updated the common issues page in the docs
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 11s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-08 19:19:42 -05:00
fixed clicking the status badge in the readme
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 14s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-08 19:16:59 -05:00
added modifying-optional-content page to the mkdocs.yml file
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 11s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
2024-02-08 17:33:15 -05:00
removed useless stuff from the readme
2024-02-08 17:32:26 -05:00
updating some readme stuff and adding a docs page
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 16s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
2024-02-08 17:31:53 -05:00
moved instance directory to build directory
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 12s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 19:46:30 -05:00
fixed repo url in docs
2024-02-05 19:46:23 -05:00
fix images in atlauncher and prism-launcher installation guides
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 12s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
2024-02-05 19:41:24 -05:00
split up the installing a launcher pages
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 12s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 19:38:38 -05:00
remove index from installing the modpack category
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 12s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 19:32:50 -05:00
fixing headers
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 12s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
2024-02-05 19:31:49 -05:00
remove tabs from the docs
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 12s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
there's not enough pages currently to warrant them
2024-02-05 19:30:37 -05:00
another installation guide overhaul
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 11s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 19:26:12 -05:00
fixing some docs stuff
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 12s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 19:18:18 -05:00
fixed documentation build
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 11s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
2024-02-05 19:16:56 -05:00
reorganized the installation guides
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Failing after 6s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 19:15:05 -05:00
added the old documentation to the wiki
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 15s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 19:03:57 -05:00
added mkdocs cache to gitignore
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 11s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 18:51:29 -05:00
fixed poetry install command
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Successful in 11s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 18:44:24 -05:00
use the correct image for building docs
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Failing after 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 18:43:33 -05:00
re-enable social plugin in docs
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Failing after 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 18:41:39 -05:00
fixed poetry deps
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Failing after 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 18:41:20 -05:00
fixed incorrect python version for docs
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Failing after 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
2024-02-05 18:36:51 -05:00
fixed docs build
Build Documentation / Build Documentation (push) Failing after 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 18:23:59 -05:00
working on documentation overhaul
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 18:23:20 -05:00
renamed BuildExports workflow
2024-02-05 18:23:12 -05:00
remove space from export name for prism launcher
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
2024-02-05 17:10:49 -05:00
updated source url to the new coastalcommits subdomain
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 17:03:13 -05:00
actually fixed the cp issue
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 17:00:04 -05:00
trying something
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Failing after 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:59:19 -05:00
readd mkdir to prism launcher build
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Failing after 2s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 5s
2024-02-05 16:58:31 -05:00
fixed cp for the unsup.ini in prism launcher
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Failing after 2s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:55:37 -05:00
please work bro
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Failing after 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:54:16 -05:00
use -rT instead of -r
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Failing after 2s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 4s
2024-02-05 16:53:29 -05:00
fixed mkdir
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:49:24 -05:00
oops lol
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Failing after 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Failing after 3s
2024-02-05 16:48:12 -05:00
please work
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Failing after 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Failing after 3s
2024-02-05 16:47:47 -05:00
readded -r argument
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:46:20 -05:00
please build properly i stg
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Failing after 2s
2024-02-05 16:45:09 -05:00
fixed atlauncher exports
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:43:15 -05:00
mkdir the .minecraft directory
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:41:38 -05:00
please upload properly
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:27:30 -05:00
do not zip up files (they will get zipped twice)
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:26:04 -05:00
fixed filenames of built exports
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 4s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 16:24:13 -05:00
fixed workflow again
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 3s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 14:46:12 -05:00
fixing build workflow
Build Exported Instance Files / Build Prism Launcher Export (push) Successful in 11s
Build Exported Instance Files / Build ATLauncher Export (push) Successful in 3s
2024-02-05 14:44:49 -05:00
added automatic building for instance files
2024-02-05 14:42:09 -05:00
Version bump to 0.7.2
Mods changed:
- Leawind's Third Person Perspective
- Made client-side only to prevent server crashes
2023-11-30 16:39:51 -05:00
Version bump to 0.7.1
Mods removed:
- TODO List
- Crashes the game
2023-11-30 13:33:47 -05:00
Version bump to 0.7.0 (fr this time)
Mods added:
- Advanced Mining Dimension
- Adds a mining dimension
- Better Smithing Table
- Beautifies the Smithing Table GUI
- CC-Create Bridge
- Adds peripherals to interact with the Create mod through ComputerCraft: Tweaked
- Compressed Creativity
- Adds compatibility between Create and PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
- Effortless Building
- Adds builder-wand like tools accessible on a hotkey.
- IBE Editor
- NBT editor for items
- KubeJS Create
- Create compatibility for KubeJS
- Notable Bubble Text
- Adds text bubbles above player heads when they say something in chat
- Quick Right Click
- Adds right-click actions to certain blocks
- TODO List
- Adds a To-Do List
- Towers of the Wild: Additions
- Adds more towers to Towers of the Wild
Datapacks added:
- Towers of the Wild: Reworked
- Adds Zelda BoTW-style towers to the world
Mods updated:
- ComputerCraft: Tweaked
- Collective (Library)
- Create
- Curios API
- Enchantment Descriptions
- FTB Compat
- Grindstone Sharper Tools
- Target Dummy
- PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
- Relics Mod
- Simple Voice Chat
- Supplementaries: Squared
- Villager Names
2023-11-30 01:56:25 -05:00