Fix Plugin Settings on canary

This commit is contained in:
V 2023-09-23 03:15:07 +02:00
parent fa16e1b56f
commit ac0f834155
WARNING! Although there is a key with this ID in the database it does not verify this commit! This commit is SUSPICIOUS.
GPG key ID: A1DC0CFB5615D905
2 changed files with 33 additions and 16 deletions

View file

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ interface BaseIconProps extends IconProps {
interface IconProps extends SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> { interface IconProps extends SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> {
className?: string; className?: string;
height?: number; height?: string | number;
width?: number; width?: string | number;
} }
function Icon({ height = 24, width = 24, className, children, viewBox, ...svgProps }: PropsWithChildren<BaseIconProps>) { function Icon({ height = 24, width = 24, className, children, viewBox, ...svgProps }: PropsWithChildren<BaseIconProps>) {
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export function OpenExternalIcon(props: IconProps) {
> >
<polygon <polygon
fill="currentColor" fill="currentColor"
fill-rule="nonzero" fillRule="nonzero"
points="13 20 11 20 11 8 5.5 13.5 4.08 12.08 12 4.16 19.92 12.08 18.5 13.5 13 8" points="13 20 11 20 11 8 5.5 13.5 4.08 12.08 12 4.16 19.92 12.08 18.5 13.5 13 8"
/> />
</Icon> </Icon>
@ -121,9 +121,13 @@ export function InfoIcon(props: IconProps) {
<Icon <Icon
{...props} {...props}
className={classes(props.className, "vc-info-icon")} className={classes(props.className, "vc-info-icon")}
viewBox="0 0 12 12" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
> >
<path fill="currentColor" d="M6 1C3.243 1 1 3.244 1 6c0 2.758 2.243 5 5 5s5-2.242 5-5c0-2.756-2.243-5-5-5zm0 2.376a.625.625 0 110 1.25.625.625 0 010-1.25zM7.5 8.5h-3v-1h1V6H5V5h1a.5.5 0 01.5.5v2h1v1z" /> <path
transform="translate(2 2)"
d="M9,7 L11,7 L11,5 L9,5 L9,7 Z M10,18 C5.59,18 2,14.41 2,10 C2,5.59 5.59,2 10,2 C14.41,2 18,5.59 18,10 C18,14.41 14.41,18 10,18 L10,18 Z M10,4.4408921e-16 C4.4771525,-1.77635684e-15 4.4408921e-16,4.4771525 0,10 C-1.33226763e-15,12.6521649 1.0535684,15.195704 2.92893219,17.0710678 C4.80429597,18.9464316 7.3478351,20 10,20 C12.6521649,20 15.195704,18.9464316 17.0710678,17.0710678 C18.9464316,15.195704 20,12.6521649 20,10 C20,7.3478351 18.9464316,4.80429597 17.0710678,2.92893219 C15.195704,1.0535684 12.6521649,2.22044605e-16 10,0 L10,4.4408921e-16 Z M9,15 L11,15 L11,9 L9,9 L9,15 L9,15 Z"
</Icon> </Icon>
); );
} }
@ -139,8 +143,8 @@ export function OwnerCrownIcon(props: IconProps) {
> >
<path <path
fill="currentColor" fill="currentColor"
fill-rule="evenodd" fillRule="evenodd"
clip-rule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd"
d="M13.6572 5.42868C13.8879 5.29002 14.1806 5.30402 14.3973 5.46468C14.6133 5.62602 14.7119 5.90068 14.6473 6.16202L13.3139 11.4954C13.2393 11.7927 12.9726 12.0007 12.6666 12.0007H3.33325C3.02725 12.0007 2.76058 11.792 2.68592 11.4954L1.35258 6.16202C1.28792 5.90068 1.38658 5.62602 1.60258 5.46468C1.81992 5.30468 2.11192 5.29068 2.34325 5.42868L5.13192 7.10202L7.44592 3.63068C7.46173 3.60697 7.48377 3.5913 7.50588 3.57559C7.5192 3.56612 7.53255 3.55663 7.54458 3.54535L6.90258 2.90268C6.77325 2.77335 6.77325 2.56068 6.90258 2.43135L7.76458 1.56935C7.89392 1.44002 8.10658 1.44002 8.23592 1.56935L9.09792 2.43135C9.22725 2.56068 9.22725 2.77335 9.09792 2.90268L8.45592 3.54535C8.46794 3.55686 8.48154 3.56651 8.49516 3.57618C8.51703 3.5917 8.53897 3.60727 8.55458 3.63068L10.8686 7.10202L13.6572 5.42868ZM2.66667 12.6673H13.3333V14.0007H2.66667V12.6673Z" d="M13.6572 5.42868C13.8879 5.29002 14.1806 5.30402 14.3973 5.46468C14.6133 5.62602 14.7119 5.90068 14.6473 6.16202L13.3139 11.4954C13.2393 11.7927 12.9726 12.0007 12.6666 12.0007H3.33325C3.02725 12.0007 2.76058 11.792 2.68592 11.4954L1.35258 6.16202C1.28792 5.90068 1.38658 5.62602 1.60258 5.46468C1.81992 5.30468 2.11192 5.29068 2.34325 5.42868L5.13192 7.10202L7.44592 3.63068C7.46173 3.60697 7.48377 3.5913 7.50588 3.57559C7.5192 3.56612 7.53255 3.55663 7.54458 3.54535L6.90258 2.90268C6.77325 2.77335 6.77325 2.56068 6.90258 2.43135L7.76458 1.56935C7.89392 1.44002 8.10658 1.44002 8.23592 1.56935L9.09792 2.43135C9.22725 2.56068 9.22725 2.77335 9.09792 2.90268L8.45592 3.54535C8.46794 3.55686 8.48154 3.56651 8.49516 3.57618C8.51703 3.5917 8.53897 3.60727 8.55458 3.63068L10.8686 7.10202L13.6572 5.42868ZM2.66667 12.6673H13.3333V14.0007H2.66667V12.6673Z"
/> />
</Icon> </Icon>
@ -159,8 +163,6 @@ export function ScreenshareIcon(props: IconProps) {
> >
<path <path
fill="currentColor" fill="currentColor"
d="M2 4.5C2 3.397 2.897 2.5 4 2.5H20C21.103 2.5 22 3.397 22 4.5V15.5C22 16.604 21.103 17.5 20 17.5H13V19.5H17V21.5H7V19.5H11V17.5H4C2.897 17.5 2 16.604 2 15.5V4.5ZM13.2 14.3375V11.6C9.864 11.6 7.668 12.6625 6 15C6.672 11.6625 8.532 8.3375 13.2 7.6625V5L18 9.6625L13.2 14.3375Z" d="M2 4.5C2 3.397 2.897 2.5 4 2.5H20C21.103 2.5 22 3.397 22 4.5V15.5C22 16.604 21.103 17.5 20 17.5H13V19.5H17V21.5H7V19.5H11V17.5H4C2.897 17.5 2 16.604 2 15.5V4.5ZM13.2 14.3375V11.6C9.864 11.6 7.668 12.6625 6 15C6.672 11.6625 8.532 8.3375 13.2 7.6625V5L18 9.6625L13.2 14.3375Z"
/> />
</Icon> </Icon>
@ -198,8 +200,24 @@ export function Microphone(props: IconProps) {
className={classes(props.className, "vc-microphone")} className={classes(props.className, "vc-microphone")}
viewBox="0 0 24 24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
> >
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.99 11C14.99 12.66 13.66 14 12 14C10.34 14 9 12.66 9 11V5C9 3.34 10.34 2 12 2C13.66 2 15 3.34 15 5L14.99 11ZM12 16.1C14.76 16.1 17.3 14 17.3 11H19C19 14.42 16.28 17.24 13 17.72V21H11V17.72C7.72 17.23 5 14.41 5 11H6.7C6.7 14 9.24 16.1 12 16.1ZM12 4C11.2 4 11 4.66667 11 5V11C11 11.3333 11.2 12 12 12C12.8 12 13 11.3333 13 11V5C13 4.66667 12.8 4 12 4Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M14.99 11C14.99 12.66 13.66 14 12 14C10.34 14 9 12.66 9 11V5C9 3.34 10.34 2 12 2C13.66 2 15 3.34 15 5L14.99 11ZM12 16.1C14.76 16.1 17.3 14 17.3 11H19C19 14.42 16.28 17.24 13 17.72V21H11V17.72C7.72 17.23 5 14.41 5 11H6.7C6.7 14 9.24 16.1 12 16.1ZM12 4C11.2 4 11 4.66667 11 5V11C11 11.3333 11.2 12 12 12C12.8 12 13 11.3333 13 11V5C13 4.66667 12.8 4 12 4Z" fill="currentColor" />
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.99 11C14.99 12.66 13.66 14 12 14C10.34 14 9 12.66 9 11V5C9 3.34 10.34 2 12 2C13.66 2 15 3.34 15 5L14.99 11ZM12 16.1C14.76 16.1 17.3 14 17.3 11H19C19 14.42 16.28 17.24 13 17.72V22H11V17.72C7.72 17.23 5 14.41 5 11H6.7C6.7 14 9.24 16.1 12 16.1Z" fill="currentColor" /> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M14.99 11C14.99 12.66 13.66 14 12 14C10.34 14 9 12.66 9 11V5C9 3.34 10.34 2 12 2C13.66 2 15 3.34 15 5L14.99 11ZM12 16.1C14.76 16.1 17.3 14 17.3 11H19C19 14.42 16.28 17.24 13 17.72V22H11V17.72C7.72 17.23 5 14.41 5 11H6.7C6.7 14 9.24 16.1 12 16.1Z" fill="currentColor" />
</Icon > </Icon >
); );
} }
export function CogWheel(props: IconProps) {
return (
className={classes(props.className, "vc-cog-wheel")}
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M19.738 10H22V14H19.739C19.498 14.931 19.1 15.798 18.565 16.564L20 18L18 20L16.565 18.564C15.797 19.099 14.932 19.498 14 19.738V22H10V19.738C9.069 19.498 8.203 19.099 7.436 18.564L6 20L4 18L5.436 16.564C4.901 15.799 4.502 14.932 4.262 14H2V10H4.262C4.502 9.068 4.9 8.202 5.436 7.436L4 6L6 4L7.436 5.436C8.202 4.9 9.068 4.502 10 4.262V2H14V4.261C14.932 4.502 15.797 4.9 16.565 5.435L18 3.999L20 5.999L18.564 7.436C19.099 8.202 19.498 9.069 19.738 10ZM12 16C14.2091 16 16 14.2091 16 12C16 9.79086 14.2091 8 12 8C9.79086 8 8 9.79086 8 12C8 14.2091 9.79086 16 12 16Z"

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import * as DataStore from "@api/DataStore";
import { showNotice } from "@api/Notices"; import { showNotice } from "@api/Notices";
import { Settings, useSettings } from "@api/Settings"; import { Settings, useSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles"; import { classNameFactory } from "@api/Styles";
import { CogWheel, InfoIcon } from "@components/Icons";
import PluginModal from "@components/PluginSettings/PluginModal"; import PluginModal from "@components/PluginSettings/PluginModal";
import { AddonCard } from "@components/VencordSettings/AddonCard"; import { AddonCard } from "@components/VencordSettings/AddonCard";
import { SettingsTab } from "@components/VencordSettings/shared"; import { SettingsTab } from "@components/VencordSettings/shared";
@ -30,9 +31,9 @@ import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger";
import { Margins } from "@utils/margins"; import { Margins } from "@utils/margins";
import { classes, isObjectEmpty } from "@utils/misc"; import { classes, isObjectEmpty } from "@utils/misc";
import { openModalLazy } from "@utils/modal"; import { openModalLazy } from "@utils/modal";
import { LazyComponent, useAwaiter } from "@utils/react"; import { useAwaiter } from "@utils/react";
import { Plugin } from "@utils/types"; import { Plugin } from "@utils/types";
import { findByCode, findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack"; import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
import { Alerts, Button, Card, Forms, Parser, React, Select, Text, TextInput, Toasts, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common"; import { Alerts, Button, Card, Forms, Parser, React, Select, Text, TextInput, Toasts, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
import Plugins from "~plugins"; import Plugins from "~plugins";
@ -46,8 +47,6 @@ const logger = new Logger("PluginSettings", "#a6d189");
const InputStyles = findByPropsLazy("inputDefault", "inputWrapper"); const InputStyles = findByPropsLazy("inputDefault", "inputWrapper");
const ButtonClasses = findByPropsLazy("button", "disabled", "enabled"); const ButtonClasses = findByPropsLazy("button", "disabled", "enabled");
const CogWheel = LazyComponent(() => findByCode("18.564C15.797 19.099 14.932 19.498 14 19.738V22H10V19.738C9.069"));
const InfoIcon = LazyComponent(() => findByCode("4.4408921e-16 C4.4771525,-1.77635684e-15 4.4408921e-16"));
function showErrorToast(message: string) { function showErrorToast(message: string) {{{
@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ export function PluginCard({ plugin, disabled, onRestartNeeded, onMouseEnter, on
<button role="switch" onClick={() => openModal()} className={classes(ButtonClasses.button, cl("info-button"))}> <button role="switch" onClick={() => openModal()} className={classes(ButtonClasses.button, cl("info-button"))}>
{plugin.options && !isObjectEmpty(plugin.options) {plugin.options && !isObjectEmpty(plugin.options)
? <CogWheel /> ? <CogWheel />
: <InfoIcon width="24" height="24" />} : <InfoIcon />}
</button> </button>
} }
/> />