2020-07-04 17:58:28 +02:00

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:octocat: 🚀 GitHub Environment Variables Action

A GitHub Action to expose useful environment variables.

This action is only supported on Linux! Currently, there is no support for Windows or macOS.

Environment Variables exposed by this Action

Environment Variable Name Description Example value
GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER The owner of the repository. FranzDiebold
GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME The name of the repository. github-env-vars-action
GITHUB_REF_NAME The branch name that triggered the workflow. If neither a branch or tag is available for the event type, the variable will not exist. feature-branch-1
GITHUB_SHA_SHORT The shortened commit SHA (8 characters) that triggered the workflow. ffac537e

Default Environment Variables exposed by GitHub

For a full list of default environment variables exposed by GitHub see https://help.github.com/en/actions/configuring-and-managing-workflows/using-environment-variables#default-environment-variables.

Environment Variable Name Description Example value
GITHUB_ACTOR The name of the person or app that initiated the workflow. octocat
GITHUB_REPOSITORY The owner and repository name. FranzDiebold/github-env-vars-action
GITHUB_SHA The commit SHA that triggered the workflow. ffac537e6cbbf934b08745a378932722df287a53
GITHUB_REF The branch or tag ref that triggered the workflow. If neither a branch or tag is available for the event type, the variable will not exist. refs/heads/feature-branch-1

Example usage

  - uses: franzdiebold@github-env-vars-action@v1.0.0
  - name: Print environment variables
    run: |