Hi there! This repository contains all of my (publically available) `$HOME` files. This is mainly meant as a utility for my own use, but if you'd like to base your configs on mine for some reason, feel free!
-`.zshc/aliases.sh` contains aliases for `nano`, `vim`, and `vi`, that invoke `nvim`. If you use any of these editors, you may want to change these aliases before reloading your shell.
-`.zshc/aliases.sh` contains an alias for `htop`, that invokes `btop`. If you do not have `btop`, either install it or remove this alias.
-`.zshc/aliases.sh` contains an alias for `clip`, that invokes `xsel -ib`. If you do not use X11, you may want to remove or modify this alias.
-`.zshc/aliases.sh` contains an alias for `driver` and `gpu` that invoke `nvidia-smi` and `sudo nvidia-settings` respectively. If you do not have an NVIDIA GPU, you may want to remove or modify these aliases.
- If you are not an Arch Linux user, you will want to change the following things:
-`.zshc/aliases.sh`: Remove the `aur` alias.
-`.zhsrc`: Replace the `archlinux` plugin with the [oh-my-zsh plugin(s) for your distrubtion](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Plugins-Overview#distro-related).