Timeless and Classics Zero #41

opened 2024-07-10 08:56:39 -04:00 by cswimr · 2 comments

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  • I have checked that this mod is not already in the modpack.
  • I have checked that this mod does not already have an opened/closed issue or pull request associated with it.
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What is the name of the mod?

Timeless and Classics Zero & Third Person Shooting: Zero

https://modrinth.com/mod/timeless-and-classics-zero | https://modrinth.com/mod/third-person-shooting-zero

Mod Description

Timeless and Classics Zero adds guns to the game. It's the best gun mod I've seen since Vic's Modern Warfare in 1.16.5, although we'd have to discuss if this mod really fits into the modpack.

Third Person Shooting: Zero adds compatibility with Shoulder Surfing Reloaded.

Here's a video of TacZ in action: https://seafsh.cc/u/RTerQZ.mp4
The video will probably take a while to load in your browser because it's over 700 MB and Zipline doesn't stream in chunks.


  • This mod has a 1.20.1 Forge version.
  • If not, this mod has a 1.20.1 Fabric version that works with Sinytra Connector.
  • This mod is actually a datapack that explicitly supports 1.20.1.
  • This mod does not cause compatibility issues with other mods in the modpack.
  • This mod is not made redundant by other mods in the modpack.
### Please confirm that; - [x] I have checked that this mod is not already in the modpack. - [x] I have checked that this mod does not already have an opened/closed [issue](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/issues) or [pull request](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/pulls) associated with it. - [x] I have read the [Contribution Guidelines](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/src/branch/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ### What is the name of the mod? Timeless and Classics Zero & Third Person Shooting: Zero ### Mod Link https://modrinth.com/mod/timeless-and-classics-zero | https://modrinth.com/mod/third-person-shooting-zero ### Mod Description Timeless and Classics Zero adds guns to the game. It's the best gun mod I've seen since Vic's Modern Warfare in 1.16.5, although we'd have to discuss if this mod really fits into the modpack. Third Person Shooting: Zero adds compatibility with Shoulder Surfing Reloaded. Here's a video of TacZ in action: https://seafsh.cc/u/RTerQZ.mp4 <sub>The video will probably take a while to load in your browser because it's over 700 MB and Zipline doesn't stream in chunks.</sub> ### Checklist - [x] This mod has a 1.20.1 Forge version. - [ ] If not, this mod has a 1.20.1 Fabric version that works with [Sinytra Connector](https://modrinth.com/mod/connector). - [ ] This mod is actually a datapack that explicitly supports 1.20.1. - [x] This mod does not cause compatibility issues with other mods in the modpack. - [x] This mod is not made redundant by other mods in the modpack.
cswimr added the
mod discussion
label 2024-07-10 08:56:39 -04:00

I dont think a gun mod will be actually needed..... I believe the closest thing to this we should have is the immersive engineering mod's guns

I dont think a gun mod will be actually needed..... I believe the closest thing to this we should have is the immersive engineering mod's guns

Added for preliminary testing alongside a customized version of EMX Arms in 0.8.13.

Added for preliminary testing alongside a customized version of EMX Arms in [0.8.13](https://www.coastalcommits.com/GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory/commit/a67a68b7291a97241d3f18f95d98960e7a6329fa).
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Reference: GalacticFactory/GalacticFactory-Legacy#41
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