mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 02:09:30 -04:00
Some checks are pending
Publish Images / Build and Test (push) Waiting to run
Publish Images / Release (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build and Test / Set build metadata (push) Waiting to run
Build and Test / Build and Test (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build and Test / Test the Super-linter GitHub Action (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build and Test / Build test suite matrix (push) Waiting to run
Build and Test / Run test cases (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build and Test / Check if all the tests passed (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build and Test / preview-release-notes (push) Waiting to run
Lint commit / commitlint (push) Waiting to run
Install dependencies with Composer when any PHP linter is enabled and there are files to lint with that linter, not just when Psalm is enabled. Close #6336 Close #6598 Close #6597
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166 lines
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# Run super-linter outside GitHub Actions
If you want to run super-linter outside GitHub Actions, you need a container
runtime engine to run the super-linter container image.
## Run super-linter Locally
You can run the container locally with the following configuration options to
run your code:
docker run \
-e RUN_LOCAL=true \
-v /path/to/local/codebase:/tmp/lint \
--rm \
This example uses the `latest` container image version. If you're trying to
reproduce an issue, or running super-linter as part of your CI pipeline, we
recommend that you **refer to a specific version instead**.
- To run against a single file you can use:
`docker run -e RUN_LOCAL=true -e USE_FIND_ALGORITHM=true -v /path/to/local/codebase/file:/tmp/lint/file ghcr.io/super-linter/super-linter`
- You need to pass the `RUN_LOCAL` option to bypass some of the GitHub Actions
checks, as well as the mapping of your local codebase to `/tmp/lint`.
- If you want to override the `/tmp/lint` folder, you can set the
`DEFAULT_WORKSPACE` environment variable to point to the folder you'd prefer
to scan.
- If the default branch for your repository doesn't match the default, you can
use the `DEFAULT_BRANCH` variable to set the default branch. For more
information about the default value of the `DEFAULT_BRANCH` variable, see the
- You can add as many configuration options as needed. Configuration options are
documented in the [readme](../README.md#configure-super-linter).
### GitLab
To run Super-linter in your GitLab CI/CD pipeline, You can use the following
# More info at https://github.com/super-linter/super-linter
stage: Super-linter
# Use a specific Super-linter version instead of latest for more reproducible builds
image: super-linter/super-linter:latest
script: ["true"]
RUN_LOCAL: "true"
Note that this is a high-level example that you should customize for your needs.
### Run on Codespaces and Visual Studio Code
This repository provides a DevContainer for
[remote development](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers).
## Share Environment variables between environments
To avoid duplication if you run super-linter both locally and in other
environements, such as CI, you can define configuration options once, and load
them accordingly:
1. Create a configuration file for super-linter `super-linter.env`. For example:
1. Load the super-linter configuration file when running outside GitHub Actions:
docker run --rm \
-e RUN_LOCAL=true \
--env-file ".github/super-linter.env" \
-v "$(pwd)":/tmp/lint \
1. Load the super-linter configuration file when running in GitHub Actions by
adding the following step to the GitHub Actions workflow that runs
super-linter, after checking out your repository and before running
- name: Load super-linter configuration
# Use grep inverse matching to exclude eventual comments in the .env file
# because the GitHub Actions command to set environment variables doesn't
# support comments.
# Ref: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/writing-workflows/choosing-what-your-workflow-does/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#setting-an-environment-variable
run: grep -v '^#' .github/super-linter.env >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
## Build the container image and run the test suite locally
To run the build and test process locally, in the top-level super-linter
directory, do the following:
1. [Create a fine-grained GitHub personal access token](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens#creating-a-fine-grained-personal-access-token).
The token only needs to have public/read-only access.
1. Store the generated personal access token in a file in the top-level
directory (This file is ignored by Git).
echo "github_pat_XXXXXX_XXXXXX" > .github-personal-access-token
1. Run the build process:
. ./scripts/build-metadata.sh && make
To avoid invalidating the build cache because of changing values of build
arguments, you can set build arguments to arbitrary values before running
`make`, instead of sourcing `scripts/build-metadata.sh`:
BUILD_DATE=2023-12-12T09:32:05Z \
BUILD_REVISION=83c16f63caa9d432df4519efb4c58a56e2190bd6 \
BUILD_VERSION=83c16f63caa9d432df4519efb4c58a56e2190bd6 \
### Run the test suite against an arbitrary super-linter container image
You can run the test suite against an arbitrary super-linter container image.
Here is an example that runs the test suite against the `v5.4.3` container image
CONTAINER_IMAGE_ID="ghcr.io/super-linter/super-linter:v5.4.3" \
BUILD_DATE="2023-10-17T17:00:53Z" \
BUILD_REVISION=b0d1acee1f8050d1684a28ddbf8315f81d084fe9 \
BUILD_VERSION=b0d1acee1f8050d1684a28ddbf8315f81d084fe9 \
make docker-pull test
Initialize the `BUILD_DATE`, `BUILD_REVISION`, and `BUILD_VERSION` variables
with the values for that specific container image version. You can get these
values from the build log for that version.
### Get the list of available build targets
To get the list of the available `Make` targets, run the following command:
make help
### Automatically fix formatting and linting issues
To automatically fix linting and formatting issues when supported, run the
following command:
make fix-codebase