from os.path import dirname from os import environ from pathlib import Path import subprocess from socket import gethostname import colors def format_link(link: str, text: str) -> str: return f"\033]8;;{link}\033\\{text}\033]8;;\033\\" def run(cmd: list[str], cwd: Path = Path.cwd(), exit_on_error: bool = True, **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: c = colors.Colors print(f"{c.GREEN}Running command: {c.PURPLE}'{' '.join(cmd)}'{c.END}") if cwd != Path.cwd(): print(f"{c.GREEN} 󱞩 in directory: {c.YELLOW}'{format_link(link="file://" + str(cwd), text=cwd)}'{c.END}") result =, cwd=cwd, check=False, **kwargs) if result.returncode != 0: print(f"{c.RED}Command exited with non-zero exit code {c.CYAN}{c.BOLD}{result.returncode}{c.END}") if exit_on_error is True: result.check_returncode() else: print(f"{c.GREEN}Command exited with exit code {c.CYAN}{c.BOLD}{result.returncode}{c.END}") return result @aliases.register @aliases.return_command def _sudo(args): return ["sudo", "--", *aliases.eval_alias(args)] @aliases.register def _vm(args): if not args: args = ["nixpkgs"] vm_name = args.pop(0) build_vm_args = args if vm_name == "nixpkgs": build_vm_args.extend(["-I", "nixpkgs=/bulk/home/cswimr/Projects/nixpkgs"]) vm_path = Path(f"/etc/nixos/hosts/virtual-machines/{vm_name}") if vm_path.exists(): c = colors.Colors print(f"{c.BLUE}Building virtual machine {c.YELLOW}{vm_name}{c.END}") run(["nixos-rebuild", "build-vm", "-I", "nixos-config=./default.nix", *build_vm_args, "--no-flake"], cwd=vm_path) print(f"{c.BLUE}Starting virtual vachine {c.YELLOW}{vm_name}{c.END}") run(["./result/bin/run-nixos-vm"], cwd=vm_path) print(f"{c.BLUE}Virtual machine {c.YELLOW}{vm_name} {c.BLUE}has {c.RED}stopped.{c.END}") else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Virtual machine {vm_name} does not exist.") @aliases.register def _upd(args: list): path = Path("/etc/nixos") if path.exists(): c = colors.Colors print(f"{c.BLUE}Updating {c.YELLOW}NixOS{c.BLUE} hardware configuration file for {c.YELLOW}{gethostname()}{c.BLUE}{c.END}") run(["sudo", "nixos-generate-config", "--dir", ".",], cwd=path / "hosts") print(f"{c.BLUE}Deleting redundant {c.YELLOW}NixOS{c.BLUE} configuration file{c.END}") run(["sudo", "rm", "configuration.nix"], cwd=path / "hosts") print(f"{c.BLUE}Moving {c.YELLOW}NixOS{c.BLUE} hardware configuration file{c.END}") run(["sudo", "mv", "hardware-configuration.nix", "{hostname}.nix".format(hostname=gethostname())], cwd=path / "hosts") print(f"{c.BLUE}Adding {c.YELLOW}NixOS{c.BLUE} hardware configuration file for {c.YELLOW}{gethostname()}{c.BLUE} to git{c.END}") run(["git", "add", "hosts/{hostname}.nix".format(hostname=gethostname())], cwd=path) print(f"{c.BLUE}Deleting {c.YELLOW}Visual Studio Code{c.BLUE} user settings backup file{c.END}") run(["rm", ".config/Code/User/settings.json.bak"], exit_on_error=False, cwd="/home/cswimr") if "--purge-vscode-extensions" in args: args.remove("--purge-vscode-extensions") print(f"{c.BLUE}Killing {c.YELLOW}Visual Studio Code{c.BLUE} processes{c.END}") run(["killall", "code"]) print(f"{c.BLUE}Purging {c.YELLOW}Visual Studio Code{c.BLUE} extensions{c.END}") run(["rm", "-rf", ".vscode/extensions"], cwd="/home/cswimr") print(f"{c.BLUE}Rebuilding {c.YELLOW}NixOS{c.BLUE} configuration{c.END}") #TODO: Remove --impure once the Starship module is merged - see ../../nixos/shell.nix for more information args.append("--impure") if "--impure" in args: print(f"{c.RED}WARNING: The --impure flag is set!{c.END}") run(["sudo", "nixos-rebuild", "switch", *args], cwd=path) @aliases.register def _lock(args): path = Path("/etc/nixos") if path.exists(): c = colors.Colors print(f"{c.BLUE}Updating {c.YELLOW}Nix Flake{c.BLUE} lock file{c.END}") run(["nix", "flake", "update", *args], cwd=path) @aliases.register @aliases.return_command def _edit(args): if not args: args = ["."] if environ.get("SSH_CONNECTION") is not None: return ["$EDITOR", *args] return ["$VISUAL", *args] alias_dictionary = { "ff": "fastfetch", "neofetch": "fastfetch", "nf": "fastfetch", "lg": "lazygit", "lad": "lazydocker", "clip": "wl-copy", "paste": "wl-paste", "cat": "bat", "git": "hub", "l": "eza -lhg --time-style=long-iso --icons=auto", "la": "eza -lAh --time-style=long-iso --icons=auto", "ll": "eza -lhg --time-style=long-iso --icons=auto", "ls": "eza --time-style=long-iso --icons=auto", "lsa": "eza -lah --time-style=long-iso --icons=auto", "tree": "eza --tree --git-ignore --time-style=long-iso --icons=auto", "create-devenv": "nix flake init --template github:cachix/devenv and direnv allow", "dev": "nix develop --no-pure-eval", "nixpkgs-update": "nix run --option extra-substituters '' --option extra-trusted-public-keys '' github:ryantm/nixpkgs-update --", "nixrc": "edit /etc/nixos", "taildrop": "tailscale file", "forgejo-runner": "act_runner", "runactions": "act_runner exec --default-actions-url= --gitea-instance=", "e": "edit", "c": "clear", "s": "sudo", } # Create aliases for scripts with the file extension stripped script_path = Path("/etc/nixos/scripts") if script_path.exists(): for sub_dir in script_path.iterdir(): # ignore files within the nix subdirectory, since they are just nix-shell expressions # if you aren't using nix, you can remove this if statement if == "nix": continue if not sub_dir.is_dir(): c = colors.Colors print(f"{c.YELLOW}{c.BOLD}WARNING: The path {c.PURPLE}'{sub_dir}'{c.YELLOW} is not a directory. Skipping alias creation for this path.{c.END}") continue extension = f".{}" for script in sub_dir.glob(f"*{extension}"): if == "": continue script_name = script.stem aliases[script_name] = [str(script)] aliases.update(alias_dictionary)