services: looking-glass: image: ports: - 8000:8000 environment: # All of the environment variables present here use double underscores (__), NOT single underscores (_). # The only exception is the `ASPNETCORE_URLS` environment variable, which uses single underscores. # This is used to push data into Zenith Info from the game. # `openssl rand -hex 64` is a good way to generate a random value. DO NOT CHECK THIS INTO GIT! CONFIGURATION__AUTHTOKEN: "CHANGE-ME" # This is used to configure the IP address and port that the application will listen on. # is used to listen on all available IP addresses. # Alternatively, you can specify localhost or to listen on only the local machine. # Multiple IP address / port combinations can be specified, separated by semicolons. # Example:; - Listen on all available IP addresses on port 8000, as well as only on the local machine on port 8000. (Redundant) ASPNETCORE_URLS: "" # The only current valid value is `PostgresSQL`. This is used to determine which database type to use. CONFIGURATION__DATABASETYPE: "PostgresSQL" CONFIGURATION__DATABASECONNECTIONSTRING: "postgres://LookingGlass:LookingGlass@postgres:5432/LookingGlass" # Determines the log level for the application's default logger. # Valid values are `Trace`, `Debug`, `Information`, `Warning`, `Error`, and `Critical`. # `Trace` is the most verbose, and is recommended for development. # `Information` is the default, and is recommended for production. LOGGING__LOGLEVEL__DEFAULT: "Information" # This is used to log requests to the application. # If you are concerned about security or privacy, you should disable this. CONFIGURATION__LOGREQUESTS: true # Using Sentry will send errors to my personal Sentry instance, # This is not required for the application to run, but it is recommended for debugging purposes. CONFIGURATION__USESENTRY: true # This is used to enable Swagger API Documentation for the application. # If enabled, you can access the API documentation at the /swagger/index.html endpoint. CONFIGURATION__USESWAGGER: true database: container_name: looking-glass-db image: postgres:17.2@sha256:3267c505060a0052e5aa6e5175a7b41ab6b04da2f8c4540fc6e98a37210aa2d3 restart: always environment: POSTGRES_USER: LookingGlass POSTGRES_PASSWORD: LookingGlass POSTGRES_DB: LookingGlass volumes: - postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data volumes: postgres-data: