cswimr · he/him
  • Kentucky, United States of America
  • https://me.csw.im
  • Hey! I'm the site administrator for CoastalCommits, read my profile for more information!

  • Joined on 2023-07-12
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-14 14:04:23 -05:00
57c7bce6cd fix(workflow): use the correct containers
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/ActionsDockerContainers 2024-02-14 13:23:37 -05:00
e498f090d4 adding a workflow_dispatch option for the build.yaml
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-14 13:20:22 -05:00
5d1f8818eb misc(docs): removed method reference from nerdify.md
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-14 11:04:29 -05:00
858a1bae8a fix(repo): ruff fixes / removing pylint exceptions
e34d621e6d test(ruff): enabled E, C, disabled C901
Compare 2 commits »
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-14 10:51:13 -05:00
dd9e221e2d misc(repo): adding some more stuff to the ruff configs
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-14 10:43:24 -05:00
5aff4afad1 misc(repo): setting up ruff
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-14 10:39:29 -05:00
9c293750cb fix(aurora): ruff fixes
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-14 10:37:58 -05:00
516e4539e8 fix(repo): fixed pyproject file having incorrect deps
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-14 10:35:59 -05:00
eafd02bb53 feat(workflow): switch to ruff for code linting
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-13 18:28:08 -05:00
1aa12e88ac fix(aurora): fixed unknown user in history command
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-13 18:25:35 -05:00
69482c9f45 fix(aurora): fixed a NoneType error in utils.fetch_user_dict()
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-13 18:20:02 -05:00
35ad7a77a7 fix(aurora): require ids to be ints in some utlis functions
f7d2f1a564 misc(aurora): less restrictive type requirements for some utils functions
db7c06b044 misc(aurora): adding typechecks to return values in utils
Compare 3 commits »
cswimr pushed to master at GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy 2024-02-13 13:21:09 -05:00
8fc1a24050 added a mkdir
cswimr pushed to master at GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy 2024-02-13 13:19:24 -05:00
e27a5b82ae don't use root directory
cswimr pushed to master at GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy 2024-02-13 13:18:35 -05:00
615699a498 add -p to a cp command so it doesn't break
cswimr pushed to master at GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy 2024-02-13 13:17:38 -05:00
98fe4e894b merged the export build jobs into a single build job
cswimr pushed to master at GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy 2024-02-12 19:39:45 -05:00
ff092f04fd updated unsup_setup scripts for the new coastalcommits subdomain
cswimr pushed to master at GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy 2024-02-12 13:05:43 -05:00
3ba05ec6a8 Version bump to 0.7.4
cswimr pushed to master at GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy 2024-02-12 13:03:50 -05:00
10959b68c5 fixing minor formatting errors in the docs
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-10 18:48:05 -05:00
afb961799d misc(docs): changed header colors