fix: fixed all instances of accessing configs using ids instead of guild objects

This commit is contained in:
SeaswimmerTheFsh 2023-08-08 00:51:19 -04:00
parent 79fb4ce9ec
commit 1d64001ae2
WARNING! Although there is a key with this ID in the database it does not verify this commit! This commit is SUSPICIOUS.
GPG key ID: 5019678FD9CF50D8

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Shortmute(commands.Cog):
old_message = await old_interaction.edit_original_response(embed=edit_embed, view=None)
await target.timeout(until=timedelta, reason=f"User shortmuted for {readable_duration} by {} ({}) for: {reason}")
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"{target.mention} shortmuted for {readable_duration} by {old_interaction.user.mention} for: `{reason}`")
if await self.config.guild(old_interaction.guild_id).dm() is True:
if await self.config.guild(old_interaction.guild).dm() is True:
dm_embed = discord.Embed(title=f"You've been shortmuted in {}!", description=f"Moderator: {old_interaction.user.mention}\nTarget: {target.mention}\nDuration: `{readable_duration}`\nReason: `{reason}`", color=await
if evidence:
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class Shortmute(commands.Cog):
await target.send(embed=dm_embed)
except discord.HTTPException as error:
await old_message.edit(content="Could not message the target, user most likely has Direct Messages disabled.")
logging_channels_list = await self.config.guild(
logging_channels_list = await self.config.guild(old_interaction.guild).logging_channels()
if logging_channels_list:
logging_embed = discord.Embed(title="Shortmute", description=f"Moderator: {old_interaction.user.mention} ({})\nTarget: {target.mention} ({})\nDuration: `{readable_duration}`\nReason: `{reason}`", color=await
if evidence:
@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ class Shortmute(commands.Cog):
async def shortmute_config_addchannel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
"""This command changes where the `/shortmute` slash command will log shortmutes. You can set multiple channels as well!"""
current_list = await self.config.guild(
current_list = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).logging_channels()
if channel:
if in current_list:
await ctx.send("This channel is already in the logging channel list!")
await self.config.guild(
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).logging_channels.set(current_list)
await ctx.send(f"{channel.mention} has been added to the logging channels list.")
already_in_list = []
@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ class Shortmute(commands.Cog):
async def shortmute_config_removechannel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
"""This command removes a channel from the `/shortmute`slash command's logging channels list."""
current_list = await self.config.guild(
current_list = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).logging_channels()
if in current_list:
await self.config.guild(
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).logging_channels.set(current_list)
await ctx.send(f"{channel.mention} has been removed from the logging channels list.")
await ctx.send("Please provide a valid channel that exists in the logging channels list.")
@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ class Shortmute(commands.Cog):
async def shortmute_config_addrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role = None):
"""This command adds roles to the immune roles list for immunity from the the `/shortmute` slash command."""
current_list = await self.config.guild(
current_list = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).immune_roles()
if role:
if in current_list:
await ctx.send("This role is already in the immune roles list!")
await self.config.guild(
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).immune_roles.set(current_list)
await ctx.send(f"{role.mention} has been added to the logging channels list.", allowed_mentions = discord.AllowedMentions(roles=False))
already_in_list = []
@ -195,10 +195,10 @@ class Shortmute(commands.Cog):
async def shortmute_config_removerole(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role = None):
"""This command removes roles from the immune roles list to remove immunity from the the `/shortmute` slash command."""
current_list = await self.config.guild(
current_list = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).immune_roles()
if in current_list:
await self.config.guild(
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).immune_roles.set(current_list)
await ctx.send(f"{role.mention} has been removed from the immune roles list.", allowed_mentions = discord.AllowedMentions(roles=False))
await ctx.send("Please provide a valid role that exists in the immune roles list.")
@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ class Shortmute(commands.Cog):
async def shortmute_config_dm(self, ctx: commands.Context, enabled: bool = None):
"""This command changes if the `/shortmute` slash command Direct Messages its target."""
old_value = await self.config.guild(
old_value = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dm()
if enabled:
await self.config.guild(
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dm.set(enabled)
await ctx.send(content=f"Shortmute Direct Message setting changed!\nOld value: `{old_value}`\nNew value: `{enabled}`")
elif old_value is True:
await ctx.send(content="Shortmute Direct Messages are currently enabled!")