import logging from typing import Dict from json import JSONDecodeError import requests from urllib3 import disable_warnings from pyzipline.errors import KwargConflict, HTTPFailure, PyZiplineError from pyzipline.models import Result class RestAdapter: def __init__(self, hostname: str, token: str = '', ssl: bool = True, enforced_signing: bool = True, logger: logging.Logger = None): """Constructor for RestAdapter Args: hostname (str): The hostname of your Zipline instance, WITHOUT https or http. token (str = None): String used for authentication when making requests. ssl (bool = True): Normally set to True, but if your Zipline instance doesn't use SSL/TLS, set this to False. enforced_signing (bool = True): Normally set to True, but if having SSL/TLS cert validation issues, can turn off with False. logger (logging.Logger = None) If your app has a logger, pass it in here. Raises: ValueError: Raised when the keyword arguments passed to the class constructor conflict. """ self._url = f"http{'s' if ssl else ''}://{hostname}/api/" self._token = token self._ssl = ssl self._enforced_signing = enforced_signing self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) if ssl is False and enforced_signing is True: raise ValueError("Cannot enforce signing without SSL") if not ssl and not enforced_signing: disable_warnings() def _do(self, http_method: str, endpoint: str, params: Dict = None, data: Dict = None) -> Result: """Internal method to make a request to the Zipline server. You shouldn't use this directly. Args: http_method (str): The HTTP method to use (GET, POST, DELETE) endpoint (str): The endpoint to make the request to. params (Dict = None): Python dictionary of query parameters to send with the request. data (Dict = None): Python dictionary of data to send with the request. Returns: Result: A Result object containing the status code, message, and data from the request. Raises: HTTPError: Raised when an HTTP request fails. PyZiplineError: Raised when an error occurs in the PyZipline library. """ full_url = self._url + endpoint headers = {'Authorization': self._token} log_line_pre = f"method={http_method}, url={full_url}, params={params}" log_line_post = ', '.join((log_line_pre, "success={}, status_code={}, message={}")) try: # Log HTTP params and perform an HTTP request, catching and re-raising any exceptions self._logger.debug(msg=log_line_pre) # will eventually refactor this to use asyncio/aiohttp instead for async operation response = requests.request(method=http_method, url=full_url, verify=self._enforced_signing, params=params, headers=headers, json=data) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: self._logger.error(msg=(str(e))) raise HTTPFailure("Could not connect to Zipline server") from e try: # Deserialize JSON output to Python object, or return failed Result on exception data_out = response.json() except (ValueError, JSONDecodeError) as e: self._logger.error(msg=log_line_post.format(False, None, e)) raise PyZiplineError("Could not decode response from Zipline server") from e # If status_code in 200-299 range, return success Result with data, otherwise return failed Result with message is_success = 299 >= response.status_code >= 200 self._logger.debug(msg=log_line_post.format(is_success, response.status_code, response.reason)) return Result(success=is_success, status_code=response.status_code, message=response.reason, data=data_out) def get(self, endpoint: str, params: Dict = None) -> Result: """Make a GET request to the Zipline server. You should almost never have to use this directly. Args: endpoint (str): The endpoint to make the request to. params (Dict = None): Python dictionary of query parameters to send with the request. Returns: Result: A Result object containing the status code, message, and data from the request. """ return self._do(http_method='GET', endpoint=endpoint, params=params) def post(self, endpoint: str, params: Dict = None, data: Dict = None) -> Result: """Make a POST request to the Zipline server. You should almost never have to use this directly. Args: endpoint (str): The endpoint to make the request to. params (Dict = None): Python dictionary of query parameters to send with the request. data (Dict = None): Python dictionary of data to send with the request. Returns: Result: A Result object containing the status code, message, and data from the request. """ return self._do(http_method='POST', endpoint=endpoint, params=params, data=data) def delete(self, endpoint: str, params: Dict = None, data: Dict = None) -> Result: """Make a DELETE request to the Zipline server. You should almost never have to use this directly. Args: endpoint (str): The endpoint to make the request to. params (Dict = None): Python dictionary of query parameters to send with the request. data (Dict = None): Python dictionary of data to send with the request. Returns: Result: A Result object containing the status code, message, and data from the request. """ return self._do(http_method='DELETE', endpoint=endpoint, params=params, data=data)