2020-04-22 10:22:51 -05:00

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Disabling linters and rules

If you find you need to ignore certain errors and warnings, you will need to know the format to disable the linter rules.
Below is examples and documentation for each language and the various methods to disable.


Rubocop Config file

Rubocop disable single line

Rubocop disable code block

Rubocop disable entire file


Shellcheck Config file

Shellcheck disable single line

Shellcheck disable code block

Shellcheck disable entire file


Ansible-lint Config file

Ansible-lint disable single line

Ansible-lint disable code block

Ansible-lint disable entire file


Yamllint Config file

Yamllint disable single line

Yamllint disable code block

Yamllint disable entire file


Pylint Config file

Pylint disable single line

Pylint disable code block

Pylint disable entire file


JsonLint Config file

JsonLint disable single line

JsonLint disable code block

JsonLint disable entire file


Markdownlint Config file

  • .markdown-lint.yml
  • You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
  • File should be located at: .github/linters/.markdownlint.yml

Markdownlint disable single line

## Here is some document
Here is some random data
<!-- markdownlint-disable -->
any violation you want
<!-- markdownlint-restore -->
Here is more data

Markdownlint disable code block

## Here is some document
Here is some random data
<!-- markdownlint-disable -->
any violations you want
<!-- markdownlint-restore -->
Here is more data

Markdownlint disable entire file

  • You can encapsulate the entire file with the code block format to disable an entire file from being parsed


Perl Config file

Perl disable single line

Perl disable code block

Perl disable entire file


LibXML Config file

LibXML disable single line

LibXML disable code block

LibXML disable entire file


coffeelint Config file

coffeelint disable single line

coffeelint disable code block

coffeelint disable entire file

Javascript (eslint)

Javascript eslint Config file

Javascript eslint disable single line

Javascript eslint disable code block

Javascript eslint disable entire file

Javascript (standard)

Javascript standard Config file

Javascript standard disable single line

Javascript standard disable code block

Javascript standard disable entire file

Typescript (eslint)

Typescript eslint disable single line

Typescript eslint disable code block

Typescript eslint disable entire file

Typescript (standard)

Typescript standard Config file

Typescript standard disable single line

Typescript standard disable code block

Typescript standard disable entire file


golangci-lint standard Config file

golangci-lint disable single line

golangci-lint disable code block

golangci-lint disable entire file


Dockerfilelint standard Config file

Dockerfilelint disable single line

Dockerfilelint disable code block

Dockerfilelint disable entire file


tflint standard Config file

tflint disable single line

tflint disable code block

tflint disable entire file