalize._partsJoin,
partsPush = Globalize._partsPush,
regexpEscape = Globalize._regexpEscape,
removeLiteralQuotes = Globalize._removeLiteralQuotes,
runtimeKey = Globalize._runtimeKey,
stringPad = Globalize._stringPad,
validateParameterPresence = Globalize._validateParameterPresence,
validateParameterType = Globalize._validateParameterType,
validateParameterTypeString = Globalize._validateParameterTypeString;
var validateParameterTypeDate = function( value, name ) {
validateParameterType( value, name, value === undefined || value instanceof Date, "Date" );
var ZonedDateTime = (function() {
function definePrivateProperty(object, property, value) {
Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
value: value
function getUntilsIndex(original, untils) {
var index = 0;
var originalTime = original.getTime();
// TODO Should we do binary search for improved performance?
while (index < untils.length - 1 && originalTime >= untils[index]) {
return index;
function setWrap(fn) {
var offset1 = this.getTimezoneOffset();
var ret = fn();
this.original.setTime(new Date(this.getTime()));
var offset2 = this.getTimezoneOffset();
if (offset2 - offset1) {
this.original.setMinutes(this.original.getMinutes() + offset2 - offset1);
return ret;
var ZonedDateTime = function(date, timeZoneData) {
definePrivateProperty(this, "original", new Date(date.getTime()));
definePrivateProperty(this, "local", new Date(date.getTime()));
definePrivateProperty(this, "timeZoneData", timeZoneData);
definePrivateProperty(this, "setWrap", setWrap);
if (!(timeZoneData.untils && timeZoneData.offsets && timeZoneData.isdsts)) {
throw new Error("Invalid IANA data");
this.setTime(this.local.getTime() - this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
ZonedDateTime.prototype.clone = function() {
return new ZonedDateTime(this.original, this.timeZoneData);
// Date field getters.
["getFullYear", "getMonth", "getDate", "getDay", "getHours", "getMinutes",
"getSeconds", "getMilliseconds"].forEach(function(method) {
// Corresponding UTC method, e.g., "getUTCFullYear" if method === "getFullYear".
var utcMethod = "getUTC" + method.substr(3);
ZonedDateTime.prototype[method] = function() {
return this.local[utcMethod]();
// Note: Define .valueOf = .getTime for arithmetic operations like date1 - date2.
ZonedDateTime.prototype.valueOf =
ZonedDateTime.prototype.getTime = function() {
return this.local.getTime() + this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
ZonedDateTime.prototype.getTimezoneOffset = function() {
var index = getUntilsIndex(this.original, this.timeZoneData.untils);
return this.timeZoneData.offsets[index];
// Date field setters.
["setFullYear", "setMonth", "setDate", "setHours", "setMinutes", "setSeconds", "setMilliseconds"].forEach(function(method) {
// Corresponding UTC method, e.g., "setUTCFullYear" if method === "setFullYear".
var utcMethod = "setUTC" + method.substr(3);
ZonedDateTime.prototype[method] = function(value) {
var local = this.local;
// Note setWrap is needed for seconds and milliseconds just because
// abs(value) could be >= a minute.
return this.setWrap(function() {
return local[utcMethod](value);
ZonedDateTime.prototype.setTime = function(time) {
return this.local.setTime(time);
ZonedDateTime.prototype.isDST = function() {
var index = getUntilsIndex(this.original, this.timeZoneData.untils);
return Boolean(this.timeZoneData.isdsts[index]);
ZonedDateTime.prototype.inspect = function() {
var index = getUntilsIndex(this.original, this.timeZoneData.untils);
var abbrs = this.timeZoneData.abbrs;
return this.local.toISOString().replace(/Z$/, "") + " " +
(abbrs && abbrs[index] + " " || (this.getTimezoneOffset() * -1) + " ") +
(this.isDST() ? "(daylight savings)" : "");
ZonedDateTime.prototype.toDate = function() {
return new Date(this.getTime());
// Type cast getters.
["toISOString", "toJSON", "toUTCString"].forEach(function(method) {
ZonedDateTime.prototype[method] = function() {
return this.toDate()[method]();
return ZonedDateTime;
* dayOfWeek( date, firstDay )
* @date
* @firstDay the result of `dateFirstDayOfWeek( cldr )`
* Return the day of the week normalized by the territory's firstDay [0-6].
* Eg for "mon":
* - return 0 if territory is GB, or BR, or DE, or FR (week starts on "mon");
* - return 1 if territory is US (week starts on "sun");
* - return 2 if territory is EG (week starts on "sat");
var dateDayOfWeek = function( date, firstDay ) {
return ( date.getDay() - firstDay + 7 ) % 7;
* distanceInDays( from, to )
* Return the distance in days between from and to Dates.
var dateDistanceInDays = function( from, to ) {
var inDays = 864e5;
return ( to.getTime() - from.getTime() ) / inDays;
* startOf changes the input to the beginning of the given unit.
* For example, starting at the start of a day, resets hours, minutes
* seconds and milliseconds to 0. Starting at the month does the same, but
* also sets the date to 1.
* Returns the modified date
var dateStartOf = function( date, unit ) {
date = date instanceof ZonedDateTime ? date.clone() : new Date( date.getTime() );
switch ( unit ) {
case "year":
date.setMonth( 0 );
/* falls through */
case "month":
date.setDate( 1 );
/* falls through */
case "day":
date.setHours( 0 );
/* falls through */
case "hour":
date.setMinutes( 0 );
/* falls through */
case "minute":
date.setSeconds( 0 );
/* falls through */
case "second":
date.setMilliseconds( 0 );
return date;
* dayOfYear
* Return the distance in days of the date to the begin of the year [0-d].
var dateDayOfYear = function( date ) {
return Math.floor( dateDistanceInDays( dateStartOf( date, "year" ), date ) );
* Returns a new object created by using `object`'s values as keys, and the keys as values.
var objectInvert = function( object, fn ) {
fn = fn || function( object, key, value ) {
object[ value ] = key;
return object;
return Object.keys( object ).reduce(function( newObject, key ) {
return fn( newObject, key, object[ key ] );
}, {});
// Invert key and values, e.g., {"year": "yY"} ==> {"y": "year", "Y": "year"}
var dateFieldsMap = objectInvert({
"era": "G",
"year": "yY",
"quarter": "qQ",
"month": "ML",
"week": "wW",
"day": "dDF",
"weekday": "ecE",
"dayperiod": "a",
"hour": "hHkK",
"minute": "m",
"second": "sSA",
"zone": "zvVOxX"
}, function( object, key, value ) {
value.split( "" ).forEach(function( symbol ) {
object[ symbol ] = key;
return object;
* millisecondsInDay
var dateMillisecondsInDay = function( date ) {
// TODO Handle daylight savings discontinuities
return date - dateStartOf( date, "day" );
var datePatternRe = ( /([a-z])\1*|'([^']|'')+'|''|./ig );
* hourFormat( date, format, timeSeparator, formatNumber )
* Return date's timezone offset according to the format passed.
* Eg for format when timezone offset is 180:
* - "+H;-H": -3
* - "+HHmm;-HHmm": -0300
* - "+HH:mm;-HH:mm": -03:00
* - "+HH:mm:ss;-HH:mm:ss": -03:00:00
var dateTimezoneHourFormat = function( date, format, timeSeparator, formatNumber ) {
var absOffset,
offset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
absOffset = Math.abs( offset );
formatNumber = formatNumber || {
1: function( value ) {
return stringPad( value, 1 );
2: function( value ) {
return stringPad( value, 2 );
return format
// Pick the correct sign side (+ or -).
.split( ";" )[ offset > 0 ? 1 : 0 ]
// Localize time separator
.replace( ":", timeSeparator )
// Update hours offset.
.replace( /HH?/, function( match ) {
return formatNumber[ match.length ]( Math.floor( absOffset / 60 ) );
// Update minutes offset and return.
.replace( /mm/, function() {
return formatNumber[ 2 ]( Math.floor( absOffset % 60 ) );
// Update minutes offset and return.
.replace( /ss/, function() {
return formatNumber[ 2 ]( Math.floor( absOffset % 1 * 60 ) );
var dateWeekDays = [ "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" ];
* format( date, properties )
* @date [Date instance].
* @properties
* TODO Support other calendar types.
* Disclosure: this function borrows excerpts of dojo/date/locale.
var dateFormat = function( date, numberFormatters, properties ) {
var parts = [];
var timeSeparator = properties.timeSeparator;
// create globalize date with given timezone data
if ( properties.timeZoneData ) {
date = new ZonedDateTime( date, properties.timeZoneData() );
properties.pattern.replace( datePatternRe, function( current ) {
var aux, dateField, type, value,
chr = current.charAt( 0 ),
length = current.length;
if ( chr === "j" ) {
// Locale preferred hHKk.
chr = properties.preferredTime;
if ( chr === "Z" ) {
// Z..ZZZ: same as "xxxx".
if ( length < 4 ) {
chr = "x";
length = 4;
// ZZZZ: same as "OOOO".
} else if ( length < 5 ) {
chr = "O";
length = 4;
// ZZZZZ: same as "XXXXX"
} else {
chr = "X";
length = 5;
// z...zzz: "{shortRegion}", e.g., "PST" or "PDT".
// zzzz: "{regionName} {Standard Time}" or "{regionName} {Daylight Time}",
// e.g., "Pacific Standard Time" or "Pacific Daylight Time".
if ( chr === "z" ) {
if ( date.isDST ) {
value = date.isDST() ? properties.daylightTzName : properties.standardTzName;
// Fall back to "O" format.
if ( !value ) {
chr = "O";
if ( length < 4 ) {
length = 1;
switch ( chr ) {
// Era
case "G":
value = properties.eras[ date.getFullYear() < 0 ? 0 : 1 ];
// Year
case "y":
// Plain year.
// The length specifies the padding, but for two letters it also specifies the
// maximum length.
value = date.getFullYear();
if ( length === 2 ) {
value = String( value );
value = +value.substr( value.length - 2 );
case "Y":
// Year in "Week of Year"
// The length specifies the padding, but for two letters it also specifies the
// maximum length.
// yearInWeekofYear = date + DaysInAWeek - (dayOfWeek - firstDay) - minDays
value = new Date( date.getTime() );
value.getDate() + 7 -
dateDayOfWeek( date, properties.firstDay ) -
properties.firstDay -
value = value.getFullYear();
if ( length === 2 ) {
value = String( value );
value = +value.substr( value.length - 2 );
// Quarter
case "Q":
case "q":
value = Math.ceil( ( date.getMonth() + 1 ) / 3 );
if ( length > 2 ) {
value = properties.quarters[ chr ][ length ][ value ];
// Month
case "M":
case "L":
value = date.getMonth() + 1;
if ( length > 2 ) {
value = properties.months[ chr ][ length ][ value ];
// Week
case "w":
// Week of Year.
// woy = ceil( ( doy + dow of 1/1 ) / 7 ) - minDaysStuff ? 1 : 0.
// TODO should pad on ww? Not documented, but I guess so.
value = dateDayOfWeek( dateStartOf( date, "year" ), properties.firstDay );
value = Math.ceil( ( dateDayOfYear( date ) + value ) / 7 ) -
( 7 - value >= properties.minDays ? 0 : 1 );
case "W":
// Week of Month.
// wom = ceil( ( dom + dow of `1/month` ) / 7 ) - minDaysStuff ? 1 : 0.
value = dateDayOfWeek( dateStartOf( date, "month" ), properties.firstDay );
value = Math.ceil( ( date.getDate() + value ) / 7 ) -
( 7 - value >= properties.minDays ? 0 : 1 );
// Day
case "d":
value = date.getDate();
case "D":
value = dateDayOfYear( date ) + 1;
case "F":
// Day of Week in month. eg. 2nd Wed in July.
value = Math.floor( date.getDate() / 7 ) + 1;
// Week day
case "e":
case "c":
if ( length <= 2 ) {
// Range is [1-7] (deduced by example provided on documentation)
// TODO Should pad with zeros (not specified in the docs)?
value = dateDayOfWeek( date, properties.firstDay ) + 1;
/* falls through */
case "E":
value = dateWeekDays[ date.getDay() ];
value = properties.days[ chr ][ length ][ value ];
// Period (AM or PM)
case "a":
value = properties.dayPeriods[ date.getHours() < 12 ? "am" : "pm" ];
// Hour
case "h": // 1-12
value = ( date.getHours() % 12 ) || 12;
case "H": // 0-23
value = date.getHours();
case "K": // 0-11
value = date.getHours() % 12;
case "k": // 1-24
value = date.getHours() || 24;
// Minute
case "m":
value = date.getMinutes();
// Second
case "s":
value = date.getSeconds();
case "S":
value = Math.round( date.getMilliseconds() * Math.pow( 10, length - 3 ) );
case "A":
value = Math.round( dateMillisecondsInDay( date ) * Math.pow( 10, length - 3 ) );
// Zone
case "z":
case "v":
// v...vvv: "{shortRegion}", eg. "PT".
// vvvv: "{regionName} {Time}",
// e.g., "Pacific Time".
if ( properties.genericTzName ) {
value = properties.genericTzName;
/* falls through */
case "V":
//VVVV: "{explarCity} {Time}", e.g., "Los Angeles Time"
if ( properties.timeZoneName ) {
value = properties.timeZoneName;
if ( current === "v" ) {
length = 1;
/* falls through */
case "O":
// O: "{gmtFormat}+H;{gmtFormat}-H" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-8" or "GMT".
// OOOO: "{gmtFormat}{hourFormat}" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-08:00" or "GMT".
if ( date.getTimezoneOffset() === 0 ) {
value = properties.gmtZeroFormat;
} else {
// If O..OOO and timezone offset has non-zero minutes, show minutes.
if ( length < 4 ) {
aux = date.getTimezoneOffset();
aux = properties.hourFormat[ aux % 60 - aux % 1 === 0 ? 0 : 1 ];
} else {
aux = properties.hourFormat;
value = dateTimezoneHourFormat(
value = properties.gmtFormat.replace( /\{0\}/, value );
case "X":
// Same as x*, except it uses "Z" for zero offset.
if ( date.getTimezoneOffset() === 0 ) {
value = "Z";
/* falls through */
case "x":
// x: hourFormat("+HH[mm];-HH[mm]")
// xx: hourFormat("+HHmm;-HHmm")
// xxx: hourFormat("+HH:mm;-HH:mm")
// xxxx: hourFormat("+HHmm[ss];-HHmm[ss]")
// xxxxx: hourFormat("+HH:mm[:ss];-HH:mm[:ss]")
aux = date.getTimezoneOffset();
// If x and timezone offset has non-zero minutes, use xx (i.e., show minutes).
if ( length === 1 && aux % 60 - aux % 1 !== 0 ) {
length += 1;
// If (xxxx or xxxxx) and timezone offset has zero seconds, use xx or xxx
// respectively (i.e., don't show optional seconds).
if ( ( length === 4 || length === 5 ) && aux % 1 === 0 ) {
length -= 2;
value = [
][ length - 1 ];
value = dateTimezoneHourFormat( date, value, ":" );
// timeSeparator
case ":":
value = timeSeparator;
// ' literals.
case "'":
value = removeLiteralQuotes( current );
// Anything else is considered a literal, including [ ,:/.@#], chinese, japonese, and
// arabic characters.
value = current;
if ( typeof value === "number" ) {
value = numberFormatters[ length ]( value );
dateField = dateFieldsMap[ chr ];
type = dateField ? dateField : "literal";
partsPush( parts, type, value );
return parts;
var dateFormatterFn = function( dateToPartsFormatter ) {
return function dateFormatter( value ) {
return partsJoin( dateToPartsFormatter( value ));
* isLeapYear( year )
* @year [Number]
* Returns an indication whether the specified year is a leap year.
var dateIsLeapYear = function( year ) {
return new Date( year, 1, 29 ).getMonth() === 1;
* lastDayOfMonth( date )
* @date [Date]
* Return the last day of the given date's month
var dateLastDayOfMonth = function( date ) {
return new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0 ).getDate();
* Differently from native date.setDate(), this function returns a date whose
* day remains inside the month boundaries. For example:
* setDate( FebDate, 31 ): a "Feb 28" date.
* setDate( SepDate, 31 ): a "Sep 30" date.
var dateSetDate = function( date, day ) {
var lastDay = new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0 ).getDate();
date.setDate( day < 1 ? 1 : day < lastDay ? day : lastDay );
* Differently from native date.setMonth(), this function adjusts date if
* needed, so final month is always the one set.
* setMonth( Jan31Date, 1 ): a "Feb 28" date.
* setDate( Jan31Date, 8 ): a "Sep 30" date.
var dateSetMonth = function( date, month ) {
var originalDate = date.getDate();
date.setDate( 1 );
date.setMonth( month );
dateSetDate( date, originalDate );
var outOfRange = function( value, low, high ) {
return value < low || value > high;
* parse( value, tokens, properties )
* @value [String] string date.
* @tokens [Object] tokens returned by date/tokenizer.
* @properties [Object] output returned by date/tokenizer-properties.
* ref:
var dateParse = function( _value, tokens, properties ) {
var amPm, day, daysOfYear, month, era, hour, hour12, timezoneOffset, valid,
YEAR = 0,
MONTH = 1,
DAY = 2,
HOUR = 3,
date = new Date(),
truncateAt = [],
units = [ "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "milliseconds" ];
// Create globalize date with given timezone data.
if ( properties.timeZoneData ) {
date = new ZonedDateTime( date, properties.timeZoneData() );
if ( !tokens.length ) {
return null;
valid = tokens.every(function( token ) {
var century, chr, value, length;
if ( token.type === "literal" ) {
// continue
return true;
chr = token.type.charAt( 0 );
length = token.type.length;
if ( chr === "j" ) {
// Locale preferred hHKk.
chr = properties.preferredTimeData;
switch ( chr ) {
// Era
case "G":
truncateAt.push( YEAR );
era = +token.value;
// Year
case "y":
value = token.value;
if ( length === 2 ) {
if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 99 ) ) {
return false;
// mimic dojo/date/locale: choose century to apply, according to a sliding
// window of 80 years before and 20 years after present year.
century = Math.floor( date.getFullYear() / 100 ) * 100;
value += century;
if ( value > date.getFullYear() + 20 ) {
value -= 100;
date.setFullYear( value );
truncateAt.push( YEAR );
case "Y": // Year in "Week of Year"
throw createErrorUnsupportedFeature({
feature: "year pattern `" + chr + "`"
// Quarter (skip)
case "Q":
case "q":
// Month
case "M":
case "L":
if ( length <= 2 ) {
value = token.value;
} else {
value = +token.value;
if ( outOfRange( value, 1, 12 ) ) {
return false;
// Setting the month later so that we have the correct year and can determine
// the correct last day of February in case of leap year.
month = value;
truncateAt.push( MONTH );
// Week (skip)
case "w": // Week of Year.
case "W": // Week of Month.
// Day
case "d":
day = token.value;
truncateAt.push( DAY );
case "D":
daysOfYear = token.value;
truncateAt.push( DAY );
case "F":
// Day of Week in month. eg. 2nd Wed in July.
// Skip
// Week day
case "e":
case "c":
case "E":
// Skip.
// value = arrayIndexOf( dateWeekDays, token.value );
// Period (AM or PM)
case "a":
amPm = token.value;
// Hour
case "h": // 1-12
value = token.value;
if ( outOfRange( value, 1, 12 ) ) {
return false;
hour = hour12 = true;
date.setHours( value === 12 ? 0 : value );
truncateAt.push( HOUR );
case "K": // 0-11
value = token.value;
if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 11 ) ) {
return false;
hour = hour12 = true;
date.setHours( value );
truncateAt.push( HOUR );
case "k": // 1-24
value = token.value;
if ( outOfRange( value, 1, 24 ) ) {
return false;
hour = true;
date.setHours( value === 24 ? 0 : value );
truncateAt.push( HOUR );
case "H": // 0-23
value = token.value;
if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 23 ) ) {
return false;
hour = true;
date.setHours( value );
truncateAt.push( HOUR );
// Minute
case "m":
value = token.value;
if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 59 ) ) {
return false;
date.setMinutes( value );
truncateAt.push( MINUTE );
// Second
case "s":
value = token.value;
if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 59 ) ) {
return false;
date.setSeconds( value );
truncateAt.push( SECOND );
case "A":
date.setHours( 0 );
date.setMinutes( 0 );
date.setSeconds( 0 );
/* falls through */
case "S":
value = Math.round( token.value * Math.pow( 10, 3 - length ) );
date.setMilliseconds( value );
truncateAt.push( MILLISECONDS );
// Zone
case "z":
case "Z":
case "O":
case "v":
case "V":
case "X":
case "x":
if ( typeof token.value === "number" ) {
timezoneOffset = token.value;
return true;
if ( !valid ) {
return null;
// 12-hour format needs AM or PM, 24-hour format doesn't, ie. return null
// if amPm && !hour12 || !amPm && hour12.
if ( hour && !( !amPm ^ hour12 ) ) {
return null;
if ( era === 0 ) {
// 1 BC = year 0
date.setFullYear( date.getFullYear() * -1 + 1 );
if ( month !== undefined ) {
dateSetMonth( date, month - 1 );
if ( day !== undefined ) {
if ( outOfRange( day, 1, dateLastDayOfMonth( date ) ) ) {
return null;
date.setDate( day );
} else if ( daysOfYear !== undefined ) {
if ( outOfRange( daysOfYear, 1, dateIsLeapYear( date.getFullYear() ) ? 366 : 365 ) ) {
return null;
date.setMonth( 0 );
date.setDate( daysOfYear );
if ( hour12 && amPm === "pm" ) {
date.setHours( date.getHours() + 12 );
if ( timezoneOffset !== undefined ) {
date.setMinutes( date.getMinutes() + timezoneOffset - date.getTimezoneOffset() );
// Truncate date at the most precise unit defined. Eg.
// If value is "12/31", and pattern is "MM/dd":
// => new Date( <current Year>, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
truncateAt = Math.max.apply( null, truncateAt );
date = dateStartOf( date, units[ truncateAt ] );
// Get date back from globalize date.
if ( date instanceof ZonedDateTime ) {
date = date.toDate();
return date;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
* tokenizer( value, numberParser, properties )
* @value [String] string date.
* @numberParser [Function]
* @properties [Object] output returned by date/tokenizer-properties.
* Returns an Array of tokens, eg. value "5 o'clock PM", pattern "h 'o''clock' a":
* [{
* type: "h",
* lexeme: "5"
* }, {
* type: "literal",
* lexeme: " "
* }, {
* type: "literal",
* lexeme: "o'clock"
* }, {
* type: "literal",
* lexeme: " "
* }, {
* type: "a",
* lexeme: "PM",
* value: "pm"
* }]
* OBS: lexeme's are always String and may return invalid ranges depending of the token type.
* Eg. "99" for month number.
* Return an empty Array when not successfully parsed.
var dateTokenizer = function( value, numberParser, properties ) {
var digitsRe, valid,
tokens = [],
widths = [ "abbreviated", "wide", "narrow" ];
digitsRe = properties.digitsRe;
value = looseMatching( value );
valid = properties.pattern.match( datePatternRe ).every(function( current ) {
var aux, chr, length, numeric, tokenRe,
token = {};
function hourFormatParse( tokenRe, numberParser ) {
var aux, isPositive,
match = value.match( tokenRe );
numberParser = numberParser || function( value ) {
return +value;
if ( !match ) {
return false;
isPositive = match[ 1 ];
// hourFormat containing H only, e.g., `+H;-H`
if ( match.length < 6 ) {
aux = isPositive ? 1 : 3;
token.value = numberParser( match[ aux ] ) * 60;
// hourFormat containing H and m, e.g., `+HHmm;-HHmm`
} else if ( match.length < 10 ) {
aux = isPositive ? [ 1, 3 ] : [ 5, 7 ];
token.value = numberParser( match[ aux[ 0 ] ] ) * 60 +
numberParser( match[ aux[ 1 ] ] );
// hourFormat containing H, m, and s e.g., `+HHmmss;-HHmmss`
} else {
aux = isPositive ? [ 1, 3, 5 ] : [ 7, 9, 11 ];
token.value = numberParser( match[ aux[ 0 ] ] ) * 60 +
numberParser( match[ aux[ 1 ] ] ) +
numberParser( match[ aux[ 2 ] ] ) / 60;
if ( isPositive ) {
token.value *= -1;
return true;
function oneDigitIfLengthOne() {
if ( length === 1 ) {
// Unicode equivalent to /\d/
numeric = true;
return tokenRe = digitsRe;
function oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOne() {
if ( length === 1 ) {
// Unicode equivalent to /\d\d?/
numeric = true;
return tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + "){1,2}" );
function oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOneOrTwo() {
if ( length === 1 || length === 2 ) {
// Unicode equivalent to /\d\d?/
numeric = true;
return tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + "){1,2}" );
function twoDigitsIfLengthTwo() {
if ( length === 2 ) {
// Unicode equivalent to /\d\d/
numeric = true;
return tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + "){2}" );
// Brute-force test every locale entry in an attempt to match the given value.
// Return the first found one (and set token accordingly), or null.
function lookup( path ) {
var array = properties[ path.join( "/" ) ];
if ( !array ) {
return null;
// array of pairs [key, value] sorted by desc value length.
array.some(function( item ) {
var valueRe = item[ 1 ];
if ( valueRe.test( value ) ) {
token.value = item[ 0 ];
tokenRe = item[ 1 ];
return true;
return null;
token.type = current;
chr = current.charAt( 0 );
length = current.length;
if ( chr === "Z" ) {
// Z..ZZZ: same as "xxxx".
if ( length < 4 ) {
chr = "x";
length = 4;
// ZZZZ: same as "OOOO".
} else if ( length < 5 ) {
chr = "O";
length = 4;
// ZZZZZ: same as "XXXXX"
} else {
chr = "X";
length = 5;
if ( chr === "z" ) {
if ( properties.standardOrDaylightTzName ) {
token.value = null;
tokenRe = properties.standardOrDaylightTzName;
// v...vvv: "{shortRegion}", eg. "PT".
// vvvv: "{regionName} {Time}" or "{regionName} {Time}",
// e.g., "Pacific Time"
if ( chr === "v" ) {
if ( properties.genericTzName ) {
token.value = null;
tokenRe = properties.genericTzName;
// Fall back to "V" format.
} else {
chr = "V";
length = 4;
if ( chr === "V" && properties.timeZoneName ) {
token.value = length === 2 ? properties.timeZoneName : null;
tokenRe = properties.timeZoneNameRe;
switch ( chr ) {
// Era
case "G":
length <= 3 ? "eraAbbr" : ( length === 4 ? "eraNames" : "eraNarrow" )
// Year
case "y":
case "Y":
numeric = true;
// number l=1:+, l=2:{2}, l=3:{3,}, l=4:{4,}, ...
if ( length === 1 ) {
// Unicode equivalent to /\d+/.
tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + ")+" );
} else if ( length === 2 ) {
// Lenient parsing: there's no year pattern to indicate non-zero-padded 2-digits
// year, so parser accepts both zero-padded and non-zero-padded for `yy`.
// Unicode equivalent to /\d\d?/
tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + "){1,2}" );
} else {
// Unicode equivalent to /\d{length,}/
tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + "){" + length + ",}" );
// Quarter
case "Q":
case "q":
// number l=1:{1}, l=2:{2}.
// lookup l=3...
oneDigitIfLengthOne() || twoDigitsIfLengthTwo() ||
chr === "Q" ? "format" : "stand-alone",
widths[ length - 3 ]
// Month
case "M":
case "L":
// number l=1:{1,2}, l=2:{2}.
// lookup l=3...
// Lenient parsing: skeleton "yMd" (i.e., one M) may include MM for the pattern,
// therefore parser accepts both zero-padded and non-zero-padded for M and MM.
// Similar for L.
oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOneOrTwo() || lookup([
chr === "M" ? "format" : "stand-alone",
widths[ length - 3 ]
// Day
case "D":
// number {l,3}.
if ( length <= 3 ) {
// Equivalent to /\d{length,3}/
numeric = true;
tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + "){" + length + ",3}" );
case "W":
case "F":
// number l=1:{1}.
// Week day
case "e":
case "c":
// number l=1:{1}, l=2:{2}.
// lookup for length >=3.
if ( length <= 2 ) {
oneDigitIfLengthOne() || twoDigitsIfLengthTwo();
/* falls through */
case "E":
if ( length === 6 ) {
// Note: if short day names are not explicitly specified, abbreviated day
// names are used instead
[ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ],
]) || lookup([
[ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ],
} else {
[ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ],
widths[ length < 3 ? 0 : length - 3 ]
// Period (AM or PM)
case "a":
// Week
case "w":
// number l1:{1,2}, l2:{2}.
oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOne() || twoDigitsIfLengthTwo();
// Day, Hour, Minute, or Second
case "d":
case "h":
case "H":
case "K":
case "k":
case "j":
case "m":
case "s":
// number l1:{1,2}, l2:{2}.
// Lenient parsing:
// - skeleton "hms" (i.e., one m) always includes mm for the pattern, i.e., it's
// impossible to use a different skeleton to parse non-zero-padded minutes,
// therefore parser accepts both zero-padded and non-zero-padded for m. Similar
// for seconds s.
// - skeleton "hms" (i.e., one h) may include h or hh for the pattern, i.e., it's
// impossible to use a different skeleton to parser non-zero-padded hours for some
// locales, therefore parser accepts both zero-padded and non-zero-padded for h.
// Similar for d (in skeleton yMd).
case "S":
// number {l}.
// Unicode equivalent to /\d{length}/
numeric = true;
tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + "){" + length + "}" );
case "A":
// number {l+5}.
// Unicode equivalent to /\d{length+5}/
numeric = true;
tokenRe = new RegExp( "^(" + digitsRe.source + "){" + ( length + 5 ) + "}" );
// Zone
case "v":
case "V":
case "z":
if ( tokenRe && tokenRe.test( value ) ) {
if ( chr === "V" && length === 2 ) {
/* falls through */
case "O":
// O: "{gmtFormat}+H;{gmtFormat}-H" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-8" or "GMT".
// OOOO: "{gmtFormat}{hourFormat}" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-08:00" or "GMT".
if ( value === properties[ "timeZoneNames/gmtZeroFormat" ] ) {
token.value = 0;
tokenRe = properties[ "timeZoneNames/gmtZeroFormatRe" ];
} else {
aux = properties[ "timeZoneNames/hourFormat" ].some(function( hourFormatRe ) {
if ( hourFormatParse( hourFormatRe, numberParser ) ) {
tokenRe = hourFormatRe;
return true;
if ( !aux ) {
return null;
case "X":
// Same as x*, except it uses "Z" for zero offset.
if ( value === "Z" ) {
token.value = 0;
tokenRe = /^Z/;
/* falls through */
case "x":
// x: hourFormat("+HH[mm];-HH[mm]")
// xx: hourFormat("+HHmm;-HHmm")
// xxx: hourFormat("+HH:mm;-HH:mm")
// xxxx: hourFormat("+HHmm[ss];-HHmm[ss]")
// xxxxx: hourFormat("+HH:mm[:ss];-HH:mm[:ss]")
aux = properties.x.some(function( hourFormatRe ) {
if ( hourFormatParse( hourFormatRe ) ) {
tokenRe = hourFormatRe;
return true;
if ( !aux ) {
return null;
case "'":
token.type = "literal";
tokenRe = new RegExp( "^" + regexpEscape( removeLiteralQuotes( current ) ) );
token.type = "literal";
tokenRe = new RegExp( "^" + regexpEscape( current ) );
if ( !tokenRe ) {
return false;
// Get lexeme and consume it.
value = value.replace( tokenRe, function( lexeme ) {
token.lexeme = lexeme;
if ( numeric ) {
token.value = numberParser( lexeme );
return "";
if ( !token.lexeme ) {
return false;
if ( numeric && isNaN( token.value ) ) {
return false;
tokens.push( token );
return true;
if ( value !== "" ) {
valid = false;
return valid ? tokens : [];
var dateParserFn = function( numberParser, parseProperties, tokenizerProperties ) {
return function dateParser( value ) {
var tokens;
validateParameterPresence( value, "value" );
validateParameterTypeString( value, "value" );
tokens = dateTokenizer( value, numberParser, tokenizerProperties );
return dateParse( value, tokens, parseProperties ) || null;
var dateToPartsFormatterFn = function( numberFormatters, properties ) {
return function dateToPartsFormatter( value ) {
validateParameterPresence( value, "value" );
validateParameterTypeDate( value, "value" );
return dateFormat( value, numberFormatters, properties );
Globalize._dateFormat = dateFormat;
Globalize._dateFormatterFn = dateFormatterFn;
Globalize._dateParser = dateParse;
Globalize._dateParserFn = dateParserFn;
Globalize._dateTokenizer = dateTokenizer;
Globalize._dateToPartsFormatterFn = dateToPartsFormatterFn;
Globalize._validateParameterTypeDate = validateParameterTypeDate;
function optionsHasStyle( options ) {
return options.skeleton !== undefined || !== undefined ||
options.time !== undefined ||
options.datetime !== undefined ||
options.raw !== undefined;
Globalize.dateFormatter =
Globalize.prototype.dateFormatter = function( options ) {
options = options || {};
if ( !optionsHasStyle( options ) ) {
options.skeleton = "yMd";
return Globalize[ runtimeKey( "dateFormatter", this._locale, [ options ] ) ];
Globalize.dateToPartsFormatter =
Globalize.prototype.dateToPartsFormatter = function( options ) {
options = options || {};
if ( !optionsHasStyle( options ) ) {
options.skeleton = "yMd";
return Globalize[ runtimeKey( "dateToPartsFormatter", this._locale, [ options ] ) ];
Globalize.dateParser =
Globalize.prototype.dateParser = function( options ) {
options = options || {};
if ( !optionsHasStyle( options ) ) {
options.skeleton = "yMd";
return Globalize[ runtimeKey( "dateParser", this._locale, [ options ] ) ];
Globalize.formatDate =
Globalize.prototype.formatDate = function( value, options ) {
validateParameterPresence( value, "value" );
validateParameterTypeDate( value, "value" );
return this.dateFormatter( options )( value );
Globalize.formatDateToParts =
Globalize.prototype.formatDateToParts = function( value, options ) {
validateParameterPresence( value, "value" );
validateParameterTypeDate( value, "value" );
return this.dateToPartsFormatter( options )( value );
Globalize.parseDate =
Globalize.prototype.parseDate = function( value, options ) {
validateParameterPresence( value, "value" );
validateParameterTypeString( value, "value" );
return this.dateParser( options )( value );
return Globalize;