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Certain linters and formatters support fixing linting and formatting issues (fix mode). Before this change, Super-linter runs linters and formatters in a mode that doesn't modify the source code in any way (check only mode). With this change, Super-linter supports running linters and formatters in fix mode if explicitly requested by the configuration. If the configuration includes a variable named FIX_<language_name>, Super-linters modifies the command to run the linter or formatter for <language_name> to enable fix mode. The modifications to the linter or formatter command that Super-linter applies depend on what is the default for a particular linter: it either removes or adds options to the command to run the linter or formatter.
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# Super-linter upgrade guide
This document helps you upgrade from a super-linter version to newer ones:
- [Upgrade from v6.7.0 to v6.8.0](#upgrade-from-v670-to-v680)
- [Upgrade from v5 to v6](#upgrade-from-v5-to-v6)
## Upgrade from v6.7.0 to v6.8.0
This section helps you upgrade from super-linter `v6.7.0` to `v6.8.0`.
deprecated because they made the `VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_PRETTIER`,
`VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_STANDARD` configuration variables break the documented
behavior of how
[`VALIDATE_xxx` variables work](https://github.com/super-linter/super-linter?tab=readme-ov-file#configure-super-linter).
Unfortunately, a transparent configuration update is not feasible without
complicating the codebase to address all possible cases. If you only want to
run only one between Prettier and Standard, a possible migration strategy
could be:
- If you're explicitly enabling linters and formatters that you want
Super-linter to run by setting `VALIDATE_xxxx` variables to `true`:
- If you set `JAVASCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE=standard`, set
- If you set `TYPESCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE=standard`, set
- If you set `JAVASCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE=prettier`, set
- If you set `TYPESCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE=prettier`, set
- If you're explicitly disabling linters and formatters that you don't want
Super-linter to run by setting `VALIDATE_xxxx` variables to `false`:
- If you set `JAVASCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE=standard`, set
- If you set `TYPESCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE=standard`, set
- If you set `JAVASCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE=prettier`, set
- If you set `TYPESCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE=prettier`, set
Finally, remove both `JAVASCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE` and
`TYPESCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE` from your Super-linter configuration.
## Upgrade from v5 to v6
This section helps you upgrade from super-linter `v5` to `v6`.
### eslint-config-airbnb-typescript
- eslint-config-airbnb-typescript (a library to add TypeScript support to
Airbnb's ESLint config)
[appears to be unmaintained](https://github.com/iamturns/eslint-config-airbnb-typescript/issues/314).
We had to remove it from super-linter because it was blocking updates to other
dependencies, such as ESLint.
### Checkstyle
- Checkstyle
[embeds some configuration files](https://checkstyle.sourceforge.io/cmdline.html#Command_line_usage),
such as `sun_checks.xml` and `google_checks.xml`. There is no need to provide
your own checkstyle configuration files if it matches one of the embedded
ones. You can safely remove your Checkstyle configuration file if it matches
one of the embedded ones.
### Dart
- super-linter doesn't include a default configuration file for `dart analyzer`
because the Dart SDK doesn't support running `dart analyzer` against an
arbitrary configuration file anymore. For more information about how to
customize static analysis of Dart files, see
[Customizing static analysis](https://dart.dev/tools/analysis) in the Dart SDK
- `ERROR_ON_MISSING_EXEC_BIT` has been deprecated to align the
`VALIDATE_BASH_EXEC` check to the other linters, removing a surprising corner
case. If `VALIDATE_BASH_EXEC` is set to `true` and a shell script is not
marked as executable, the script will not pass validation. You can remove the
`ERROR_ON_MISSING_EXEC_BIT` variable from your super-linter configuration.
### Experimental batch workers
- Experimental batch support is deprecated. You can safely remove the
`EXPERIMENTAL_BATCH_WORKER` variable from your configuration.
### Gitleaks
- If you defined secret patterns in `.gitleaks.toml`, Gitleaks may report errors
about that file. If this happens, you can
[configure Gitleaks to ignore that file](https://github.com/gitleaks/gitleaks/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file#gitleaksignore).
### Jscpd
- The `VALIDATE_JSCPD_ALL_CODEBASE` variable is deprecated. Jscpd now lints the
entire workspace instead of linting files one by one. You can safely remove
the `VALIDATE_JSCPD_ALL_CODEBASE` variable from your configuration.
- Jscpd doesn't consider the `FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE`, `FILTER_REGEX_INCLUDE`,
`IGNORE_GENERATED_FILES` variables. For more
information about how to ignore files with Jscpd, see
[the Jscpd documentation](https://github.com/kucherenko/jscpd/tree/master/packages/jscpd).
- Setting `USE_FIND_ALGORITHM` to `true` and `VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE` to `false`
is an unsupported configuration. super-linter `v5` and earlier silently
ignored `VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE` when `USE_FIND_ALGORITHM` is set to `true`,
leading to potentially confusing behavior for users. super-linter `v6`
explicitly fail in this case. Remove one of the two from your configuration,
depending on the desired behavior.
- The `VALIDATE_KOTLIN_ANDROID` variable has been deprecated because ktlint
handles linting Kotlin files for Android using a configuration option, so
super-linter doesn't need to account for this special case anymore. If you
set `VALIDATE_KOTLIN_ANDROID` in your configuration, change it to
`VALIDATE_KOTLIN` and configure ktlint to lint Android files.