cswimr · he/him
  • Kentucky, United States of America
  • https://me.csw.im
  • Hey! I'm the site administrator for CoastalCommits, read my profile for more information!

  • Joined on 2023-07-12
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 11:33:21 -05:00
c9c2e1f955 fix(aurora): oops i set reason instead of role
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 11:32:22 -05:00
a83a63dd6a fix(aurora): addrole should take a role argument
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 11:30:23 -05:00
018eb5ed28 misc(aurora): version bump
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 11:27:35 -05:00
6d8e139b19 fix(bible): pylint fixes
eb9d744a3f fix(backup): pylint fixes
Compare 2 commits »
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 11:22:10 -05:00
fa3b353704 misc(repository): black reformat
519e3056ab feat(aurora): added addrole command
Compare 2 commits »
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 02:10:44 -05:00
323b4808cb fix(bible): oops lol
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 02:10:07 -05:00
fda80d4e41 fix(bible): added inexplicableerror and handling for it
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 02:07:22 -05:00
09302403b8 fix(backup): convert author.id to a string before hashing
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 02:05:51 -05:00
21e256c4fb fix(bible): update info.json to disclose data given through FUMS
2c14be64ea fix(bible): hash user ids when sending through FUMS
Compare 2 commits »
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 02:00:55 -05:00
d1c0ed2e14 misc(bible): removing some annoying debugging code
e6b72e80ee misc(bible): fixing up some fums stuff
Compare 2 commits »
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:55:18 -05:00
b86707a6b4 fix(bible): fixing up fums on _get_passage
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:51:49 -05:00
08b3553c2c fix(bible): do not use fums on routes that don't support it (part 3)
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:50:34 -05:00
09e91da62f fix(bible): do not use fums on routes that don't support it (part 2)
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:49:01 -05:00
83edd36d6b fix(bible): don't use fums on an api route that doesn't support it
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:47:19 -05:00
7597dcf5f7 fix(bible): adding some troubleshooting code
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:45:52 -05:00
acc883af20 fix(bible): fixing some things
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:38:49 -05:00
e71fc9f154 fix(bible): do you want strings??
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:37:40 -05:00
0980c7cbf2 fix(bible): fixed api requests not being structured to return fums data
cswimr pushed to main at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:35:45 -05:00
d24d8f9603 feat(bible): implemented API.bible's FUMS system
cswimr pushed to bible-api-change at cswimr/SeaCogs 2024-02-02 01:23:59 -05:00
b07ba604b7 feat(bible): starting the process of moving over to free_python_bible_api