Mods added: - Argonauts - Better Paragliders - Cadmus - CTOV Paragliders Compat - GalacticFactory - Better Compat Compatibility Datapack - packaged as a mod (confusing, i know) - Heracles - Ore Excavation - Paragliders - Prometheus - Haromonia - Xaero's Minimap - Xaero's World Map Mods removed: - Cupboard - FTB Chunks - FTB Essentials - FTB Library - FTB Quests - FTB Quests Optimizer - FTB Teams - FTB Ultimine - FTB Xmod Compat - JourneyMap Integration - JourneyMap Teams - JourneyMap - Login Protection - MineMenu - Mob Grinding Utils - Smooth Chunk Save Datapacks removed: - Gunpacks updated: - Gunpacks removed: - Configs added: - `paraglider-common.toml` - `paraglider-player-states.toml` - `parcool-client.toml` - `tacz-common.toml` Configs removed: - `walljump-common.toml` Defaultconfigs (server configs) added: - `betterparagliders-server.toml` - `paraglider-server.toml` - `parcool-server.toml` - `scalinghelath-server.toml` - `tacz-server.toml` KubeJS scripts added: - `client_scripts/src/lang.js` - `server_scripts/src/sophisticatedbackpacks.js`
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# Modpack Permissions
**If a mod / resourcepack / datapack is NOT on this list, it is hosted on Modrinth and therefore is allowed by Modrinth's modpack licensing guidelines. See [this article for more information](**
## Mod Permisions
- [AE2 Things [Forge]]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Apothic Attributes (AttributesLib)]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Borderless Window]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Callable Horses]( - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0.
- [Cosmetic Armor Reworked]( - Licensed under the Minecraft Mod Public License.
- [Disenchanting Forge]( - Licensed under the Creative Commons Public License, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> Feel free to include this in your modpacks.
- [Ender Trigon]( - Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> Feel free to include this in any modpack you'd like. Make sure to have a link to this page available.
- [Fast Leaf Decay]( - All Rights Reserved, but gives explicit permission in mod description.
> Feel free to add this mod to your pack. No permission required! I would appreciate a line in the comments though.
- [FastSuite]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Flux Networks]( - All Rights Reserved, but gives explicit permission in mod description.
> Feel free to use this mod in any mod-pack you wish.
- [Framework]( - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1.
- [Gateways to Eternity]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Goblin Traders]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [GraveStone Mod]( - All Rights Reserved, but we received [explicit permission]( from the author.
- [Hostile Neural Networks]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [IconExporter]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Infinite source of water]( - All Rights Reserved, reaching out to mod author.
- [Inventory Sorter]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [Item Filters]( - Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3.0.
- [LaserIO]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Mod Name Tooltip]( - Licensed under the MIT license, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> - Can I use this in my mod pack?
> - Feel free!
- [More Dragon Eggs]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [PackMenu]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Paragliders]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [Placebo]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Roughly Enough Resources]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Scaling Health]( - Licensed under the MIT license, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> - Q: Can I use this in a mod pack, make videos/streams with the mod installed, or share/publish config files?
A: YES! And I'd love to see your work! Send links if you want, but it's not required.
- [Sophisticated Backpacks]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [Sophisticated Core]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [Tiered (Forge)]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Toast Control]( - Licensed under the MIT license.
- [Tool Belt]( - Licensed under the BSD license, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> ## Can I use this in \<X>?
> Yes. Unless \<X>'s license is incompatible with this mod's, which is unlikely.
- [Better Treasure Map]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
- [WorldEdit]( - Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, also gives explicit permission in mod description.
> **Can I include WorldEdit in my modpack?**
You are free to include WorldEdit, without having to asking for explicit permission.
A link back to this page or our [GitHub Sponsors]( would be appreciated, however.
## Resource Pack Permissions
- [Framed Paintings]( - Licensed under the MIT license.