Merge branch 'main' into tts
Actions / Lint Code (Ruff & Pylint) (pull_request) Failing after 24s
Actions / Build Documentation (MkDocs) (pull_request) Successful in 26s
2024-02-28 11:28:24 -05:00
feat(workflow): readd pylint linting
Actions / Lint Code (Ruff & Pylint) (push) Failing after 17s
Actions / Build Documentation (MkDocs) (push) Successful in 13s
2024-02-28 10:52:22 -05:00
feat(tts): bunch of changes
Actions / Lint Code (Ruff) (pull_request) Successful in 15s
Actions / Build Documentation (MkDocs) (pull_request) Successful in 27s
- changed how the cog loads, instead of depending on the `PyLavPlayer` cog, it'll just load PyLav from the `__init__.py` file
- moved configuration to a separate file
- added a configuration menu
- added pylav as a dependency in poetry and `info.json`
- set repository python version to `>=3.11,<3.12`
2024-02-21 10:53:28 -05:00
fix(repo): fixed pyproject file having incorrect deps
Actions / Lint Code (Ruff) (push) Failing after 6s
Actions / Build Documentation (MkDocs) (push) Successful in 26s
2024-02-14 10:37:54 -05:00
feat(docs): added documentation using mkdocs and readthedocs
Pylint / Pylint (3.11) (push) Successful in 43s
2024-01-04 17:23:11 -05:00
misc(repo): removed mysql-connector-python from the poetry file
Pylint / Pylint (3.11) (push) Successful in 43s
2023-12-28 06:09:23 -05:00
Initial commit
Pylint / Pylint (3.10) (push) Failing after 46s
2023-12-14 18:35:25 -05:00