2023-03-20 13:01:10 -04:00

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Galaxy Discord Server PyPI - Python Version

Repository for Redbot cogs developed by the Galaxy Discord Management team.

ExportChannels (WIP)1

This cog allows you to easily export channels using Discord Chat Exporter. THIS COG IS NOT INTENDED FOR EXTERNAL USE. YOU WILL LIKELY HAVE TO RUN THIS COG LOCALLY AND MODIFY CODE SHOULD YOU WISH TO USE IT. Credit to Tyrrrz for the bundled version of Discord Chat Exporter within this cog. The original repository can be found here.


Utility cog designed specifically for use on the Galaxy Discord server.


  • Warehouse command
  • FAQ command
  • Unix command


Combination of a few built-in Red cogs + some custom code to provide commands that show information of specific Discord objects.

Currently supports:

  • Users
  • Servers/Guilds
  • Roles2

Podcast (WIP)1

Allows users to submit questions to a specified channel, intended for use with podcasts.

Also features user blacklists, both configurable per-server and globally.

Shortmutes (WIP)1

Allows staff members to shortmute individuals for up to 30 minutes, using Discord's Timeouts feature.


Allows users to submit suggestions to a specified channel. Highly cut-down modification of SauriCog's Suggestions Cog.


  • Separate approved and denied channels
  • Custom emoji support


Implements a way for moderators to give out social-credit like points, dubbed 'sugoncredits' by the community.


  • Add Credit to people.
  • Remove Credit from people.
  • Supports custom currency names and bank names.

  1. This cog currently is non-functional. This notice will be removed once the Cog is completed. ↩︎

  2. Due to Red's use of 1.7.3, the [p]roleinfo command in the Info cog does not show all permissions. This is due to the outdated version not supporting checking for all permissions. ↩︎